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Animal Wellbeing


AZA's Position Statement on the Wellbeing of Animals

Members of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) believe that the wellbeing of the animals in our care is both our moral responsibility and foundational to AZA’s mission. To support this belief, AZA members commit their diverse expertise to continuously advance and share knowledge, tools, and actions that promote the wellbeing of animals. We aspire to be globally trusted leaders in enhancing the wellbeing of animals.


AZA's Definition of Animal Wellbeing

Wellbeing – a state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy; achieved by AZA facilities giving animals lifelong opportunities to thrive.

This is supported through: 

  • Leadership, culture, and operations
  • Science and innovation
  • Expertise and passion
  • Collaboration and sharing
  • Engagement and communication
  • Our approach to the conservation of species and natural spaces


The Strategic Framework for the Wellbeing of Animals

While AZA members have long prioritized animal wellbeing in their work, there are opportunities to elevate animal wellbeing in our zoos and aquariums and beyond, through increased research, enhanced practice, and strategic partnership. The AZA community expressed shared wishes that there be a more collaborative approach towards animal welfare research, optimal animal care, and messaging these efforts to the public. In response, the AZA Strategic Framework for the Wellbeing of Animals was created.

The five priorities of the AZA Strategic Framework for the Wellbeing of Animals are:

  • Cultivate a common culture of commitment to the wellbeing of animals across all member facilities and partners.
  • Enhance the lives of all animals in our care by focusing on applied animal welfare science and science-based staff training and education.
  • Raise the bar: Advance AZA accreditation standards and processes focused on the wellbeing of animals.
  • Build Partnerships: Increase and diversify external collaboration and find more common ground to promote the wellbeing of animals.
  • Further credibility: Promote awareness of and trust in AZA’s commitment to and expertise in enhancing the wellbeing of animals.


The Guiding Principles of AZA's Animal Wellbeing Culture

To reinforce AZA’s culture of commitment to the wellbeing of animals, twelve Guiding Principles of Animal Wellbeing were developed. These principles help to define our identity as a community that values and supports animal wellbeing. And each principle is tied to behaviors that apply the principle in practice – these behaviors are detailed in the document. The Guiding Principles can be used by AZA member facilities as a tool:

  • for self assessment and review of current practices,
  • to identify successes worth celebrating and reinforcing,
  • when faced with decision-making challenges,
  • to develop aspirational plans for continual improvement, and
  • to hold ourselves to the highest standards of animal care.


Animal Wellbeing Culture

Additional information and resources about animal wellbeing culture can be found at AZA's Culture of Animal Wellbeing.

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