35 Bible Verses about Adulterers
Most Relevant Verses
Marriage is honorable among all men, and the bed undefiled; but lewd men and adulterers God will judge.
But I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, unless on account of lewdness, causes her to commit adultery: and whoever marries her that is divorced, commits adultery.
But I say to you, That whoever puts away his wife, unless for lewdness, and marries another, commits adultery; and he that marries her that is put away, commits adultery.
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery: and whoever marries her that is divorced, commits adultery.
But Jesus went to the mount of Olives. And in the morning he again entered the temple, and all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman who had been detected in adultery; and they made her stand in the midst,read more.
and said to him: Teacher, this woman was detected in adultery; in the very act. Now Moses, in his law, commanded us, that such should be stoned; but what say you? This they said to tempt him, that they might bring an accusation against him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. But as they continued to ask him, he stood up, and said to them: Let him among you who is without sin, first throw a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. But having heard him, and being convicted by their conscience, they went out, one by one, beginning from the oldest, even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. And when Jesus stood up, and saw no one but the woman, he said to her: Woman, where are those who accused you? Has no one condemned you? She said: No one, sir. Jesus said to her: Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.
But I say to you, Whoever looks upon a woman to cherish desire for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
and if a woman puts away her husband, and is married to another, she commits adultery.
You have heard that it was said: You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, Whoever looks upon a woman to cherish desire for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Know you not that he that is joined to a harlot, is one body? For the two, says the scripture, shall be one flesh.
And he said to them: Whoever puts away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if a woman puts away her husband, and is married to another, she commits adultery.
Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither lewd persons, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor catamites, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor defrauders, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Now the works of the flesh are well known, and they are these lewdness, uncleanness, wantonness,
It has been said: Whoever will put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, unless on account of lewdness, causes her to commit adultery: and whoever marries her that is divorced, commits adultery.
And he said to them: Whoever puts away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery against her;
Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I, then, take the members of the Christ, and make them the members of a harlot? It must not be.
Adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that the friend ship of the world is enmity to God? Whoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world, is an enemy of God.
Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither lewd persons, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor catamites, nor sodomites,
It is generally reported that there is lewdness among you; and such lewdness as is not even mentioned among the Gentiles that a certain one has his father's wife.
You have heard that it was said: You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, Whoever looks upon a woman to cherish desire for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If, then, your right eye ensnare you, tear it out, and throw it from you; for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be thrown into hell.read more.
And if your right hand ensnare you, cut it off, and throw it from you; for it is profit able for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be thrown into hell.
For from the heart come evil reasonings, murders, adulteries, lewd actions, thefts, false testimonies, impious words.
So then, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man put asunder.
And he said: What comes out of the man, is that which defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the purposes which are evil: adulteries, lewd actions, murders, thefts, schemes for extortion, wicked deeds, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, calumny, haughtiness, impiety.read more.
All these evil things come forth from within, and defile the man.
For the woman that has a husband, is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives: but if her husband die, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then, if, while her husband lives, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. But if her husband die, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she be married to another man.
but if she leave him, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and, let not the husband put away his wife.
And if he sin against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to you and say, I repent, you shall forgive him.
Whom you forgive any thing, I forgive it also: for what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven any thing, I have forgiven for your sake, in the person of Christ,
envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; with respect to which, I tell you now, as I also told you in times past, that those who practice such things shall riot inherit the kingdom of God.
It has been said: Whoever will put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce.
He said to him: Which? Jesus replied: You shall not kill; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not give false testimony;
And the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman who had been detected in adultery; and they made her stand in the midst,
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the purposes which are evil: adulteries, lewd actions, murders,
but that we write to them to abstain from pollutions of idols, and from lewdness, and from what is strangled, and from blood.
He said to them: Moses, on account of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to put away your wives; but from the beginning it was not so.
Know you not, brethren, for I speak to you that are acquainted with law, that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives? For the woman that has a husband, is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives: but if her husband die, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then, if, while her husband lives, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. But if her husband die, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she be married to another man.
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