128 occurrences

'Bless' in the Bible

and I bow, and do obeisance before Jehovah, and I bless Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, who hath led me in the true way to receive the daughter of my lord's brother for his son.

Verse ConceptsBowing Heads Before GodGod Has GuidedBlessed Be God!

and they bless Rebekah, and say to her, 'Thou art our sister; become thou thousands of myriads, and thy seed doth possess the gate of those hating it.'

Verse ConceptsBenedictionsBlessedA Million And MoreCapturing GatesPeople OvercomingPeople Who Blessed OthersChildren Being A Blessing

sojourn in this land, and I am with thee, and bless thee, for to thee and to thy seed I give all these lands, and I have established the oath which I have sworn to Abraham thy father;

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To AbrahamOaths, DivineSojourningGod Swearing BlessingsGod Will Be With YouGod Will Blessland

and make for me tasteful things, such as I have loved, and bring in to me, and I do eat, so that my soul doth bless thee before I die.'

Verse ConceptsTasteRequesting FoodSavourinessBefore DeathLoving Other ThingsPeople Blessing

Bring for me provision, and make for me tasteful things, and I do eat, and bless thee before Jehovah before my death.

Verse ConceptsRequesting FoodSavourinessBefore DeathPeople BlessingMothers Deathgames

and thou hast taken in to thy father, and he hath eaten, so that his soul doth bless thee before his death.

Verse ConceptsRequesting FoodBefore DeathPeople Blessing

And Jacob saith unto his father, 'I am Esau thy first-born; I have done as thou hast spoken unto me; rise, I pray thee, sit, and eat of my provision, so that thy soul doth bless me.'

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitFirstbornInheritance, MaterialFirstborn SonsThis Is MePeople Blessing

And he saith, 'Bring nigh to me, and I do eat of my son's provision, so that my soul doth bless thee;' and he bringeth nigh to him, and he eateth; and he bringeth to him wine, and he drinketh.

Verse ConceptsWineProviding WinePeople Blessing

peoples serve thee, and nations bow themselves to thee, be thou mighty over thy brethren, and the sons of thy mother bow themselves to thee; those who curse thee are cursed, and those who bless thee are blessed.'

Verse ConceptsJacob, Life And Character OfServing PeopleSalutationsBlessing Through God's PeopleCursing Israel

and he also maketh tasteful things, and bringeth to his father, and saith to his father, 'Let my father arise, and eat of his son's provision, so that thy soul doth bless me.'

Verse ConceptsSavourinessPeople BlessingDeercooking

and Isaac trembleth a very great trembling, and saith, 'Who, now, is he who hath provided provision, and bringeth in to me, and I eat of all before thou comest in, and I bless him? -- yea, blessed is he.'

Verse ConceptsTremblingIndividuals TremblingWho Is This?People Blessing

When Esau heareth the words of his father, then he crieth a very great and bitter cry, and saith to his father, 'Bless me, me also, O my father;'

Verse ConceptsResentment, Against PeopleSelf PitySuffering, Emotional Aspects OfVoicesBeing BitterPeople BlessingBitterness

And Esau saith unto his father, 'One blessing hast thou my father? bless me, me also, O my father;' and Esau lifteth up his voice, and weepeth.

Verse ConceptsWeepingOthers MourningPeople Blessing

and God Almighty doth bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and thou hast become an assembly of peoples;

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfProcreationMay God Bless!fruitfulness

And Laban saith unto him, 'If, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes -- I have observed diligently that Jehovah doth bless me for thy sake.'

Verse ConceptsLearningBlessing Through God's People

and Joseph saith unto his father, 'They are my sons, whom God hath given to me in this place;' and he saith, 'Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I bless them.'

Verse ConceptsChildren, attitudes towardsSanctity Of LifeChildren, A Gift From GodPeople Who Blessed Others

the Messenger who is redeeming me from all evil doth bless the youths, and my name is called upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and they increase into a multitude in the midst of the land.'

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming PeopleAngels Looking After PeopleAngels Providing ProtectionMay God Bless!

and he blesseth them in that day, saying, 'By thee doth Israel bless, saying, God set thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh;' and he setteth Ephraim before Manasseh.

Verse ConceptsLike Good PeoplePeople Who Blessed Others

and Moses seeth all the work, and lo, they have done it as Jehovah hath commanded; so they have done. And Moses doth bless them.

Verse ConceptsPeople Who Blessed Others

And Moses goeth in -- Aaron also -- unto the tent of meeting, and they come out, and bless the people, and the honour of Jehovah appeareth unto all the people;

Verse ConceptsEntering The TabernacleGod AppearingPeople Who Blessed Others

'Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, saying, Thus ye do bless the sons of Israel, saying to them,

Verse ConceptsBlessingSons Being A Blessing

And they have put My name upon the sons of Israel, and I -- I do bless them.'

Verse ConceptsSpiritual AdoptionCalled By God's Name

Lo, to bless I have received: Yea, He blesseth, and I can not reverse it.

Verse ConceptsBlessedBlessed By GodBlessing Others

And Balak saith unto Balaam, 'Neither pierce it at all, nor bless it at all;'

Verse ConceptsBlessing And CurseCursing Israel

And Balaam seeth that it is good in the eyes of Jehovah to bless Israel, and he hath not gone as time by time to meet enchantments, and he setteth towards the wilderness his face;

Verse ConceptsGod Blesses

'At that time hath Jehovah separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, to stand before Jehovah, to serve Him, and to bless in His name, unto this day,

Verse ConceptsLevitesStandingSeparation From Evil PeopleThe Ark Moved AroundCarrying Holy ThingsPeople BlessingStatutes To This DayGod’s Covenant With The Levites

And when the way is too much for thee, that thou art not able to carry it -- when the place is too far off from thee which Jehovah thy God doth choose to put His name there, when Jehovah thy God doth bless thee; --

Verse ConceptsFar From HereTithes And OfferingMoney Blessingsdistancefriendliness

and come in hath the Levite (for he hath no part and inheritance with thee), and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who are within thy gates, and they have eaten, and been satisfied, so that Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in all the work of thy hand which thou dost.

Verse ConceptsPoverty, Attitudes TowardsSatisfactionSaints, Care For The PoorWidows, Should BeLoving ForeignersGod Will BlessNo Earthly InheritancePeople Helping Orphansfriendliness

only when there is no needy one with thee, for Jehovah doth greatly bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance to possess it.

Verse ConceptsPoor PeopleBlessings, To IsraelLand, As A Divine Responsibility

thou dost certainly give to him, and thy heart is not sad in thy giving to him, for because of this thing doth Jehovah thy God bless thee in all thy works, and in every putting forth of thy hand;

Verse ConceptsBeing BlessedGrudgesMastersResentment, Against PeopleSaints, Care For The PoorGod Will BlessGivingGiving Back

and thou hast made the feast of weeks to Jehovah thy God, a tribute of a free-will offering of thy hand, which thou dost give, as Jehovah thy God doth bless thee.

Verse ConceptsAbility, To GiveFeast Of WeeksGenerosity, Used TowardsAnimal Sacrifice, Free Will OfferingTithesFeast Of Weeks [Pentecost]Free Willinterracial

Seven days thou dost feast before Jehovah thy God, in the place which Jehovah doth choose, for Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in all thine increase, and in every work of thy hands, and thou hast been only rejoicing.

Verse ConceptsSeven Days

And the priests, sons of Levi, have come nigh -- for on them hath Jehovah thy God fixed to serve Him, and to bless in the name of Jehovah, and by their mouth is every strife, and every stroke --

Verse Conceptselection, responsibilities ofBenedictionsPriests, Function In Ot TimesPeople Involved In JudgementPeople Blessing

To a stranger thou mayest lend in usury, and to thy brother thou dost not lend in usury, so that Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in every putting forth of thy hand on the land whither thou goest in to possess it.

Verse ConceptsBankruptcyForeignersInterestStrangersLaws Restricting Foreigners

'When thou reapest thy harvest in thy field, and hast forgotten a sheaf in a field, thou dost not turn back to take it; to the sojourner, to the fatherless, and to the widow, it is; so that Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in all the work of thy hands.

Verse ConceptsForeignersBinding cornBereaved, Care ForGrainOrphansSowing And ReapingWidowsAutumnAliensSuccess And Hard Work

look from Thy holy habitation, from the heavens, and bless Thy people Israel, and the ground which Thou hast given to us, as Thou hast sworn to our fathers -- a land flowing with milk and honey.

Verse ConceptsHeaven, God's HabitationHeaven, Glimpsed By HumansGod Acts From HeavenMilk And HoneyMay God Bless!

'These do stand, to bless the people, on mount Gerizzim, in your passing over the Jordan: Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelCrossing Into The Promised Land

Jehovah doth open to thee his good treasure -- the heavens -- to give the rain of thy land in its season, and to bless all the work of thy hand, and thou hast lent to many nations, and thou -- thou dost not borrow.

Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtRainStoringWeather, God's Sovereignty OverYearsProvisionsSeeking Things AboveGod Sending RainGod's StorehousesBorrowingLending And BorrowingBlessing OthersMoney Blessingslent

Bless, O Jehovah, his strength, And the work of his hands Thou acceptest, Smite the loins of his withstanders, And of those hating him -- that they rise not!

And all Israel, and its elders, and authorities, and its judges, are standing on this side and on that of the ark, over-against the priests, the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, as well the sojourner as the native, half of them over-against mount Gerizim, and the half of them over-against mount Ebal, as Moses servant of Jehovah commanded to bless the people of Israel at the first.

Verse ConceptsArk Of The Covenant, EventsJudgesFractions, One HalfHalf Of GroupsPriests In Action

And to the half of the tribe of Manasseh hath Moses given, in Bashan, and to its other half hath Joshua given with their brethren beyond the Jordan westward; and also when Joshua hath sent them away unto their tents, then he doth bless them,

Verse ConceptsHalf Of DistrictsBeyond Jordan

and the thing is good in the eyes of the sons of Israel, and the sons of Israel bless God, and have not said to go up against them to war, to destroy the land which the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, are dwelling in.

and I have not been willing to hearken to Balaam, and he doth greatly bless you, and I deliver you out of his hand.

'For freeing freemen in Israel, For a people willingly offering themselves Bless ye Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfPeople Going BeforePraise God For His BenefitsVolunteering

My heart is to the lawgivers of Israel, Who are offering themselves willingly among the people, Bless ye Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsDeborahPeople WillingVolunteering

And the woman beareth a son, and calleth his name Samson, and the youth groweth, and Jehovah doth bless him,

Verse ConceptsBecoming An AdultChildren, Good Examples OfGrowing UpBlessed By GodBabies Being A Blessingempowerment

And lo, Boaz hath come from Beth-Lehem, and saith to the reapers, 'Jehovah is with you;' and they say to him, 'Jehovah doth bless thee.'

Verse ConceptsCourteousnessGreetingsSalutationsGod Be With YouMay God Bless!Spoken Greetingsfriendliness

At your going in to the city so ye do find him, before he doth go up in to the high place to eat; for the people do not eat till his coming, for he doth bless the sacrifice; afterwards they eat, who are called, and now, go up, for at this time ye find him.'

Verse ConceptsPeople EatingPeople Who Blessed Others

And it cometh to pass at his completing to cause the burnt-offering to ascend, that lo, Samuel hath come, and Saul goeth out to meet him, to bless him;

Verse ConceptsGreetingsSpoken Greetings

And to Abigail wife of Nabal hath one young man of the youths declared, saying, 'Lo, David hath sent messengers out of the wilderness to bless our lord, and he flieth upon them;

Verse ConceptsGreetingsInsulting Other PeopleTelling Of Happenings

And David turneth back to bless his house, and Michal daughter of Saul goeth out to meet David, and saith, 'How honourable to-day was the king of Israel, who was uncovered to-day before the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain ones is openly uncovered!'

Verse ConceptsFamilies, Examples OfBenedictionsIronySarcasmEmployers, Good ExamplesNudityPeople Stripping OffPeople Who Blessed Others

And now, begin and bless the house of Thy servant, to be unto the age before Thee, for Thou, Lord Jehovah, hast spoken, and by Thy blessing is the house of Thy servant blessed -- to the age.'

Verse ConceptsEternal BlessingMay God Bless!DedicationBlessings From God

and Toi sendeth Joram his son unto king David to ask of him of welfare, and to bless him, (because that he hath fought against Hadadezer, and smiteth him, for a man of wars with Toi had Hadadezer been), and in his hand have been vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and vessels of brass,

yea, David saith unto the Gibeonites, 'What do I do for you? and with what do I make atonement? and bless ye the inheritance of Jehovah.'

and also the servants of the king have come into bless our lord king David, saying, Thy God doth make the name of Solomon better than thy name, and his throne greater than thy throne; and the king boweth himself on the bed,

Verse ConceptsBowingBowing Before GodThe Kingdom Of Solomon

On the eighth day he hath sent the people away, and they bless the king, and go to their tents, rejoicing and glad of heart for all the good that Jehovah hath done to David His servant, and to Israel His people.

Verse ConceptsHappinessDay 8Rejoicing In God's Works

And Jabez calleth to the God of Israel, saying, 'If blessing Thou dost bless me, then Thou hast made great my border, and Thy hand hath been with me, and Thou hast kept me from evil -- not to grieve me;' and God bringeth in that which he asked.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerDivine RestraintsHand Of GodRestraintSuccessEnlargementSpiritual ProgressGod's HandGod's Hands On Peopleborders

And all the people go, each to his house, and David turneth round to bless his house.

and now, Thou hast been pleased to bless the house of Thy servant, to be to the age before Thee; for Thou, O Jehovah, hast blessed, and it is blessed to the age.'

Verse ConceptsEternal BlessingFamily FirstServant Leadership

and he sendeth Hadoram his son unto king David, to ask of him of peace, and to bless him (because that he hath fought against Hadarezer, and smiteth him, for a man of wars with Tou had Hadarezer been,) and all kinds of vessels, of gold, and silver, and brass;

Sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses; and Aaron is separated for his sanctifying the holy of holies, he and his sons -- unto the age, to make perfume before Jehovah, to serve Him, and to bless in His name -- unto the age.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, As Set Apart For God

And David saith to all the assembly, 'Bless, I pray you, Jehovah your God;' and all the assembly bless Jehovah, God of their fathers, and bow and do obeisance to Jehovah, and to the king.

Verse ConceptsBowingProstrationBowing Heads Before God

and the priests, the Levites, rise and bless the people, and their voice is heard, and their prayer cometh in to His holy habitation, to the heavens.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerBenedictionsHeaven, Glimpsed By Humans

And Hezekiah and the heads come in and see the heaps, and bless Jehovah and His people Israel,

Verse Conceptsimprovement

And the Levites say, even Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, Pethahiah, 'Rise, bless Jehovah your God, from the age unto the age, and they bless the name of Thine honour that is exalted above all blessing and praise.

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfPraiseGod, The EternalImmortality, In OtStandingGlory Of GodGod's Glory RevealedEternal PraiseProclaiming God’s NameBless The Lord!

The work of his hands Thou hast blessed, and his substance hath spread in the land, and yet, put forth, I pray Thee, Thy hand, and strike against anything that he hath -- if not: to Thy face he doth bless Thee!'

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofHand Of GodSatan, Work OfTouching To HarmWoundsCursing God

Yet, put forth, I pray Thee, Thy hand, and strike unto his bone and unto his flesh -- if not: unto Thy face he doth bless Thee!'

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofdiseasesFalse AccusationsDamage To The BodyTouching To HarmWoundsCursing God

And his wife saith to him, 'Still thou art keeping hold on thine integrity: bless God and die.'

Verse ConceptsCurses, HumanBlasphemy, Examples OfBlameWivesBad Wives ExamplesHolding FastTemptressesCursing GodWife

My foot hath stood in uprightness, In assemblies I bless Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsStaying StrongPraising God In Public Worship

By David, in his changing his behaviour before Abimelech, and he driveth him away, and he goeth. I do bless Jehovah at all times, Continually His praise is in my mouth.

Verse ConceptsLipsMadnessPretenceSpeech, Positive Aspects OfUnceasingAlways PraisingPraising GodBlessed Be God!Praising God With Your MouthbehaviorPraising God With Your Lips

Bless, ye peoples, our God, And sound the voice of His praise,

Verse ConceptsPraiseBless The Lord!Being Beautifuldeliverance

Earth hath given her increase, God doth bless us -- our God,

Verse ConceptsHarvestSeedLand ProducingGod Blesses

In assemblies bless ye God, The Lord -- from the fountain of Israel.

Verse ConceptsCongregationMagnifying GodWorship, Reasons ForBless The Lord!

And he liveth, and giveth to him of the gold of Sheba, And prayeth for him continually, All the day he doth bless him.

Verse ConceptsGoldUnceasingAlways PraisingIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyPrayer During Hard Times

His name is to the age, Before the sun is his name continued, And they bless themselves in him, All nations do pronounce him happy.

Verse ConceptsConsistencyMission, Of IsraelBlessing Through God's People

Sing to Jehovah, bless His name, Proclaim from day to day His salvation.

Verse ConceptsGod's Salvation Made KnownPraise The Lord With Music!

Bless Jehovah, all ye His hosts, His ministers -- doing His pleasure.

Verse ConceptsHost Of HeavenBless The Lord!

Bless Jehovah, all ye His works, In all places of His dominion. Bless, O my soul, Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsBless The Lord!dominion

Consumed are sinners from the earth, And the wicked are no more. Bless, O my soul, Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsPraiseSinnersPeople Passing AwayBless The Lord!

They revile, and Thou dost bless, They have risen, and are ashamed, And Thy servant doth rejoice.

Verse ConceptsGod Will BlessRejoicing Over JusticeShame Will ComeBlessing Otherscurses

And we, we bless Jah, From henceforth, and unto the age. Praise ye Jah!

Verse ConceptsEternal PraisePraise The Lord!Blessed Be God!

Jehovah doth bless thee out of Zion, Look, then, on the good of Jerusalem, All the days of thy life,

Verse ConceptsLifelongMay God Bless!The Righteous ProsperBlessings And Prosperityjerusalemzion

A Song of the Ascents. Lo, bless Jehovah, all servants of Jehovah, Who are standing in the house of Jehovah by night.

Verse ConceptsAll Night PrayersBless The Lord!Praise And Worship

Bible Theasaurus

Amuse (2 instances)
Commend (20 instances)
Consecrate (84 instances)
Create (29 instances)
Desire (651 instances)
Enliven (1 instance)
Flatter (8 instances)
Gratify (12 instances)
Hallow (73 instances)
Indulge (14 instances)
Sanctify (97 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
אשׁר אשׁר 
Usage: 16

Usage: 45

Usage: 330

B@rak (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

Usage: 69

Usage: 2

Usage: 39

Usage: 8

Usage: 16

Usage: 2

Usage: 21

Usage: 3