Support The free JSON sports API will always remain free at point of access for basic sports data.
All example links should be testable in the browser for v1.
Here are some php, javascript, python code examples to get you going.
Test API Keys Free users can use the test API key "3" during development of your app or for educational use.
If you have paid for a premium key, just replace "3" with your "API KEY" in the URL.
API Limits The Rate limiter will kick in if you make over 100 requests per minute on our API with a 429 response.
V1 API vs V2 Version 1 of the API is now 7 years old and very stable. Most of the API is also free to use.
V2 is a more modern implimentation with API key header authentication and simpler descriptive calls.
Both use the same data, but may difer in structure. V2 is only available to Patreon subscribers
Premium API $7 monthly Patreon supporters get a dedicated production API key including 2min Livescores, Video highlights and all other upgraded features.
You must be registered on TheSportsDB and a supporter on Patreon Once signed up you can find your API key on the user page.
Contact Email: - Please state if you are a Patreon Supporter
Search for team short code
Search for all players from team
Search for players by name
Search for event by event name
Search for event by event file name
Search for Venue
NOTE: You can replace spaces '%20' with underscores if you want, when requesting multi word strings.
List all sports
List all leagues (limited 50 on free tier)
List all countries
List all Leagues in a country (limited 50 on free tier)
List all Seasons in a League (or show posters and badges from seasons)
List all Teams in a League
List All teams details in a league by Id
List All players in a team by Team Id
List all users loved teams and players
League Details by Id
Team Details by Id
Player Details by Id
Venue Details by Id
Event Details by Id
Event Statistics by Id
Event Lineup by Id
List timeline for events by event ID
Player Honours by Player Id
Player Milestones by Player Id
Player Former Teams by Player Id
Player Contracts by Player Id
Event Player Results by Event Id
Event TV by Event Id
Lookup Table by League ID and Season
/api/v1/json/3/lookuptable.php?l=4328&s=2020-2021 * Featured Soccer Leagues only
Lookup Equipment by Team ID
Next 5 Events by Team Id
Next 25 Events by League Id
Last 5 Events by Team Id (Limited to home team for free tier)
Last 15 Events by League Id
Events in a specific round by league id/round/season
Events on a specific day
TV Events on a day (By Sport/Date/TV Station Country)
All events in specific league by season (Free tier limited to 100 events)
NOTE: These round numbers relate to special strings:
Round 125 = Quarter-Final
Round 150 = Semi-Final
Round 160 = Playoff
Round 170 = Playoff Semi-Final
Round 180 = Playoff Final
Round 200 = Final
Round 500 = Pre-Season
Preview Images
Most of the time you won't want to download the original large image, just get a small preview.
This is possible simple by adding ''/small'' onto the end URL. This will give you a small 200px version.
Original - /images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg
Medium 500px - /images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg/medium
Small 250px - /images/media/league/fanart/xpwsrw1421853005.jpg/small
Tiny 50px - /images/media/league/badge/pdd43f1610891709.png/tiny
Larger API Limits Show ALL events from season (developer key is limited to 250 events).
Livescores V1 NOTE: V2 is now recommended for livescore
Base URL is =
Send your API key in the header 'X-API-KEY'
Currently, you need to be a patreon supporter to use v2 of the API. Signup here
We recomend HTTPie or Postman for testing
Example (replace xxxxxx with your api key, found on your profile if you are a paid user):
Livescore V2 /api/v2/json/livescore/soccer
/api/v2/json/livescore/all example livescore data