'Needy' in the Bible
'Thou dost not turn aside the judgment of thy needy one in his strife;
and the seventh thou dost release it, and hast left it, and the needy of thy people have eaten, and their leaving doth the beast of the field eat; so dost thou to thy vineyard -- to thine olive-yard.
only when there is no needy one with thee, for Jehovah doth greatly bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance to possess it.
'When there is with thee any needy one of one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities, in thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, thou dost not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother;
Take heed to thee lest there be a word in thy heart -- worthless, saying, Near is the seventh year, the year of release; and thine eye is evil against thy needy brother, and thou dost not give to him, and he hath called concerning thee unto Jehovah, and it hath been in thee sin;
because the needy one doth not cease out of the land, therefore I am commanding thee, saying, Thou dost certainly open thy hand to thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy one, in thy land.
'Thou dost not oppress a hireling, poor and needy, of thy brethren or of thy sojourner who is in thy land within thy gates;
He raiseth from the dust the poor, From a dunghill He lifteth up the needy, To cause them to sit with nobles, Yea, a throne of honour He doth cause them to inherit, For to Jehovah are the fixtures of earth, And He setteth on them the habitable world.
as days on which the Jews have rested from their enemies, and the month that hath been turned to them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning to a good day, to make them days of banquet and of joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the needy.
And He saveth the wasted from their mouth, And from a strong hand the needy,
They turn aside the needy from the way, Together have hid the poor of the earth.
At the light doth the murderer rise, He doth slay the poor and needy, And in the night he is as a thief.
A father I am to the needy, And the cause I have not known I search out.
Did not I weep for him whose day is hard? Grieved hath my soul for the needy.
If I see any perishing without clothing, And there is no covering to the needy,
For not for ever is the needy forgotten, The hope of the humble lost to the age.
Because of the spoiling of the poor, Because of the groaning of the needy, Now do I arise, saith Jehovah, I set in safety him who doth breathe for it.
All my bones say, 'Jehovah, who is like Thee, Delivering the poor from the stronger than he, And the poor and needy from his plunderer.'
A sword have the wicked opened, And they have trodden their bow, To cause to fall the poor and needy, To slaughter the upright of the way.
And I am poor and needy, The Lord doth devise for me. My help and my deliverer art Thou, O my God, tarry Thou not.
For Jehovah hearkeneth unto the needy, And His bound ones He hath not despised.
And I am poor and needy, O God, haste to me, My help and my deliverer art Thou, O Jehovah, tarry Thou not!
He judgeth the poor of the people, Giveth deliverance to the sons of the needy, And bruiseth the oppressor.
For he delivereth the needy who crieth, And the poor when he hath no helper,
He hath pity on the poor and needy, And the souls of the needy he saveth,
Let not the oppressed turn back ashamed, Let the poor and needy praise Thy name,
Let the weak and needy escape, From the hand of the wicked deliver them.
A Prayer of David. Incline, O Jehovah, Thine ear, Answer me, for I am poor and needy.
And setteth on high the needy from affliction, And placeth families as a flock.
Because that he hath not remembered to do kindness, And pursueth the poor man and needy, And the smitten of heart -- to slay,
For I am poor and needy, And my heart hath been pierced in my midst.
For He standeth at the right hand of the needy, To save from those judging his soul.
He hath scattered -- hath given to the needy, His righteousness is standing for ever, His horn is exalted with honour.
He is raising up from the dust the poor, From a dunghill He exalteth the needy.
Her provision I greatly bless, Her needy ones I satisfy with bread,
I have known that Jehovah doth execute The judgment of the afflicted, The judgment of the needy.
An oppressor of the poor reproacheth his Maker, And whoso is honouring Him Is favouring the needy.
A generation -- swords are their teeth, And knives -- their jaw-teeth, To consume the poor from earth, And the needy from among men.
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, Both the cause of the poor and needy!'
Her hand she hath spread forth to the poor, Yea, her hands she sent forth to the needy.
And delighted have the first-born of the poor, And the needy in confidence lie down, And I have put to death with famine thy root, And thy remnant it slayeth.
For Thou hast been a stronghold for the poor, A stronghold for the needy in his distress, A refuge from storm, a shadow from heat, When the spirit of the terrible is as a storm -- a wall.
And the miser -- his instruments are evil, He hath counselled wicked devices, To corrupt the poor with lying sayings, Even when the needy speaketh justly.
The poor and the needy are seeking water, And there is none, Their tongue with thirst hath failed, I, Jehovah do answer them, The God of Israel -- I forsake them not.
Also in thy skirts hath been found the blood of innocent needy souls, Not by digging have I found them, but upon all these.
They have been fat, they have shone, Yea, they have overpassed the acts of the evil, Judgment they have not judged, The judgment of the fatherless -- and they prosper, And the judgment of the needy they have not judged.
Sing ye to Jehovah, praise Jehovah, For He hath delivered the soul of the needy From the hand of evil doers.
He decided the cause of the poor and needy, Then it is well -- is it not to know Me? An affirmation of Jehovah.
Lo, this hath been the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, Arrogancy, fulness of bread, and quiet ease, Have been to her and to her daughters, And the hand of the afflicted and needy She hath not strengthened.
The afflicted and needy he hath oppressed, Plunder he hath taken violently away, A pledge he doth not return, And unto the idols he hath lifted up his eyes, Abomination he hath done!
The people of the land have used oppression, And have taken plunder violently away, And humble and needy have oppressed, And the sojourner oppressed -- without judgment.
Thus said Jehovah: For three transgressions of Israel, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of their selling for silver the righteous, And the needy for a pair of sandals.
Hear this word, ye kine of Bashan, Who are in the mountain of Samaria, Who are oppressing the poor, Who are bruising the needy, Who are saying to their lords: 'Bring in, and we do drink.'
For I have known -- many are your transgressions, And mighty your sins, Adversaries of the righteous, taking ransoms, And the needy in the gate ye turned aside.
Hear this, ye who are swallowing up the needy, To cause to cease the poor of the land,
To purchase with money the poor, And the needy for a pair of sandals, Yea, the refuse of the pure corn we sell.
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