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  • General view of an English primary school classroom during a lesson

    Record 170,000 children in England missed at least half of classes in 2024

    Department for Education data shows that 2.3% of pupils were ‘severely absent’, up from 2.0% in 2022-23
  • people hold signs in support of the department of education with messages such as 'fund education not 1% tax cuts' and 'save children! save the doe'

    Dismantling of education department casts US student loans into uncertainty

  • a person holds a sign that reads 'education is power save our schools'

    What is the US Department of Education and what does it do?

  • Trump signs executive order to dismantle US Department of Education

  • The Guardian view on the arts in schools: classrooms need more creativity

  • GCSEs harm our young people. Ministers should have the guts to abolish them – and start again

    Simon Jenkins
  • Labour to scrutinise school smartphone bans as pressure grows over impact on teenagers

  • Madrid plans to limit computer and tablet use in primary schools to two hours a week

  • US universities face choice to surrender or fight back against Trump’s ‘takeover’

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Guardian Labs
  • Children in an outdoor camp

    Sharing opportunities
    ‘Every child deserves this rite of passage’: the company making outdoor adventures available to all

  • Child abseiling with hard hat on

    The open-air classroom
    Helping young people build resilience – and have a great time while they’re at it

  • Group of children in a raft

    Childhood development
    ‘Every child can be empowered’: a teacher on the school trips supercharging personal development

  • Children taking a yoga class

    Screen-free time
    Why our children need a digital detox – and how outdoor experiences can help

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In depth

  • Primary schoolchildren in a classroom

    The English schools looking to dispel ‘doom and gloom’ around AI

  • Protesters holding a sign that reads (in a font similar to that used by the TV show Friends): 'Send: They Won't Be There for You', and a banner with images of children

    ‘Ticking timebomb’: how Send spending could bankrupt English councils

    Guardian analysis lays bare a neglected system that is ruinously expensive, and often fails children and parents
  • Two girls and two boys, with teacher squatting beside them, look at picture

    Inside the London reception class where kids are taught to talk to help them stay out of gangs

    A new initiative aims to improve communication, as as pupils lacking speech and language skills more likely to be excluded and caught up in violence
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  • people in graduation caps and gowns stand in rows

    I’m a recent Stem grad. Here’s why the right is winning us over

    Jaye Chen
  • Susanna Rustin

    T-levels are a disaster – and young people are suffering because ministers won’t admit it

    Susanna Rustin
  • Seamus O'Reilly and his son enjoy the spa.

    The dogma of ‘Britain’s Strictest Headmistress’ is a con as old as time - gentle parenting produces happier kids

    Séamas O’Reilly
  • Illustration by Eleanor Shakespeare

    Five years on from the pandemic, how has Covid changed our world?

    Stephen Reicher, Rachel Clarke, Rafael Behr, Frances Ryan and others
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