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Terms of use

Content use You can scrape, copy and modify any content returned from the API, as long as you use the official end points. Please do not scrape our website. You also cannot remove or alter any copyright or trademark notices.

Free API Usage You may use our API to lookup data and artwork for your development projects. You cannot publish apps to an appstore unless you are a paid subscriber.

Paid API Usage You may use our API to develop apps and services as long as you stay within the rate limit. You can use our custom artwork in your projects but must mention us as the source of the data.

Copywrite Most of our artwork is custom and is created by our users, you must not pass it off as your own and should link back to our website where appropriate. We comply with any DMCA requests within 24hrs for any copywrite claims. Any trademarked sports logos must be used 'As is' and should not be modifed in any way. You can check the 'strCreativeCommons' tag on player artwork to make sure its CC licensed.

Security You cannot compromise the security of the API or its technical processes. You also cannot create security vulnerabilities that could impact other users.

Third-party content You cannot use third-party content in the API unless you have the owner's permission or are legally permitted to do so.

Reselling You cannot resell our API in any way without specific permission.

Third-party access You are responsible for ensuring that any third parties you give access to the API comply with the terms of use.

Feedback You can provide feedback to the other party, but it is provided on an 'as is' basis. The other party has the right to use your feedback without providing you with any compensation.

Liability The API provider may limit its liability for certain damages, such as lost profits or business interruption.