'Leaf' in the Bible
And the dove came to him {in the evening}, and behold, a freshly-picked olive tree leaf [was] in her mouth. And Noah knew that the waters had subsided from upon the earth.
As for the ones who remain among you, I will bring fearfulness in their hearts in the land of their enemies; and a sound of a windblown leaf shall pursue them, and they shall flee [like] flight {before} a sword, and they shall fall, but there shall not be a pursuer.
Will you terrify a blown leaf? And will you pursue dry stubble?
And so, he is like a tree planted by streams of water that gives its fruit in its season; its leaf also does not wither. Therefore all that he does prospers.
He who trusts in his wealth [is] he who will fall, but like a green leaf the righteous will flourish.
and all the host of heaven shall rot. And the skies shall roll up like scroll, and all their host shall wither like the withering of a leaf from a vine, or like [the] withering from a fig tree.
And we all have become like the unclean, and all our deeds of justice like a menstrual cloth, And we all wither like leaf, and our iniquities take us away like the wind.
And along the stream will go up on its banks {from both sides} every tree {producing food}; its leaf will not wither and it will not cease [producing] its fruit. {Every month} it will bear early fruit, for its waters [are] going out from the sanctuary, and its fruit will be as food, and its leaf for healing."