CHARLESTON — More than 9,000 customers were without power Thursday evening due to a severe thunderstorm system that moved across the western and north central regions.
As of around 5:45, FirstEnergy reported a total of just over 8,000 outages in Marion County. Wood County contained nearly all the rest of outages at the time with another 1,000.
According to a National Weather Service warning alert, the storm system was expected to carry heavy rainfall, wind speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and up to quarter-sized hail into the region.
The storm system was moving southwest through the state at about 40 miles per hour, according to the weather service.
Areas along W.Va. 50 between Wood and Doddridge Counties were among those covered in the severe thunderstorm warning. A flash flood warning had also been issued for much of the same areas. As of around 5:50 p.m., no further warnings had been issued.
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