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CHI 2002: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - Extended Abstracts
- Loren G. Terveen, Dennis R. Wixon:
Extended abstracts of the 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 20-25, 2002. ACM 2002, ISBN 1-58113-454-1
- Patrick Baudisch, Nathaniel Good:
Focus plus context screens: displays for users working with large visual documents. 492-493 - Russell S. Blue, Jeff Wampler, G. Bowden Wise, Louis J. Hoebel, Boris Yamrom, Christopher R. Volpe, Bruce Wilde, Pascale Rondot, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Anne Gilman, Wesley Turner, Steve Linthicum, George Ryon:
An automated approach and virtual environment for generating maintenance instructions. 494-495 - Robert C. Miller, Brad A. Myers:
LAPIS: smart editing with text structure. 496-497 - Monica M. C. Schraefel, Yuxiang Zhu:
Hunter gatherer: a collection making tool for the web. 498-499 - Juan Pablo Hourcade, Benjamin B. Bederson, Allison Druin, Gustav Taxén:
KidPad: collaborative storytelling for children. 500-501 - Jeff Dyck, Carl Gutwin:
Groupspace: a 3D workspace supporting user awareness. 502-503 - Holger Regenbrecht, Michael T. Wagner:
Interaction in a collaborative augmented reality environment. 504-505 - Norbert A. Streitz
, Thorsten Prante, Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Peter Tandler
, Carsten Magerkurth:
Roomware: the second generation. 506-507 - Ted Selker, Winslow Burleson, Ernesto Arroyo:
E-windshield: a study of using. 508-509 - Gottfried Zimmermann, Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Alfred S. Gilman:
Prototype implementations for a universal remote console specification. 510-511 - Juan Pablo Hourcade, Allison Druin, Lisa Sherman, Benjamin B. Bederson, Glenda Revelle, Dana Campbell, Stacey Ochs, Beth Weinstein:
SearchKids: a digital library interface for young children. 512-513 - Gary Geisler
, Gary Marchionini, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Anthony Hughes, Meng Yang, Todd Wilkens, Richard Spinks:
Video browsing interfaces for the open video project. 514-515 - Rémi Bastide, David Navarre, Philippe A. Palanque:
A model-based tool for interactive prototyping of highly interactive applications. 516-517 - Douglas K. Van Duyne, James A. Landay, Matthew Tarpy:
NetRaker suite: a demonstration. 518-519 - Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Casey Best, Jeff Michaud, Derek Rayside, Marin Litoiu, Mark A. Musen:
SHriMP views: an interactive environment for information visualization and navigation. 520-521 - Harry Hochheiser
, Ben Shneiderman:
A dynamic query interface for finding patterns in time series data. 522-523
Development Consortium
- Paula Kotzé:
Directions in HCI education, research, and practice in Southern Africa. 524-525 - Lizette de Wet, Pieter J. Blignaut, Andries J. Burger:
Comprehension and usability variances among multicultural web users in South Africa. 526-527 - Gary Marsden, Katherine M. Malan, Edwin H. Blake:
Using digital technology to access and store African art. 528-529 - Marion Walton, Vera Vukovic, Gary Marsden:
'Visual literacy' as challenge to the internationalisation of interfaces: a study of South African student web users. 530-531 - Edwin H. Blake
Extended abstract a field computer for animal trackers. 532-533 - Diane Norton:
Implementation of an electronic report viewing application for multi-cultural users. 534-535
Doctorial Consortium
- Dzmitry Aliakseyeu:
Direct manipulation interface for architectural design tools. 536-537 - Daniel Bauer:
Personal information geographies. 538-539 - Jan Blom:
A theory of personalized recommendations. 540-541 - A. J. Bernheim Brush:
Annotating digital documents: anchoring, educational use, and notification. 542-543 - Lonny L. Chu:
User performance and haptic design issues for a force-feedback sound editing interface. 544-545 - Craig H. Ganoe:
Supporting the collaborative meeting place. 546-547 - Lance Good:
Staying in the flow with zoomable user interfaces. 548-549 - Jacek Gwizdka:
Reinventing the inbox: supporting the management of pending tasks in email. 550-551 - Harry Hochheiser
Interactive querying of time series data. 552-553 - Jason I. Hong:
The context fabric: an infrastructure for context-aware computing. 554-555 - Diane Maloney-Krichmar:
An ethnographic study of an online, mutual-aid health community: group dynamics, roles, and relationships. 556-557 - Heather Richter:
Understanding meeting capture and access. 558-559 - Huahai Yang:
Multiple perspectives for collaborative navigation in CVE. 560-561 - Bin Zhu:
Visualizing a computer mediated communication (CMC) process to facilitate knowledge management. 562-563
Invited Discussions
- Jean Scholtz, Jeff A. Johnson, Ben Shneiderman, Peter Hope-Tindall, Marcus Gosling, P. Jonathon Phillips, Alan Wexelblat:
Interacting with identification technology: can it make us more secure? 564-565 - Jennifer Preece, Paul Resnick, Doug Schuler, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza
What's SIGCHI's role in strengthening communities? 566-567
Interactive Posters
- Marc Böhler:
A different kind of information appliance: fridge companion. 568-569 - Hauke Ernst, Martin Faust:
DERIVE: a distributed platform for mixed reality interaction. 570-571 - Henry Newton Dunn, James Gibson:
Spinner, using non sequential and contextual functions for early learners. 572-573 - Andrea Lockerd, Florian Mueller:
LAFCam: Leveraging affective feedback camcorder. 574-575 - Sara B. Kiesler, Jennifer Goetz:
Mental models of robotic assistants. 576-577 - Jennifer Goetz, Sara B. Kiesler:
Cooperation with a robotic assistant. 578-579 - Ted Selker, Ernesto Arroyo, Winslow Burleson:
Chameleon tables: using context information in everyday objects. 580-581 - Itiro Siio, Jim Rowan, Elizabeth D. Mynatt:
Peek-a-drawer: communication by furniture. 582-583 - Yujin Tsukada, Takeshi Hoshino:
Layered touch panel: the input device with two touch panel layers. 584-585 - Carlos Hitoshi Morimoto
, Arnon Amir
, Myron Flickner:
Free head motion eye gaze tracking without calibration. 586-587 - Colin Swindells, Kori M. Inkpen:
What is that?: gesturing to determine device identity. 588-589 - Karen Carroll, Cynthia Schlag, Omur Kirikci, Melody M. Moore:
Communication by neural control. 590-591 - Meredith Ringel, Julia Hirschberg:
Automated message prioritization: making voicemail retrieval more efficient. 592-593 - Diane J. Schiano, Coreena P. Chen, Ellen Isaacs, Jeremy Ginsberg
, Unnur Gretarsdottir, Megan Huddleston:
Teen use of messaging media. 594-595 - David M. Grayson, Anne Anderson:
Perceptions of proximity in video conferencing. 596-597 - Ronald L. Boring, Robert L. West
, Stephen Moore:
Helping users determine video quality of service settings. 598-599 - David Tessendorf, Christa M. Chewar
, Ali Ndiwalana, Jon Pryor, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North:
An ordering of secondary task display attributes. 600-601 - Jürgen Ziegler, Christoph Kunz, Veit Botsch:
Matrix browser: visualizing and exploring large networked information spaces. 602-603 - Pierre Dragicevic
, Stéphane Huot:
SpiraClock: a continuous and non-intrusive display for upcoming events. 604-605 - Jeana Frost, Brian Keith Smith:
Visualizing health practice to treat diabetes. 606-607 - John Zimmerman, Kaushal Kurapati:
Exposing profiles to build trust in a recommender. 608-609 - Suresh K. Bhavnani:
Domain-specific search strategies for the effective retrieval of healthcare and shopping information. 610-611 - Michelle Hlubinka, Jennifer Beaudin, Emmanuel Munguia Tapia, John S. An:
AltarNation: interface design for meditative communities. 612-613 - Batya Friedman, W. David Hurley
, Daniel C. Howe, Helen Nissenbaum, Edward W. Felten:
Users' conceptions of risks and harms on the web: a comparative study. 614-615 - Daniel Fallman:
The penguin: using the web as a database for descriptive and dynamic grammar and spell checking. 616-617 - Thomas Jung, Mark D. Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do:
Sketching annotations in a 3D web environment. 618-619 - Victor Kaptelinin, Timo Mäntylä, Jan Åström:
Transient visual cues for scrolling: an empirical study. 620-621 - Inger Ekman, Petri Lankoski:
What should it do?: key isssues in navigation interface design for small screen devices. 622-623 - Isabelle De Ridder:
Visible or invisible links? 624-625 - Susanne Jul:
Predictive targeted movement in electronic spaces. 626-627 - Jennifer English, Marti A. Hearst, Rashmi R. Sinha, Kirsten Swearingen, Ka-Ping Yee:
Hierarchical faceted metadata in site search interfaces. 628-639 - Craig S. Miller, Roger W. Remington:
Effects of structure and label ambiguity on information navigation. 630-631 - Peter H. Kahn Jr., Batya Friedman, Jennifer Hagman:
"I care about him as a pal": conceptions of robotic pets in online AIBO discussion forums. 632-633 - Angela Garabet, Steve Mann, James Fung:
Exploring design through wearable computing art(ifacts). 634-635 - Ashley Gadd, Sidney S. Fels:
MetaMuse: a novel control metaphor for granular synthesis. 636-637 - Farhan Mohamed, Sidney S. Fels:
LMNKui: overlaying computer controls on a piano controller keyboard. 638-639 - Regan L. Mandryk, Diego S. Maranan:
False prophets: exploring hybrid board/video games. 640-641 - Yasuto Nakanishi, Noriko Kitaoka, Katsuya Hakozaki, Minoru Ohyama:
Estimating communication context through location information and schedule information: a study with home office workers. 642-643 - Ivan Poupyrev, Jun Rekimoto, Shigeaki Maruyama:
TouchEngine: a tactile display for handheld devices. 644-645 - Roel Vertegaal, Connor Dickie, Changuk Sohn, Myron Flickner:
Designing attentive cell phone using wearable eyecontact sensors. 646-647 - Elaine M. Huang, Joe Tullio, Tony J. Costa, Joseph F. McCarthy:
Promoting awareness of work activities through peripheral displays. 648-649 - Alice Oh, Harold Fox, Max Van Kleek, Aaron Adler, Krzysztof Gajos, Louis-Philippe Morency, Trevor Darrell:
Evaluating look-to-talk: a gaze-aware interface in a collaborative environment. 650-651 - Paula S. Newman:
Email archive overviews using subject indexes. 652-653 - D. Mogilev, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Mark Billinghurst, J. Pair:
AR Pad: an interface for face-to-face AR collaboration. 654-655 - Tomas Sokoler, Håkan Edeholt, Martin Johansoon:
VideoTable: a tangible interface for collaborative exploration of video material during design sessions. 656-657 - Mark Blythe, Andrew F. Monk, Jisoo Park:
Technology biogarphies: field study techinques for home use product development. 658-659 - Richard Halstead-Nussloch, William Carpenter:
Teaching and learning ubiquitous CHI (UCHI) design: suggestions from the Bauhaus Model. 660-661 - Morten Hertzum, Niels Ebbe Jacobsen, Rolf Molich:
Usability inspections by groups of specialists: perceived agreement in spite of disparate observations. 662-663 - Andy Dearden, Janet Finlay, Liz Allgar, Barbara McManus:
Evaluating pattern languages in participatory design. 664-665 - Gregor McGlaun, Frank Althoff, Björn W. Schuller
, Manfred K. Lang:
A new technique for adjusting distraction moments in multitasking non-field usability tests. 666-667 - Molly M. Stevens, Florian Vollmer, Gregory D. Abowd:
The living memory box: function, form and user centered design. 668-669 - Mir Farooq Ali, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
Using task models to generate multi-platform user interfaces while ensuring usability. 670-671 - Juan P. Casares, A. Chris Long, Brad A. Myers, Scott M. Stevens, Albert T. Corbett:
Simplifying video editing with SILVER. 672-673 - Rick Gross, Suzanne Ryanstrati, John Ims:
Increasing transaction processing efficiency by automating an asynchronous processor. 674-675 - Craig Chariton, Min-Hyung Choi:
User interface guidelines for enhancing usability of airline travel agency e-commerce web sites. 676-677 - Duncan Cavens, Florian Vogt, Sidney S. Fels, Michael J. Meitner:
Interacting with the big screen: pointers to ponder. 678-679 - Rebecca E. Grinter, Allison Woodruff:
Ears and hair: what headsets will people wear? 680-681 - Desney S. Tan, Randy Pausch:
Pre-emptive shadows: eliminating the blinding light from projectors. 682-683 - John F. Pane, Brad A. Myers:
The impact of human-centered features on the usability of a programming system for children. 684-685 - Ben Piper, Hiroshi Ishii:
PegBlocks: a learning aid for the elementary classroom. 686-687
- Ben Shneiderman, Stuart K. Card, Donald A. Norman, Marilyn Tremaine, M. Mitchell Waldrop:
CHI@20: fighting our way from marginality to power. 688-691 - Allison Druin, Michael J. Muller, Tone Bratteteig, Bill Gaver, Bonnie E. John, Mary Beth Rettger:
What Kind of Work is HCI Work? 692-693 - Laura M. Leventhal, Mary Zajicek, Joaquim A. Jorge, Krista Coleman, Robert J. K. Jacob, Pedro Branco, David G. Novick, Julio Abascal, Elizabeth D. Mynatt:
"When i'm sixty-four...": are there real strategies for providing universal accessibility for the elderly. 694-695 - Jonathan Lazar, Jennifer Preece, Jean B. Gasen, Terry Winograd:
New issues in teaching HCI: pinning a tail on a moving donkey. 696-697 - Rosalind W. Picard, Alan Wexelblat, Clifford Nass:
Future interfaces: social and emotional. 698-699 - Dan R. Olsen, Jonathan Arnowitz, Jared Braiterman, John Skidgel, Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Shelley Evenson:
Design Expo 2. 700-701 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Gilbert Cockton, Kara Pernice Coyne, Michael J. Muller, Thyra L. Rauch:
Focus groups in HCI: wealth of information or waste of resources? 702-703 - Allison Druin, Erik Strommen, Matt Barranca, Heiko Sacher, Deborah G. Tatar, Elliot Soloway:
The world of wireless and kids. 704-705 - Danielle Gobert, Virginia Howlett, Carolyn Snyder, Howard Tamler, Thomas S. Tullis, Chauncey E. Wilson:
What the best usability specialists are made of. 706-707 - Frankie James, Jennifer Lai, Bernhard Suhm, Bruce Balentine, John Makhoul, Clifford Nass, Ben Shneiderman:
Getting real about speech: overdue or overhyped? 708-709
Short Talks
- Trond Schliemann, Trude Asting, Asbjørn Følstad, Jan Heim:
Medium preference and medium effects in person-person communication. 710-711 - Celine Pering:
Taming of the ring: context specific social mediation for communication devices. 712-713 - Daniel B. Horn, Lana Karasik
, Judith S. Olsen:
The effects of spatial and temporal video distortion on lie detection performance. 714-715 - Wei Huang, Judith S. Olson, Gary M. Olson:
Camera angle affects dominance in video-mediated communication. 716-717 - John P. Davis, Shelly Farnham, Carlos Jensen:
Decreasing online 'bad' behavior. 718-719 - Ellen Isaacs, Candace A. Kamm, Diane J. Schiano, Alan Walendowski, Steve Whittaker:
Characterizing instant messaging from recorded logs. 720-721 - Kazushi Nishimoto, Chika Oshima, Yohei Miyagawa, Takashi Shirosaki:
A musical instrument for facilitating musical expressions. 722-723 - Brian Amento, William C. Hill, Loren G. Terveen:
The sound of one hand: a wrist-mounted bio-acoustic fingertip gesture interface. 724-725 - Stefanie Shriver, Ronald Rosenfeld
Keywords for a universal speech interface. 726-727 - Henry Lieberman:
Out of many, one: reliable results from unreliable recognition. 728-729 - Florian Mueller, Matthew Karau:
Transparent hearing. 730-731 - Joseph A. Paradiso, Che King Leo, Nisha Checka, Kaijen Hsiao:
Passive acoustic knock tracking for interactive windows. 732-733 - Ivo van Es, Dirk Heylen, Betsy van Dijk, Anton Nijholt
Gaze behavior of talking faces makes a difference. 734-735 - Roel Vertegaal, Ivo Weevers, Changuk Sohn:
GAZE-2: an attentive video conferencing system. 736-737 - Stephen S. Intille, Charles Kukla, Xiaoyi Ma:
Eliciting user preferences using image-based experience sampling and reflection. 738-739 - Vanessa Evers:
Cross-cultural applicability of user evaluation methods: a case study amongst Japanese, North-American, English and Dutch users. 740-741 - Jens Riegelsberger, Martina Angela Sasse:
Face it - photos don't make a web site trustworthy. 742-743 - Gerald Häubl, Pablo A. Figueroa:
Ineractive 3D presentations and buyer behavior. 744-745 - Batya Friedman, W. David Hurley
, Daniel C. Howe, Edward W. Felten, Helen Nissenbaum:
Users' conceptions of web security: a comparative study. 746-747 - Ulrike Steinbrück, Heike Schaumburg, Sabrina Duda, Thomas Krüger:
A picture says more than a thousand words: photographs as trust builders in e-commerce websites. 748-749 - Elizabeth F. Churchill, Les Nelson:
Tangibly simple, architecturally complex: evaluating a tangible presentation aid. 750-751 - Ken Camarata, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Mark D. Gross, Brian R. Johnson:
Navigational blocks: tangible navigation of digital information. 752-753 - Thecla Schiphorst, Robb Lovell, Norman Jaffe:
Using a gestural interface toolkit for tactile input to a dynamic virtual space. 754-755 - Surapong Lertsithichai, Matthew Seegmiller:
CUBIK: a bi-directional tangible modeling interface. 756-757 - Frédéric Bourgeois, Yves Guiard:
Multiscale pointing: facilitating pan-zoom coordination. 758-759 - Hideki Koike, Xinlei Chen, Yasuto Nakanishi, Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato:
Two-handed drawing on augmented desk. 760-761 - Robert St. Amant, Thomas E. Horton:
A tool-based interactive drawing environment. 762-763 - Sviataslau Pranovich, Jarke J. van Wijk, Kees van Overveld:
The KITE geometry manipulator. 764-765 - Simeon Keates
, P. John Clarkson
, Peter Robinson:
Understanding how to improve the accessibility of computers through cursor control studies. 766-767 - Anette Steel, Matt Jones, Mark D. Apperley, Tristan Jehan:
The use of auditory feecback in call centre CHHI. 768-769 - Rameshsharma Ramloll, Stephen A. Brewster:
A generic approach for augmenting tactile diagrams with spatial non-speech sounds. 770-771 - Hesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay:
Constructing moving pictures eyes-free: an animation tool for the blind. 772-773 - Peta Wyeth
, Helen C. Purchase
Tangible programming elements for young children. 774-775 - Catherine Vaucelle, Tristan Jehan:
Dolltalk: a computational toy to enhance children's creativity. 776-777 - Celine Pering:
Pet Pals: a game for social mediation. 778-779 - Jonathan Green
, Holger Schnädelbach, Boriana Koleva, Steve Benford, Tony P. Pridmore, Karen E. Medina, Eric Charles Harris, Hilary Smith:
Camping in the digital wilderness: tents and flashlights as interfaces to virtual worlds. 780-781 - Frank Althoff, Karla Geiss, Gregor McGlaun, Björn W. Schuller, Manfred K. Lang:
Experimental evaluation of user errors at the skill-based level in an automative environment. 782-783 - A. Fleming Seay, David M. Krum, Larry F. Hodges, William Ribarsky:
Simulator sickness and presence in a high field-of-view virtual environment. 784-785 - Gary Marsden, Robert Cherry, Alan Haefele:
Small screen access to digital libraries. 786-787 - Timothy W. Bickmore:
Towards the design of multimodal interfaces for handheld conversational characters. 788-789 - Punitha Manalavan, Asad Samar, Mike Schneider, Sara B. Kiesler, Daniel P. Siewiorek:
In-car cell phone use: mitigating risk by signaling remote callers. 790-791 - Kathleen Luchini, Chris Quintana, Joseph Krajcik, Chris Farah, Nayan Nandihalli, Kyle Reese, Adam Wieczorek, Elliot Soloway:
Scaffolding in the small: designing educational supports for concept mapping on handheld computers. 792-793 - Laurent Denoue, Patrick Chiu, Tohru Fuse:
Shared text input for note taking on handheld devices. 794-795 - Sarah Waterson, James A. Landay, Tara Matthews:
In the lab and out in the wild: remote web usability testing for mobile devices. 796-797 - Lance Good, Mark Stefik, Patrick Baudisch, Benjamin B. Bederson:
Automatic text reduction for changing size constraints. 798-799 - Sandeep Prabhakar, Nathan Conklin, Chris North, Muthukumar Thirunavukkarasu, Anusha Dandapani, Ganesh Panchanathan:
Breakdown visualization: multiple foci polyarchies of values and attributes. 800-801 - Dugald Ralph Hutchings, John T. Stasko:
QuickSpace: new operations for the desktop metaphor. 802-803 - Robert S. lramee:
Interactive 3D flow visualization using a streamrunner. 804-805 - Desney S. Tan, Randy F. Pausch, Jeanine K. Stefanucci, Dennis Proffitt:
Kinesthetic cues aid spatial memory. 806-807 - Yuriko Suzuki, Minoru Kobayashi, Satoshi Ishibashi:
Design of force feedback utilizing air pressure toward untethered human interface. 808-809 - Yoshihiro Itoh, Asami Miyajima, Takumi Watanabe:
'TSUNAGARI' communication: fostering a feeling of connection between family members. 810-811 - Catherine C. Marshall, A. J. Bernheim Brush:
From personal to shared annotations. 812-813 - Gloria Mark, Víctor M. González
, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone:
Supporting articulation with the reconciler. 814-815 - Michael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kathy Ryall, Darren Leigh:
Social net: using patterns of physical proximity over time to infer shared interests. 816-817 - Andreas Dieberger:
Supporting collaboration through passing informal notes to peripheral displays. 818-819 - Danae Stanton, Victor Bayon, Camilla Abnett, Sue Cobb, Claire O'Malley:
The effect of tangible interfaces on children's collaborative behaviour. 820-821 - Michael Moyle, Andy Cockburn:
Gesture navigation: an alternative 'back' for the future. 822-823 - Herbert A. Meyer, Michael Hildebrandt:
Towards time design: pacing of hypertext navigation by system response times. 824-825 - Monica M. C. Schraefel, Daniel Wigdor, Yuxiang Zhu, David Modjeska:
Hunter gatherer: within-web-page collection making. 826-827 - Mark Bilezikjian, John C. Tang, James Bo Begole, Nicole Yankelovich:
Exploring web browser history comparisons. 828-829 - Rashmi R. Sinha, Kirsten Swearingen:
The role of transparency in recommender systems. 830-831 - Brenda Hopkins-Moore, Susan Fowler:
WebQuests: changing the way we teach online. 832-833
Student Posters
- Martijn J. Schuemie:
Effect of an external viewpoint on therapist performance in virtual reality exposure therapy. 834-835 - Hokyoung Ryu:
Will it be upper-case or will it be lower-case: can a prompt for text be a mode signal? 836-837 - Mattias Esbjörnsson, Mattias Östergren:
Hocman: supporting mobile group collaboration. 838-839 - Lalya Gaye:
A flexible 3d sound system for interactive applications. 840-841 - Faustina Hwang:
A study of cursor trajectories of motion-impaired users. 842-843 - Jinjuan Feng
Improving speech-based navigation during dictation. 844-845 - Sascha Mahlke:
Factors influencing the experience of website usage. 846-847 - Priscilla Chueng:
Designing sound canvas: the role of expectation and discrimination. 848-849 - Per Jacobsson:
Using a tree view metaphor to visualize hardware simulation for testing. 850-851 - Bhiru Shelat, Florian N. Egger:
What makes people trust online gambling sites? 852-853 - Liselott Brunnberg:
Backseat gaming: expolaration of mobile properties for fun. 854-855 - Karen Wilson:
Evaluating images of virtual agents. 856-857 - Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Zhu:
Head orientation and gaze direction in meetings. 858-859 - Stephen J. Schultze:
A collaborative foraging approach to web browsing enrichment. 860-861 - Susanne Jul:
A framework for locomotional design: toward a generative design theory. 862-863 - Jeffrey Nichols:
Informing automatic generation of remote control interfaces with human designs. 864-865 - Jacob O. Wobbrock:
In your own words: using full sentences as feedback. 866-867 - Joseph Goldberg, Jennifer Hagman, Vibha Sazawal:
Doodling our way to better authentication. 868-869 - Gary Fernandes, Cassandra Holmes:
Applying HCI to music-related hardware. 870-871 - Korin Werner:
A comparison of information visualization methods. 872-873 - Corey D. Chandler, Gloria Lo, Anoop K. Sinha:
Multimodal theater: extending low fidelity paper prototyping to multimodal applications. 874-875 - Etienne Pelaprat, R. Benjamin Shapiro:
User activity histories. 876-877 - Scott R. Klemmer, Katherine Everitt:
Bridging physical and electronic media for distributed design collaboration. 878-879
Usability in Practice Session
- Dennis R. Wixon, Judy Ramey, Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer, JoAnn T. Hackos, Stephanie Rosenbaum, Colleen Page, Sari A. Laakso, Karri-Pekka Laakso:
Usability in practice: field methods evolution and revolution. 880-884 - Janice Redish, Randolph G. Bias, Robert Bailey, Rolf Molich, Joseph S. Dumas, Jared M. Spool:
Usability in practice: formative usability evaluations - evolution and revolution. 885-890 - Janice Anne Rohn, Jared M. Spool, Mayuresh Ektare, Sanjay Koyani, Michael J. Muller, Janice Redish:
Usability in practice: alternatives to formative evaluations-evolution and revolution. 891-897 - Stephanie Rosenbaum, Chauncey E. Wilson, Timo Jokela, Janice Anne Rohn, Trixi B. Smith, Karel Vredenburg:
Usability in Practice: user experience lifecycle - evolution and revolution. 898-903
- Michael J. Muller, David R. Millen:
Workshop: Creating and refining knowledges, identities, and understandings in on-line communities. 905 - Tom Brinck, Erik C. Hofer:
Automatically evaluating the usability of web sites. 906-907 - Martijn van Welie, Kevin Mullet, Paul McInerney:
Patterns in practice: a workshop for UI designers. 908-909 - Alan F. Blackwell, Peter Robinson, Chris Roast
, Thomas R. G. Green:
Cognitive models of programming-like activity. 910-911 - Jennifer Allanson, Gillian May Wilson:
Physiological computing. 912-913 - Jennifer Lai, Nils Dahlbäck, Arne Jönsson:
Robustness in speech based interfaces: sharing the tricks of the trade. 915 - Susan R. Fussell, Robert E. Kraut, Jane Siegel, Susan Brennan:
Relationships among speech, vision, and action in collaborative physical tasks. 916-917 - Stephen Marsh, Lucy T. Nowell, John F. Meech, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
The philosophy and design of socially adept technologies. 918-919 - Scott Berkun:
Workshop: teaching interaction design. 921 - Sharon J. Laskowski, James A. Landay, Michael Lister:
Automatic capture, representation, and analysis of user behavior. 922-923 - Andrew F. Monk, Marc Hassenzahl, Mark Blythe, Darren J. Reed:
Funology: designing enjoyment. 924-925 - Keith Instone, Lisa Chan, Peter Boersma, George Olsen:
HCI & IA: information, interaction, interface and usability architects share deliverables. 927 - Gitte Lindgaard, Nicola Millard:
The business value of HCI: how can we do better? 928-929 - Mizue Fujinuma, Kirsten Risden:
It's a global economy out there: usability Innovation for global marketplaces. 930 - Gerd Kortuem
, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Mark Billinghurst:
Mobile ad hoc collaboration. 931 - Nancy J. Frishberg, Anna Marie Dirks, Calum Benson, Seth Nickell, Suzanna Smith:
Getting to know you: open source development meets usability. 932-933 - Winslow Burleson, Ted Selker:
CHI2002: creative computing workshop. 934-935 - Thomas Erickson, Susan C. Herring, Warren Sack:
Discourse architectures: designing and visualizing computer mediated conversation. 936-937 - Catherine Plaisant, Allison Druin, Hilary Browne Hutchinson:
Technologies for families. 938-939

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