Reference: Peter, The Epistles of
FIRST EPISTLE. Genuineness. Attested by 2Pe 3:1. Polycarp (in Eusebius 4:14); who in writing to the Philippians (Philippians 2) quotes 1Pe 1:13,21; 3:9; in Philippians 5; 1Pe 2:11. Eusebius (H. E. 3:39) says of Papins that he too quotes 1 Peter. Irenaeus (Haer. 4:9, section 2) expressly mentions it; in 4:16, section 5, 1Pe 2:16. Clemens Alex. (Strom. 1:3, 544) quotes 1Pe 2:11-12,15-16; and p. 562, 1Pe 1:21-22; and in 4:584, 1Pe 3:14-17; and p. 585, 1Pe 4:12-14. Origen (in Eusebius H. E. 6:25) mentions it; in Homily 7 on Joshua (vol. 2:63), both epistles; and in Commentary on Psalms and John 1Pe 3:18-21. Tertullian (Scorp. 12) quotes 1Pe 2:20-21; and in 14 1Pe 2:13,17. Eusebius calls 1 Peter one of "the universally acknowledged epistles.
The Peshito Syriac has it. Muratori's Fragm. of Canon omits it. The Paulicians alone rejected it. The internal evidence for it is strong. The author calls himself the apostle Peter (1Pe 1:1), "a witness of Christ's sufferings," and "an elder" (1Pe 5:1). The energetic style accords with Peter's character. Erasmus remarks this epistle is full of apostolical dignity and authority, worthy of the leader among the apostles.
PERSONS ADDRESSED. 1Pe 1:1; "to the elect strangers (pilgrims spiritually) of the dispersion," namely, Jewish Christians primarily. 1Pe 1:14. 1Pe 2:9-10; 4:3, prove that Gentile Christians, as grafted into the Christian Jewish stock and so becoming of the true Israel, are secondarily addressed. Thus the apostle of the circumcision seconded the apostle of the uncircumcision in uniting Jew and Gentile in the one Christ. Peter enumerates the provinces in the order from N.E, to S. and W. Pontus was the country of the Christian Jew Aquila.
Paul twice visited Galatia, founding and confirming churches. Crescens, his companion, went there just before Paul's last imprisonment (2Ti 4:10). Men of Cappadocia, as well as of "Pontus" and "Asia" (including Mysia, Lydia, Curia, Phrygia, Pisidia, and Lycaonia), were among Peter's hearers on Pentecost; these brought home to their native lands the first tidings of the gospel. In Lycaonia were the churches of Iconium, founded by Paul and Barnabas; of Lystra, Timothy's birthplace, where Paul was stoned; and of Derbe, the birthplace of Gains or Caius. In Pisidia was Antioch, where Paul preached (Acts 13) so effectively, but from which he was driven out by the Jews. In Caria was Miletus, where Paul convened the Ephesian elders.
In Phrygia Paul preached when visiting twice the neighbouring Galatia. The churches of Laodicea were Hierapolis and Colesse (having as members Philemon and Onesimus, and leaders Archippus and Epaphras). In Lydia was the Philadelphian church favorably noticed Re 3:7; that of Sardis the capital; Thyatira; and Ephesus, founded by Paul, laboured in by Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos, and Paul for three years, censured for leaving its first love (Re 2:4). Smyrna received unqualified praise. In Mysia was Pergamos. Troas was the scene of Paul's preaching, raising Eutychus, and staying with Carpus long subsequently.
Into Bithynia when Paul "assayed to go" the Spirit suffered him not; afterward the Spirit imparted to Bithynia the gospel, as 1Pe 1:1 implies, probably through Peter. These churches were in much the same state (1Pe 5:1-2 "feed") as when Paul addressed the Ephesian elders at Miletus (Ac 20:17,28, "feed".) Presbyter bishops ruled, Peter exercising a general superintendence. The persecutions to which they were exposed were annoyances and reproach for Christ's sake, because of their nut joining pagan neighbours in riotous living; so they needed warning lest they should fall. Ambition and lucre seeking are the evil tendencies against Which Peter warns the presbyters (1Pe 5:2-3), evil thoughts and words, and a lack of mutual sympathy among the members.
OBJECT. By the heavenly prospect before them, and by Christ the example, Peter consoles the partially persecuted, and prepares them for a severer ordeal coming. He exhorts all, husbands, wives, servants, elders, and people, by discharging relative duties to give the foe no handle for reproaching Christianity, rather to attract them to it; so Peter seeks to establish them in "the true grace of God wherein they stand "; but the Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, and Sinaiticus manuscripts read "stand ye," imperatively (1Pe 5:12), "Grace" is the keynote of Paul's doctrine which Peter confirms (Eph 2:5,8; Ro 5:2). He "exhorts and testifies" in this epistle on the ground of the gospel truths already well known to his readers by Pupil's teaching in those churches. He does not state the details of gospel grace, but takes them for granted (1Pe 1:8,18; 3:15; 2Pe 3:1).
(I) Inscription (1Pe 1:2).
(II) Stirs up believers' pure feeling, as born again of God, by the motive of hope to which God has regenerated us (1Pe 1:3-12), to bring forth faith's holy fruits, seeing that Christ redeemed us from sin at so costly a price (1Pe 1:13-21). Purified by the Spirit unto love of the brethren, as begotten of God's abiding word, spiritual priest-kings, to whom alone Christ is precious (1Pe 1:22-2:10). As Paul is the apostle of faith and John of love, so Peter of hope. After Christ's example in suffering, maintain a good "conversation" (conduct) in every relation (1Pe 2:11-3:14), and a good "profession" of faith, having in view Christ's once offered sacrifice and His future coming to judgment (1Pe 3:15-4:11); showing patience in adversity, as looking for future glorification with Christ
(1) in general as Christians (1Pe 4:12-19),
(2) each in his own relation (1Pe 5:1-11). "Beloved" separates the second part from the first (1Pe 2:11), and the third from the second (1Pe 4:12).
(III) The conclusion. Time and place of writing. It was before the systematic persecution of Christians in Nero's later years. The acquaintance evidenced with Paul's epistles written previous to or during his first imprisonment at Rome (ending A.D. 63) shows it was after them. Compare 1Pe 2:13 with Romans 13; 1Pe 2:18; Eph 6:5; 1Pe 1:2; Eph 1:4-7; 1Pe 1:3; Eph 1:3; 1Pe 1:14; Ro 12:2; 1Pe 2:6-10; Ro 9:32-33; 1Pe 2:13; Ro 13:1-4; 1Pe 2:16; Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:18; Eph 6:5; 1Pe 3:1; Eph 5:22; 1Pe 3:9; Ro 12:17; 1Pe 4:9; Ro 12:13; Php 2:14; Heb 13:2; 1Pe 4:10; Ro 12:6-8; 1Pe 5:1; Ro 8:18; 1Pe 5:5; Eph 5:21; Php 2:3-8; 1Pe 5:8; 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 5:14; 1Co 16:20.
In 1Pe 5:13 Mark is mentioned as at Babylon; this must have been after Col 4:10 (A.D. 61-63), when Mark was with Paul at Rome but intending to go to Asia. It was either when he went to Colosse that he proceeded to Peter, thence to Ephesus, from whence (2Ti 4:11) Paul tells Timothy to bring him to Rome (A.D. 67 or 68); or after Paul's second imprisonment and death Peter testified to the same churches, those of Asia Minor, following up Paul's teachings. This is more likely, for Peter would hardly trench on Paul's field of labour during Paul's life. The Gentile as well as the Hebrew Christians would after Paul's removal naturally look to Peter and the spiritual fathers of the Jerusalem church for counsel wherewith to meet Judaizing Christians and heretics; false teachers may have appealed from Paul to James and Peter. Therefore Peter confirms Paul and shows there is no difference between their teachings. Origen's and Eusebius' statement that Peter visited the Asiatic churches in person seems probable.
PLACE. Peter wrote from Babylon (1Pe 5:13). He would never use a mystical name for Rome, found only in prophecy, in a matter of fact letter amidst ordinary salutations. The apostle of the circumcision would naturally be at Chaldaean Babylon where was "a great multitude of Jews" (Josephus, Ant. 15:2, section 2; 3, section 1). Cosmas Indicopleustes (sixth century) understood the Babylon to be outside the Roman empire. The order in which Peter enumerates the countries, from N.E. to S. and W., is such as one writing from Babylon would adopt. Silvanus, Paul's companion, subsequently Peter's, carried the epistle.
STYLE. Fervor and practical exhortation characterize this epistle, as was to be expected from the warm hearted writer. The logical reasoning of Paul is not here; but Paul's gospel, as communicated to Peter by Paul (Ga 1:18; 2
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who discours'd about the exit, he was to make at Jerusalem;
who were just departing from him, when Peter said to Jesus, master, it is best for us to stay here: let us build three apartments, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing well what he said.
So when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonas, do you love me more than these do? yes, Lord, said he, you know that I love you. Jesus reply'd, feed my lambs. then he ask'd him the second time, Simon son of Jonas do you love me? yes, Lord, said he; you know that I love you. Jesus reply'd, feed my sheep. read more. Jesus said to him the third time, Simon son of Jonas, do you love me? Peter was grieved at his asking him the third time, "do you love me?" and he said to him, Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you. Jesus said to him, feed my sheep. I tell you for certain, tho' when you was a youth you girded your self, and rambled where you had a mind: yet when you are old, your hands shall be stretch'd out, and another shall gird thee, and lead thee where you will be unwilling to go. this he said to signify to Peter by what death he should glorify God. and when he had spoken this, he said to him, follow me.
he was of our number, and shared in the functions of this ministry.
the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and illustrious day of the Lord shall come.
'tis this Jesus whom God hath raised up, of which we all are witnesses.
which Peter observing, thus addressed them, ye men of Israel, why are ye so surprized at this event? or why do you look so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or piety, we had caus'd this man to walk?
but killed the prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
but killed the prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
but thus it is that God has accomplished what he had foretold by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer. repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshment shall come from the presence of the Lord, who shall send Jesus Christ,
it is to you that God first of all sent his son Jesus, having raised him up to bless you, provided you all renounce your iniquities.
this is the stone which was rejected by you builders, but is become the chief of the angle.
so when they had further threatned them, they let them go, not finding it practicable to punish them, because of the people, who all glorified God for that which was done.
the God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew, and hanged on a tree.
and we are his witnesses in what we say, and so is the holy spirit, whom God hath given to those that obey him.
and was a proselyte, together with all his family: he gave much alms to the people, and was assiduous in his prayers to God.
As soon as the angel that spoke to Cornelius was departed, he called two of his domesticks, and a devout soldier, one of those that were in waiting:
we are witnesses of all his transactions, both in Judea, and at Jerusalem. however, they put him to death, even that of the cross. but God raised him up the third day, and shewed him openly,
and he commanded us to publish, and to testify to the people, that he was the person whom God had constituted to be the judge of the living, and of the dead. he is the person to whom all the prophets give this attestation, that all who believe in him, shall receive remission of sins, by his authority.
At Miletus he sent a message to the pastors of the church at Ephesus, to come to him:
be therefore upon your guard to secure your selves, and the whole flock over which the holy spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood.
or do you despise the riches of his kindness, and forbearance, and long-suffering; not considering that the kindness of God invites you to repentance?
who has given us access by faith to that degree of favour, we are in, by which we triumph in the hopes of divine glory.
for I consider, that the sufferings of this present life are infinitely over-ballanc'd by that glory which shall hereafter be discovered to us.
why? because they sought it not by faith, but indeed by the works of the law: for they stumbled at that stumbling-stone; as it is written, "behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling-stone, and a rock of offence: and whosoever believeth in him, shall not be ashamed."
and be not conformed to the present age: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may perceive what God requires of you is good, and acceptable, and perfect.
having then different gifts, according to the respective favour bestowed upon us; if it be prophecy, let him prophesy according to the proportion of his gift. if it be the ministry, let him attend on that ministry; and he that teacheth, on teaching; he that exhorteth, read more. on exhortation: he that giveth, let him be disinterested; he that presideth, let him be diligent; he that sheweth mercy, let him do it with cheerfulness.
distribute to the necessity of the saints; cultivate hospitality.
Render no man evil for evil. mind such things as are approved not only by God, but by men.
Be every one of you subject to the ruling powers. for every ruler holds of God: the rulers in being are constituted by God. so that he who opposes the ruler, disobeys the orders of God: and will be punished too for resisting, by those very powers. read more. rulers are not a terror to virtue, but to vice. would you then live without any dread of the civil power? do what is right, and you shall have his commendation. for his administration is appointed by God for your good. but if you do wrong, you have reason to be afraid; for he bears not the sword in vain: he being the minister of God, to execute punishment upon malefactors.
Paul appointed by the divine will to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, and Sosthenes our brother,
Paul an apostle (not from men, nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the father who raised him from the dead) and all the brethren,
After three years, I went up to Jerusalem, to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days:
and I went up according to revelation, and communicated to them that gospel, which I preach among the Gentiles; but privately to those who were of note, lest the pains, that I have already taken, or may hereafter take in the gospel, should be in vain.
for, brethren, you have been called to liberty. only abuse not this freedom as a pretext to vice, but in offices of love be as servants one to another.
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in Christ's kingdom.
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in Christ's kingdom. according as he had chosen us in himself before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, free from vice, and devoted to virtue. read more. having predetermin'd to adopt us by Jesus Christ to be his children, according to the good pleasure of his own will, to display the glory of his grace, which has render'd us acceptable by his beloved son: who has by his blood obtained for us the redemption, even the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his grace,
did raise us all, who were in that deadly state of sin, to life by Christ, for by grace ye are saved:
for by grace are ye saved, thro' faith (and that not from us:
Be mutually obsequious with christian respect.
Be mutually obsequious with christian respect. let married women be submissive to their husbands, out of regard to the Lord.
let married women be submissive to their husbands, out of regard to the Lord.
Servants, be obedient to your legal masters, with awful reverence and sincerity of heart, as unto Christ:
Servants, be obedient to your legal masters, with awful reverence and sincerity of heart, as unto Christ:
Servants, be obedient to your legal masters, with awful reverence and sincerity of heart, as unto Christ:
the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the christians that are at Philippi, to the bishops, and to the deacons.
Do nothing out of a spirit of contention, or for vain-glory, but modestly look upon others as if they were better than yourselves. let no man consult only his private interest, but let every man consult likewise the interest of others. read more. for the same temper of mind ought to be in you as was in Christ Jesus: who tho' he was the image of God, did not affect to appear with divine majesty, but divested himself thereof, by assuming the form of a servant: being made in the likeness of men, and his whole exterior showing nothing more than a meer man, he abased himself, and carried his submission so far as to die, even the death of the cross.
do every thing without murmuring and disputes:
Aristarchus my companion in bonds salutes you. and so does Mark, nephew to Barnabas, for whom you have receiv'd recommendations. if he come to you, give him a kind reception.
for you very well know, that the day of the Lord steals on like a thief in the night.
for Damas, out of love to this world has abandon'd me, and is gone to Thessalonica: Crescens, to Galatia: and Titus, to Dalmatia. only Luke is with me. take Mark and bring him with you; because he will be useful to me in the ministry.
be not unmindful of hospitality: for thereby some have unknowingly entertained angels.
Consider the various tryals that surround you, my brethren, as matter of great joy; knowing this, that the bringing your faith to the test, produces constancy.
let the rich be humbled by his instability: for he is as transitory as a flower in the field.
throw off then your vices as dregs and scum: and receive with docility that genuine doctrine, which is effectual to your salvation.
on the contrary, he heaps his favours upon you. wherefore 'tis said, "God defeats the proud, but is gracious to the humble."
that the retrieving of a sinner from his erroneous habits, is saving a soul from ruin, and cancels a multitude of sins.
PETER an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foreigners dispers'd thro' Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the father has chosen in pursuance of his decree,
PETER an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foreigners dispers'd thro' Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the father has chosen in pursuance of his decree,
PETER an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foreigners dispers'd thro' Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the father has chosen in pursuance of his decree,
PETER an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foreigners dispers'd thro' Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the father has chosen in pursuance of his decree, to sanctify them by his spirit, that by their obedience they might be sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ. may the divine savour make you continually prosper. read more. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has regenerated us, and given us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the expectation of immortal life,
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has regenerated us, and given us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the expectation of immortal life,
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has regenerated us, and given us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the expectation of immortal life, in the enjoyment of a state, that can never change or decay, a state reserv'd in heaven for us,
in the enjoyment of a state, that can never change or decay, a state reserv'd in heaven for us, whom the divine power preserves through faith for that salvation, which is going to be made manifest in the latter time. read more. This it is that fills you with joy, notwithstanding the various tryals, which still necessarily afflict you,
This it is that fills you with joy, notwithstanding the various tryals, which still necessarily afflict you, that your faith being put to a more advantageous proof, than that of gold, which loses by the essay, may redound to your praise and highest honour at the appearance of Jesus Christ:
that your faith being put to a more advantageous proof, than that of gold, which loses by the essay, may redound to your praise and highest honour at the appearance of Jesus Christ: whom though you have not seen, you love: and though he is not now the object of your view, yet you believe in him, and triumph with such a laudable transport, as cannot be express'd:
whom though you have not seen, you love: and though he is not now the object of your view, yet you believe in him, and triumph with such a laudable transport, as cannot be express'd:
whom though you have not seen, you love: and though he is not now the object of your view, yet you believe in him, and triumph with such a laudable transport, as cannot be express'd: since the salvation of your souls is the reward you receive for your faith. read more. 'Twas this salvation, that employ'd the most profound enquiries of those, who predicted the dispensation that was to be in your behalf:
'Twas this salvation, that employ'd the most profound enquiries of those, who predicted the dispensation that was to be in your behalf: when the spirit of Christ inform'd the minds of the prophets of his future sufferings, and of the glorious consequences, they were solicitous to know the circumstances of the times pointed at:
when the spirit of Christ inform'd the minds of the prophets of his future sufferings, and of the glorious consequences, they were solicitous to know the circumstances of the times pointed at: and were answer'd, that it was not they, but we, who were concern'd in the events which they predicted, events which have been now represented to you by those, whom the holy spirit from heaven inspired to preach the gospel to you: a secret which the angels desire to penetrate into.
and were answer'd, that it was not they, but we, who were concern'd in the events which they predicted, events which have been now represented to you by those, whom the holy spirit from heaven inspired to preach the gospel to you: a secret which the angels desire to penetrate into. Let your minds then be duely prepar'd, be vigilant, and constantly expect the favour you will meet with at the appearance of Jesus Christ.
Let your minds then be duely prepar'd, be vigilant, and constantly expect the favour you will meet with at the appearance of Jesus Christ. as obedient children be no longer influenc'd by those passions, which were the effects of your former ignorance.
as obedient children be no longer influenc'd by those passions, which were the effects of your former ignorance. but as he, who has called you, is holy: let your whole conduct be an imitation of his holiness.
but as he, who has called you, is holy: let your whole conduct be an imitation of his holiness. for it is written, "be ye holy, because I am holy." read more. and since you invoke him as your father, who without respect of persons judges every one according to his actions; while you are passing thro' this world, be fearful of offending him:
and since you invoke him as your father, who without respect of persons judges every one according to his actions; while you are passing thro' this world, be fearful of offending him: considering, that it was not by such perishable things as silver or gold, that you were releas'd from those vain rites and customs impos'd upon you by your fathers,
considering, that it was not by such perishable things as silver or gold, that you were releas'd from those vain rites and customs impos'd upon you by your fathers, but by the precious blood of Christ, who is the lamb without spot, and without blemish:
but by the precious blood of Christ, who is the lamb without spot, and without blemish: who was destin'd before the creation of the world, tho' 'tis of late only that he has appear'd, upon your account: read more. it is by him that you believe in God, who has raised him from the dead, and invested him with glory, that your faith and your hope might be in God.
it is by him that you believe in God, who has raised him from the dead, and invested him with glory, that your faith and your hope might be in God.
it is by him that you believe in God, who has raised him from the dead, and invested him with glory, that your faith and your hope might be in God. You that have purified your souls by the holy spirit, in obeying the gospel, which obliges you to an undisguised benevolence, let your hearts be mutually affected with the most disinterested ardour;
You that have purified your souls by the holy spirit, in obeying the gospel, which obliges you to an undisguised benevolence, let your hearts be mutually affected with the most disinterested ardour;
which is without any mixture, and will make you thrive. Since you have tasted how good the Lord is,
trusts thereon shall not be confounded. it will prove an honour to you, who believe; but to the incredulous, the same stone, which is the chief of the angle,
trusts thereon shall not be confounded. it will prove an honour to you, who believe; but to the incredulous, the same stone, which is the chief of the angle,
and this they were destin'd to. but you are the chosen race, you are kings and priests, the holy nation, the peculiar people, that you might display his glory, who called you out
and this they were destin'd to. but you are the chosen race, you are kings and priests, the holy nation, the peculiar people, that you might display his glory, who called you out
but at present have obtain'd it. I exhort you, my dear brethren, as strangers and travellers to avoid all sensual passions, as destructive to your
but at present have obtain'd it. I exhort you, my dear brethren, as strangers and travellers to avoid all sensual passions, as destructive to your
but at present have obtain'd it. I exhort you, my dear brethren, as strangers and travellers to avoid all sensual passions, as destructive to your souls. Let your behaviour among the Gentiles be virtuous, that instead of inveighing against you as vicious, they may observe your honest behaviour, read more. and glorify God in the times of distress. be subject therefore, for the Lord's sake to every human establishment: whether it be to the king,
and glorify God in the times of distress. be subject therefore, for the Lord's sake to every human establishment: whether it be to the king,
and glorify God in the times of distress. be subject therefore, for the Lord's sake to every human establishment: whether it be to the king,
and to encourage those who do well. for such is the divine pleasure, that by your good conduct you obviate the cavils of inconsiderate men. You are free, don't let your liberty serve as a pretext for vice: but act as the servants
men. You are free, don't let your liberty serve as a pretext for vice: but act as the servants
men. You are free, don't let your liberty serve as a pretext for vice: but act as the servants of God. Be respectful to all, love your brethren, fear God, and honour the king. read more. You that are servants, be subject to your masters with all reverence: not only to such as are kind and gentle, but even to the morose. for it is a recommendation to the divine favour, to suffer unjust persecution from a principle of conscience. what glory is there in suffering corporal punishment for real offences? but if you meet with ill usage for doing your duty, and bear it with constancy, this will conciliate the divine favour. and this is the condition of your vocation, since Christ himself has suffer'd for us,
for you were as sheep going astray, but now you are brought back to the pastor and overseer of your souls.
Let the married women be subservient to their husbands, that if they happen to disbelieve the gospel, they may be gain'd by the instructive conduct of their wives,
the holy religious women of former times were thus adorned, and were submissive to their husbands.
don't return evil for evil, nor calumny for calumny; on the contrary, bestow your benedictions, considering that your vocation obliges you thereto, as a means to obtain the divine blessing.
adore the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready to show with modesty and respect to every one that asks it, what ground there is for the expectations you have:
for Jesus Christ himself has already suffer'd for our sins, the innocent for the guilty, to bring us to God: who, tho' he died with respect to his body, was rais'd to life by that spirit, by which he went with guardian spirits to preach to read more. those antient rebels in the time of Noah, when the divine forbearance waited, till the ark was quite finish'd, in which only eight persons were saved by means of the water. thus baptism, which corresponds to the deluge, does now save us, not as it is a cleansing from external filth, but as it is an engagement to lead a divine life, from the belief of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
thus baptism, which corresponds to the deluge, does now save us, not as it is a cleansing from external filth, but as it is an engagement to lead a divine life, from the belief of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
thus baptism, which corresponds to the deluge, does now save us, not as it is a cleansing from external filth, but as it is an engagement to lead a divine life, from the belief of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
My dear brethren, don't be surpriz'd at your being brought as it were to the test of fire; as if some strange thing had happen'd to you.
My dear brethren, don't be surpriz'd at your being brought as it were to the test of fire; as if some strange thing had happen'd to you.
My dear brethren, don't be surpriz'd at your being brought as it were to the test of fire; as if some strange thing had happen'd to you. on the contrary, rejoice at the share you have of sufferings, as well as Christ: that you may likewise triumph, when he shall appear in his glory.
on the contrary, rejoice at the share you have of sufferings, as well as Christ: that you may likewise triumph, when he shall appear in his glory. if you suffer indignities in the cause of Christ, you are happy: for the glorious spirit of God rests upon you.
if you suffer indignities in the cause of Christ, you are happy: for the glorious spirit of God rests upon you. take care therefore not to suffer upon the account of homicide, or thievery, or for any criminal, or pragmatical practices. read more. but whoever suffers as a christian, let him not be asham'd, but rather give thanks to God upon that account. for now is the time when God will begin his judgments with his own church. now if he begins with us, what will the conclusion be to those who do not obey the divine gospel?
for now is the time when God will begin his judgments with his own church. now if he begins with us, what will the conclusion be to those who do not obey the divine gospel? if the virtuous escape with difficulty, what will become of impious transgressors? read more. let those then, whom God calls to sufferings, by virtue recommend their souls to him, as to a creator, who will make good his promise.
I address myself to you pastors, as being a pastor myself, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and as one who is to partake of the glory, that shall hereafter be made manifest;
I address myself to you pastors, as being a pastor myself, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and as one who is to partake of the glory, that shall hereafter be made manifest;
I address myself to you pastors, as being a pastor myself, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and as one who is to partake of the glory, that shall hereafter be made manifest; to exhort you to feed the flock of God, which is among you: to take care of it, voluntarily, without reluctance, not from any view to sordid gain, but out of real affection;
to exhort you to feed the flock of God, which is among you: to take care of it, voluntarily, without reluctance, not from any view to sordid gain, but out of real affection;
to exhort you to feed the flock of God, which is among you: to take care of it, voluntarily, without reluctance, not from any view to sordid gain, but out of real affection;
to exhort you to feed the flock of God, which is among you: to take care of it, voluntarily, without reluctance, not from any view to sordid gain, but out of real affection; not to domineer over the laity, but to be examples for their imitation;
not to domineer over the laity, but to be examples for their imitation; that when the sovereign pastor shall appear, you may carry off a glorious crown, that will never fade.
that when the sovereign pastor shall appear, you may carry off a glorious crown, that will never fade. As for you that are young, be you submissive to those of a more advanc'd age: and do you all of you pay a becoming deference to one another: be cloak'd with humility, for " God opposes the proud, and shows favour to the humble."
As for you that are young, be you submissive to those of a more advanc'd age: and do you all of you pay a becoming deference to one another: be cloak'd with humility, for " God opposes the proud, and shows favour to the humble." submit yourselves therefore to the divine jurisdiction, that he may exalt you in due time.
submit yourselves therefore to the divine jurisdiction, that he may exalt you in due time. refer all your disquietudes to him, for you are the objects of his care. read more. Be temperate, be vigilant: for your adversary the Devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. resist him by the steadiness of your faith, considering that your brethren among the Gentiles, suffer the same persecutions as you do. but may the all-gracious God, who has called us to eternal glory, perfect, confirm, fortify, and settle you, during the short interval of your sufferings.
but may the all-gracious God, who has called us to eternal glory, perfect, confirm, fortify, and settle you, during the short interval of your sufferings. to him belongs eternal glory and empire. amen. read more. I formerly writ to you a short epistle, by Silvanus, I think, a faithful brother, to declare and testify to you, that the true dispensation of God is that to which you are attach'd. the church at Babylon, who are likewise Christians, and Mark my son salute you.
the church at Babylon, who are likewise Christians, and Mark my son salute you. salute one another with social affection. peace be with every christian among you. Amen.
Simon Peter the servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who equally share with us in the advantages of faith, thro' the veracity of our God, and of Jesus Christ.
Simon Peter the servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who equally share with us in the advantages of faith, thro' the veracity of our God, and of Jesus Christ. may the divine favour and felicity be poured upon you, by the knowledge of God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ.
may the divine favour and felicity be poured upon you, by the knowledge of God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is thus his divine power has given us every thing conducive to life and piety, by making us acquainted with him, who has called us by his illustrious power; read more. by which we have receiv'd the most inestimable promises, that thereby you might become partakers of the divine perfections, after having escap'd from the corruption of a sensual world.
by which we have receiv'd the most inestimable promises, that thereby you might become partakers of the divine perfections, after having escap'd from the corruption of a sensual world. Do you on your part employ all your care in adding to your faith, fortitude: to fortitude, knowledge: read more. to knowledge, temperance: to temperance, patience: to patience, piety: to piety, fraternal affection: and to fraternal affection, universal benevolence. for if you are possess'd of these virtues and improve therein, they will prevent the knowledge you have of our Lord Jesus Christ from being useless to others, and unprofitable to yourselves.
Wherefore be the more diligent, my brethren, to secure your vocation and election by your virtuous actions, for by so doing, you will never relapse:
for this reason I shall never omit to put you in mind of these things, however knowing you are already, and settled in the truth.
for this reason I shall never omit to put you in mind of these things, however knowing you are already, and settled in the truth. whilst I am alive, I think it my duty to awaken you by my admonitions:
whilst I am alive, I think it my duty to awaken you by my admonitions:
whilst I am alive, I think it my duty to awaken you by my admonitions: knowing that I must soon leave this tabernacle, as our Lord Jesus Christ has signify'd to me.
knowing that I must soon leave this tabernacle, as our Lord Jesus Christ has signify'd to me. However, I shall inculcate these things so as to make you continually remember them, even after my departure.
However, I shall inculcate these things so as to make you continually remember them, even after my departure. for, the information we gave you of the powerful advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, did not proceed from any artfully contriv'd fables, we our selves having been spectators of his majesty.
for, the information we gave you of the powerful advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, did not proceed from any artfully contriv'd fables, we our selves having been spectators of his majesty. for he received this honourable and glorious testimony from his father, when the voice broke out from the magnificent splendor, in these words, "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."
for he received this honourable and glorious testimony from his father, when the voice broke out from the magnificent splendor, in these words, "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." we our selves heard this voice, that came from heaven, when we were with him upon the holy mountain.
we our selves heard this voice, that came from heaven, when we were with him upon the holy mountain. Besides, we have the more authentic accounts of the prophets, to which you do well in giving your attention, as to a lamp shining in an obscure place, till the day dawn, and the morning-star arises in your hearts.
Besides, we have the more authentic accounts of the prophets, to which you do well in giving your attention, as to a lamp shining in an obscure place, till the day dawn, and the morning-star arises in your hearts. But you must above all consider, that no prophecy of the scripture did proceed read more. from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
from the prophet's OWN MOTION; but the holy men of God spoke by the IMPULSE of the holy spirit.
As there were false prophets among the people of Israel, there will likewise be false doctors among you, who by introducing pernicious sects, and by renouncing the Lord, who bought them, will bring upon themselves swift destruction.
As there were false prophets among the people of Israel, there will likewise be false doctors among you, who by introducing pernicious sects, and by renouncing the Lord, who bought them, will bring upon themselves swift destruction.
As there were false prophets among the people of Israel, there will likewise be false doctors among you, who by introducing pernicious sects, and by renouncing the Lord, who bought them, will bring upon themselves swift destruction. many will follow their destructive maxims, and by their means christianity will be traduc'd.
for since God did not spare the angels, who had sinned, but having precipitated them to hell, confin'd them to chains of darkness, where they are reserv'd for judgment: since he did not spare the old world, having preserved only eight persons, including Noah, that preacher of virtue, when he brought the deluge upon the impious world:
since he did not spare the old world, having preserved only eight persons, including Noah, that preacher of virtue, when he brought the deluge upon the impious world: since he condemn'd the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha to an entire subversion, and reduc'd them to ashes, to make them serve for examples to future impiety:
since he condemn'd the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha to an entire subversion, and reduc'd them to ashes, to make them serve for examples to future impiety:
since he condemn'd the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha to an entire subversion, and reduc'd them to ashes, to make them serve for examples to future impiety: since he deliver'd that just man Lot, who was grieved at the enormous practices of the licentious;
since he deliver'd that just man Lot, who was grieved at the enormous practices of the licentious; for whilst this good man was among them, it daily pierc'd his virtuous soul, to see and hear of their detestable behaviour: this consider'd, read more. I say, the Lord will deliver those, who fear him, from their affliction, and reserve the wicked to be punish'd at the day of judgment.
I say, the Lord will deliver those, who fear him, from their affliction, and reserve the wicked to be punish'd at the day of judgment.
I say, the Lord will deliver those, who fear him, from their affliction, and reserve the wicked to be punish'd at the day of judgment. especially those, who prostitute themselves to sensual infamous passions: who despise magistrates, who being audacious, and insolent, intrepidly calumniate the higher powers;
especially those, who prostitute themselves to sensual infamous passions: who despise magistrates, who being audacious, and insolent, intrepidly calumniate the higher powers; whereas the angels, who are of superiour power and dignity, don't inveigh against one another.
they place their felicity in daily pleasure: they are a vile scandal to religion: when they are present at your love-feasts they indulge their luxury:
and are gone astray to follow the practices of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity;
and are gone astray to follow the practices of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity;
and are gone astray to follow the practices of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity; but he was rebuked for his transgression: for an ass, as dumb as it was, spoke with an articulate voice, and reprimanded the extravagance of the prophet. read more. These are wells without water; clouds agitated with a tempest, who are consigned to the obscurity of eternal darkness. when their language swells with vanity, by applying to the sensual passions of the licentious, they allure those who were escap'd for a while, from such deceivers:
when their language swells with vanity, by applying to the sensual passions of the licentious, they allure those who were escap'd for a while, from such deceivers: whilst they promise others liberty, they themselves are slaves to their corrupt passions. for he that is vanquished, is a slave to the conqueror. read more. As for those who have renounc'd the pollutions of the world, by their owning Jesus Christ for their Lord and saviour, if they are prevail'd upon to be entangled therein again, their last state is worse than the first. for it had been better for them, not to have made any profession of the gospel, than after they have embraced it, to abandon the holy injunction, that was delivered to them.
This is the second letter I now write to you, my brethren, by which I would awaken your sincere attention,
This is the second letter I now write to you, my brethren, by which I would awaken your sincere attention,
This is the second letter I now write to you, my brethren, by which I would awaken your sincere attention, by admonishing you to be mindful of the predictions of the holy prophets, and of the directions of the apostles of our Lord and Saviour. read more. Above all things you are to know, that in these last times, impostors will appear, who will abandon themselves to their own sensual passions, whose cry will be,
Above all things you are to know, that in these last times, impostors will appear, who will abandon themselves to their own sensual passions, whose cry will be,
Above all things you are to know, that in these last times, impostors will appear, who will abandon themselves to their own sensual passions, whose cry will be,
but they are wilfully ignorant, that the heavens were originally form'd by the divine Logos, and likewise the earth, which was separated from the water, and still subsists upon it. whence the former world was destroyed by an inundation.
But there is one thing, my brethren, you ought to be appriz'd of, which is this, that "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
But there is one thing, my brethren, you ought to be appriz'd of, which is this, that "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." the Lord does not delay the accomplishment of his promise, as some do imagine. but he waits with patience upon our account, as being unwilling that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. read more. As for that day of the Lord, it will advance like a thief: then the heavens will rush with violence, the boiling elements will be dissolved, and the earth with all its contents, shall be burnt away.
As for that day of the Lord, it will advance like a thief: then the heavens will rush with violence, the boiling elements will be dissolved, and the earth with all its contents, shall be burnt away.
As for that day of the Lord, it will advance like a thief: then the heavens will rush with violence, the boiling elements will be dissolved, and the earth with all its contents, shall be burnt away.
As for us, in consequence of his promise, we expect a new heaven, and a new earth, where justice shall reside.
As for us, in consequence of his promise, we expect a new heaven, and a new earth, where justice shall reside. since then, my dear brethren, your expectations are such, take care to appear before him, without any defect or blemish, in order to be happy; and be persuaded,
since then, my dear brethren, your expectations are such, take care to appear before him, without any defect or blemish, in order to be happy; and be persuaded, that the patience of our Lord is for your advantage: as our dear brother Paul, according to the information he receiv'd, has writ to you,
that the patience of our Lord is for your advantage: as our dear brother Paul, according to the information he receiv'd, has writ to you,
that the patience of our Lord is for your advantage: as our dear brother Paul, according to the information he receiv'd, has writ to you,
that the patience of our Lord is for your advantage: as our dear brother Paul, according to the information he receiv'd, has writ to you, as it were in all his epistles, where he takes notice of these things: in which there are some passages that are difficult to understand, which the illiterate, and unstable wrest, as they do the rest of the scriptures, to their own ruin. read more. Do you then, my dear brethren, being thus forewarn'd, take care not to be seduc'd by those prophane impostors, and so lose the reward of your constancy.
Do you then, my dear brethren, being thus forewarn'd, take care not to be seduc'd by those prophane impostors, and so lose the reward of your constancy.
Do you then, my dear brethren, being thus forewarn'd, take care not to be seduc'd by those prophane impostors, and so lose the reward of your constancy. on the contrary, may you increase in the favour, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! to him be glory both now and for ever. AMEN.
on the contrary, may you increase in the favour, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! to him be glory both now and for ever. AMEN.
on the contrary, may you increase in the favour, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! to him be glory both now and for ever. AMEN.
nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write, "THESE things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that openeth what no man can shut; and shutteth what no man can open: