This week, we will discuss the social media issue in Seminars of Nephrology. The discussion will be anchored by two articles - but the whole issue is up for discussion.
NephJC Statement on Anti-Racism
Black lives matter
As physicians, scientists, healthcare workers, and kidney health advocates, the NephJC Working Group stand unequivocally against racism or bigotry in any form. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is killing people of color disproportionately, more Black lives were lost senselessly at the hands of law enforcement and citizens in the United States. We recognize that racial inequity and ethnic violence is a world-wide problem and we condemn individual and systemic racism, not only as citizens of the world, but as healthcare professionals who work daily to fight kidney disease, which disproportionately impacts people of color.
We have created and grown a digital platform to facilitate real-time, international discussion of issues relevant to the kidney health community. Because racial injustice and racial disparities impact our Black patients, Black colleagues, and other patients of color, we aim to increase awareness of racial inequity and to promote fairness. With our significant presence in the #MedTwitter space, we are committed to active allyship and building supportive relationships that will effect change.
We ask that all members of the NephJC community come together to reflect on, examine, and discuss how we can work towards ending systemic and institutional racism and promoting equity in kidney health. We advocate approaching these conversations with a mentality of growth, not focusing on the person but rather on patterns of behaviors so that we all can grow together.
To that end, we aim to provide a safe forum for these discussions, which may be uncomfortable but are necessary. Specifically:
We will not tolerate disrespectful or racist comments, which violate our code of conduct.
We encourage all members of our working group and NephJC participants to suggest manuscripts and topics relevant to systemic racism, particularly in how it impacts kidney health.
We welcome all members of the NephJC community to submit blog posts about ongoing initiatives and ideas to combat racism in medicine and medical education.
We will add a NephJC Kidney Award to highlight projects or research on racial disparities and anti-racism in kidney medicine. We welcome feedback on the scope and naming of this new award category.
We are soliciting additional feedback on how we can leverage our online platform to fight racism and racial inequity. (email [email protected])
Below are links to some organizations and articles to encourage more conversation.
Twitter accounts to follow for more information:
Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
What Black Scientists Want from Colleagues and Their Institutions
Signed the NephJC Board of Directors for the NephJC Work Group
Anna Burgner
Michelle Rheault
Matt Sparks
Joel M. Topf
Swapnil Hiremath