Amanda McWhirt
Extension Fruit & Nut Specialist
Phone: 501-671-2229
Fax: 501-671-2252
Email: [email protected]
University of Arkansas
Dept. of Horticulture
310 Plant Sciences Building
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Commercial Strawberry Production in Arkansas
Our county agents and program specialists provide research-based information on how to grow strawberries commercially in Arkansas. From pest management to soil testing, we have the information you need.
Gray Mold - A Silent Strawberry Nemesis (color)
Plasticulture Strawberry Foliar Monitoring Program Information
Plasticulture Strawberry Foliar Monitoring Form
Plasticulture Strawberry Foliar Sample Interpretation guide
National Strawberry Sustainability Initiative
Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability (CARS)
Plasticulture Production
NCSU Cooperative Extension
Southeastern Plasticulture Strawberry School (Free Online Webinar Series)