68 results sorted by ID
We give the first construction of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments from post-quantum assumptions other than Learning with Errors. In particular, we achieve NIZK under the polynomial hardness of the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) assumption, and the exponential hardness of solving random under-determined multivariate quadratic equations (MQ). We also construct NIZK satisfying statistical zero-knowledge assuming a new variant of LPN, Dense-Sparse LPN, introduced by Dao and...
The rapid development of advanced cryptographic applications like multi-party computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), and zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs have motivated the designs of the so-called arithmetic-oriented (AO) primitives. Efficient AO primitives typically build over large fields and use large S-boxes. Such design philosophy brings difficulties in the cryptanalysis of these primitives as classical cryptanalysis methods do not apply well. The generally recognized attacks...
Memory-hard functions (MHF) are functions whose evaluation provably requires a lot of memory. While MHFs are an unkeyed primitive, it is natural to consider the notion of trapdoor MHFs (TMHFs). A TMHF is like an MHF, but when sampling the public parameters one also samples a trapdoor which allows evaluating the function much cheaper. Biryukov and Perrin (Asiacrypt'17) were the first to consider TMHFs and put forth a candidate TMHF construction called Diodon that is based on the Scrypt MHF...
In this paper, we present an efficient attack against ${\tt PROV}$, a recent variant of the popular Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (${\tt UOV}$) multivariate signature scheme, that has been submitted to the ongoing ${\tt NIST}$ standardization process for additional post-quantum signature schemes. A notable feature of ${\tt PROV}$ is its proof of security, namely, existential unforgeability under a chosen-message attack (${\tt EUF-CMA}$), assuming the hardness of solving the system formed by the...
New ideas to build homomorphic encryption schemes based on rational functions have been recently proposed. The starting point is a private-key encryption scheme whose secret key is a rational function $\phi/\phi'$. By construction, such a scheme is not homomorphic. To get homomorphic properties, nonlinear homomorphic operators are derived from the secret key. In this paper, we adopt the same approach to build HE. We obtain a multivariate encryption scheme in the sense that the knowledge of...
This paper presents MQ on my Mind (MQOM), a digital signature scheme based on the difficulty of solving multivariate systems of quadratic equations (MQ problem). MQOM has been submitted to the NIST call for additional post-quantum signature schemes. MQOM relies on the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm to build a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (ZK-PoK) for MQ which is then turned into a signature scheme through the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. The underlying MQ problem is non-structured in the...
Many of the three-round blind signatures based on identification protocols are only proven to be $\ell$-concurrently unforgeable for $\ell = \mathsf{polylog}(\lambda)$. It was only recently shown in a seminal work by Benhamouda et al. (EUROCRYPT'21) that this is not just a limitation of the proof technique. They proposed an elegant polynomial time attack against the $\ell$-concurrently unforgeability of the classical blind Schnorr protocol for $\ell = \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$. However,...
Bulletproofs are general-purpose Zero Knowledge Proof protocols that allow a Prover to demonstrate to a Verifier knowledge of a solution to a set of equations, represented as a Rank 1 Constraint System. We present a protocol extending the standard Bulletproof protocol, which introduces a second layer of interactivity to the protocol, by allowing the Verifier to choose the set of equations after the Prover has already committed to portions of the solution. We show that such...
We introduce a new candidate post-quantum digital signature scheme from the regular syndrome decoding (RSD) assumption, an established variant of the syndrome decoding assumption which asserts that it is hard to find $w$-regular solutions to systems of linear equations over $\mathbb{F}_2$ (a vector is regular if it is a concatenation of $w$ unit vectors). Our signature is obtained by introducing and compiling a new 5-round zero-knowledge proof system constructed using the MPC-in-the-head...
Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (SNARKs) enable a party to cryptographically prove a statement regarding a computation to another party that has constrained resources. Practical use of SNARKs often involves a Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (zkVM) that receives an input program and input data, then generates a SNARK proof of the correct execution of the input program. Most zkVMs emulate the von Neumann architecture and must prove relations between a program's execution and its...
Accumulation is a simple yet powerful primitive that enables incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) without the need for recursive SNARKs. We provide a generic, efficient accumulation (or folding) scheme for any $(2k-1)$-move special-sound protocol with a verifier that checks $\ell$ degree-$d$ equations. The accumulation verifier only performs $k+2$ elliptic curve multiplications and $k+d+O(1)$ field/hash operations. Using the compiler from BCLMS21 (Crypto 21), this enables building...
Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems have emerged as a promising solution for building security-sensitive applications. However, bugs in ZK applications are extremely difficult to detect and can allow a malicious party to silently exploit the system without leaving any observable trace. This paper presents Coda, a novel statically-typed language for building zero-knowledge applications. Critically, Coda makes it possible to formally specify and statically check properties of a ZK application...
Post-quantum signature schemes based on the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) paradigm are recently attracting significant attention as their security solely depends on the one-wayness of the underlying primitive, providing diversity for the hardness assumption in post-quantum cryptography. Recent MPCitH-friendly ciphers have been designed using simple algebraic S-boxes operating on a large field in order to improve the performance of the resulting signature schemes. Due to their simple algebraic...
Recently, new ideas to build homomorphic noise-free encryption schemes have been proposed. The starting point of these schemes deals with private-key encryption schemes whose secret key is a rational function. By construction, these schemes are not homomorphic. To get homomorphic properties, nonlinear homomorphic operators are derived from the secret key. In this paper, we adopt the same approach to build a HE. We obtain a multivariate encryption scheme in the sense that the knowledge...
Gröbner bases are an important tool in computational algebra and, especially in cryptography, often serve as a boilerplate for solving systems of polynomial equations. Research regarding (efficient) algorithms for computing Gröbner bases spans a large body of dedicated work that stretches over the last six decades. The pioneering work of Bruno Buchberger in 1965 can be considered as the blueprint for all subsequent Gröbner basis algorithms to date. Among the most efficient algorithms in this...
In CRYPTO'03, Patarin conjectured a lower bound on the number of distinct solutions $(P_1, \ldots, P_{q}) \in (\{0, 1\}^{n})^{q}$ satisfying a system of equations of the form $X_i \oplus X_j = \lambda_{i,j}$ such that $P_1, P_2, \ldots$, $P_{q}$ are pairwise distinct. This result is known as \emph{``$P_i \oplus P_j$ Theorem for any $\xi_{\max}$''} or alternatively as \emph{Mirror Theory for general $\xi_{\max}$}, which was later proved by Patarin in ICISC'05. Mirror theory for general...
We introduce the first proof system for layered arithmetic circuits over an arbitrary ring $R$ that is (possibly) non-commutative and (possibly) infinite, while only requiring black-box access to its arithmetic and a subset $A \subseteq R$. Our construction only requires limited commutativity and regularity properties from $A$, similar to recent work on efficient information theoretic multi-party computation over non-commutative rings by Escudero and Soria-Vazquez (CRYPTO 2021), but...
We propose new zero-knowledge proofs for efficient and postquantum ring confidential transaction (RingCT) protocols based on lattice assumptions in Blockchain systems. First, we introduce an inner-product based linear equation satisfiability approach for balance proofs with a wide range (e.g., 64-bit precision). Unlike existing balance proofs (MatRiCT and MatRiCT+) that require additional proofs for some "corrector values", our approach avoids the corrector values for better efficiency....
In CRYPTO'16, Cogliati and Seurin proposed a block cipher based nonce based MAC, called {\em Encrypted Wegman-Carter with Davies-Meyer} (\textsf{EWCDM}), that gives $2n/3$ bit MAC security in the nonce respecting setting and $n/2$ bit security in the nonce misuse setting, where $n$ is the block size of the underlying block cipher. However, this construction requires two independent block cipher keys. In CRYPTO'18, Datta et al. came up with a single-keyed block cipher based nonce based MAC,...
Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) schemes are interactive protocols between a sender with a private polynomial and a receiver with a private evaluation point where the receiver learns the evaluation of the polynomial in their point and no additional information. In this work, we introduce MyOPE, a ``short-sighted'' non-interactive polynomial evaluation scheme with a poly-logarithmic communication complexity in the presence of malicious senders. In addition to strong privacy guarantees,...
Proof systems allow one party to prove to another party that a certain statement is true. Most existing practical proof systems require that the statement will be represented in terms of polynomial equations over a finite field. This makes the process of representing a statement that one wishes to prove or verify rather complicated, as this process requires a new set of equations for each statement. Various approaches to deal with this problem have been proposed. We present Cairo, a...
Schnorr's signature scheme permits an elegant threshold signing protocol due to its linear signing equation. However each new signature consumes fresh randomness, which can be a major attack vector in practice. Sources of randomness in deployments are frequently either unreliable, or require state continuity, i.e. reliable fresh state resilient to rollbacks. State continuity is a notoriously difficult guarantee to achieve in practice, due to system crashes caused by software errors,...
Sequences of consecutive Legendre and Jacobi symbols as pseudorandom bit generators were proposed for cryptographic use in 1988. Major interest has been shown towards pseudorandom functions (PRF) recently, based on the Legendre and power residue symbols, due to their efficiency in the multi-party setting. The security of these PRFs is not known to be reducible to standard cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we show that key-recovery attacks against the Legendre PRF are equivalent to...
Although there have been many successes in verifying proofs of non-interactive cryptographic primitives such as encryption and signatures, formal verification of interactive cryptographic protocols is still a nascent area. While in principle, it seems possible to extend general frameworks such as Easycrypt to encode proofs for more complex, interactive protocols, a big challenge is whether the human effort would be scalable enough for proof mechanization to eventually acquire mainstream...
There has been a lot of recent progress in constructing efficient zero-knowledge proofs for showing knowledge of an $\vec{\mathbf{s}}$ with small coefficients satisfying $\bm{A}\vec{\mathbf{s}}=\vec{\mathbf{t}}$. For typical parameters, the proof sizes have gone down from several megabytes to a bit under $50$KB (Esgin et al., Asiacrypt 2020). These are now within an order of magnitude of the sizes of lattice-based signatures, which themselves constitute proof systems which demonstrate...
Due to the simplicity and performance of zk-SNARKs they are widely used in real-world cryptographic protocols, including blockchain and smart contract systems. Simulation Extractability (SE) is a necessary security property for a NIZK argument to achieve Universal Composability (UC), a common requirement for such protocols. Most of the works that investigated SE focus on its strong variant which implies proof non-malleability. In this work we investigate a relaxed weaker notion, that allows...
We provide a simple and complete proof of the famous Pi⊕Pj Theorem in the particular case where ξmax=2. This Theorem gives a lower bound for the number of solutions of simple linear systems of equations in the case where all the variables have to be pairwise distinct. Such systems often occur in cryptographic proofs of security, and this particular Theorem can be used to prove that the function x↦P(0||x)⊕P(1||x) is an optimally secure pseudorandom function when P is a...
We propose a very fast lattice-based zero-knowledge proof system for exactly proving knowledge of a ternary solution $\vec{s} \in \{-1,0,1\}^n$ to a linear equation $A\vec{s}=\vec{u}$ over $\mathbb{Z}_q$, which improves upon the protocol by Bootle, Lyubashevsky and Seiler (CRYPTO 2019) by producing proofs that are shorter by a factor of $8$. At the core lies a technique that utilizes the module-homomorphic BDLOP commitment scheme (SCN 2018) over the fully splitting cyclotomic ring...
While there have been many successes in verifying cryptographic security proofs of noninter- active primitives such as encryption and signatures, less attention has been paid to interactive cryptographic protocols. Interactive protocols introduce the additional verification challenge of concurrency, which is notoriously hard to reason about in a cryptographically sound manner. When proving the (approximate) observational equivalance of protocols, as is required by simulation based security...
Zero-knowledge arguments have become practical, and widely used, especially in the world of Blockchain, for example in Zcash. This work revisits zero-knowledge proofs in the discrete logarithm setting. First, we identify and carve out basic techniques (partly being used implicitly before) to optimize proofs in this setting. In particular, the linear combination of protocols is a useful tool to obtain zero-knowledge and/or reduce communication. With these techniques, we are able to devise...
We provide new zero-knowledge argument of knowledge systems that work directly for a wide class of language, namely, ones involving the satisfiability of matrix-vector relations and integer relations commonly found in constructions of lattice-based cryptography. Prior to this work, practical arguments for lattice-based relations either have a constant soundness error ( 2/3 ), or consider a weaker form of soundness, namely, extraction only guarantees that the prover is in possession of a...
A key component of many lattice-based protocols is a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a vector $\vec{s}$ with small coefficients satisfying $A\vec{s}=\vec{u}\bmod\,q$. While there exist fairly efficient proofs for a relaxed version of this equation which prove the knowledge of $\vec{s}'$ and $c$ satisfying $A\vec{s}'=\vec{u}c$ where $\|\vec{s}'\|\gg\|\vec{s}\|$ and $c$ is some small element in the ring over which the proof is performed, the proofs for the exact version of the equation...
We propose a general method for security evaluation of SNOW 2.0-like ciphers against correlation attacks that are built similarly to known attacks on SNOW 2.0. Unlike previously known methods, the method we propose is targeted at security proof and allows obtaining lower bounds for efficiency of attacks from the class under consideration directly using parameters of stream cipher components similarly to techniques for security proofs of block ciphers against linear cryptanalysis. The method...
We focus on securely computing the ranks of sealed integers distributed among $n$ parties. For example, we securely compute the largest or smallest integer, the median, or in general the $k^{th}$-ranked integer. Such computations are a useful building block to securely implement a variety of sealed-bid auctions. Our objective is efficiency, specifically low interactivity between parties to support blockchains or other scenarios where multiple rounds are time-consuming. Hence, we dismiss...
We introduce and study the notion of fully linear probabilistically checkable proof systems. In such a proof system, the verifier can make a small number of linear queries that apply jointly to the input and a proof vector. Our new type of proof system is motivated by applications in which the input statement is not fully available to any single verifier, but can still be efficiently accessed via linear queries. This situation arises in scenarios where the input is partitioned or...
Despite recent advances in the area of pairing-friendly Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge proofs, there have not been many efficiency improvements in constructing arguments of satisfiability of quadratic (and larger degree) equations since the publication of the Groth-Sahai proof system (JoC'12). In this work, we address the problem of aggregating such proofs using techniques derived from the interactive setting and recent constructions of SNARKs. For certain types of quadratic equations, this...
In this paper we study cryptanalysis with non-linear polynomials cf. Eurocrypt’95 (adapted to Feistel ciphers at Crypto 2004). Previously researchers had serious difficulties in making such attacks work. Even though this is less general than a general space partitioning attack (FSE’97), a polynomial algebraic approach has enormous advantages. Properties are more intelligible and algebraic computational methods can be applied in order to discover or construct the suitable properties. In this...
Structure Preserving Signatures (SPS) allow the signatures and the messages signed to be further encrypted while retaining the ability to be proven valid under zero-knowledge. In particular, SPS are tailored to have structure suitable for Groth-Sahai NIZK proofs. More precisely, the messages, signatures, and verification keys are required to be elements of groups that support efficient bilinear-pairings (bilinear groups), and the signature verification consists of just evaluating one or more...
Symbolic methods for reasoning about the security of cryptographic systems have for some time concentrated mainly on protocols. More recently, however, we see a rising interest in the use of symbolic methods to reason about the security of algorithms as well, especially algorithms that are built by combining well-defined primitives. For this kind of application two things are generally required: the ability to reason about term algebras obeying equational theories at the symbolic level,...
Bilinear groups form the algebraic setting for a multitude of important cryptographic protocols including anonymous credentials, e-cash, e-voting, e-coupon, and loyalty systems. It is typical of such crypto protocols that participating parties need to repeatedly verify that certain equations over bilinear groups are satisfied, e.g., to check that computed signatures are valid, commitments can be opened, or non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs verify correctly. Depending on the form and...
This paper presents MQDSS, the first signature scheme with a security reduction based on the problem of solving a multivariate system of quadratic equations (MQ problem). In order to construct this scheme we give a new security reduction for the Fiat-Shamir transform from a large class of $5$-pass identification schemes and show that a previous attempt from the literature to obtain such a proof does not achieve the desired goal. We give concrete parameters for MQDSS and provide a detailed...
We exemplify and evaluate the use of the equational framework of Micciancio and Tessaro (ITCS 2013) by analyzeing a number of concrete Oblivious Transfer protocols: a classic OT transformation to increase the message size, and the recent (so called ``simplest'') OT protocol in the random oracle model of Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt 2015), together with some simple variants. Our analysis uncovers subtle timing bugs or shortcomings in both protocols, or the OT definition typically employed...
The Groth-Sahai proof system (EUROCRYPT 2008, SIAM Journal of Computing 41(5)) provides efficient non-interactive witness-indistinguishable (NIWI) and zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems for languages over bilinear groups and is a widely-used versatile tool to design efficient cryptographic schemes and protocols. We revisit randomization of the prover in the GS proof system. We find an unnoticed bug in the ``optimized'' randomization in the symmetric bilinear setting with several...
We propose new constructions for inner product encryption -- $\mathcal{IPE}_1$ and $\mathcal{IPE}_2$, both secure under the eXternal Diffie-Hellman assumption (SXDH) in asymmetric pairing groups. The first scheme has constant-size ciphertexts whereas the second one is weakly attribute hiding. $\mathcal{IPE}_2$ is derived from the identity-based encryption scheme of Jutla Roy (Asiacrypt 2013), that was extended from tag-based quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge (QA-NIZK) proofs for...
Brakerski showed that linearly decryptable fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes cannot be secure in the chosen plaintext attack (CPA) model. In this paper, we show that linearly decryptable FHE schemes cannot be secure even in the ciphertext only security model. Then we consider the maximum security that a linearly decryptable FHE scheme could achieve. This paper designs fully homomorphic symmetric key encryption (FHE) schemes without bootstrapping (that is, noise-free FHE schemes). ...
Groth, Ostrovsky and Sahai constructed a non-interactive Zap for NP-languages by observing that the common reference string of their proof system for circuit satisfiability admits what they call correlated key generation. The latter means that it is possible to create from scratch two common reference strings in such a way that it can be publicly verified that at least one of them guarantees perfect soundness while it is computationally infeasible to tell which one. Their technique also...
A very popular trend in code-based cryptography is to decrease the public-key size by focusing on subclasses of alternant/Goppa codes which admit a very compact public matrix, typically quasi-cyclic (QC), quasi-dyadic (QD), or quasi-monoidic (QM) matrices. We show that the very same reason which allows to construct a compact public-key makes the key-recovery problem intrinsically much easier. The gain on the public-key size induces an important security drop, which is as large as the...
Asymptotical complexity of sparse equation systems over finite field $F_q$ is studied. Let the variable sets belong to a fixed family $\mathcal{X}=\{X_1,\ldots,X_m\}$ while the polynomials $f_i(X_i)$ are taken independently and uniformly at random from the set of all polynomials of degree $\leq q-1$ in each of the variables in $X_i$. In particular, for $|X_i|\le3$, $m=n$, we prove the average complexity of finding all solutions to $f_i(X_i)=0, i=1,\ldots,m$ by Gluing algorithm ( Semaev,...
Verifiability is central to building protocols and systems with integrity. Initially, efficient methods employed the Fiat-Shamir heuristics. Since 2008, the Groth-Sahai techniques have been the most efficient in constructing non-interactive witness indistinguishable and zero-knowledge proofs for algebraic relations. For the important task of proving membership in linear subspaces, Jutla and Roy (Asiacrypt 2013) gave significantly more efficient proofs in the quasi-adaptive setting...
In this paper, we investigate the security of a public-key encryption scheme introduced by Huang, Liu and Yang (HLY) at PKC’12. This new scheme can be provably reduced to the hardness of solving a set of quadratic equations whose coefficients of highest degree are chosen according to a discrete Gaussian distributions. The other terms being chosen uniformly at random. Such a problem is a variant of the classical problem of solving a system of non-linear equations (PoSSo), which is known to be...
We propose a general framework to develop fully homomorphic encryption schemes (FHE) without using the Gentry's technique. The security relies on the difficulty of solving systems of non-linear equations (which is a $\mathcal{NP}$-complete problem). While the security of our scheme has not been reduced to a provably hard instance of this problem, security is globally investigated.
We define a novel notion of quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero knowledge (NIZK) proofs for probability distributions on parametrized languages. It is quasi-adaptive in the sense that the common reference string (CRS) generator can generate the CRS depending on the language parameters. However, the simulation is required to be uniform, i.e., a single efficient simulator should work for the whole class of parametrized languages. For distributions on languages that are linear subspaces of...
Multiplication of three elements over finite fields is used extensively in multivariate public key cryptography and solving system of linear equations over finite fields. This contribution shows the enhancements of multiplication of three elements over finite fields by using specific architecture. We firstly propose a versatile multi-input multiplier over finite fields. The parameters of this multiplier can be changed according to the requirement of the users which makes it reusable in...
We construct the first public-key encryption scheme whose chosen-ciphertext (i.e., IND-CCA) security can be proved under a standard assumption and does not degrade in either the number of users or the number of ciphertexts. In particular, our scheme can be safely deployed in unknown settings in which no a-priori bound on the number of encryptions and/or users is known. As a central technical building block, we devise the first structure-preserving signature scheme with a tight security...
In this work, we study a new multivariate quadratic (MQ) assumption that can be used to construct public-key encryption schemes. In particular, we research in the following two directions: We establish a precise \emph{asymptotic} formulation of a family of hard MQ problems, and provide empirical evidence to confirm the hardness. %Since there are many practical solvers studied and implemented during the studies of algebraic attacks, we use We construct public-key encryption schemes, and...
The principle of random selection and the principle of adding biased noise are new paradigms used in several recent papers for constructing lightweight RFID authentication protocols. The cryptographic power of adding biased noise can be characterized by the hardness of the intensively studied Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) Problem. In analogy to this, we identify a corresponding learning problem called RandomSelect for random selection and study its complexity. Given L secret linear...
We present a generic transformation that allows us to use a large class of pairing-based signatures to construct schemes for signing group elements in a structure preserving way. As a result of our transformation we obtain a new efficient signature scheme for signing a vector of group elements that is based only on the well established decisional linear assumption (DLIN). Moreover, the public keys and signatures of our scheme consist of group elements only, and a signature is verified by...
A signature scheme is called structure-preserving if its verification keys, messages, and signatures are group elements and the verification predicate is a conjunction of pairing product equations. We answer to the open problem of constructing a constant-size structure-preserving signature scheme. The security is proven in the standard model based on a novel non-interactive assumption that can be justified and has an optimal bound in the generic bilinear group model. We also present...
This paper introduces a new intractable security problem whose intractability is due to the NP completeness of multivariate quadratic problem. This novel problem uses quaternion algebra in conjunction with MQ. Starting with the simultaneous multivariate equations, we transform these equations into simultaneous quaternion based multivariate quadratic equations. A new scheme for computational zero knowledge proof based on this problem is proposed. It is proved that according to black box...
In 2008, Groth and Sahai proposed a general methodology for constructing non-interactive zero-knowledge (and witness-indistinguishable) proofs in bilinear groups. While avoiding expensive NP-reductions, these proof systems are still inefficient due to a number of pairing computations required for verification. We apply recent techniques of batch verification to the Groth-Sahai proof systems and manage to improve significantly the complexity of proof verification. We give explicit batch...
Since their introduction in 2008, the non interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) and non interactive witness indistinguishable (NIWI) proofs designed by Groth and Sahai have been used in numerous applications. In this paper we offer two contributions to the study of these proof systems. First we identify and correct some errors, present in the oringal online manuscript, that occur in two of the three instantiations of the Groth-Sahai NIWI proofs for which the equation checked by the verifier is...
We introduce the notion of automorphic signatures, which satisfy the following properties: the verification keys lie in the message space, messages and signatures consist of elements of a bilinear group, and verification is done by evaluating a set of pairing-product equations. These signatures make a perfect counterpart to the powerful proof system by Groth and Sahai (Eurocrypt 2008). We provide practical instantiations of automorphic signatures under appropriate assumptions and use them...
Efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful tool for solving many cryptographic problems. We apply the recent Groth-Sahai (GS) proof system for pairing product equations (Eurocrypt 2008) to two related cryptographic problems: compact e-cash (Eurocrypt 2005) and simulatable verifiable random functions (CRYPTO 2007). We present the first efficient compact e-cash scheme that does not rely on a random oracle in its security proof. To this end we construct efficient GS proofs...
Computational indistinguishability is a notion in complexity-theoretic cryptography and is used to define many security criteria. However, in traditional cryptography, proving computational indistinguishability is usually informal and becomes error-prone when cryptographic constructions are complex. This paper presents a formal proof system based on an extension of Hofmann’s SLR language, which can capture probabilistic polynomial-time computations through typing and is sufficient for...
We devise an abstraction of zero-knowledge protocols that is accessible to a fully mechanized analysis. The abstraction is formalized within the applied pi-calculus using a novel equational theory that abstractly characterizes the cryptographic semantics of zero-knowledge proofs. We present an encoding from the equational theory into a convergent rewriting system that is suitable for the automated protocol verifier ProVerif. The encoding is sound and fully automated. We successfully used...
In this paper we are interested in algebraic immunity of several well known highly-nonlinear vectorial Boolean functions (or S-boxes), designed for block and stream ciphers. Unfortunately, ciphers that use such S-boxes may still be vulnerable to so called "algebraic attacks" proposed recently by Courtois, Pieprzyk, Meier, Armknecht, et al. These attacks are not always feasible in practice but are in general very powerful. They become possible, if we regard the S-boxes, no longer as...
Algebraic attacks on stream ciphers proposed by Courtois et al. recover the key by solving an overdefined system of multivariate equations. Such attacks can break several interesting cases of LFSR-based stream ciphers, when the output is obtained by a Boolean function. As suggested independently by Courtois and Armknecht, this approach can be successfully extended also to combiners with memory, provided the number of memory bits is small. At Crypto 2003, Krause and Armknecht show that, for...
A family $(S_t)$ of sets is $p$-bounded Diophantine if $S_t$ has a representing $p$-bounded polynomial $R_{S,t}$, s.t. $x\in S_t \iff (\exists y)[R_{S}(x;y)=0]$. We say that $(S_t)$ is unbounded Diophantine if additionally, $R_{S,t}$ is a fixed $t$-independent polynomial. We show that $p$-bounded (resp., unbounded) Diophantine set has a polynomial-size (resp., constant-size) statistical zero-knowledge proof system that a committed tuple $x$ belongs to $S$. We describe efficient SZK proof...