44 Bible Verses about Eyes

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 7:3

And why do you see the speck [that is] in your brother's eye, but do not notice the beam of wood in your [own] eye?

Luke 11:34

Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eye is sincere, your whole body is full of light also. But when it is evil, your body [is] dark also.

Matthew 7:5

Hypocrite! First remove the beam of wood from your [own] eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye!

Exodus 21:24

eye in place of eye, tooth in place of tooth, hand in place of hand, foot in place of foot,

Deuteronomy 19:21

{You must show no pity}: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."

Luke 6:42

How are you able to say to your brother, "Brother, allow [me] to remove the speck [that is] in your eye," [while] you yourself do not see the beam of wood in your [own] eye? Hypocrite! First remove the beam of wood from your [own] eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck [that is] in your brother's eye!

Luke 6:41

And why do you see the speck [that is] in your brother's eye, but do not notice the beam of wood [that is] in your own eye?

2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout all the earth to strengthen those whose heart is fully devoted to him. You have been foolish in this, for from now on you will have wars."

1 Corinthians 12:21

Now the eye is not able to say to the hand, "I do not have need of you," or again, the head to the feet, "I do not have need of you."

Matthew 18:9

And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw [it] from you! It is better for you to enter into life one-eyed than, having two eyes, to be thrown into fiery hell!

2 Kings 6:17

Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Yahweh, please open his eyes that he may see," and Yahweh opened the eyes of the servant, and he saw, and look, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Psalm 119:18

Uncover my eyes, that I may look at wonderful things from your law.

Zechariah 2:8

For thus said Yahweh of hosts, after glory he sent me against the nations plundering you: Truly, the one touching you [is] touching the apple of his eye.

Isaiah 44:18

They do not know, and they do not understand, for their eyes [are] besmeared {so that they cannot see}, their {minds} {so that they have no insight}.

1 Corinthians 15:52

in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

Revelation 4:8

And the four living creatures, {each one} of them, had six wings apiece, full of eyes around and inside, and they do not have rest day and night, saying, "Holy, holy, holy [is] the Lord God All-Powerful, the one who was and the one who is and the one who is coming!"

From Thematic Bible

Eyes » The jewish women often painted

Jeremiah 4:30

And you, devastated one, what [do] you do, that you put on crimson, that you adorn yourself [with] ornaments of gold, that you make your eyes look bigger with the eye make-up? In vain you beautify yourself. [Your] lovers reject you; they seek your life.

Ezekiel 23:40

{What is worse}, they sent for men {who come} from a distant place, [to] whom a messenger [was] sent to them, and look! They came! [Men] for whom you bathed and painted your eyes, and you adorned yourself [with] an ornament.

2 Kings 9:30

When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard [of it], so she painted her eyes with black eye paint and adorned her head and looked through the window.

Eyes » Often put out as a punishment

2 Kings 25:7

They slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes; then they blinded the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him in bronze fetters and brought him [to] Babylon.

Judges 16:21

And [the] Philistines seized him, gouged his eyes, and brought him to Gaza. They tied him up with bronze shackles, and he became a grinder {in the prison}.

1 Samuel 11:2

But Nahash the Ammonite said to them, "On this [condition] {I will make a treaty} with you, by gouging out the right eye of each of you, so that I can make it a disgrace for all Israel."

Eyes » Actions of mentioned in scripture » Weeping

Psalm 88:9

My eye languishes from misery. I call on you, O Yahweh, every day; I spread out my hands to you.

Job 16:20

My friends scorn me; my eye pours out tears to God,

Lamentations 1:16

For these [things], I am weeping, {my eyes flow with tears}; because a comforter is far from me, one to restore my life. My sons are desolate because [the] enemy has prevailed.

Eyes » Not satisfied with seeing

Ecclesiastes 1:8

All things toil continuously; no one can ever finish describing this. The eye is never satisfied with seeing, and the ear is never filled with hearing.

Proverbs 27:20

Sheol and Abaddon will not be satisfied, and the eyes of a person will not be satisfied [either].

Eyes » Made red by wine

Genesis 49:12

The eyes [are] darker than wine, and the teeth whiter than milk.

Proverbs 23:29

To whom [is] woe? To whom [is] sorrow? To whom [are] quarrels? To whom [is] complaint? To whom [are] wounds without cause? To whom [is] redness of [the] eyes?

Eyes » Illustrative » (open,) of spiritual illumination

Psalm 119:18

Uncover my eyes, that I may look at wonderful things from your law.

Psalm 119:37

Turn away my eyes from looking at [what is] worthless; revive me in your ways.

Eyes » The jews » Wore their phylacteries between

Matthew 23:5

And they do all their deeds in order to be seen by people, for they make their phylacteries broad and make their tassels long.

Exodus 13:16

And it will be as a sign on your hand and as symbolic ornaments between your eyes that with strength of hand Yahweh brought us out from Egypt."

Eyes » Punishment for injuring

Exodus 21:24

eye in place of eye, tooth in place of tooth, hand in place of hand, foot in place of foot,

Exodus 21:26

" 'And if a man strikes the eye of his male slave or the eye of his female slave and destroys it, he shall release him as free in place of his eye.

Eyes » Grows dim by age

Genesis 27:1

And it happened [that] when Isaac [was] old and {his eyesight was weak}, he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son." And he said to him, "Here I [am]."

1 Samuel 3:2

{And then} one day when Eli was lying in his place (now his eyes had begun [to grow] weak so that he was not able to see)

Eyes » Actions of mentioned in scripture » Directing

Numbers 10:31

He said, "Please, do not abandon us because you know our encampment in the desert, and {you should be our guide}.

Eyes » God » Opens

2 Kings 6:17

Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Yahweh, please open his eyes that he may see," and Yahweh opened the eyes of the servant, and he saw, and look, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Eyes » The jews » Raised up, in prayer

Psalm 121:1

I lift up my eyes to the mountains; whence will my help come?

Psalm 123:1

I lift up my eyes to you, the one enthroned in the heavens.

Eyes » A guard to be set on

Proverbs 23:31

Do not look at wine when it is red, when it {sparkles} on the cup, going down smoothly.

Eyes » The light of the body

Luke 11:34

Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eye is sincere, your whole body is full of light also. But when it is evil, your body [is] dark also.

Eyes » Consumed by grief

Psalm 6:7

My eye wastes away because of vexation; it grows old because of all my oppressors.

Psalm 31:9

Be gracious [to] me, O Yahweh, because I have distress. My eye wastes away because of vexation, [along with] my soul and my {body}.

Eyes » God » Enlightens

Psalm 13:3

Consider [and] answer me, O Yahweh my God. Give light to my eyes lest I sleep [the sleep of] death,

Ezra 9:8

But now for a brief moment mercy has been shown by Yahweh our God, who left behind for us a remnant, and given us security in his holy place--for our God to brighten our eyes and to give us brief relief in our bondage.

Eyes » Actions of mentioned in scripture » Seeing

Job 7:8

The eye of [the one] seeing me will not see me; your eyes [are] upon me, but {I will be gone}.

Job 28:10

He cuts out tunnels in the rocks, and his eye sees every treasure.

Eyes » Parts of, mentioned in scripture » The apple or ball

Deuteronomy 32:10

He found him in a desert land, and in a howling, desert wasteland; he {encircled him}, he cared for him, he protected him like the {apple} of his eye.

Eyes » The jews » Not to make baldness between

Eyes » Not satisfied with riches

Ecclesiastes 4:8

Sometimes a man is all alone with no companion; he also has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end to all his toil, and his eye is not satisfied with wealth. [He laments,] "For whom am I toiling and depriving {myself} of pleasure?" This also [is] vanity--it is an unhappy business!

Eyes » Illustrative » (anointing with eyesalve,) of healing by the spirit

Revelation 3:18

I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire, in order that you may become rich, and white clothing, in order that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed, and eye salve to smear on your eyes, in order that you may see.

Eyes » Illustrative » Of the mind

Matthew 6:22-23

"The eye is the lamp of the body. Therefore if your eye is sincere, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be dark. Therefore if the light in you is darkness, how great [is] the darkness!

Eyes » Consumed by sickness

Leviticus 26:16

I {in turn} will do this to you: then I will summon onto you horror, the wasting disease, and the fever that wastes eyes and that drains away life; and you shall sow your seed {in vain}, and your enemies shall eat it.

Eyes » Sometimes blemished

Leviticus 21:20

or a hunchback or a dwarf, or a spot in his eye or a skin disorder or a skin eruption or a crushed testicle.

Eyes » Actions of mentioned in scripture » Winking

Proverbs 10:10

The winking of an eye causes trouble, and the foolishness of lips comes to ruin.

Eyes » Parts of, mentioned in scripture » The brow

Leviticus 14:9

{And then} on the seventh day he must shave off all his hair--he must shave his head and his beard and {his eyebrows} and all [the rest] of his hair--and he shall wash his garments, and he shall wash his body in the water; thus he shall be clean.

Eyes » God » Made

Eyes » The light of, rejoices the heart

Proverbs 15:30

From the light of the eyes, the heart will rejoice, and good news will enliven the bones.

Eyes » Frequently fair

1 Samuel 16:12

So he sent and brought him. Now he [was] ruddy with beautiful eyes and of {handsome} appearance. And Yahweh said, "Arise, anoint him, for this [is] he."

Eyes » Sometimes tender

Eyes » Not evil thing to be set before

Psalm 101:3

I will not set before my eyes any wicked thing. I hate the work of those who fall away; it will not cling to me.

Eyes » The jews » Cast, on the ground in humiliation

Luke 18:13

But the tax collector, standing far away, did not want even to raise his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!'

Eyes » God » Formed

Psalm 94:9

Will [the] one who planted [the] ear not hear? Will [the] one who formed [the] eye not see?

Eyes » Parts of, mentioned in scripture » The lid

Job 16:16

My face is red because of weeping, and deep shadows [are] on my eyelids,

Eyes » Grows dim by sorrow

Job 17:7

And my eye has grown dim from grief, and the limbs of my body [are] all like a shadow.

Topics on Eyes

Evil Eyes

Mark 7:21-23

For from within, from the heart of people, come evil plans, sexual immoralities, thefts, murders,

Eyes Cared For

Ezekiel 23:40

{What is worse}, they sent for men {who come} from a distant place, [to] whom a messenger [was] sent to them, and look! They came! [Men] for whom you bathed and painted your eyes, and you adorned yourself [with] an ornament.

Eyes Harmed

Zechariah 2:8

For thus said Yahweh of hosts, after glory he sent me against the nations plundering you: Truly, the one touching you [is] touching the apple of his eye.

Eyes Opened

Genesis 3:5

For God knows that on the day you [both] eat from it, then your eyes will be opened and you [both] shall be like gods, knowing good and evil."

Eyes, Affected By

Genesis 27:1

And it happened [that] when Isaac [was] old and {his eyesight was weak}, he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son." And he said to him, "Here I [am]."

Eyes, Figurative Use

Numbers 24:3

He {uttered} his oracle and said, "The declaration of Balaam son Beor, the declaration of the man [whose] eyes are closed,

Eyes, Guarded

Psalm 119:37

Turn away my eyes from looking at [what is] worthless; revive me in your ways.

Eyes, Used In Prophecies

Job 19:25-27

But I myself know [that] my redeemer [is] alive, and [at the] last he will stand up upon {the earth}.

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