26 Bible Verses about Anointing
Most Relevant Verses
And, as for you, the anointing which ye have received from him, abideth in you, and ye have, no need, that anyone be teaching you; but, as, his anointing, is teaching you, and is, true, and is no falsehood, even just as it hath taught you, abide ye in him.
And it shall come to pass, in that day, That his burden shall remove from off thy shoulder, And his yoke from off thy neck, - Yea, the yoke shall be broken because of fatness.
Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, - For this cause, hath God, thine own God, anointed thee, With the oil of gladness, beyond thy partners.
The Spirit of the Lord, is upon me, because he hath anointed me - to tell glad tidings unto the destitute; He hath sent me forth, - To proclaim, to captives, a release, and, to the blind, a recovering of sight, - to send away the crushed, with a release;
Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour upon his bead, - so shalt thou anoint him.
Then said he, These, are the two Anointed Ones, - who stand near the Lord of all the earth.
And thou shalt clothe therewith Aaron thy brother, and his sons, with him, - and shalt anoint them and install them, and hallow them, so shall they minister as priests unto me.
and he poured of the anointing oil, upon the head of Aaron, - and anointed him, to hallow him.
and, many demons, were they casting out, - and were anointing with oil, many sick, and were curing them.
And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
From Thematic Bible
Anointing » Examples of persons anointed in consecration
And, Jehu son of Minshi, shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel, - and, Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy stead:
And Moses took of the anointing oil and of the blood that was upon the altar, and sprinkled upon Aaron, upon his garments, and upon his sons and upon the garments of his sons with him, - and hallowed Aaron, his garments, and his sons and the garments of his sons with him.
Then took Samuel a flask of oil, and poured out upon his head, and kissed him, - and said - Is it not, that Yahweh hath anointed thee over his inheritance, as leader?
And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
Then took Zadok the priest, the horn of oil out of the Tent, and anointed Solomon, - and they blew with a ram's horn, and all the people said, Long live King Solomon!
Anointing » Of the body
Olive trees, shalt thou have in all thy bounds, - but with oil, shalt thou not anoint thyself, for thine olives, shall drop off.
Thou wilt, therefore, bathe thee, and anoint thee, and put thine apparel upon thee, and go down to the threshing-floor, - do not make thyself known to the man, until he have done eating and drinking.
Now, when the turn of each maiden came, to go in unto King Ahasuerus, after it had been done to her according to the law of the women for twelve months, for, so, were filled the days of their purification, - six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes, and with things for the purification of the women,
But thou wilt exalt, as those of the buffalo, my horn, I have been anointed, with fresh oil.
And, wine, may rejoice the heart of man, Making radiant his well-nourished face, - And, food, may, the heart of man, sustain.
Anointing » Of objects set apart for sacred uses
And thou shalt anoint the altar of ascending sacrifice, and all its utensils, - and hallow the altar, so shall the altar be most holy:
And a sin-bearing bullock, shalt thou offer daily, for them who are to be covered by propitiation, and shalt make a sin-cleansing for the altar, when thou puttest a propitiatory-covering thereon, - and shalt anoint it to hallow it.
And thou shalt anoint therewith the tent of meeting, - and the ark of the testimony;
and he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, - and anointed the altar, and all the utensils thereof and the laver and its stand to hallow them
And it came to pass, on the day when Moses made an end of rearing up the habitation and anointing it, and hallowing it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar, and all the utensils thereof, - both of anointing them, and hallowing them,
Anointing » Figurative » Of Christ's kingly and priestly office
How God anointed him with Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the adversary, because, God, was with him.
Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, - For this cause, hath God, thine own God, anointed thee, With the oil of gladness, beyond thy partners.
I have found David my servant, With mine own holy oil, have I anointed him;
The spirit of My Lord Yahweh, is upon me, - Because Yahweh Hath anointed me to tell good tidings to the oppressed, lath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, To proclaim To captives, liberty, To them who are bound, the opening of the prison;
Seventy weeks, have been divided concerning thy people and concerning thy holy city - to put an end to the transgression, and fill up the measure of sin, and put a propitiatory-covering over iniquity, and bring in the righteousness of ages, and affix a seal the vision and prophecy, and anoint the holy of holies.
Anointing » God the father anointing jesus Christ
The spirit of My Lord Yahweh, is upon me, - Because Yahweh Hath anointed me to tell good tidings to the oppressed, lath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, To proclaim To captives, liberty, To them who are bound, the opening of the prison; To proclaim - The year of acceptance of Yahweh, and The day of avenging of our God: To comfort all who are mourning; To appoint unto the mourners of Zion - To give unto them A chaplet instead of ashes, The oil of joy instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of the spirit of dejection, - So shall they be called The oaks of righteousness, The plantation of Yahweh: That he may get himself glory
And Jesus returned, in the power of the Spirit, into Galilee; and, a report, went out along the whole of the region, concerning him; and, he, began teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all. And he came into Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and entered, according to his custom, on the sabbath day, into the synagogue, - and stood up to read. read more.
And there was handed to him a scroll of the prophet Isaiah; and unfolding the scroll, he found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord, is upon me, because he hath anointed me - to tell glad tidings unto the destitute; He hath sent me forth, - To proclaim, to captives, a release, and, to the blind, a recovering of sight, - to send away the crushed, with a release; To proclaim the welcome year of the Lord.
And, they, having heard, with one accord, uplifted voice unto God, and said - O Sovereign! Thou, art he that made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things that are herein: Who, by our father, through means of the Holy Spirit, even by the mouth of David thy servant, said - Unto what end did nations rage, and, peoples, busy themselves with empty things? The kings of the earth stationed themselves, and, the rulers, were gathered together, with one intent, against the Lord, and against his Christ. read more.
For they were gathered together, of a truth, in this city, against thy holy servant Jesus, whom thou hadst anointed, - both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with them of the nations, and peoples of Israel; -
Ye yourselves, know what hath come to pass throughout the whole of Judaea, beginning from Galilee, after the immersion which John proclaimed, respecting Jesus who was of Nazareth: - How God anointed him with Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the adversary, because, God, was with him.
but, as to the Son, - Thy throne, O God, is unto times age-abiding, and - A sceptre of equity, is the sceptre of his kingdom, Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, - For this cause, hath God, thy God, anointed thee with the oil of exultation, beyond thy partners;
Anointing » General references to application of oil to the body
Thou wilt, therefore, bathe thee, and anoint thee, and put thine apparel upon thee, and go down to the threshing-floor, - do not make thyself known to the man, until he have done eating and drinking.
But thou wilt exalt, as those of the buffalo, my horn, I have been anointed, with fresh oil.
Continually, let thy garments be white, - and, ointment upon thy bead, let it not be lacking.
And hast gone to the king with oil, And hast multiplied thy perfumes, - And hast sent thy messengers afar, And -- lowered thyself as far as hades!
Who are quaffing bowls of wine, and, with the best of oils, anointing themselves, - and are not afflicted for the injury of Joseph: -
Anointing » Application of oil as a remedy
I counsel thee to buy of me, gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich, - and white raiment, that thou mayest array thyself, and, the shame of thy nakedness, may not be made manifest, - and eye-salve, to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see.
From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, - They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.
and, many demons, were they casting out, - and were anointing with oil, many sick, and were curing them.
and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine, - and, setting him on his own beast, brought him into an inn, and took care of him.
Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Anointing » In consecration » Of high priests
Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour upon his bead, - so shalt thou anoint him.
And, the holy garments which belong to Aaron, shall belong to his sons, after him,-to be anointed therein, and to he installed therein,
and thou shalt clothe Aaron with the holy garments, - and shalt anoint him and hallow him so shall he minister as priest unto me.
This, is the oblation of Aaron and his sons, which they shall bring near unto Yahweh in the day when he is anointed, The tenth of an ephah of fine meal, as a continual meal-offering, - half thereof in the morning, and half thereof in the evening;
and he poured of the anointing oil, upon the head of Aaron, - and anointed him, to hallow him.
Anointing » The anointed of the lord
As for Yahweh, - they shall be shattered who contend with him, Over him, in the heavens will he thunder, Yahweh, will judge the ends of the earth, - That he may give strength to his King, And exalt the horn of his Anointed One.
For this cause, will I praise thee, O Yahweh, among the nations, - and, to thy name, will I touch the strings: - Who hath made great the victories of his King, - and shown lovingkindness to his Anointed One, to David and to his Seed, unto times age-abiding.
Now, do I know that Yahweh, hath saved, his Anointed One, - He answereth him out of his holy heavens, by the mighty saving deeds of his own right hand. These, by chariots, and, those, by horses, but, we, by the Name of Yahweh our God, will prevail.
Yahweh, is my strength and my shield, In him, hath trusted my heart, and I have found help, - Therefore hath my heart danced for joy, and, with my song, do I praise him. Yahweh, is strength to his people, - And, the all-saving refuge of his Anointed One, is he!
Anointing » In consecration » David
Then responded Abishai, son of Zeruiah, and said, For this, shall not Shimei be put to death, for that he cursed the Anointed of Yahweh?
Then shall thou bid Jesse to the sacrifice, - when, I, will let thee know what thou must do, so shalt thou anoint for me him whom I shall name unto thee.
So he sent, and brought him in. Now, he, was ruddy, a stripling with handsome eyes, and noble mien. Then said Yahweh - Rise - anoint him, for, this, is, he. And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
Then came the men of Judah, and anointed David there, to be king over the house of Judah. And they told David, saying, Men of Jabesh-gilead, were they who buried Saul.
So all the elders of Israel came unto the king, in Hebron, and King David solemnised to them a covenant in Hebron, before Yahweh, - and they anointed David to be king over Israel.
Anointing » Ointment for » Most expensive
Who are quaffing bowls of wine, and, with the best of oils, anointing themselves, - and are not afflicted for the injury of Joseph: -
And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and shewed them all his house of precious things - the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and his armoury, and all that was found among his treasures, - there was, nothing, that Hezekiah shewed them not, in his house or in all his dominion.
Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Why was, this perfume, not sold for three hundred denaries, and given unto the destitute?
Anointing » Of the sick
I counsel thee to buy of me, gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich, - and white raiment, that thou mayest array thyself, and, the shame of thy nakedness, may not be made manifest, - and eye-salve, to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see.
From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, - They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.
and, many demons, were they casting out, - and were anointing with oil, many sick, and were curing them.
and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine, - and, setting him on his own beast, brought him into an inn, and took care of him.
Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Anointing » In consecration » of priests
These, are the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests that were anointed, - who were installed to minister as priests.
And Moses took of the anointing oil and of the blood that was upon the altar, and sprinkled upon Aaron, upon his garments, and upon his sons and upon the garments of his sons with him, - and hallowed Aaron, his garments, and his sons and the garments of his sons with him.
And thou shalt clothe therewith Aaron thy brother, and his sons, with him, - and shalt anoint them and install them, and hallow them, so shall they minister as priests unto me.
Aaron also, and his sons, shalt thou anoint, - so shalt thou hallow them to minister as priests unto me.
and shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father, and they shall minister as priests unto me, - so shall their anointing remain to them for an age-abiding priesthood, to their generations.
Anointing » Figurative
Now, he that confirmeth us, together with you, for Christ, and hath anointed us, is God:
And, as for you, the anointing which ye have received from him, abideth in you, and ye have, no need, that anyone be teaching you; but, as, his anointing, is teaching you, and is, true, and is no falsehood, even just as it hath taught you, abide ye in him.
Anointing » Typified
And, Jehu son of Minshi, shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel, - and, Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy stead:
And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
and he poured of the anointing oil, upon the head of Aaron, - and anointed him, to hallow him.
and thou shalt clothe Aaron with the holy garments, - and shalt anoint him and hallow him so shall he minister as priest unto me. His sons also, shalt thou bring near, - and shalt clothe them with tunics; and shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father, and they shall minister as priests unto me, - so shall their anointing remain to them for an age-abiding priesthood, to their generations.
Anointing » Neglected in times of affliction
Then David arose from the ground, and bathed and anointed, and changed his apparel, and, entering into the house of Yahweh, bowed himself down, - then came he into his own house, and asked, and they set before him food, and he did eat.
food to delight in, did I not eat, neither flesh nor wine, came into my mouth, nor did I so much as, anoint, myself, - until were fulfilled three sevens of days.
So Joab sent to Tekoa, and fetched from thence, a wise woman, - and said unto her - I pray thee, feign thyself a mourner, and put on, I pray thee, mourning apparel, and do not anoint thyself with oil, but be as a woman that hath, these many days, been mourning for the dead;
Anointing » In consecration » Vessels of
And Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the habitation and all that was therein, - and hallowed them; and he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, - and anointed the altar, and all the utensils thereof and the laver and its stand to hallow them
And it came to pass, on the day when Moses made an end of rearing up the habitation and anointing it, and hallowing it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar, and all the utensils thereof, - both of anointing them, and hallowing them,
and the table and all its utensils, and the lampstand, and its utensils, - and the incense altar, and the altar for the ascending-sacrifice, and all its utensils,-and the laver, and its stand.
And thou shalt take the oil of anointing, and anoint the habitation and all that is therein, - and shalt hallow it. and all the furniture thereof so shall it be holy. And thou shalt anoint the altar of ascending sacrifice, and all its utensils, - and hallow the altar, so shall the altar be most holy:
Anointing » Was used for » Preparing the dead for burial
For, she, pouring this perfume upon my body, so as to prepare me for burial, did it.
And, the Sabbath having passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him.
And, returning, they made ready spices and perfumes. And, on the Sabbath, indeed, they were quiet, according to the commandment;
Anointing » In consecration » Altars of
And thou shalt anoint therewith the tent of meeting, - and the ark of the testimony; and the table and all its utensils, and the lampstand, and its utensils, - and the incense altar, and the altar for the ascending-sacrifice, and all its utensils,-and the laver, and its stand.
And thou shalt anoint the altar of ascending sacrifice, and all its utensils, - and hallow the altar, so shall the altar be most holy:
and he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, - and anointed the altar, and all the utensils thereof and the laver and its stand to hallow them
And it came to pass, on the day when Moses made an end of rearing up the habitation and anointing it, and hallowing it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar, and all the utensils thereof, - both of anointing them, and hallowing them,
Anointing » Omitted in mourning
Then David arose from the ground, and bathed and anointed, and changed his apparel, and, entering into the house of Yahweh, bowed himself down, - then came he into his own house, and asked, and they set before him food, and he did eat.
food to delight in, did I not eat, neither flesh nor wine, came into my mouth, nor did I so much as, anoint, myself, - until were fulfilled three sevens of days.
So Joab sent to Tekoa, and fetched from thence, a wise woman, - and said unto her - I pray thee, feign thyself a mourner, and put on, I pray thee, mourning apparel, and do not anoint thyself with oil, but be as a woman that hath, these many days, been mourning for the dead;
To appoint unto the mourners of Zion - To give unto them A chaplet instead of ashes, The oil of joy instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of the spirit of dejection, - So shall they be called The oaks of righteousness, The plantation of Yahweh: That he may get himself glory
Anointing » Of the dead
For, she, pouring this perfume upon my body, so as to prepare me for burial, did it.
And, the Sabbath having passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him.
And, returning, they made ready spices and perfumes. And, on the Sabbath, indeed, they were quiet, according to the commandment;
What she had, she used, - She took it beforehand to anoint my body for the burial;
Anointing » In consecration » Of the tabernacle
And thou shalt anoint therewith the tent of meeting, - and the ark of the testimony;
And it came to pass, on the day when Moses made an end of rearing up the habitation and anointing it, and hallowing it, and all the furniture thereof, and the altar, and all the utensils thereof, - both of anointing them, and hallowing them,
And thou shalt take the oil of anointing, and anoint the habitation and all that is therein, - and shalt hallow it. and all the furniture thereof so shall it be holy.
And Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the habitation and all that was therein, - and hallowed them;
Anointing » Ointment for » Richly perfumed
How beautiful are thy caresses, my sister, bride, - how much more delightful thy caresses, than wine, and the fragrance of thine oils, than all spices:
Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Anointing » Ointment for » An article of commerce
Judah and the land of Israel, They, were merchants of thine, - With the wheat of Minnith and the sweets of pannag and honey and oil and balsam, Shared they in thy barter:
and cinnamon, and spice, and incense, and unguent, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep, and cargo of horses, and of chariots, and of bodies, and lives of men.
Anointing » Of jesus, as a token of love
Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
And, 1o! a woman, who indeed was in the city a sinner; and, when she found out that he was reclining in the house of the Pharisee, providing an alabaster-jar of perfume, and standing behind, near his feet, weeping, with the tears, began she to be wetting his feet, and, with the hair of her head, was wiping off the tears , and was tenderly kissing his feet, and anointing them with the perfume.
With oil, my head, thou didst not anoint, - but, she, with perfume, hath anointed, my feet.
And Mary was she who anointed the Lord with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair - whose brother Lazarus was sick.
Anointing » Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment
Olive trees, shalt thou have in all thy bounds, - but with oil, shalt thou not anoint thyself, for thine olives, shall drop off.
Thou, shalt sow, but shalt not reap, - thou, shalt tread the olive, but shalt not anoint thee with oil, also the grape, but shalt not drink the wine.
Anointing » Of guests
Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
With oil, my head, thou didst not anoint, - but, she, with perfume, hath anointed, my feet.
Then rose up the men who have been expressed by name - and took the captives, and, all who were naked among them, clothed they out of the spoil, and arrayed them and sandalled them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and conducted them with asses for every one that was exhausted, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, near unto their brethren, - and then returned to Samaria.
Anointing » Was applied to » The head
Continually, let thy garments be white, - and, ointment upon thy bead, let it not be lacking.
Thou spreadest before me a table, in face of mine adversaries, Thou hast anointed, with oil, my head, My cup, hath run over.
Anointing » In consecration » Jehu
And, Jehu son of Minshi, shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel, - and, Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy stead:
Now, Elisha the prophet, called one of the sons of the prophets, - and said to him - Gird up thy loins, and take this flask of oil in thy hand, and go to Ramoth-gilead; and, when thou art come in thither, then look thee out, there, Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi; and thou shalt enter and get him to rise up out of the midst of his brethren, and take him into an inner chamber; then shalt thou take the flask of oil, and pour out upon his head, and say - Thus, saith Yahweh, I have anointed thee to be king unto Israel! Then shalt thou open the door and flee, and not tarry.
Then rose he up and went inside, and poured out the oil upon his head, and said unto him - Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, I have anointed thee to be king unto the people of Yahweh, unto Israel;
And they said - False! pray tell, us. And he said, - Thus and thus, spake he unto me, saying, Thus, saith Yahweh, I have anointed thee to be king unto Israel.
Anointing » Was used for » Purifying the body
Now, when the turn of each maiden came, to go in unto King Ahasuerus, after it had been done to her according to the law of the women for twelve months, for, so, were filled the days of their purification, - six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes, and with things for the purification of the women,
And hast gone to the king with oil, And hast multiplied thy perfumes, - And hast sent thy messengers afar, And -- lowered thyself as far as hades!
Anointing » God preserves those who receive
Now, do I know that Yahweh, hath saved, his Anointed One, - He answereth him out of his holy heavens, by the mighty saving deeds of his own right hand.
I have found David my servant, With mine own holy oil, have I anointed him; With whom my hand shall be firm, Yea, mine arm, shall strengthen him; No foe shall make exactions on him, Nor shall, a son of perversity, humiliate him; read more.
And I will shatter, from before him, his adversaries, And, them who hate him, will I smite;
Anointing » Was used for » The jews very fond of
Oil and perfume, rejoice the heart, the sweetness of one's friend, more than fragrant wood.
Who are quaffing bowls of wine, and, with the best of oils, anointing themselves, - and are not afflicted for the injury of Joseph: -
Anointing » In consecration » Jacob's pillar: at beth-el
So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone which he halt lint for his pillow, and put it for a pillar, - and poured out oil upon the top thereof;
I, am the GOD of Beth-el, where thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow to me a vow, - Now, rise, go forth out of this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.
And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had spoken with him, a pillar of stone, - and he poured out thereon a drink-offering, and poured thereon oil.
Anointing » Was used for » Healing wounds
From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, - They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.
and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine, - and, setting him on his own beast, brought him into an inn, and took care of him.
Anointing » Symbolical » Of jesus
there came unto him a woman, holding an alabaster-jar of costly perfume, and she poured it down upon his head, as he was reclining. And the disciples, seeing it, were greatly displeased, saying - To what end, this loss? For this could have been sold for much, and given to the destitute. read more.
But Jesus, taking note, said unto them - Why vex ye the woman? for, a seemly work, hath she wrought for me; For, always, the destitute, have ye with you, - but, me, not always, have ye; For, she, pouring this perfume upon my body, so as to prepare me for burial, did it.
Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. ButJudas Iscariot, one of his disciples, he that was about to deliver him up, saith - Why was, this perfume, not sold for three hundred denaries, and given unto the destitute? read more.
Howbeit he said this, not that, for the destitute, he cared, but because, a thief, he was, and holding, the bag, used to carry away, what was cast therein. Jesus, therefore, said - Let her alone, that, for the day of my burial, she may observe it;
Anointing » Was used for » Curing the sick
and, many demons, were they casting out, - and were anointing with oil, many sick, and were curing them.
Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Anointing » Figurative » Of spiritual gifts
Now, he that confirmeth us, together with you, for Christ, and hath anointed us, is God:
And, as for you, the anointing which ye have received from him, abideth in you, and ye have, no need, that anyone be teaching you; but, as, his anointing, is teaching you, and is, true, and is no falsehood, even just as it hath taught you, abide ye in him.
Anointing » In consecration » Joash
Then brought he forth the king's son, and set upon him the crown, and the testimony, and they made him king, and anointed him, - and clapped their hands, and said - May the king live!
Then brought they forth the king's son, and set upon him the crown and the testimony, and made him king, - and Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, May the king live!
Anointing » In consecration » saul
Then took Samuel a flask of oil, and poured out upon his head, and kissed him, - and said - Is it not, that Yahweh hath anointed thee over his inheritance, as leader?
About this time to-morrow, will I send unto thee, a man out of the land of Benjamin, whom thou shalt anoint, to be leader over my people Israel, and he shall save my people, out of the hand of the Philistines, - for I have looked upon the oppression, because their outcry hath come in unto me.
And Samuel said unto Saul, It was, me, Yahweh sent to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel, - now, therefore, hearken thou to the voice of Yahweh's words.
Anointing » In consecration » Solomon
Then took Zadok the priest, the horn of oil out of the Tent, and anointed Solomon, - and they blew with a ram's horn, and all the people said, Long live King Solomon!
And so they did eat and drink before Yahweh on that day, with great joy, - and they, the second time, made Solomon son of David king, and anointed him unto Yahweh to be chief ruler, and Zadok to be priest.
Anointing » Was used for » Refreshing the body
Then rose up the men who have been expressed by name - and took the captives, and, all who were naked among them, clothed they out of the spoil, and arrayed them and sandalled them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and conducted them with asses for every one that was exhausted, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, near unto their brethren, - and then returned to Samaria.
Anointing » Saints receive
To appoint unto the mourners of Zion - To give unto them A chaplet instead of ashes, The oil of joy instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of the spirit of dejection, - So shall they be called The oaks of righteousness, The plantation of Yahweh: That he may get himself glory
Anointing » A token of joy
Go thy way - eat, with gladness, thy food, and drink, with a happy heart, thy wine, - when already God is well pleased with thy works. Continually, let thy garments be white, - and, ointment upon thy bead, let it not be lacking.
Anointing » Ointment for » Prepared by the apothecary
Dead flies, cause to stink and ferment, the oil of the perfumer, - More costly than wisdom or honour, is a little folly.
Anointing » Was applied to » The eyes
I counsel thee to buy of me, gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich, - and white raiment, that thou mayest array thyself, and, the shame of thy nakedness, may not be made manifest, - and eye-salve, to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see.
Anointing » Why recommended by Christ in times of fasting
But, when, thou, art fasting, anoint thy head, and, thy face, wash, - that thou do not appear, unto men, to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, - and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.
Anointing » Who has an unction from the holy one
And, ye, have, an anointing, from the Holy One, - Ye all, know: I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and because, no falsehood, is, of the truth.
Anointing » The anointing of the lord
As for you, what ye have heard from the beginning, in you, let it abide. If, in you, shall abide, that which, from the beginning, ye have heard, ye also, in the Son, and inthe Father, shall abide. And, this, is the promise, which he hath promised unto us, - The age-abiding life. These things, have I written unto you, concerning them who would lead you astray. read more.
And, as for you, the anointing which ye have received from him, abideth in you, and ye have, no need, that anyone be teaching you; but, as, his anointing, is teaching you, and is, true, and is no falsehood, even just as it hath taught you, abide ye in him. And, now, dear children, abide ye in him, in order that, if he be made manifest, we may have boldness, and not be shamed away from him by his presence. If ye know that he is, righteous, ye perceive that - whosoever doeth righteousness, of him, hath been born.
Anointing » The lord anointing
Thou spreadest before me a table, in face of mine adversaries, Thou hast anointed, with oil, my head, My cup, hath run over. Surely, goodness and lovingkindness, will pursue me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of Yahweh, evermore.
Anointing » Was applied to » Feet
and standing behind, near his feet, weeping, with the tears, began she to be wetting his feet, and, with the hair of her head, was wiping off the tears , and was tenderly kissing his feet, and anointing them with the perfume. But the Pharisee who had invited him, seeing it, spake within himself, saying, This one, if he were the prophet, would have been taking note, who and of what sort, is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is, a sinner.
Anointing » Was applied to » The face
And, wine, may rejoice the heart of man, Making radiant his well-nourished face, - And, food, may, the heart of man, sustain.
Anointing » Was used for » Preparing weapons for war
Ye thought to prepare the table - spread the mat - eat - drink! -- Arise ye chieftains anoint the shield!
Anointing » With oil
But thou wilt exalt, as those of the buffalo, my horn, I have been anointed, with fresh oil.
Anointing » In consecration » Of prophets
And, Jehu son of Minshi, shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel, - and, Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy stead:
Anointing » In consecration » Jehoahaz
And his servants conveyed him in a chariot, dead, from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre, - and the people of the land took Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made, him, king, in his father's stead.
Anointing » In consecration » Of kings
The trees, went their way, to anoint over them, a king, - and they said unto the olive tree - Reign thou over us.
And the bramble said unto the trees, If, in truth, ye are about to anoint me to be king over you, come, take refuge in my shade, - but, if not, there shall come forth fire out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.
Anointing » In consecration » Hazael
And Yahweh said unto him, Go, return to thy way, towards the wilderness of Damascus, - and, when thou enterest, then shalt thou anoint Hazael to be king over Syria;
Anointing » Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect
With oil, my head, thou didst not anoint, - but, she, with perfume, hath anointed, my feet.
Anointing » With ointment
And Mary was she who anointed the Lord with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair - whose brother Lazarus was sick.
Anointing » In consecration » Cyrus
Thus, saith Yahweh, to his Anointed, to Cyrus - Whose right hand I have firmly grasped To subdue before him, nations, And the loins of kings, will I ungird, - To open, before him, the two-leaved doors, And, the gates, shall not be shut:
Anointing » Was used for » Decorating the person
Thou wilt, therefore, bathe thee, and anoint thee, and put thine apparel upon thee, and go down to the threshing-floor, - do not make thyself known to the man, until he have done eating and drinking.
Dead (people) » Instances of » Anointing
For, she, pouring this perfume upon my body, so as to prepare me for burial, did it.
Kings » Ceremonies at inauguration of » Anointing
Then took Samuel a flask of oil, and poured out upon his head, and kissed him, - and said - Is it not, that Yahweh hath anointed thee over his inheritance, as leader?
And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
I have found David my servant, With mine own holy oil, have I anointed him;
Topics on Anointing
Anointing Kings
Judges 9:8The trees, went their way, to anoint over them, a king, - and they said unto the olive tree - Reign thou over us.
Anointing of Christians
2 Corinthians 1:21-22Now, he that confirmeth us, together with you, for Christ, and hath anointed us, is God:
Anointing Oil
James 5:14Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Anointing Oneself
Psalm 104:15And, wine, may rejoice the heart of man, Making radiant his well-nourished face, - And, food, may, the heart of man, sustain.
Anointing Priests
Exodus 28:41And thou shalt clothe therewith Aaron thy brother, and his sons, with him, - and shalt anoint them and install them, and hallow them, so shall they minister as priests unto me.
Anointing Things
Genesis 28:18So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone which he halt lint for his pillow, and put it for a pillar, - and poured out oil upon the top thereof;
Anointing With Oil
James 5:14Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; -
Anointing, Medical Purpose
Luke 10:34and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine, - and, setting him on his own beast, brought him into an inn, and took care of him.
Anointing, Objects
Exodus 40:9-11And thou shalt take the oil of anointing, and anoint the habitation and all that is therein, - and shalt hallow it. and all the furniture thereof so shall it be holy.
Anointing, Of Christ
Psalm 45:7Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, - For this cause, hath God, thine own God, anointed thee, With the oil of gladness, beyond thy partners.
Anointing, Performed On
1 Chronicles 16:15-17Remember yea to times age-abiding, his covenant, the word he hath commanded, to a thousand generations;
Anointing, Social Custom
Ruth 3:3Thou wilt, therefore, bathe thee, and anoint thee, and put thine apparel upon thee, and go down to the threshing-floor, - do not make thyself known to the man, until he have done eating and drinking.
The Act Of Anointing
1 Samuel 16:13And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily upon David, from that day forward. Then arose Samuel, and went his way unto Ramah.
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