A Gut Wrenching tale of a man who decides to take revenge on his pathetic life as kid!
It is SO GOOD!! But at the same time, well, FRUSTRATING.
Anguish, disgust, anger, and FRUSTRATION, are some of the most choice words that describes this anime.
Be ready for one HELL of a RIDE though. Watching this one is pretty addicting. There are SO many likeable characters as well!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but this a "Delinquent" anime done right. It has REALLY strong moments, amazing quote-able scenes and a pretty crazy story.
At times it'll be hard to like the MC, because of his actions, approach, and just overall attitude, however, there is a message there, its hard to see it, but when it does, it hits HARD.
Just watch it already!
Explanation by Ileca on Saturday, 06.01.2024 18:44