You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered.
We can ship products anywhere within the United States using either USPS or FED-EX as shipping providers. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination.
Generally, orders will typically ship within 3-10 days from the customer's order date on average. Due to High Demand items and custom monograms, some orders may take up to 4 weeks.
Shipping Charges
Free shipping on domestic orders of $50 or more. $20 international shipping fee. Our shipping charges are determined by the weight of your order and shipping method selected, excluding applicable sales tax.
Shipping Address Modification
If you would like to modify your shipping address, email us at [email protected].
Shipping and Return Policy
Thank you for shopping with us! The following Shipping and Return policy applies to all websites owned and operated by including but not limited to the following:
International Shipping
We are one of the few companies that internationally ship our items to every country in the world. We want to be completely transparent when it comes to international shipping so you know what the fees and why you're paying them. To ensure the items are received in a timely manner, we ship every item through air to the destination country.
Our shipping charges are determined by the weight of your order and the cost of shipping to your country. Every country has a different price and we absolutely make no money on shipping. As you can imagine, some of our art pieces are larger items which can increase the price of international shipping significantly. We have arranged discounted prices with our shipping partners that have given us some of the most affordable international shipping prices in the market.
Any international orders placed outside of the United States of America must note that our shipping companies cannot deliver to PO boxes. If you have put a PO box as your address and our system flags it, we will send out notices via email for a new address. If our system doesn't flag it, your shipment may get re-routed. It is your responsibility to make sure a PO box is not used for international orders.
Attempted Deliveries
Our shipping providers such as UPS, Fedex, USPS and other international shippers have a strict policy for deliveries. Signature may be required on orders because of the size and value of the pieces being shipped. As per the policies of the shipping company, delivery will be attempted up to 3 times before it is sent back to the shipping facility. In the event where the delivery is unsuccessful after 3 attempts, the shipping companies at their own discretion may destroy the package without any further notice. In this event, ZanVos will not be liable for the shipment.
Duties & Taxes
You will be liable for all import duties, customs and taxes. These will be due at the point of, or after delivery. Please be aware that ZanVos does not have any control for any duties, customs and taxes levied by the country your order is being shipped to. We cannot advise you what the cost will be as these charges can vary according to country. Since these fees are not computed nor applied to orders by ZanVos, please contact your local customs office to find out more information if you are unsure of the charges.
Contact Us
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding these terms, please visit our FAQ page located on our website or simply contact us via email [email protected].