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Collection Planning

Resources for Creating an Institutional Collection Plan

Institutional Collection Planning Guidelines 

Institutional Collection Plans- Why Do You Have That Species? (by Stacey Johnson) offers advice for establishing a proper Institutional Collection Plan.

Examples of Institutional Collection Plans (Login Required) is a compilation of collection plans and collection planning processes from multiple facilities, including taxa-specific department collection plans and decision trees.

Ambassador Animal Collection Planning

Ambassador Animal Collection Planning Examples and Tools (developed by the Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group) includes a few examples of collection planning tools that AZA facilities use to assist in planning for ambassador animals, including an acquisition decision matrix, an acquisition decision tree, and an education collection planning worksheet.

Ambassador Animal Evaluation Tool (developed by the Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group) is a valuable resource that can be used to evaluate whether a particular species or individual animal is suitable for an ambassador animal program.


Guidelines for Creating and Sharing Animal and Collection Records (developed by the Institutional Data Management Scientific Advisory Group) assists facilities in establishing written policies and procedures for keeping animal records and communicating the information necessary to support animal wellbeing. 

Examples of Animal Transaction Protocol (Login Required) is a part of the AZA Accreditation Resource Center that can include animal transaction protocols from various facilities.

Institutional Records Keeping is an AZA Professional Development course that provides the theory and tools to maintain accurate records both within institutions and in regional and global cooperative species management programs, identifies the important role accurate records play in successful animal management programs, teaches the collaborative communication skills needed to facilitate institutional information exchange for their programs. Instruction in permitting and shipping processes round out the course agenda in providing a full complement of topics related to records keeping.

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