10 Bible Verses about Feasts

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 25:6

And made hath Jehovah of Hosts, For all the peoples in this mount, A banquet of fat things, a banquet of preserved things, Fat things full of marrow, preserved things refined.

Colossians 2:16-17

Let no one, then, judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a feast, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths, which are a shadow of the coming things, and the body is of the Christ;

Leviticus 23:2

Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Appointed seasons of Jehovah, which ye proclaim, holy convocations, are these: they are My appointed seasons:

Exodus 5:1

And afterwards have Moses and Aaron entered, and they say unto Pharaoh, 'Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Send My people away, and they keep a feast to Me in the wilderness;'

Zechariah 8:19

Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: The fast of the fourth, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth months, are to the house of Judah for joy and for rejoicing, and for pleasant appointed seasons, and the truth and the peace they have loved.

From Thematic Bible

Feasts » Of tabernacles

Ezra 3:4

And they make the feast of the booths as it is written, and the burnt-offering of the day daily in number according to the ordinance, the matter of a day in its day;

Esther 9:17

on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, even to rest on the fourteenth of it, and to make it a day of banquet and of joy.

Esther 9:22

as days on which the Jews have rested from their enemies, and the month that hath been turned to them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning to a good day, to make them days of banquet and of joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the needy.

Esther 9:26

therefore they have called these days Purim -- by the name of the lot -- therefore, because of all the words of this letter, and what they have seen concerning this, and what hath come unto them,

Feasts » Jewish

Hebrews 11:28

by faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that He who is destroying the first-born might not touch them.

Leviticus 23:6

and on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast of unleavened things to Jehovah; seven days unleavened things ye do eat;

Numbers 9:5

and they prepare the passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, in the wilderness of Sinai; according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses, so have the sons of Israel done.

Joshua 5:10

And the sons of Israel encamp in Gilgal, and make the passover on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the plains of Jericho;

2 Kings 23:22

Surely there hath not been made like this passover from the days of the judges who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Judah;

Feasts » General references to

Daniel 5:1

Belshazzar the king hath made a great feast to a thousand of his great men, and before the thousand he is drinking wine;

John 6:13

they gathered together, therefore, and filled twelve hand-baskets with broken pieces, from the five barley loaves that were over to those having eaten.

1 Kings 8:65

And Solomon maketh, at that time, the festival -- and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entering in of Hamath unto the brook of Egypt -- before Jehovah our God, seven days and seven days; fourteen days.

John 12:2

they made, therefore, to him a supper there, and Martha was ministering, and Lazarus was one of those reclining together (at meat) with him;

Luke 5:29

And Levi made a great entertainment to him in his house, and there was a great multitude of tax-gatherers and others who were with them reclining (at meat),

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Kept with rejoicing

Psalm 122:4

For thither have tribes gone up, Tribes of Jah, companies of Israel, To give thanks to the name of Jehovah.

Leviticus 23:40

and ye have taken to yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palms, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of a brook, and have rejoiced before Jehovah your God seven days.

Isaiah 30:29

Singing is to you as in a night sanctified for a festival, And joy of heart as he who is going with a pipe, To go in to the mountain of Jehovah, Unto the rock of Israel.

Psalm 42:4

These I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!

Nehemiah 8:17

And they make -- all the assembly of the captives of the captivity -- booths, and they sit in booths; for the sons of Israel had not done, from the days of Jeshua son of Nun, so unto that day, and there is very great joy.

Feasts » Jewish » Of pentecost, or weeks, held at the end of wheat harvest, 6th of sivan (june) to commemorate the giving of the law

Exodus 23:16

and the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of thy works which thou sowest in the field; and the Feast of the In-Gathering, in the outgoing of the year, in thy gathering thy works out of the field.

Exodus 34:22

'And a feast of weeks thou dost observe for thyself; first-fruits of wheat-harvest; and the feast of in-gathering, at the revolution of the year.

Leviticus 23:16

unto the morrow of the seventh sabbath ye do number fifty days, and ye have brought near a new present to Jehovah;

Numbers 28:26

'And in the day of the first-fruits, in your bringing near a new present to Jehovah, in your weeks, a holy convocation ye have; ye do no servile work;

More verses: Deuteronomy 16:10

Feasts » Of new moons » Spiritual

Mark 14:22

And as they are eating, Jesus having taken bread, having blessed, brake, and gave to them, and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.'

Matthew 22:4

Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Lo, my dinner I prepared, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things are ready, come ye to the marriage-feasts;

Isaiah 25:6

And made hath Jehovah of Hosts, For all the peoples in this mount, A banquet of fat things, a banquet of preserved things, Fat things full of marrow, preserved things refined.

More verses: Proverbs 9:1-6

Feasts » Instituted by moses » All males were required to attend

Deuteronomy 16:16

Three times in a year doth every one of thy males appear before Jehovah thy God in the place which He doth choose -- in the feast of unleavened things, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of booths; and they do not appear before Jehovah empty;

Psalm 122:4

For thither have tribes gone up, Tribes of Jah, companies of Israel, To give thanks to the name of Jehovah.

Exodus 23:17

'Three times in a year do all thy males appear before the face of the Lord Jehovah.

Psalm 42:4

These I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!

Exodus 34:23

'Three times in a year do all thy males appear before the Lord Jehovah, God of Israel;

Feasts » Given by kings

1 Kings 2:7

'And to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite thou dost do kindness, and they have been among those eating at thy table, for so they drew near unto me in my fleeing from the face of Absalom thy brother.

1 Kings 4:22

And the provision of Solomon for one day is thirty cors of flour, and sixty cors of meal;

1 Samuel 25:36

And Abigail cometh in unto Nabal, and lo, he hath a banquet in his house, like a banquet of the king, and the heart of Nabal is glad within him, and he is drunk unto excess, and she hath not declared to him anything, less or more, till the light of the morning.

Daniel 5:1-4

Belshazzar the king hath made a great feast to a thousand of his great men, and before the thousand he is drinking wine; Belshazzar hath said -- while tasting the wine -- to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple that is in Jerusalem, that drink with them may the king, and his great men, his wives, and his concubines. Then they have brought in the vessels of gold that had been taken out of the temple of the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and drunk with them have the king and his great men, his wives and his concubines; read more.
they have drunk wine, and have praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.

1 Samuel 20:5

And David saith unto Jonathan, 'Lo, the new moon is to-morrow; and I do certainly sit with the king to eat; and thou hast sent me away, and I have been hidden in a field till the third evening;

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Observed » By jesus

John 2:13

And the passover of the Jews was nigh, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,

John 2:23

And as he was in Jerusalem, in the passover, in the feast, many believed in his name, beholding his signs that he was doing;

Luke 22:15

and he said unto them, 'With desire I did desire to eat this passover with you before my suffering,

Matthew 26:17-20

And on the first day of the unleavened food came the disciples near to Jesus, saying to him, 'Where wilt thou that we may prepare for thee to eat the passover?' and he said, 'Go away to the city, unto such a one, and say to him, The Teacher saith, My time is nigh; near thee I keep the passover, with my disciples;' and the disciples did as Jesus appointed them, and prepared the passover. read more.
And evening having come, he was reclining (at meat) with the twelve,

Feasts » Ancient customs at » Men alone present at

Genesis 40:20

And it cometh to pass, on the third day, Pharaoh's birthday, that he maketh a banquet to all his servants, and lifteth up the head of the chief of the butlers, and the head of the chief of the bakers among his servants,

Genesis 43:32

And they place for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians who are eating with him by themselves: for the Egyptians are unable to eat bread with the Hebrews, for it is an abomination to the Egyptians.

Genesis 43:34

and he lifteth up gifts from before him unto them, and the gift of Benjamin is five hands more than the gifts of all of them; and they drink, yea, they drink abundantly with him.

1 Samuel 9:22

And Samuel taketh Saul, and his young man, and bringeth them in to the chamber, and giveth to them a place at the head of those called; and they are about thirty men.

Luke 14:24

for I say to you, that none of those men who have been called shall taste of my supper.'

More verses: Esther 1:8-9 Mark 6:21

Feasts » Jewish » Of trumpets, held the first of the seventh month ethanim (october)

Leviticus 23:24

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first of the month, ye have a sabbath, a memorial of shouting, a holy convocation;

Numbers 29:1

'And in the seventh month, in the first of the month, a holy convocation ye have, ye do no servile work; a day of shouting it is to you;

Nehemiah 8:2

And Ezra the priest bringeth the law before the assembly, both of men and women, and every one intelligent to hear, on the first day of the seventh month,

Feasts » Instituted by moses » First and last days were sabbatic

Numbers 29:12

'And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month a holy convocation ye have; ye do no servile work; and ye have celebrated a festival to Jehovah seven days,

Leviticus 23:39-40

Only -- in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, in your gathering the increase of the land, ye do keep the feast of Jehovah seven days; on the first day is a sabbath, and on the eighth day a sabbath; and ye have taken to yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palms, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of a brook, and have rejoiced before Jehovah your God seven days.

Numbers 28:18-25

in the first day is an holy convocation, ye do no servile work, and ye have brought near a fire-offering, a burnt-offering to Jehovah: two bullocks, sons of the herd, and one ram, and seven lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones they are for you; and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for a bullock, and two-tenth deals for a ram ye do prepare; read more.
a several tenth deal thou preparest for the one lamb, for the seven lambs, and one goat, a sin-offering, to make atonement for you. Apart from the burnt-offering of the morning, which is for the continual burnt-offering, ye prepare these; according to these ye prepare daily, seven days, bread of a fire-offering, a sweet fragrance, to Jehovah; besides the continual burnt-offering it is prepared, and its libation; and on the seventh day a holy convocation ye have, ye do no servile work.

Numbers 29:35

'On the eighth day a restraint ye have, ye do no servile work;

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Designated as solemn feasts

2 Chronicles 8:13

even by the matter of a day in its day, to cause to ascend according to the command of Moses, on sabbaths, and on new moons, and on appointed seasons, three times in a year -- in the feast of unleavened things, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of booths.

Numbers 15:3

then ye have prepared a fire-offering to Jehovah, a burnt-offering, or a sacrifice, at separating a vow or free-will-offering, or in your appointed things, to make a sweet fragrance to Jehovah, out of the herd, or out of the flock.

Lamentations 2:6

And He shaketh as a garden His tabernacle, He hath destroyed His appointed place, Jehovah hath forgotten in Zion the appointed time and sabbath, And despiseth, in the indignation of His anger, king and priest.

Ezekiel 46:9

And in the coming in of the people of the land before Jehovah at appointed times, he who hath come in the way of the north gate to bow himself, goeth out the way of the south gate, and he who hath come in the way of the south gate, goeth out by the way of the north gate: he doth not turn back the way of the gate by which he came in, but over-against it he goeth out.

Feasts » Figurative

Luke 14:16-24

and he said to him, 'A certain man made a great supper, and called many, and he sent his servant at the hour of the supper to say to those having been called, Be coming, because now are all things ready. 'And they began with one consent all to excuse themselves: The first said to him, A field I bought, and I have need to go forth and see it; I beg of thee, have me excused. read more.
'And another said, Five yoke of oxen I bought, and I go on to prove them; I beg of thee, have me excused: and another said, A wife I married, and because of this I am not able to come. 'And that servant having come, told to his lord these things, then the master of the house, having been angry, said to his servant, Go forth quickly to the broad places and lanes of the city, and the poor, and maimed, and lame, and blind, bring in hither. 'And the servant said, Sir, it hath been done as thou didst command, and still there is room. 'And the lord said unto the servant, Go forth to the ways and hedges, and constrain to come in, that my house may be filled; for I say to you, that none of those men who have been called shall taste of my supper.'

Matthew 22:1-14

And Jesus answering, again spake to them in similes, saying, 'The reign of the heavens was likened to a man, a king, who made marriage-feasts for his son, and he sent forth his servants to call those having been called to the marriage-feasts, and they were not willing to come. read more.
Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Lo, my dinner I prepared, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things are ready, come ye to the marriage-feasts; and they, having disregarded it, went away, the one to his own field, and the other to his merchandise; and the rest, having laid hold on his servants, did insult and slay them. 'And the king having heard, was wroth, and having sent forth his soldiers, he destroyed those murderers, and their city he set on fire; then saith he to his servants, The marriage-feast indeed is ready, and those called were not worthy, be going, then, on to the cross-ways, and as many as ye may find, call ye to the marriage-feasts. 'And those servants, having gone forth to the ways, did gather all, as many as they found, both bad and good, and the marriage-feast apartment was filled with those reclining. 'And the king having come in to view those reclining, saw there a man not clothed with clothing of the marriage-feast, and he saith to him, Comrade, how didst thou come in hither, not having clothing of the marriage-feast? and he was speechless. 'Then said the king to the ministrants, Having bound his feet and hands, take him up and cast forth to the outer darkness, there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth; for many are called, and few chosen.'

Revelation 19:17

And I saw one messenger standing in the sun, and he cried, a great voice, saying to all the birds that are flying in mid-heaven, 'Come and be gathered together to the supper of the great God,

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Observed » By paul

Acts 19:21

And when these things were fulfilled, Paul purposed in the Spirit, having gone through Macedonia and Achaia, to go on to Jerusalem, saying -- 'After my being there, it behoveth me also to see Rome;'

Acts 24:17

'And after many years I came, about to do kind acts to my nation, and offerings,

Acts 20:16

for Paul decided to sail past Ephesus, that there may not be to him a loss of time in Asia, for he hasted, if it were possible for him, on the day of the Pentecost to be at Jerusalem.

Acts 20:6

and we sailed, after the days of the unleavened food, from Philippi, and came unto them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days.

Acts 18:21

but took leave of them, saying, 'It behoveth me by all means the coming feast to keep at Jerusalem, and again I will return unto you -- God willing.' And he sailed from Ephesus,

More verses: Acts 24:11

Feasts » Men and women attend

Exodus 32:6

and they rise early on the morrow, and cause burnt-offerings to ascend, and bring nigh peace-offerings; and the people sit down to eat and to drink, and rise up to play.

Daniel 5:1-3

Belshazzar the king hath made a great feast to a thousand of his great men, and before the thousand he is drinking wine; Belshazzar hath said -- while tasting the wine -- to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple that is in Jerusalem, that drink with them may the king, and his great men, his wives, and his concubines. Then they have brought in the vessels of gold that had been taken out of the temple of the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and drunk with them have the king and his great men, his wives and his concubines;

Exodus 32:2-3

And Aaron saith unto them, 'Break off the rings of gold which are in the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring in unto me;' and all the people themselves break off the rings of gold which are in their ears, and bring in unto Aaron,

Feasts » Reclined on couches

Luke 7:38

and having stood behind, beside his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with the tears, and with the hairs of her head she was wiping, and was kissing his feet, and was anointing with the ointment.

Amos 6:4

Who are lying down on beds of ivory, And are spread out on their couches, And are eating lambs from the flock, And calves from the midst of the stall,

Amos 6:7

Therefore now they remove at the head of the captives, And turned aside is the mourning-feast of stretched-out ones.

John 13:25

and that one having leant back on the breast of Jesus, respondeth to him, 'Sir, who is it?'

Feasts » Drunkenness at

Esther 1:10

On the seventh day, as the heart of the king is glad with wine, he hath said to Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven eunuchs who are ministering in the presence of the king Ahasuerus,

1 Samuel 25:36

And Abigail cometh in unto Nabal, and lo, he hath a banquet in his house, like a banquet of the king, and the heart of Nabal is glad within him, and he is drunk unto excess, and she hath not declared to him anything, less or more, till the light of the morning.

Daniel 5:1-4

Belshazzar the king hath made a great feast to a thousand of his great men, and before the thousand he is drinking wine; Belshazzar hath said -- while tasting the wine -- to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple that is in Jerusalem, that drink with them may the king, and his great men, his wives, and his concubines. Then they have brought in the vessels of gold that had been taken out of the temple of the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and drunk with them have the king and his great men, his wives and his concubines; read more.
they have drunk wine, and have praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.

Feasts » Music at

Isaiah 5:12

And harp, and psaltery, tabret, and pipe, And wine, have been their banquets, And the work of Jehovah they behold not, Yea, the work of His hands they have not seen.

Amos 6:4-5

Who are lying down on beds of ivory, And are spread out on their couches, And are eating lambs from the flock, And calves from the midst of the stall, Who are taking part according to the psaltery, Like David they invented for themselves instruments of music;

Luke 15:25

'And his elder son was in a field, and as, coming, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing,

Feasts » Celebrations by » Coronations

1 Kings 1:25

for he hath gone down to-day, and doth sacrifice ox, and fatling, and sheep, in abundance, and calleth for all the sons of the king, and for the heads of the host, and for Abiathar the priest, and lo, they are eating and drinking before him, and they say, Let king Adonijah live!

1 Chronicles 12:38-40

All these are men of war, keeping rank -- with a perfect heart they have come to Hebron, to cause David to reign over all Israel, and also all the rest of Israel are of one heart, to cause David to reign, and they are there, with David, three days, eating and drinking, for their brethren have prepared for them. And also those near unto them, unto Issachar, and Zebulun, and Naphtali, are bringing in bread on asses, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen -- food of fine flour, fig-cakes and grape-cakes, and wine, and oil, and oxen, and sheep, in abundance, for joy is in Israel.

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Aliens (non-jews) were permitted to attend

John 12:20

And there were certain Greeks out of those coming up that they may worship in the feast,

Acts 2:1-11

And in the day of the Pentecost being fulfilled, they were all with one accord at the same place, and there came suddenly out of the heaven a sound as of a bearing violent breath, and it filled all the house where they were sitting, and there appeared to them divided tongues, as it were of fire; it sat also upon each one of them, read more.
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, according as the Spirit was giving them to declare. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation of those under the heaven, and the rumour of this having come, the multitude came together, and was confounded, because they were each one hearing them speaking in his proper dialect, and they were all amazed, and did wonder, saying one unto another, 'Lo, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? and how do we hear, each in our proper dialect, in which we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and those dwelling in Mesopotamia, in Judea also, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia also, and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya, that are along Cyrene, and the strangers of Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, we did hear them speaking in our tongues the great things of God.'

Feasts » Rank

1 Samuel 9:22

And Samuel taketh Saul, and his young man, and bringeth them in to the chamber, and giveth to them a place at the head of those called; and they are about thirty men.

Luke 14:8-10

'When thou mayest be called by any one to marriage-feasts, thou mayest not recline on the first couch, lest a more honourable than thou may have been called by him, and he who did call thee and him having come shall say to thee, Give to this one place, and then thou mayest begin with shame to occupy the last place. 'But, when thou mayest be called, having gone on, recline in the last place, that when he who called thee may come, he may say to thee, Friend, come up higher; then thou shalt have glory before those reclining with thee;

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Attended by women

1 Samuel 1:9

And Hannah riseth after eating in Shiloh, and after drinking, and Eli the priest is sitting on the throne by the side-post of the temple of Jehovah.

Luke 2:41

And his parents were going yearly to Jerusalem, at the feast of the passover,

1 Samuel 1:3

And that man hath gone up out of his city from time to time, to bow himself, and to sacrifice, before Jehovah of Hosts, in Shiloh, and there are two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, priests to Jehovah.

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Set feasts

Ezra 3:5

and after this a continual burnt-offering, and for new moons, and for all appointed seasons of Jehovah that are sanctified; and for every one who is willingly offering a willing-offering to Jehovah.

Numbers 29:39

'These ye prepare to Jehovah in your appointed seasons, apart from your vows, and your free-will offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your presents, and for your libations, and for your peace-offerings.'

Feasts » Celebrations by » Birthdays

Genesis 40:20

And it cometh to pass, on the third day, Pharaoh's birthday, that he maketh a banquet to all his servants, and lifteth up the head of the chief of the butlers, and the head of the chief of the bakers among his servants,

Mark 6:21

And a seasonable day having come, when Herod on his birthday was making a supper to his great men, and to the chiefs of thousands, and to the first men of Galilee,

Feasts » Dancing at

Matthew 14:6

But the birthday of Herod being kept, the daughter of Herodias danced in the midst, and did please Herod,

Luke 15:25

'And his elder son was in a field, and as, coming, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing,

Feasts » Celebrations by » National deliverances

Esther 8:17

and in every province and province, and in every city and city, the place where the word of the king, even his law, is coming, gladness and joy are to the Jews, a banquet, and a good day; and many of the peoples of the land are becoming Jews, for a fear of the Jews hath fallen upon them.

Esther 9:17-19

on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, even to rest on the fourteenth of it, and to make it a day of banquet and of joy. And the Jews who are in Shushan have been assembled, on the thirteenth day of it, and on the fourteenth of it, even to rest on the fifteenth of it, and to make it a day of banquet and of joy. Therefore the Jews of the villages, who are dwelling in cities of the villages, are making the fourteenth day of the month of Adar -- joy and banquet, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.

Feasts » Wedding » The king's son

Matthew 22:2-4

'The reign of the heavens was likened to a man, a king, who made marriage-feasts for his son, and he sent forth his servants to call those having been called to the marriage-feasts, and they were not willing to come. Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Lo, my dinner I prepared, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things are ready, come ye to the marriage-feasts;

Feasts » Wedding » Jacob's

Feasts » Wedding » Esther's

Esther 2:18

and the king maketh a great banquet to all his heads and his servants -- the banquet of Esther -- and a release to the provinces hath made, and giveth gifts as a memorial of the king.

Feasts » Wedding » Samson's

Judges 14:2

and cometh up and declareth to his father, and to his mother, and saith, 'A woman I have seen in Timnath, of the daughters of the Philistines; and now, take her for me for a wife.'

Feasts » Marriage feasts provided by the bridegroom

Judges 14:10

And his father goeth down unto the woman, and Samson maketh there a banquet, for so the young men do;

Judges 14:17

And she weepeth for it the seven days in which their banquet hath been, and it cometh to pass on the seventh day that he declareth it to her, for she hath distressed him; and she declareth the riddle to the sons of her people.

Feasts » Covenants ratified by

Genesis 26:28-30

And they say, 'We have certainly seen that Jehovah hath been with thee, and we say, 'Let there be, we pray thee, an oath between us, between us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee; do not evil with us, as we have not touched thee, and as we have only done good with thee, and send thee away in peace; thou art now blessed of Jehovah.' And he maketh for them a banquet, and they eat and drink,

Feasts » Wine served at

Esther 7:7

And the king hath risen, in his fury, from the banquet of wine, unto the garden of the house, and Haman hath remained to seek for his life from Esther the queen, for he hath seen that evil hath been determined against him by the king.

Esther 5:6

And the king saith to Esther, during the banquet of wine, 'What is thy petition? and it is given to thee; and what thy request? unto the half of the kingdom -- and it is done.'

Feasts » Were presided over by a master of ceremonies

John 2:8-9

and he saith to them, 'Draw out, now, and bear to the director of the apartment;' and they bare. And as the director of the apartment tasted the water become wine, and knew not whence it is, (but the ministrants knew, who have drawn the water,) the director of the feast doth call the bridegroom,

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Divine protection given during

Exodus 34:24

for I dispossess nations from before thee, and have enlarged thy border, and no man doth desire thy land in thy going up to appear before Jehovah thy God three times in a year.

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Appointed feasts

Isaiah 1:14

Your new moons and your set seasons hath My soul hated, They have been upon me for a burden, I have been weary of bearing.

Feasts » Wedding » At cana of galilee

John 2:1

And the third day a marriage happened in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there,

Feasts » Guests arranged according to age

Genesis 43:33

And they sit before him, the first-born according to his birthright, and the young one according to his youth, and the men wonder one at another;

Feasts » Riddles propounded at

Judges 14:12

And Samson saith to them, 'Let me, I pray you, put forth to you a riddle; if ye certainly declare it to me in the seven days of the banquet, and have found it out, then I have given to you thirty linen shirts, and thirty changes of garments;

Feasts » Served in one dish

Matthew 26:23

And he answering said, 'He who did dip with me the hand in the dish, he will deliver me up;

Feasts » Instituted by moses » Holy convocations

Leviticus 23:4

These are appointed seasons of Jehovah, holy convocations, which ye proclaim in their appointed seasons:

Feasts » Host served

Genesis 18:8

and he taketh butter and milk, and the son of the herd which he hath prepared, and setteth before them; and he is standing by them under the tree, and they do eat.

Hebrew » Feasts

Hebrews 11:28

by faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that He who is destroying the first-born might not touch them.

Leviticus 23:6

and on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast of unleavened things to Jehovah; seven days unleavened things ye do eat;

Numbers 9:5

and they prepare the passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, in the wilderness of Sinai; according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses, so have the sons of Israel done.

Joshua 5:10

And the sons of Israel encamp in Gilgal, and make the passover on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the plains of Jericho;

2 Kings 23:22

Surely there hath not been made like this passover from the days of the judges who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Judah;

Hebrew » Feasts » Of pentecost, or weeks, held at the end of wheat harvest, 6th of sivan (june) to commemorate the giving of the law

Exodus 23:16

and the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of thy works which thou sowest in the field; and the Feast of the In-Gathering, in the outgoing of the year, in thy gathering thy works out of the field.

Exodus 34:22

'And a feast of weeks thou dost observe for thyself; first-fruits of wheat-harvest; and the feast of in-gathering, at the revolution of the year.

Leviticus 23:16

unto the morrow of the seventh sabbath ye do number fifty days, and ye have brought near a new present to Jehovah;

Numbers 28:26

'And in the day of the first-fruits, in your bringing near a new present to Jehovah, in your weeks, a holy convocation ye have; ye do no servile work;

More verses: Deuteronomy 16:10

Hebrew » Feasts » Of trumpets, held the first of the seventh month ethanim (october)

Leviticus 23:24

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first of the month, ye have a sabbath, a memorial of shouting, a holy convocation;

Numbers 29:1

'And in the seventh month, in the first of the month, a holy convocation ye have, ye do no servile work; a day of shouting it is to you;

Nehemiah 8:2

And Ezra the priest bringeth the law before the assembly, both of men and women, and every one intelligent to hear, on the first day of the seventh month,

Spiritual » Feasts » Prepared in abundance for believers (select reading pr 91-6)

Mark 14:22

And as they are eating, Jesus having taken bread, having blessed, brake, and gave to them, and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.'

Matthew 22:4

Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Lo, my dinner I prepared, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things are ready, come ye to the marriage-feasts;

Isaiah 25:6

And made hath Jehovah of Hosts, For all the peoples in this mount, A banquet of fat things, a banquet of preserved things, Fat things full of marrow, preserved things refined.

More verses: Proverbs 9:1-6

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Foreigners Permitted At The Feasts

Exodus 12:48

And when a sojourner sojourneth with thee, and hath made a passover to Jehovah, every male of his is to be circumcised, and then he doth come near to keep it, and he hath been as a native of the land, but any uncircumcised one doth not eat of it;

the anniversary Feasts

Exodus 23:15

the Feast of Unleavened things thou dost keep; seven days thou dost eat unleavened things, as I have commanded thee, at the time appointed in the month of Abib; for in it thou hast come forth out of Egypt, and ye do not appear in My presence empty;

Unique Feasts

2 Kings 23:22

Surely there hath not been made like this passover from the days of the judges who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Judah;

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