Shows the story of a samurai (Kenshin) who during the time of war was an assassin and the practitioner of an extremely rare form of sword art. Now its a time of peace and he greatly regrets his past life and is trying to make amends by helping people.
He comes across a dojo run by a young girl who is in trouble and helps her and in return he is allowed to stay there for a few days, but due to circumstances this becomes a longer stay and the story deals with incidents that happen there.
I saw this long back when I was new to anime and I was not at all impressed. I naively compared it to modern animes like Death Note and felt it was silly and did not enjoy it much. Rewatching it in 2018 I was amazed at how much I loved it.
Kenshin reminded me of Yang Wenli.
There is so much beauty and love in life and its this that you feel in each episode.
Explanation by SailorTenjou on Sunday, 12.05.2019 21:29