#NephJC live was a great success

On Saturday at Kidney Week, just after the Late Breaking/High-Impact trials, NephJC held its first, in-real-life, journal club. Over 30 people trudged the mile from the convention center to the Double Tree where we did two short scientific presentations with discussions. Our first speaker, Dr. Wilson (@Nephrolalia) said it best when he said it was the first time he had given a talk where the ratio of presentation time to question and discussion time was 1:4.

This was important because we did not want NephJC live to be just another symposium where you listen to experts for the full hour. There is enough of that at the primary conference. The topics were hot, the speakers sharp and the discussion spirited.

Turn out was good with over 30 people coming to the event. Note that our best twitter discussion had 30 people.

Storify forthcoming.

#KidneyWk14 Social Media Awards The #TNOTs

As part of NephJC live we will be awarding social media awards. We will be giving recognition and prizes for:

  • Best use of Twitter during Kidney Week
  • Best Storify on Kidney Week
  • Best Blog post on Kidney Week
  • Best Fresh Face for a person new to the social media scene making an impact at Kidney Week

If the use of social media has not rocketed you up the academic ranks, it is probably because you have no awards to show for it. Come to NephJC Live and get the recognition you deserve! Remember NephJC founders are not eligible for prizes.

The awards for social media will be decided by a blue ribbon panel made up by, our two speakers, Drs. Sawinsky and Wilson; our two founders, Drs. Topf and Swapnil; and Ivan Oransky and Kristina Fiore of MedPage Today.

We need submissions for best use of social media. So tweet links to examples with the hashtag #TNOT (Top nephrologist of twitter).

Humble beginnings

I had thought of starting a Nephrology Journal club ever since I wrote about eJC on PBFluids. In fact if you look at my suggestions for how to improve CJASN eJC, you will see the skeleton for the current #NephJC. But ideas are cheap and I never did anything about it.

In the middle of NephMadness last year I received a tweet from from Swapnil suggesting that someone do a Nephrology Twitter Journal Club. I told him it was a great idea but that I had my hands full with NephMadness and that he should write me after the contest ended.

Literally moments after we announced the winner of NephMadness, Swapnil e-mails me about the journal club. I told him to do some research on how twitter journal clubs work and write a post on Medium. I half hoped he would drop the ball and go away but he published it on April 17. A week later we collaborated on a tighter introduction, also published on Medium (we didn't yet have our SquareSpace sight) And five days after that we held our first NephJC.

Last call for #NephJC Live

We are closing registration for NephJC Live this Sunday so register today if you want to be a part of the first NephJC Live event. We have two young investigators who will be sharing their data. We will be awarding the Social Media Awards for the best contributors to the conversation around Kidney Week and we will have lunch!

All the details are available here.

Register before it is too late!

#NephJC goes again tomorrow November 4 with Steigerwalt and @Nephro_Sparks

We have covered a lot of subjects in our first half year but tomorrows study is unique. For the first time NephJC is going to tackle a basic science paper. In order to make this work we are bringing in a couple of ringers.

  • First, we got Dr Susan Steigerwalt, a renowned hypertension specialist who has had a ringside seat for every significant hypertension study of the past two decades. While we were reading about these studies in our pajamas, Dr Steigerwalt was in the trenches calibrating mercury sphygnomamoters. She wrote an in-depth summary of the article that is available at NephJC.com. Don't miss it.
  • The other ringer is Matt Sparks. You may know him from his high profile roles at the Renal Fellow Network, where he played a critical role in saving this institution after the tragic death of Nathan Hellman and or his role as a founder of AJKDblog. But what you probably don't know is that in addition to being a blogger he is a basic science researcher and has sophisticated knowledge about this very paper. We are delighted that he has agreed to step up to the table to spin those wheels of steel and host the @NephJC twitter account tomorrow as we do a deep dive on Harrison's land mark article on T cells and the genesis of hypertension.

The article is a doozy, so make sure you do your homework. Help us make this very special basic-science episode of NephJC a success.

Swapnil hits the mainstream media!

Swapnil Hiremath, is the co-founder of NephJC and his research was recently highlighted in Time Magazine, as in Time Man of the Year, Time Magazine. Awesome work, I can't wait to see his data at ASN Kidney Week. Way to go Swapnil!

If you are interested in the issue that Swapnil investigated, this article may provide some additional useful data.

UPDATE: Swapnil also made the ASN In the Loop e-mail blast on October 30. Wow.

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