13 Bible Verses about Clear Consciences
Most Relevant Verses
holding faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and made shipwreck of their faith.

And Paul, looking intently at the council, said, "Brethren, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day."
I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit,
I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did, as I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day.
and keep a clear conscience, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.
For our boast is this: the testimony of our conscience, that with holiness and godly sincerity, not in worldly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and still more toward you.
But we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless we behaved toward you believers;
But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to live honorably in all things.
I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not acquitted by this. It is the Lord who judges me.