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Reference: Son


Sometimes denotes a grandson, or any remote descendant, Ge 29:5; 2Sa 19:24. At other times a son by adoption is meant, Ge 48:5; or by law, Ru 4:17; or by education, 1Sa 3:6; 20:35; or by conversion, as Titus was Paul's "son father the common faith," Tit 1:4. And again it denotes a mental or moral resemblance, etc., Jg 19:22; Ps 89:6; Isa 57:3; Ac 13:10. In a similar sense men are sometimes called sons of God, Lu 3:38; Ro 8:14.

SON OF GOD, a peculiar appellation of Christ, expressing his eternal relationship to the Father, Ps 2:7; Da 3:25; Lu 1:35; Joh 1:18,34. Christ always claimed to be the only-begotten Son of the Father, Mt 4:3; 8:29; 27:54; Joh 3:16-18; and the Jews rightly understood him as thus making himself equal with God, Joh 5:18; 10:30-33.

SON OF MAN, a title of Christ, assumed by himself in his humiliation, Joh 1:51. It was understood as a designation of the Messiah, according to Old Testament predictions, Ps 80:17 Da 7:13-14; but appears to indicate especially his true humanity or oneness with the human race. It is applies to him more than eighty times in the New Testament.

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(Ben.) Used also for descendant. Figuratively too to express the characteristic: Barnabas means son of consolation; "sons of Belial," i.e. of worthlessness, children generally having their father's characteristic; "son of oil," abounding in oil or fruitfulness (Isa 5:1 margin).



Besides the application of this term to natural generation, it is used metaphorically in scripture. The appellation 'son' implies 'likeness.' The term is employed thus to mark moral likeness, as of a son to a father, so 'a son of Belial,' '/1-Samuel/25/17/type/common'>1Sa 25:17; 'thou son (????) of the devil,' '/Acts/13/10/type/common'>Ac 13:10; 'sons of disobedience,' Eph 5:6; Col 3:6; also 'sons of light' and 'sons of day.' 1Th 5:5. It is also used to signify physical likeness: strong men are 'sons of strength.' 2Ki 2:16, margin; etc.

The idea of sonship differs somewhat in the case of Christians from that of being 'children.' The thought of 'children' is more of a generation which is of God. "Now are we the children of God." 1Jo 3:2. 'Sons' expresses the height of God's calling, and properly refers to heaven and glory. It implies intelligently entering into the purpose of God. God is bringing many sons to glory. Heb 2:10. Christians are represented as being both children and sons of God. The distinction between these two words is not always clearly maintained in the A.V. In Ro 9:26-27; 2Co 3:7,13; Ga 3:7,26; Eph 2:2; 5:6; Col 3:6; 1Th 5:5; Heb 11:22; 12:5; Re 2:14; 7:4; 12:5; Rev. 21: 12 (and often in the Gospels and the Acts) 'sons' (????) should be read instead of 'children,' On the other hand, in Joh 1:12; 1Co 4:14,17; Php 2:15,22; 1Ti 1:2,18; 2Ti 1:2; 2:1; Tit 1:4; Phm 1:10; '/1-John/3/1/type/common'>1Jo 3:1-2, 'children' (??????) should be read instead of 'sons.' Both words are employed in the Epistles of Paul, but "??????" only, as regards believers, in the writings of John, except Re 21:7. See SONS OF GOD.

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The term "son" is used in Scripture language to imply almost any kind of descent or succession, as ben shanah, "son of a year," i.e. a year old; ben kesheth, "son of a bow," i.e. an arrow. The word bar is often found in the New Testament in composition, as Bar-timaeus.