Dare I say that last night was the best #NephJC yet?

Wow! What a great discussion!

We had 22 participants, including a number of new faces. This is the highest participation since we teamed with the cardiologists for POSEIDON in NephJC #5. The people also participated with 308 tweets, also the second most, next to POSEIDON, ever. Great #NephJC. Thank you everyone.

Here are the numbers and links to the analytics and transcript.

What is #NephJC Live?

So this is the obvious question. The idea is still not fully formed but the pitch to ASN was that we would find some scientists who are presenting at an ASN poster session that would like a venue to discuss their data in front of an intelligent, engaged and honestly, quite handsome audience. The NephJC Live session is on Saturday, so everybody's embargo will be expired and authors will be free discuss their research.

That said we are looking for scientists eager to present at NephJC. If you are interested or know someone with great data that did not get an opportunity to discuss it with an oral presentation have them contact [email protected].

CJASN eJC goes to Twitter

This month eJC is talking about Nephrology Fellowship. The article they are using is here and was written by Jeffrey Barns, Stuart Linas and Mitchell Rosner.

As part of the discussion eJC did their first TweetChat on September 10th. It was great, with an excellent turn-out and spirited discussion. Nephrology fellow Amar Bansal lead the discussion. NephJC produced a curated transcript with Storify. Here it is: