First Grade Checklist.pdf
First Grade Checklist.pdf
First Grade Checklist.pdf
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<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Reading<br />
Quarter 1<br />
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the Q1 Reading Tab!<br />
*To insert a check<br />
mark hold down<br />
option/alt + V<br />
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+ and -<br />
names<br />
Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency<br />
I can decode by using letter-sound matches.<br />
PA 2 I can identify and say the beginning and ending<br />
sounds in words.<br />
PA 4 I can decode by using letter/sound match.<br />
I can read text using fluid and automatic decoding skills.<br />
PA 6 I can blend two to four sounds into words.<br />
I can read aloud with appropriate phrasing and expression<br />
and show I understand the meaning of punctuation.<br />
I can change sounds in a word to read and make new or<br />
rhyming words.<br />
PA 5 I can use word families to sound out unfamiliar words.<br />
PA 7 I can change sounds in a word to read and make<br />
new or rhyming words.<br />
Not Reported<br />
PA 1 I can identify and tell the difference between letters,<br />
words, and sentences.<br />
PA 8 I can consistently read and add to my list of common<br />
sight words.<br />
Acquisition of Vocabulary<br />
I can use context clues to define unknown words while<br />
reading.<br />
I can increase my sight word vocabulary.<br />
AV 4 I can increase my sight word vocabulary.<br />
I can identify and recognize synonyms, antonyms and<br />
contractions.<br />
Not Reported
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Reading<br />
Quarter 1<br />
*Only edit names on<br />
the Q1 Reading Tab!<br />
*To insert a check<br />
mark hold down<br />
option/alt + V<br />
Use a ' before the<br />
+ and -<br />
names<br />
AV 3 I can classify words into categories<br />
AV 8 I can read words by putting together a base word with<br />
endings (s, ed, ing)<br />
Reading Applications: Informational Text<br />
I can use the title page, photographs, captions and<br />
illustrations to develop comprehension.<br />
I can identify the sequence of events in informational text.<br />
Not Reported<br />
IT 6 I can follow directions with more than one step.<br />
Reading Process<br />
I can make predictions while reading and support my<br />
predictions.<br />
RP 4 I can make predictions while I am reading and give<br />
reasons for my predictions.<br />
I can recall the important ideas in texts.<br />
I can answer literal, simple inferential and evaluative<br />
questions to demonstrate comprehension of gradeappropriate<br />
texts.<br />
I can compare new information to what I already know.<br />
RP 5 I can compare new information to what I already know.<br />
Not Reported<br />
RP 1 I can tell what an author and illustrator are.<br />
RP 3 I can visualize what I read and show this by drawing,<br />
writing, or talking about what I have read.<br />
RP 10 I can use criteria to choose independent reading<br />
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Reading<br />
Quarter 1<br />
*Only edit names on<br />
the Q1 Reading Tab!<br />
*To insert a check<br />
mark hold down<br />
option/alt + V<br />
Use a ' before the<br />
+ and -<br />
names<br />
Reading Applications: Literary Text<br />
I can identify characters, setting and events in a story.<br />
LT 2 I can tell characters, setting, and events of a story.<br />
I can retell the beginning, middle and ending of a story,<br />
including its important events.<br />
LT 1 I can tell about the information in a story using my own<br />
words.<br />
LT 3 I can retell the important events in the beginning, middle,<br />
and end of a story.<br />
Not Reported<br />
LT 5 I can recognize predictable patterns in stories and<br />
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Writing<br />
Quarter 1<br />
names<br />
Writing Process<br />
I can organize writing to include a beginning, middle and end.<br />
I can write complete sentences with subjects and verbs.<br />
WP 6 I can write complete sentences with nouns (subjects)<br />
and verbs.<br />
Not Reported<br />
WP 1 I can generate writing ideas through discussion with<br />
others.<br />
WP 9 I can reread my own writing to make sure it makes<br />
sense.<br />
WP 11 I can use resources (e.g. word walls, beginning<br />
dictionary, word bank) to select effective vocabulary.<br />
WP 12 I can check my spelling, capitals and end marks by<br />
proofreading my writing.<br />
Writing Applications<br />
I can write stories with a beginning, middle and end that<br />
include descriptive words and details.<br />
I can write responses to stories.<br />
I can write friendly letters or invitations that follow a simple<br />
letter format.<br />
Not Reported<br />
WA 4 I can write in various ways (messages, journals,<br />
poems, notes).<br />
Writing Conventions<br />
I can print legibly and space my letters, words and sentences<br />
appropriately.<br />
WC 1 I can print neatly and space my letters, words, and<br />
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Writing<br />
Quarter 1<br />
names<br />
I can spell high-frequency words correctly.<br />
WC 3 I can spell grade level high frequency words<br />
correctly.<br />
I can use strategies to spell unfamiliar words.<br />
WC 2 I can use short and long vowel patterns to spell words<br />
correctly.<br />
WC 4 I can create phonetically spelled words that can be<br />
easily read by the writer and others.<br />
WC 5 I can spell new words by using segments,<br />
sounding out, and matching familiar words and word<br />
parts.<br />
I can use periods, question marks and exclamation points<br />
correctly.<br />
WC 6 I can use question marks, exclamation points and<br />
periods correctly.<br />
I can use correct capitalization.<br />
WC 7 I can capitalize the first word of a sentence, names,<br />
proper nouns and the word I.<br />
I can use correct nouns, verbs and adjectives.<br />
WC 8 I can use nouns, verbs, and adjectives.<br />
Not Reported
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Math<br />
Quarter 1<br />
names<br />
Number, Number Sense & Operations<br />
I can use ordinal numbers to order objects.<br />
I can express numbers using physical models,words and<br />
number expressions.<br />
NS 15 I can model and represent equal forms of the same<br />
number using visual representations.<br />
I can read, write and count numbers to 100 by 2’s, 5’s and<br />
10’s.<br />
NS 3 I can read and write numbers 1- 100.<br />
I can use place value (ones and tens) up to 100.<br />
I can recognize coins and find the value of a collection of<br />
coins up to a dollar.<br />
I can represent one quarter, one third and one half.<br />
I can model, represent and explain addition.<br />
NS 10a I can model and explain addition using physical<br />
materials in contextual situations.<br />
NS 10b I can draw pictures to model addition.<br />
NS 10d I can explain that adding two whole numbers yields a<br />
larger whole number.<br />
NS 16 I can develop strategies for basic addition facts.<br />
I can model, represent and explain subtraction.<br />
NS 11a I can model and explain subtraction using physical<br />
materials in contextual situations.<br />
NS 11b I can draw pictures to model subtraction.
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Math<br />
Quarter 1<br />
names<br />
NS 17 I can develop strategies for basic subtraction facts.<br />
Not Reported<br />
NS 12 I can use conventional symbols to represent the<br />
operations of addition and subtraction (+, -).<br />
Measurement<br />
I can order a sequence of events by time.<br />
M 3 I can order a sequence of events by time (summer,<br />
fall, winter, and spring, afternoon and night).<br />
I can tell time to the nearest hour and half hour.<br />
I can estimate and measure length and weight using nonstandard<br />
and standard units.<br />
Not Reported<br />
Patterns, Functions, & Algebra<br />
I can sort, clasify and order objects by two or more attributes<br />
and explain how they were sorted.<br />
PF 1 I can sort, classify, and order objects by two or<br />
more attributes and explain how they were sorted.<br />
I can recognize, describe and extend sequences of sounds,<br />
shapes or simple number patterns.<br />
PFA 2 I can add on to sounds, shapes, and number<br />
patterns and create and write similar patterns.<br />
PFA 3 I can describe orally the basic unit or general plan of a<br />
repeating or growing pattern.<br />
I can solve problem situations using words, objects or<br />
number phrases.
<strong>Grade</strong> 1<br />
Skills<br />
Math<br />
Quarter 1<br />
names<br />
Not Reported<br />
Geometrty and Spatial Sense