67 occurrences

'Branches' in the Bible

Now a river flowed out from Eden that watered the garden, and from there it diverged and became four branches.

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodWater IrrigationFour Other ThingsGardensRivers

Then Jacob took fresh branches of poplar, almond, and plane trees and peeled white strips on them, exposing the white which [was] on the branches.

Verse ConceptsAlmondsWhiteTreesPolesSkinningBlack And White

And he set the branches that he had peeled in front of the flocks, in the troughs [and] in the water containers. And they were in heat when they came to drink.

Verse ConceptsAnimals MatingWater ContainersPolesSkinning

And the flocks mated by the branches, so the flocks bore streaked, speckled, and spotted.

Verse ConceptsAnimals MatingAnimal ReproductionPolesBlemished CreaturesBlack And WhiteColor

And whenever any of the stronger of the flocks were in heat, Jacob put the branches {in full view} of the flock in the troughs that they might mate among the branches.

Verse ConceptsAnimals MatingStrength Of AnimalsAnimal ReproductionWater ContainersPoles

and on the vine [were] three branches. And as it budded, its blossoms came up, [and] its clusters of grapes grew ripe.

Verse ConceptsThree Other Things

Then Joseph said to him, "This [is] its interpretation: The three branches, they [are] three days.

Verse ConceptsInterpretation Of DreamsThree DaysThree Other Things

And six branches [will be] going out from its sides, three branches of the lampstand from its one side and three branches of the lampstand from its second side.

Verse ConceptsSix ThingsThree Other Things

Three almond-flower cups [will be] on the one branch [with] a bud and a blossom, and three almond-flower cups [will be] on the one branch [with] a bud and a blossom--likewise for the six branches going out from the lampstand.

Verse ConceptsAlmondsThree Other Things

And a bud [will be] under the two branches [that come] from it, and a bud under the two branches from it, and a bud under the two branches from it, [likewise] for the six branches coming out from the lampstand.

Verse ConceptsSix Things

Their buds and their branches will be from it, all of it one [piece] of pure gold hammered work.

Verse ConceptsOne Material ThingGold Items For The Tabernacl

And six branches [were] going out from its sides, three branches of the lampstand from its one side and three branches of the lampstand from its second side.

Verse ConceptsSix ThingsThree Other Things

Three almond-flower cups [were] on the one branch [with] a bud and a blossom, and three almond-flower cups [were] on the one branch [with] a bud and a blossom--likewise for the six branches going out from the lampstand.

Verse ConceptsAlmondsSix ThingsThree Other Things

And a bud [was] under the two branches [that came] from it, and a bud under the two branches from it, and a bud under the two branches from it, [likewise] for the six branches coming out from the lampstand.

Verse ConceptsSix Things

Their buds and their branches were from it, all of it one [piece] of pure gold, hammered work.

Verse ConceptsOne Material Thing

And on the first day you shall take for yourselves the first fruit of majestic trees, branches of palm trees and branches of a leafy tree and of a brook's poplar trees, and you shall rejoice {before} Yahweh your God [for] seven days.

Verse ConceptsFeast Of TabernaclesSeven DaysFoliageWillowsBrooks

When you beat off the fruit of your olive trees you shall not search through the branches afterward, for it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Types OfDoing Things TwiceOlive Trees

and that they should proclaim and give voice in all of their cities in Jerusalem, saying, "Go out to the hill and bring olive tree branches, olive oil wood branches, myrtle shrub branches, palm tree branches, and other leafy tree branches to make booths, as it is written."

Verse ConceptsBranches, Types OfOlivesFoliageMyrtle

at the scent of water it will bud, and it will put forth branches like a young plant.

His roots dry up {below}, and its branches wither away above.

Verse ConceptsPeople Withered

My roots [were] open to water, and dew spent the night on my branches;

Verse ConceptsBranches, Figurative UsesdewMetaphorical Watering

It spread its branches to [the] sea and its shoots to [the] river.

Verse ConceptsAs Far As The Euphrates

Along them the birds of the heavens abide. From among [the] branches they {sing}.

Verse ConceptsBirds

Look! The Lord Yahweh of hosts is about to lop off [the] branches with great power, and {the towering trees} will be felled, and the {tall trees} will be brought low.

Verse ConceptsCutting Off BranchesPutting Things Down

And gleanings will be left over in it, as {when an olive tree is beaten}, two [or] three ripe olive berries in [the] top of a branch, four [or] five on its fruitful branches," {declares} Yahweh, the God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsRemnantSmall RemnantsTwo Or ThreeOlive Trees

And [the] rivers will become foul-smelling; the branches of the Nile of Egypt will become little and dry up; reed and rush will wither.

Verse ConceptsReedsSmellsCanalsNature DecayingBrooks

For [the] fortified city [is] solitary, a settlement deserted and forsaken, like the wilderness; [the] calf grazes there, lies down there and destroys its branches.

Verse ConceptsChaosCities Under AttackEmpty CitiesChaos As JudgmentHomestead

{When its branches are dry}, they are broken; women [are] coming [and] setting light to it. For it [is] not a people of understanding; therefore his maker will not have compassion on him, and his creator will not show him favor.

Verse ConceptsSympathyDullnessFirewoodGod Without Mercy

Go up through her vineyards and destroy, but you must not make complete destruction. Remove her branches, for they [are] not to Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsDestroying VineyardsBattlementsDestruction Of PlantsNot Destroyed

Thus says Yahweh of hosts: "They will thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine, turn back your hand over [the] branches like a grape-gatherer.

Verse ConceptsGleaningGrapesRemnantVinesMetaphorical VineyardsSurvivors DestroyedDoing Repeatedly

Yahweh called your name, 'A leafy olive tree, {beautiful with fine fruit}.' With the sound of a great storm he will set fire to it, and its branches will be good for nothing.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, SpiritualStormsColors, GreenOaksBurning PlantsBeauty Of ThingsOlive TreesGod Controls Storms

More than the weeping of Jazer I weep for you, O vine Sibmah. Your branches cross over [the] sea, up to the sea of Jazer they reach. Upon your summer fruit and upon your vintage [the] destroyer has fallen.

Verse ConceptsGrapesVinesSummerVintageSummer Fruit

And it sprouted, and {it became a vine spreading out}, low of height, turning its branches to him, and its roots were under it, and {it became a vine}, and it made branches, and it sent out foliage.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingSprouting PlantsSmall ThingsSproutingThose Subjected To People

" '"And there was another great eagle, great of wings and [with] abundant plumage, and look! This vine stretched out its roots toward him and extended its branches to him to water it from the garden bed {where it was planted}.

Verse ConceptsEaglesWingsWings Of BirdsFeathersThose Subjected To People

It was planted in good field by many waters to produce branches and to bear fruit to become {a beautiful vine}." '

Verse ConceptsFertile LandWater For PlantsBearing Fruit

On the height of the mountain of Israel I will plant [it], and it will carry branches, and it will bear fruit, and {it will become a noble cedar}, and all of the birds of all wings will dwell under it in the shade of its branches.

Verse ConceptsBearing Fruit

Your mother [was] like the vine in your vineyard; planted {fruitfully} beside water, and it was full of branches from many waters.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, SpiritualRivers And StreamsVineyardAbundance, MaterialWater For PlantsBearing Fruitfruitfulness

And {she produced branches of strength} to scepters of rulers; its height became tall between thick foliage, and it was seen because of its tallness among the abundance of its branches.

Verse ConceptsHeightSceptreThings On High

And [so] fire has gone out from the stem of its branches; its fruit it has consumed, and [there] was not in it {a strong branch}, a scepter for ruling.'" This [is] a lament, and {it will be used as a lament}.

Verse ConceptsSceptreBurning Plants

Look! Assyria [was] a cedar in Lebanon, [with] beautiful branches and a forest giving shade, and {very high}, and its treetop [was] between [the] clouds.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Types OfCedarPride, Examples OfTreesThings On High

Therefore it became tall, [with] its height more than all of the trees of the field, and its branches became numerous, and its branches became long {from its sending its shoots from abundant water}.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingThings On High

In its branches all the birds of the heaven made their nest, and under its branches all the animals of the field gave birth, and in its shadow all [the] many nations lived.

Verse ConceptsNestsAnimal ReproductionBirds

And it was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches, for its root [was] toward much water.

Verse ConceptsWater For PlantsBeauty Of Thingsgreatness

Cedars in the garden of God could not [be] equal to it; fir trees could not resemble its branches, and plane trees were not [even] like its branches; any tree [even] in the garden of God could not resemble it in its beauty.

Verse ConceptsBeauty Of ThingsEclipsewaterfalls

I made it beautiful with the abundance of its branches, and all of the trees of Eden that [were] in the garden of God envied it.'"

Verse ConceptsBeautifulGarden Of Eden, TheEden

And strangers cut it off, [the most] ruthless of nations, and they abandoned it. On the mountains and in all [of the] valleys its branches fell, and its branches were broken in all the river channels of the land, and all the peoples of the world went out from its shadow, and they abandoned it.

Verse ConceptsForeignersFelling TreesAbandoning ThingsSuffering From ForeignersThings Falling

On its fallen trunk all the birds of the heaven [now] dwell, and all the animals of the field were on its branches.

Its foliage [was] beautiful, and its fruit abundant, and in it [was] provision for all. Under it the animals of the field sought shade, and in its branches the birds of heaven nested, and from it all the living beings were fed.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialFoliageBearing Fruit

He cried {aloud} and so he said: "Cut down the tree and chop off its branches; shake off its foliage and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it, and the birds from its branches.

Verse ConceptsFelling TreesThings StrippedFoliageBearing Fruit

and its foliage [was] beautiful and its fruit abundant, and [so there was] provision for all in it, [and] the animals of the field lived under it and in its branches nest [the] birds of heaven,

Verse ConceptsFoliageBearing Fruit

It has made my vine a desolation, and my fig tree a completely splintered stump. It has stripped them bare and thrown [them] down; their branches have turned white.

Verse ConceptsWhiteThings StrippedFoliage

For Yahweh will restore the majesty of Jacob like the majesty of Israel; for ravagers have ravaged them and ruined [their] branches.

Verse ConceptsRestoring NationsVinesThose Who DestroySource Of Honour

{It} is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it is grown it is larger than the garden herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches."

Verse ConceptsGarden, NaturalSmall Things God UsesBig ThingsSmall ThingsPlants Growing UpHerbsBirdsPlanting SeedsChange And GrowthSeedssoaring

And a very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading [them] on the road.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingCutting Off BranchesCrowds Around JesusFoliageUsing Roads

but when it is sown it grows up and becomes the largest of all the garden herbs, and sends out large branches so that the birds of the sky are able to nest in its shade."

Verse ConceptsShadowsBig ThingsPlants Growing Up

And many [people] spread their cloaks on the road, and others [spread] leafy branches [they] had cut from the fields.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingFoliageUsing Roads

It is like a mustard seed that a man took [and] sowed in his own garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the sky nested in its branches."

Verse ConceptsGarden, NaturalHorticultureParables Of ChristSmall ThingsPlants Growing Up

took the branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, and began crying out, "Hosanna! Blessed [is] the one who comes in the name of the Lord, even the king of Israel!"

Verse ConceptsPalm TreesPraise, Manner And Methods OfShoutingPraise, Nature OfMessianic Titles, King Of The JewsChrist Is King Of IsraelBless The Lord!Save Us!The Fact Of His ComingIn God's Name

Now if the first fruits [are] holy, [so] also [is] the [whole] batch of dough, and if the root [is] holy, [so] also [are] the branches.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Figurative UsesFullness Of The KingdomBranches Of ChristMetaphorical FirstfruitsFirst fruitsTrinity

Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, [although you] were a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the root of the olive tree's richness,

Verse ConceptsFellowship With ChristFellowship, In The GospelParticipation, In ChristSeparation From GodJoined To The ChurchGentilesOlive TreesJews

do not boast against the branches. But if you boast against [them], you do not support the root, but the root [supports] you.

Verse ConceptsDo Not Be ProudOther SupportingOlive TreesSupportBoasting

Then you will say, "Branches were broken off in order that I could be grafted in."

Verse ConceptsSeparation From GodJoined To The Church

For if God did not spare the {natural} branches, neither will he spare you.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Figurative UsesNot Sparing

For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are {natural branches} be grafted into their own olive tree?

Verse ConceptsOlivesParticipation, In ChristTreesCutting Off BranchesJoined To The ChurchOlive Treescutting

After these [things] I looked, and behold, a great crowd that no one was able to number, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed [in] white robes and [with] palm branches in their hands.

Verse ConceptsMultitudesGentiles, In NtCrowdsAn Innumerable NumberBranches, Types OfAudiencesLanguagesNationalismRobesStandingWhiteGlorified SaintsMany In The ChurchWhite And Bright ClothesWhite ClothsAll LanguagesThe Gospel To The NationsEvangelism During The TribulationGreat White Throne JudgmentLanguageColorRaceculture

Bible Theasaurus

Branch (67 instances)
Branches (116 instances)
Offset (3 instances)
Offshoot (1 instance)
Outgrowth (1 instance)
Separate (157 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 6

Usage: 12

Usage: 2

Usage: 202

Usage: 587

Usage: 8

זמר זמרה זמורה 
Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 192

Usage: 3

Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 6

עבתה עבות עבת 
Usage: 24

Usage: 18

ענף ענף 
`anaph (Aramaic) 
Usage: 4

Usage: 7

Usage: 1

Usage: 329

פּארה פּראה פּארה 
Usage: 8

Usage: 5

Usage: 62

Usage: 54

שׁבּלת שׁבּל 
Usage: 19

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 6

Usage: 0

Usage: 1