First Grade Checklist.pdf

First Grade Checklist.pdf

First Grade Checklist.pdf


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<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />

Skills<br />

Math<br />

Quarter 1<br />

names<br />

Number, Number Sense & Operations<br />

I can use ordinal numbers to order objects.<br />

I can express numbers using physical models,words and<br />

number expressions.<br />

NS 15 I can model and represent equal forms of the same<br />

number using visual representations.<br />

I can read, write and count numbers to 100 by 2’s, 5’s and<br />

10’s.<br />

NS 3 I can read and write numbers 1- 100.<br />

I can use place value (ones and tens) up to 100.<br />

I can recognize coins and find the value of a collection of<br />

coins up to a dollar.<br />

I can represent one quarter, one third and one half.<br />

I can model, represent and explain addition.<br />

NS 10a I can model and explain addition using physical<br />

materials in contextual situations.<br />

NS 10b I can draw pictures to model addition.<br />

NS 10d I can explain that adding two whole numbers yields a<br />

larger whole number.<br />

NS 16 I can develop strategies for basic addition facts.<br />

I can model, represent and explain subtraction.<br />

NS 11a I can model and explain subtraction using physical<br />

materials in contextual situations.<br />

NS 11b I can draw pictures to model subtraction.

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