'Ten' in the Bible
And all the days of Cainan are nine hundred and ten years, and he dieth.
And he saith, 'Let it not be, I pray Thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak only this time: peradventure there are found there ten?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy it, because of the ten.'
And the servant taketh ten camels of the camels of his lord and goeth, also of all the goods of his lord in his hand, and he riseth, and goeth unto Aram-Naharaim, unto the city of Nahor;
And it cometh to pass when the camels have finished drinking, that the man taketh a golden ring (whose weight is a bekah), and two bracelets for her hands (whose weight is ten bekahs of gold),
and her brother saith -- her mother also -- 'Let the young person abide with us a week or ten days, afterwards doth she go.'
and your father hath played upon me, and hath changed my hire ten times; and God hath not suffered him to do evil with me.
This is to me twenty years in thy house: I have served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy flock; and thou changest my hire ten times;
suckling camels and their young ones thirty, cows forty, and bullocks ten, she-asses twenty, and foals ten;
and the ten brethren of Joseph go down to buy corn in Egypt,
and to his father he hath sent thus: ten asses bearing of the good things of Egypt, and ten she-asses bearing corn and bread, even food for his father for the way.
And Joseph dwelleth in Egypt, he and the house of his father, and Joseph liveth a hundred and ten years,
And Joseph dieth, a son of an hundred and ten years, and they embalm him, and he is put into a coffin in Egypt.
And thou dost make the tabernacle: ten curtains of twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet; with cherubs, work of a designer, thou dost make them;
ten cubits is the length of the board, and a cubit and a half the breadth of the one board;
And for the breadth of the court at the west side are hangings of fifty cubits, their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.
And he is there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; bread he hath not eaten, and water he hath not drunk; and he writeth on the tables the matters of the covenant -- the ten matters.
And all the wise-hearted ones among the doers of the work make the tabernacle; ten curtains of twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, with cherubs, work of a designer, he hath made them.
ten cubits is the length of the one board, and a cubit and a half the breadth of the one board;
and at the west side are hangings, fifty by the cubit; their pillars are ten, and their sockets ten; the pegs of the pillars and their fillets are silver;
'In My breaking to you the staff of bread, then ten women have baked your bread in one oven, and have given back your bread by weight; and ye have eaten, and are not satisfied.
and if from a son of five years even unto a son of twenty years -- then hath thy valuation been of the male twenty shekels, and for the female, ten shekels;
and if from a son of sixty years and above -- if a male, then hath thy valuation been fifteen shekels, and for a female, ten shekels.
Golden spoons are twelve, full of perfume; ten shekels each spoon, by the shekel of the sanctuary; all the gold of the spoons is a hundred and twenty shekels;
Ye do not eat one day, nor two days, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days; --
And the people rise all that day, and all the night, and all the day after, and gather the quails -- he who hath least hath gathered ten homers -- and they spread them out for themselves round about the camp.
for all the men who are seeing My honour, and My signs, which I have done in Egypt, and in the wilderness, and try Me these ten times, and have not hearkened to My voice --
'And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones;
and He declareth to you His covenant, which He hath commanded you to do, the Ten Matters, and He writeth them upon two tables of stone.
'And He writeth on the tables, according to the first writing, the Ten Matters, which Jehovah hath spoken unto you in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly, and Jehovah giveth them unto me,
Cain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten cities and their villages.
And ten portions fall to Manasseh, apart from the land of Gilead and Bashan, which are beyond the Jordan;
and for the sons of Kohath who are left, out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim, and out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half of the tribe of Manasseh, by lot ten cities:
all the cities are ten and their suburbs, for the families of the sons of Kohath who are left.
and ten princes with him, one prince, one prince, for a house of a father, for all the tribes of Israel, and each of them a head of a house of their fathers, for the thousands of Israel.
And it cometh to pass, after these things, that Joshua son of Nun, servant of Jehovah, dieth, a son of a hundred and ten years,
And Judah goeth up, and Jehovah giveth the Canaanite and the Perizzite into their hand, and they smite them in Bezek -- ten thousand men;
And Joshua son of Nun, servant of Jehovah, dieth, a son of a hundred and ten years,
And they smite Moab at that time, about ten thousand men, all robust, and every one a man of valour, and not a man hath escaped,
And she sendeth and calleth for Barak son of Abinoam, out of Kedesh-Naphtali, and saith unto him, 'Hath not Jehovah, God of Israel, commanded? go, and thou hast drawn towards mount Tabor, and hast taken with thee ten thousand men, out of the sons of Naphtali, and out of the sons of Zebulun,
And Barak calleth Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh, and he goeth up -- at his feet are ten thousand men -- and Deborah goeth up with him.
And Deborah saith unto Barak, 'Rise, for this is the day in which Jehovah hath given Sisera into thy hand; hath not Jehovah gone out before thee?' And Barak goeth down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.
And Gideon taketh ten men of his servants, and doth as Jehovah hath spoken unto him, and it cometh to pass, because he hath been afraid of the house of his father, and the men of the city, to do it by day, that he doth it by night.
and now, call, I pray thee, in the ears of the people, saying, Whoso is afraid and trembling, let him turn back and go early from mount Gilead;' and there turn back of the people twenty and two thousand, and ten thousand have been left.
And after him Elon the Zebulunite judgeth Israel, and he judgeth Israel ten years,
And Micah saith to him, 'Dwell with me, and be to me for a father and for a priest, and I give to thee ten silverlings for the days, and a suit of garments, and thy sustenance;' and the Levite goeth in.
and we have taken ten men of a hundred, of all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred of a thousand, and a thousand of a myriad, to receive provision for the people, to do, at their coming to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the folly which it hath done in Israel.'
And they come in over against Gibeah -- ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel -- and the battle is grievous, and they have not known that the evil is striking against them.
and they take to them wives, Moabitesses: the name of the one is Orpah, and the name of the second Ruth; and they dwell there about ten years.
And he taketh ten men of the elders of the city, and saith, 'Sit down here;' and they sit down.
And Elkanah her husband saith to her, 'Hannah, why weepest thou? and why dost thou not eat? and why is thy heart afflicted? am I not better to thee than ten sons?'
And Saul summoneth the people, and inspecteth them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand are men of Judah.
And Jesse saith to David his son, 'Take, I pray thee, to thy brethren, an ephah of this roasted corn, and these ten loaves, and run to the camp to thy brethren;
and these ten cuttings of the cheese thou dost take in to the head of the thousand, and thy brethren thou dost inspect for welfare, and their pledge dost receive.'
and David sendeth ten young men, and David saith to the young men, 'Go ye up to Carmel, and ye have come in unto Nabal, and asked of him in my name of welfare,
And it cometh to pass, in about ten days, that Jehovah smiteth Nabal, and he dieth,
And the king goeth out, and all his household at his feet, and the king leaveth ten women -- concubines -- to keep the house.
And the people say, 'Thou dost not go out, for if we utterly flee, they do not set their heart upon us; and if half of us die, they do not set their heart unto us -- for now like us are ten thousand; and now, better that thou be to us from the city for an helper.'
And Joab saith to the man who is declaring it to him, 'And lo, thou hast seen -- and wherefore didst thou not smite him there to the earth -- and on me to give to thee ten silverlings and one girdle?'
And they go round -- ten youths bearing weapons of Joab -- and smite Absalom, and put him to death.
And the men of Israel answer the men of Judah, and say, 'Ten parts we have in the king, and also in David more than you; and wherefore have ye lightly esteemed us, that our word hath not been first to bring back our king?' And the word of the men of Judah is sharper than the word of the men of Israel.
And David cometh in unto his house at Jerusalem, and the king taketh the ten women-concubines -- whom he had left to keep the house, and putteth them in a house of ward, and sustaineth them, and unto them he hath not gone in, and they are shut up unto the day of their death, in widowhood living.
ten fat oxen, and twenty feeding oxen, and a hundred sheep, apart from hart, and roe, and fallow-deer, and fatted beasts of the stalls,
and he sendeth them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month, by changes, a month they are in Lebanon, two months in their own house; and Adoniram is over the tribute.
As to the porch on the front of the temple of the house, twenty cubits is its length on the front of the breadth of the house; ten by the cubit is its breadth on the front of the house;
And he maketh within the oracle two cherubs, of the oil-tree, ten cubits is their height;
and five cubits is the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the second wing of the cherub, ten cubits from the ends of its wings even unto the ends of its wings;
and ten by the cubit is the second cherub, one measure and one form are to the two cherubs,
the height of the one cherub is ten by the cubit, and so is the second cherub;
And the foundation is of precious stone, great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits;
And he maketh the molten sea, ten by the cubit from its edge unto its edge; it is round all about, and five by the cubit is its height, and a line of thirty by the cubit doth compass it round about;
and knops beneath its brim round about are compassing it, ten by the cubit, going round the sea round about; in two rows are the knops, cast in its being cast.
And he maketh the ten bases of brass; four by the cubit is the length of the one base, and four by the cubit its breadth, and three by the cubit its height.
Thus he hath made the ten bases; one casting, one measure, one form, have they all.
And he maketh ten lavers of brass; forty baths doth the one laver contain, four by the cubit is the one laver, one laver on the one base is to the ten bases;
and saith to Jeroboam, 'Take to thee ten pieces, for thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, lo, I am rending the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and have given to thee the ten tribes,
and I have taken the kingdom out of the hand of his son, and given it to thee -- the ten tribes;
and thou hast taken in thy hand ten loaves, and crumbs, and a bottle of honey, and hast gone in unto him; he doth declare to thee what becometh of the youth.'
And the king of Aram saith, 'Go thou, enter, and I send a letter unto the king of Israel;' and he goeth and taketh in his hand ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of garments.
for he left not to Jehoahaz of the people except fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen, for the king of Aram hath destroyed them, and maketh them as dust for threshing.
He hath smitten Edom, in the valley of salt -- ten thousand, and seized Selah in war, and one calleth its name Joktheel unto this day,
In the thirty and ninth year of Azariah king of Judah reigned hath Menahem son of Gadi over Israel -- ten years in Samaria.
And Isaiah saith, 'This is to thee the sign from Jehovah, that Jehovah doth the thing that He hath spoken -- The shadow hath gone on ten degrees, or it doth turn back ten degrees?'
And Hezekiah saith, 'It hath been light for the shadow to incline ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow turn backward ten degrees.'
And Isaiah the prophet calleth unto Jehovah, and He bringeth back the shadow by the degrees that it had gone down in the degrees of Ahaz -- backward ten degrees.
And he hath removed all Jerusalem, and all the chiefs, and all the mighty ones of valour -- ten thousand is the removal -- and every artificer and smith, none hath been left save the poor of the people of the land.
And it cometh to pass, in the seventh month, come hath Ishmael son of Nathaniah, son of Elishama of the seed of the kingdom, and ten men with him, and they smite Gedaliah, and he dieth, and the Jews and the Chaldeans who have been with him in Mizpah.
And to the sons of Kohath, those left of the family of the tribe, from the half of the tribe, the half of Manasseh, by lot, are ten cities.
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