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Give ear to this, you old men, and take note, you people of the land. Has this ever been in your days, or in the days of your fathers?

Verse ConceptsUnique Eventselders

What the worm did not make a meal of, has been taken by the locust; and what the locust did not take, has been food for the plant-worm; and what the plant-worm did not take, has been food for the field-fly.

Verse ConceptsInsectsFamine, Causes OfCaterpillarsLocustsSuffering, Nature OfSymbolsDestruction Of PlantsGathering FoodRemaining Food

Wake up, you drunkards, and weep;
wail, all you wine drinkers,
because of the sweet wine,
for it has been taken from your mouth.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholLipsWineIntoxicationAlcohol ConsumptionShortage Of WineNo FoodWake Up!drunkards

By him my vine is made waste and my fig-tree broken: he has taken all its fruit and sent it down to the earth; its branches are made white.

Verse ConceptsWhiteThings StrippedFoliage

For the meat and drink offering shall be taken away from the house of the LORD: and the priests, the LORD's ministers, shall mourn.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsPeople Mourning CatastropheMeat offerings

Gird you, and make your moan, O ye priests: mourn ye ministers of the alter: go your way in, and sleep in sackcloth, O ye officers of my God: for the meat and drink offering shall be taken away from the house of your God.

Verse ConceptsGesturesClothSackcloth And AshesAll Night PrayersClothing OneselfMaking Cereal Offerings And Libations

Shall not the meats be taken away before our eyes, the mirth also and joy from the house of our God?

Verse ConceptsNo FoodLack Of Rejoicing

Between the colonnade and the altar, let the priests, the ministers of Yahweh, weep. And let them say, "Take pity, Yahweh, on your people. Do not make your inheritance a reproach, a byword among [the] nations. Why should they say among the nations, 'Where [is] their God?'"

Verse ConceptsBywordOutsidersPriests, Function In Ot TimesPorchesGod Not ExistingBeing ReprovedWhere Is God?

For take heed: in those days and at the same time, when I turn again the captivity of Juda and Jerusalem,

Verse ConceptsLast Days

I will gather all the nations
and take them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
I will enter into judgment with them there
because of My people, My inheritance Israel.
The nations have scattered the Israelites
in foreign countries
and divided up My land.

Verse ConceptsArmageddonNationalismPeople Of God, In OtJudgmentNames And Titles For The ChurchGathering Other Nations

Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things:

Verse ConceptsTaking Mixed Metals