'Declaration' in the Bible
Pay close attention to my words;let my declaration ring in your ears.
“I will rise up against them”—this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts—“and I will cut off from Babylon her reputation, remnant, offspring, and posterity”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
“I will make her a swampland and a region for screech owls, and I will sweep her away with a broom of destruction.”This is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts.
The fortress disappears from Ephraim,and a kingdom from Damascus.The remnant of Aram will belike the splendor of the Israelites.This is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts.
Only gleanings will be left in Israel,as if an olive tree had been beaten—two or three berries at the very top of the tree,four or five on its fruitful branches.This is the declaration of the Lord,the God of Israel.
I will deliver Egypt into the hands of harsh masters,and a strong king will rule it.This is the declaration of the Lord God of Hosts.
On that day”—the declaration of the Lord of Hosts—“the peg that was driven into a firm place will give way, be cut off, and fall, and the load on it will be destroyed.” Indeed, the Lord has spoken.
Woe to the rebellious children!This is the Lord’s declaration.They carry out a plan, but not Mine;they make an alliance,but against My will,piling sin on top of sin.
His rock will pass away because of fear,and his officers will be afraid because of the signal flag.This is the Lord’s declaration—whose fire is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.
He will go backthe way he came,and he will not enter this city.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Do not fear, you worm Jacob,you men of Israel:I will help you—this is the Lord’s declaration.Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.
“You are My witnesses”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and My servant whom I have chosen,so that you may know and believe Meand understand that I am He.No god was formed before Me,and there will be none after Me.
I alone declared, saved, and proclaimed—and not some foreign god among you.So you are My witnesses”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and I am God.
Look up, and look around.They all gather together; they come to you.As I live”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“you will wear all your children as jewelry,and put them on as a bride does.
So now what have I here”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“that My people are taken away for nothing?Its rulers wail”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and My name is continually blasphemed all day long.
No weapon formed against you will succeed,and you will refute any accusationraised against you in court.This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants,and their righteousness is from Me.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,and your ways are not My ways.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
This is the declaration of the Lord God,who gathers the dispersed of Israel:“I will gather to them still othersbesides those already gathered.”
“The Redeemer will come to Zion,and to those in Jacob who turn from transgression.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
My hand made all these things,and so they all came into being.This is the Lord’s declaration.I will look favorably on this kind of person:one who is humble, submissive in spirit,and trembles at My word.
“Those who dedicate and purify themselves to enter the groves following their leader, eating meat from pigs, vermin, and rats, will perish together.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
“For just as the new heavens and the new earth,which I will make,will endure before Me”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“so your offspring and your name will endure.
Do not be afraid of anyone,for I will be with you to deliver you.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Indeed, I am about to summon all the clans and kingdoms of the north.”This is the Lord’s declaration.They will come, and each king will set up his throneat the entrance to Jerusalem’s gates.They will attack all her surrounding wallsand all the other cities of Judah.
They will fight against you but never prevail over you, since I am with you to rescue you.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Israel was holy to the Lord,the firstfruits of His harvest.All who ate of it found themselves guilty;disaster came on them.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Therefore, I will bring a case against you again.This is the Lord’s declaration.I will bring a case against your children’s children.
Be horrified at this, heavens;be shocked and utterly appalled.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Your own evil will discipline you;your own apostasies will reprimand you.Think it over and see how evil and bitter it isfor you to abandon the Lord your Godand to have no fear of Me.This is the declarationof the Lord God of Hosts.
Even if you wash with lyeand use a great amount of soap,the stain of your sin is still in front of Me.This is the Lord God’s declaration.
Why do you bring a case against Me?All of you have rebelled against Me.This is the Lord’s declaration.
If a man divorces his wifeand she leaves him to marry another,can he ever return to her?Wouldn’t such a land become totally defiled?But you!You have played the prostitute with many partners—can you return to Me?This is the Lord’s declaration.
Yet in spite of all this, her treacherous sister Judah didn’t return to Me with all her heart—only in pretense.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Go, proclaim these words to the north, and say:Return, unfaithful Israel.This is the Lord’s declaration.I will not look on you with anger,for I am unfailing in My love.This is the Lord’s declaration.I will not be angry forever.
Only acknowledge your guilt—you have rebelled against the Lord your God.You have scattered your favors to strangersunder every green treeand have not obeyed My voice.This is the Lord’s declaration.
“Return, you faithless children”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“for I am your master, and I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.
When you multiply and increase in the land, in those days”—the Lord’s declaration—“no one will say any longer, ‘The ark of the Lord’s covenant.’ It will never come to mind, and no one will remember or miss it. It will never again be made.
However, as a woman may betray her lover,so you have betrayed Me, house of Israel.This is the Lord’s declaration.
If you return, Israel—this is the Lord’s declaration—you will return to Me,if you remove your detestable idolsfrom My presenceand do not waver,
“On that day”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“the king and the officials will lose their courage. The priests will tremble in fear, and the prophets will be scared speechless.”
They have her surroundedlike those who guard a field,because she has rebelled against Me.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Should I not punish them for these things?This is the Lord’s declaration.Should I not avenge Myselfon such a nation as this?
They, the house of Israel and the house of Judah,have dealt very treacherously with Me.This is the Lord’s declaration.
I am about to bring a nationfrom far away against you,house of Israel.This is the Lord’s declaration.It is an established nation,an ancient nation,a nation whose language you do not knowand whose speech you do not understand.
“But even in those days”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“I will not finish you off.
Do you not fear Me?This is the Lord’s declaration.Do you not tremble before Me,the One who set the sand as the boundary of the sea,an enduring barrier that it cannot cross?The waves surge, but they cannot prevail.They roar but cannot pass over it.
Should I not punish them for these things?This is the Lord’s declaration.Should I not avenge Myselfon such a nation as this?
Their houses will be turned over to others,their fields and wives as well,for I will stretch out My handagainst the inhabitants of the land.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your view? Yes, I too have seen it.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Now, because you have done all these things”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and because I have spoken to you time and time again but you wouldn’t listen, and I have called to you, but you wouldn’t answer,
But are they really provoking Me?” This is the Lord’s declaration. “Isn’t it they themselves being provoked to disgrace?”
“For the Judeans have done what is evil in My sight.” This is the Lord’s declaration. “They have set up their detestable things in the house that is called by My name and defiled it.
“Therefore, take note! Days are coming”—the Lord’s declaration—“when this place will no longer be called Topheth and the Valley of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. Topheth will become a cemetery, because there will be no other burial place.
“At that time”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of her officials, the bones of the priests, the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the residents of Jerusalem will be brought out of their graves.
Death will be chosen over life by all the survivors of this evil family, those who remain wherever I have banished them.” This is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts.
I will gather them and bring them to an end.This is the Lord’s declaration.There will be no grapes on the vine,no figs on the fig tree,and even the leaf will wither.Whatever I have given them will be lost to them.
Indeed, I am about to send snakes among you,poisonous vipers that cannot be charmed.They will bite you.This is the Lord’s declaration.
They bent their tongues like their bows;lies and not faithfulness prevail in the land,for they proceed from one evil to another,and they do not take Me into account.This is the Lord’s declaration.
You live in a world of deception.In their deception they refuse to know Me.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Should I not punish them for these things?This is the Lord’s declaration.Should I not avenge Myselfon such a nation as this?
But the one who boasts should boast in this,that he understands and knows Me—that I am Yahweh, showing faithful love,justice, and righteousness on the earth,for I delight in these things.This is the Lord’s declaration.
“The days are coming”—the Lord’s declaration—“when I will punish all the circumcised yet uncircumcised:
However, if they will not obey, then I will uproot and destroy that nation.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Just as underwear clings to one’s waist, so I fastened the whole house of Israel and of Judah to Me”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“so that they might be My people for My fame, praise, and glory, but they would not obey.
I will smash them against each other, fathers and sons alike”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “I will allow no mercy, pity, or compassion to keep Me from destroying them.”
This is your lot,what I have decreed for you—this is the Lord’s declaration—because you have forgotten Meand trusted in Falsehood.
“I will ordain four kinds of judgment for them”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“the sword to kill, the dogs to drag away, and the birds of the sky and the wild animals of the land to devour and destroy.
You have left Me.This is the Lord’s declaration.You have turned your back,so I have stretched out My hand against youand destroyed you.I am tired of showing compassion.
The mother of seven grew faint;she breathed her last breath.Her sun set while it was still day;she was ashamed and humiliated.The rest of them I will give over to the swordin the presence of their enemies.”This is the Lord’s declaration.
Then I will make you a fortified wall of bronzeto this people.They will fight against youbut will not overcome you,for I am with youto save you and deliver you.This is the Lord’s declaration.
“For this is what the Lord says: Don’t enter a house where a mourning feast is taking place. Don’t go to lament or sympathize with them, for I have removed My peace from these people”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“as well as My faithful love and compassion.
Then you will answer them: Because your fathers abandoned Me”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and followed other gods, served them, and worshiped them. Indeed, they abandoned Me and did not keep My instruction.
“However, take note! The days are coming”—the Lord’s declaration—“when it will no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives who brought the Israelites from the land of Egypt,’
“I am about to send for many fishermen”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and they will fish for them. Then I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and out of the clefts of the rocks,
“House of Israel, can I not treat you as this potter treats his clay?”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “Just like clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, house of Israel.
“Therefore, take note! The days are coming”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“when this place will no longer be called Topheth and the Valley of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.
I will do so to this place”—this is the declaration of the Lord—“and to its residents, making this city like Topheth.
Afterward’”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“‘King Zedekiah of Judah, his officers, and the people—those in this city who survive the plague, the sword, and the famine—I will hand over to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, to their enemies, yes, to those who want to take their lives. He will put them to the sword; he won’t spare them or show pity or compassion.’
For I have turned against this city to bring disaster and not good’”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “‘It will be handed over to the king of Babylon, who will burn it down.’
Beware! I am against you,you who sit above the valley,you atop the rocky plateau—this is the Lord’s declaration—you who say, “Who can come down against us?Who can enter our hiding places?”
I will punish you according to what you have done—this is the Lord’s declaration.I will kindle a fire in its forestthat will consume everything around it.’”
But if you do not obey these words, then I swear by Myself”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“that this house will become a ruin.”
He took up the case of the poor and needy,then it went well.Is this not what it means to know Me?This is the Lord’s declaration.
“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” This is the Lord’s declaration.
“Therefore, this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says about the shepherds who shepherd My people: You have scattered My flock, banished them, and have not attended to them. I will attend to you because of your evil acts”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them. They will no longer be afraid or dismayed, nor will any be missing.” This is the Lord’s declaration.
“The days are coming”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“when I will raise up a Righteous Branch of David.He will reign wisely as kingand administer justice and righteousness in the land.
“The days are coming”—the Lord’s declaration—“when it will no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives who brought the Israelites from the land of Egypt,’
because both prophet and priest are ungodly,even in My house I have found their evil.This is the Lord’s declaration.
Therefore, their way will be to themlike slippery paths in the gloom.They will be driven away and fall down there,for I will bring disaster on them,the year of their punishment.This is the Lord’s declaration.
“Am I a God who is only near”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and not a God who is far away?
Can a man hide himself in secret places where I cannot see him?”—the Lord’s declaration. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?”—the Lord’s declaration.
The prophet who has only a dream should recount the dream, but the one who has My word should speak My word truthfully, for what is straw compared to grain?”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
“Is not My word like fire”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and like a hammer that pulverizes rock?
Therefore, take note! I am against the prophets”—the Lord’s declaration—“who steal My words from each other.
I am against the prophets”—the Lord’s declaration—“who use their own tongues to make a declaration.
I am against those who prophesy false dreams”—the Lord’s declaration—“telling them and leading My people astray with their falsehoods and their boasting. It was not I who sent or commanded them, and they are of no benefit at all to these people”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
“Now when these people or a prophet or a priest asks you, ‘What is the burden of the Lord?’ you will respond to them: What is the burden? I will throw you away”—this is the Lord’s declaration.
“‘But you would not obey Me’—this is the Lord’s declaration—‘in order that you might provoke Me to anger by the work of your hands and bring disaster on yourselves.’
I am going to send for all the families of the north’—this is the Lord’s declaration—‘and send for My servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and I will bring them against this land, against its residents, and against all these surrounding nations, and I will completely destroy them and make them a desolation, a derision, and ruins forever.