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9th CSCL 2011: Hong Kong
- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2011, Hong Kong, July 4-8, 2011. International Society of the Learning Sciences 2011
- Cheryl Ann Madeira, James D. Slotta:
Technology-mediated reflection and peer-exchange: Supports for teacher professional development communities. - Michael A. Evans, Jeremy Crider, Andrea Motto, Adrienne Brunger, Jesse L. M. Wilkins:
PreK Teachers & Students Using Multi-Touch Virtual Manipulatives: An Analysis of Usability and Learner-centered Design. - Susan Bull, Ravi Vatrapu:
Supporting Collaborative Interaction with Open Learner Models: Existing Approaches and Open Questions. - Jim Slotta, Mike Tissenbaum, Michelle Lui, Iyad AlAgha, Elizabeth Burd, Steve Higgins, Emma Mercier, Frank Fischer, Florian Pilz, Ingo Kollar, Tom Moher, Alessandro Gnoli, Allison Jaeger, Jennifer Wiley, Brenda López Silva, Michael Evans, Andrea Motto, Adrienne Brunger, Jeremy Crider, Jay Wilkins:
Embedding CSCL in Classrooms: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges of Research on New Learning Spaces. - Karsten Stegmann, Christof Wecker, Andreas Harrer, Michaela Ronen, Dan Kohen-Vacs, Yannis Dimitriadis, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Eloy D. Villasclaras-Fernández, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Frank Fischer:
How Can Current Approaches to the Transfer of Technology-Based Collaboration Scripts for Research and Practice Be Integrated? - Erin Walker, Nikol Rummel, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Adaptive support for CSCL: Is it feedback relevance or increased student accountability that matters? - Maria Chuy, Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter, Monica Resendes, Bodong Chen, Christian Tarchi, Richard Messina, Elizabeth Morley, Katerine Bielaczyc, Stian Håklev, Jianwei Zhang:
Getting started and sustaining Knowledge Building. - Yu-Hui Chang, Huang-Yao Hong, Pei-Chen Tsai, Po-Hsien Wang:
Students changing their conceptions of collaboration through computersupported knowledge building. - Susan A. Yoon, Karen Elinich, Joyce Wang, Christopher Steinmeier, Jackie Van Schooneveld:
Fostering Critical Thinking in Science Museums through Digital Augmentations. - Roberto Pérez-Rodríguez, Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez:
An Execution Semantics to Support Flexibility in Collaborative Learning Scripts. - Jingyan Lu, Nancy Law:
Designing course management system into CSCL tools: Experience with Moodle. - Kai-Uwe Loser, Thomas Herrmann:
Privacy, Trust and the Practice of Learning Management Systems. - Cali Mortenson Ellis, Rahul Sami:
Learning with Prediction Markets: An Experimental Study. - Carolina Johansson, Zeynep Ahmet, Jakob Tholander, Franc Aleo, Martin Jonsson, Saiful Islam Sumon:
Weather Gods and Fruit Kids - Embodying abstract concepts using tactile feedback and Whole Body Interaction. - Hsiu-Mei Chang, Fei-Ching Chen, Kai-Tien Cheng, Ren-Yow Tzeng:
Critical Moments of Knowledge Co-construction: Reconsidering Meaning-making of Postings in Online Group Discussion. - Alyssa Friend Wise, Ming Ming Chiu:
Knowledge Construction Patterns in Online Conversation: A Statistical Discourse Analysis of a Role-Based Discussion Forum. - Gustavo Salvador-Herranz, David C. Pérez López, Mario Ortega, Mariano Alcañiz, Manuel Contero:
Tabletops for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study on Geometry Learning at the Primary School. - Anne Adams, Tim Coughlan, Yvonne Rogers, Trevor D. Collins, Sarah-Jane Davies, Canan Tosunoglu Blake, John Lea:
Live linking of fieldwork to the laboratory increases students inquiry based reflections. - Eleni A. Kyza, Georgia Michael, Costas P. Constantinou:
The design and investigation of a web-based synchronous and asynchronous peer feedback mechanism. - Jacob Dayan, Yael Kali:
Taking Educational Games to the Afterschool: Teens and Researchers on a Quest in Collaborative Design-Based Research. - Daniel Spikol:
Expanding the role of design to support CSCL. - Esther Tan, Hyo-Jeong So:
Location-based Collaborative Learning at a Geography Trail: Examining the Relationship among Task Design, Facilitation and Discourse Types. - Andrew Hatch, Steve Higgins, Andrew Joyce-Gibbons, Emma Mercier:
NumberNet: Using Multi-Touch Technology to Support Within and Between-Group Mathematics Learning. - Hamed S. Alavi, Pierre Dillenbourg:
Supporting Collaborative Learning in Recitation Sections Using an Ambient Awareness Tool. - Cen Li, Zhijiang Dong, Roland H. Untch, Nathan Reale, Michael Chasteen:
PeerSpace: An Online Peer Collaborative Learning Environment for First Year Computer Science Students. - Reuma De Groot:
Exploring new directions in teachers' professional development: Monitoring teachers' fidelity of implementation of (argumentative) dialogue. - Mike Tissenbaum, Michelle Lui, James D. Slotta:
Orchestrating Collaborative Science Curriculum Across Formal and Informal Contexts. - Michael P. Downton, Kylie Peppler, Jeanne Bamberger:
Talking Like a Composer: Negotiating shared musical compositions using Impromptu. - Kaiju Kangas, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen:
Expert Participation in Elementary Students' Collaborative Design Process. - Deborah A. Fields, Yasmin B. Kafai:
Crafting Identities: E-Textile Artifacts as Mediators in High Tech Communities. - Iris Tabak, Sadhana Puntambekar:
ISLS presidential sessions: Honoring Janet Kolodner. - Michelle Lui, Judy Watt-Watson, Leila Lax, Adam Dubrowski, Michael McGillion, Judith Hunter, Kerry Knickle, Cameron MacLennan, Anja Robb, Jaime Lapeyre:
Collaborative Design Process of a Rich Interactive Web-based Interprofessional Pain Education Resource. - Carol K. K. Chan, Nancy Law, Diane Hui, Yuen Han Fung, KBTN Team:
Knowledge Building Teacher Network (KBTN) in Hong Kong: Sustaining and Scaling up Knowledge Building through Principle-Based Innovation. - Eric Klopfer, Josh Sheldon, Louisa Rosenheck, Judy Perry, Kurt Squire, Jim Mathews, Bob Coulter, Matt Dunleavy, R. Benjamin Shapiro:
Augmented Reality Games: Place-based Digital Learning. - Sara Streng, Karsten Stegmann, Christine Wagner, Sonja Böhm, Frank Fischer, Heinrich Hussmann:
Supporting Argumentative Knowledge Construction in Face-to-Face Settings: From ArgueTable to ArgueWall. - Shannon Kennedy-Clark, Kate Thompson:
Patterns of Collaborative Convergence in a Scenario-Based Multi-User Virtual Environment. - Edys S. Quellmalz, Barbara C. Buckley:
SimScientists: Using Science Simulations to Promote Model-Based Learning and Assessment. - Gabriel B. Reedy:
Making Meaning and Building Understanding Online: Designing an Innovative and Participative Assessment. - Jennifer Yeo, Jing Wu:
Characterizing Knowledge Building Discourse. - Dragan Trninic, Jose Gutiérrez, Dor Abrahamson:
Virtual Mathematical Inquiry: Problem Solving at the Gestural - Symbolic Interface of Remote-Control Embodied-Interaction Design. - Michelle Lui, Mike Tissenbaum, James D. Slotta:
Scripting Collaborative Learning in Smart Classrooms: Towards Building Knowledge Communities. - Christof Wecker, Frank Fischer:
The Role of Argumentation for Domain-Specific Knowledge Gains in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: A Meta-Analysis. - Patrick Jermann, Dejana Mullins, Marc-Antoine Nüssli, Pierre Dillenbourg:
Collaborative Gaze Footprints: Correlates of Interaction Quality. - Frank de Jong, Hennie van Heijst, Lia Spreeuwenberg, Hanneke de Laat:
Teachers' interventions and Knowledge Creation in a Master 'Learning & Innovation for Teachers in Vocational Education'. - Eileen Scanlon, Canan Tosunoglu Blake, Alison Twiner, Trevor D. Collins, Ann C. Jones, Lucinda Kerawalla:
Collaboration in communities of inquirers: an example from a geography field trip. - Alison M. Devlin, Vic Lally, Madeleine Sclater, Karla Parussel:
The development of life transition skills in Inter-Life: a novel, 3-dimensional virtual learning environment. - Diane Hui, Anthony R. Dickinson:
Enhancement Effects of Online Edutainment Game-Play on Students' Scholastic Achievements in English and Mathematics. - Annelies Raes, Tammy Schellens, Ellen Vanderhoven:
Increasing anonymity in peer assessment using classroom response technology. - Paul Gorsky:
Hidden Structures in Asynchronous Course Forums: Toward a Golden Ratio Population Parameter. - Michael J. Jacobson, Charlotte E. Taylor, Chun Hu, Anne Newstead, Wai Yat Wong, Debbie Richards, Meredith Taylor, Iwan Kartiko, John Porte, Manu Kapur:
Collaborative Virtual Worlds and Productive Failure: Design Research with Multidisciplinary Pedagogical, Technical and Graphics, and Learning Research Teams. - Rosemary Luckin, Chee-Kit Looi, Sadhana Puntambekar, Danae Stanton Fraser, Iris Tabak, Joshua Underwood, Wenli Chen:
Contextualizing the changing face of Scaffolding Research: Are we driving pedagogical theory development or avoiding it? - Richard Alterman, Johann Ari Larusson:
Students Producing Thick Descriptions. - Patrick Dohrmann, Niels Pinkwart, Andreas Rausch, Alke Jürgens, Tim Warnecke:
Parcours - Teaching Primary School Children Logical Thinking and Coordination skills through a Collaborative Smart Table Game. - Chwee Beng Lee, David Jonassen, Seng Chee Tan, Naomi Miyake, Jan van Aalst, Peter Reimann:
Fostering Conceptual Change with Technology: Asian Perspectives. - Pei-Chen Tsai, Huang-Yao Hong, Chieh-Hsin Chiu, Ming Hong:
Collaborative knowledge building for understanding science concepts. - Jingyan Lu, Nancy Law, Liping Deng, Yeung Lee:
OASIS: Designing CSCL to support argumentation. - Chun Hu, Wai Yat Wong, Vilma Fyfe:
Learning Technology by Collaborative Design and Evaluation. - Marcia C. Linn, Ji Shen, Hsin-Yi Chang, Fang-Pei Hsieh, Beat Schwendimann, Camillia Matuk, Jennifer King Chen, Jennifer L. Chiu, Charles Xie, Baohui Zhang, Daner Sun, Karel Mous, Quee Boon Koh, Bahadia Namdar, Rutchelle Enriquez, Jing Lei, Heng Luo, Sunghye Lee, Hsin-Kai Wu:
Collaboration as Scaffolding: Learning Together with Dynamic, Interactive Scientific Visualizations and Computer Models. - Gerry Stahl, Nan Zhou, Murat Perit Çakir, Johann Sarmiento-Klapper:
Seeing what we mean: Co-experiencing a shared virtual world. - Christof Wecker, Ingo Kollar, Frank Fischer:
Explaining the Effects of Continuous and Faded Scripts on Online Search Skills: The Role of Collaborative Strategy Practice. - Bodong Chen, Maria Chuy, Monica Resendes, Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter:
Evaluation by Grade 5 and 6 Students of the Promisingness of Ideas in Knowledge-Building Discourse. - Daniel Bodemer, Manu Kapur, Gaëlle Molinari, Nikol Rummel, Armin Weinberger:
MUPEMURE: Towards a Model of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning with Multiple Representations. - Matthew Schmidt, James M. Laffey, Janine Stichter:
Virtual Social Competence Instruction for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Beyond the Single-User Experience. - Eric Hamilton:
Advancing a Complex Systems Approach to Personalized Learning Communities: Bandwidth, Sightlines, and Teacher Creativity. - Hedieh Najafi, Naxin Zhao, James D. Slotta:
Facilitating Knowledge Communities in Science Classrooms through Scripted Collaboration. - Sarah Davis, Suzanne Nelson, David Effendi:
Design Study on Algebra Reform: A Gensing Project. - Carmen Petrick, Matthew Berland, Taylor Martin:
Allocentrism and Computational Thinking. - Walid El-Refai, Ingo Kollar, Frank Fischer:
Facilitating Web Design Skills through Online Design-Based Learning: The Case of Collaboration Scripts and Incomplete Concept Maps. - Carla van de Sande:
How are students' problems being solved? The quality of worked solutions on a popular open, online, mathematics, help forum. - Jeremy Roschelle, Charles Patton, Yukie Toyama:
Is CSCL the missing link between education and the 21st century economy? - Lawrence Leung, Nancy Law:
Online Role Play Simulation to tackle Groupthink - Case study of a crisis management training. - Tamara L. Clegg, Christina M. Gardner, Janet L. Kolodner:
Technology for Supporting Learners in Out-of-School Learning Environments. - Elizabeth S. Charles, Jong-Hwi Park, Chris Whittaker, Nathaniel Lasry:
Exploring the Role of Technology-Supported Peer Instruction in Student Understanding and Interaction in College Physics Classrooms. - Sean P. Goggins, James M. Laffey, Christopher Amelung:
Context Aware CSCL: Moving Toward Contextualized Analysis. - Anja Rudat, Jürgen Buder, Daniel Bodemer:
Does news value help learners sharing relevant information? - Georgios Kahrimanis, Irene-Angelica Chounta, Nikolaos M. Avouris:
Rating dimensions of collaboration quality in synchronous collaborating dyads: findings and interpretations. - Fu-Yun Yu, Chun-Ping Wu:
The Relationships among Online Question-Generation, Peer-Assessment and Academic Achievement. - Nancy Law, Diana Laurillard, Yeung Lee:
Learning Design as a Medium for Scaffolding Teacher Learning and Collaboration. - Thérèse Laferrière, Christian Perreault, Pier-Ann Boutin, Nancy Law, Johnny Yuen, Mireia Montané, Oscar Hernandez Lopez, Pere Boluda, Marta Blancafort:
Knowledge Building International Project : Designs for Deep Understanding. - Sami Paavola, Merja Bauters, Christoph Richter, Crina Damsa, Klas Karlgren, Eini Saarivesi, Seppo Toikka, Minna Lakkala, Hanni Muukkonen, Liisa Ilomäki:
Trialogical learning supported by Knowledge Practices Environment. - Reuma De Groot, Baruch B. Schwarz, Rupert Wegerif, Yang Yang, Andreas Harrer, Chronis Kynigos, Bruce M. McLaren, Manolis Mavrikis:
Designing visual tools to scaffold the process of learning how to learn together. - Eric Hamilton:
New forms of collaborative repository development involving students, teachers, and Japanese lesson study. - Yiu Yee Ku, Andrew Chung Yee Tse, Keung Kai Chan, Kenneth Cheng, Alison Lau, Tung Keung Poon:
ICT for educational pedagogical innovations and learner diversity. - Birgitta Kopp, Melanie Hasenbein, Heinz Mandl:
Case-based learning in a virtual professional training - Collaborative problem solving activities and outcomes. - Heisawn Jeong, Wenli Chen, Chee-Kit Looi:
Analysis of Group Understanding in Artifact-Mediated Discourses. - Joachim Kimmerle, Kristina Abels, Katharina Becher, Anna Beckers, Annette Haussmann, Ansgar Thiel, Ulrike Cress:
Construction of health knowledge in an alternative medical community of practice: Hermeneutic analysis of a web forum. - Carmen G. Zahn, Karsten Krauskopf, Friedrich W. Hesse, Roy Pea:
Digital Media in the Classroom: A Study on How to Improve Guidance for Successful Collaboration and Learning in Student Teams. - Gregory Dyke, Kristine Lund, Heisawn Jeong, Richard Medina, Daniel D. Suthers, Jan van Aalst, Wenli Chen, Chee-Kit Looi:
Technological affordances for productive multivocality in analysis. - Jing Leng, Johnny Yuen, Wing Wong, Nancy Law, Yonghe Zhang, Stéphane Allaire, Christian Perreault, Thérèse Laferrière, Christopher Teplovs:
Automated Data Analysis to Support Teacher's Knowledge Building Practice. - Michael A. Evans, Jesse L. M. Wilkins, Andrea Motto, Adrienne Brunger, Jeremy Crider:
Group Meaning in Mathematical Discourse: A Multimodal Analysis of PreK Students Using Multi-Touch Virtual Manipulatives. - Garrett W. Smith, Anushree Bopardikar, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Exploring Joint Attention around Shared Referential Anchors during Physical, Virtual and Mixed Reality Laboratory Activities. - Vanessa L. Peters, Nancy Butler Songer:
Formative Evaluation of Activity Structures for a Middle School Climate Change Curriculum. - Eric Klopfer, Judy Perry, Louisa Rosenheck:
An Interactive Research Experience with Mobile Biology Games. - Christina Schwind, Jürgen Buder, Friedrich W. Hesse:
Fostering Social Navigation and Elaboration of Controversial Topics with Preference-Inconsistent Recommendations. - Ingo Kollar, Christof Wecker, Sybille Langer, Frank Fischer:
Orchestrating Web-Based Collaborative Inquiry Learning with Small Group and Classroom Scripts. - Gerry Stahl:
How a Virtual Math Team Structured its Problem Solving. - Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep, Rob Koper, Martin Valcke:
Trustworthy in the Eye of the Beholder? - A Cognitive Perspective on Personal Profile Information in Virtual Project Teams. - Alyssa Friend Wise, Jennifer Speer, Ying-Ting Hsiao, Farshid Marbouti:
Factors Contributing to Learners' Online Listening Behaviors in Online and Blended Courses. - Naxin Zhao, Hedieh Najafi, James D. Slotta:
An Analysis of Teacher-Students Interactions in Three Science Classes: A Pilot Study. - Kwangsu Cho, Jungtaek Im, Namseok Lee, Hochul Shin:
Accelerating Learning to Write with Reciprocal Peer Review. - Iassen Halatchliyski, Joachim Kimmerle, Ulrike Cress:
Divergent and Convergent Knowledge Processes on Wikipedia. - Armanda Lewis:
Location-based language learning: Bridging Theory and Practice. - Jennifer L. Chiu:
Collaborative Learning with Scaffolded Dynamic Visualizations. - R. Benjamin Shapiro, Peter Samuelson Wardrip:
Interactive Representations of Student Activity to Inform Teacher Collaborations: Results from a Formative Exploration. - Lung-Hsiang Wong, Wenli Chen, Ying Zhan, Chee-Kuen Chin:
Analysis of Small Group Interactions in a Seamless Language Learning Environment: An Artifact-Oriented Approach. - Anushree Bopardikar, Dana Gnesdilow, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Effects of Using Multiple Forms of Support to Enhance Students' Collaboration during Concept Mapping. - Eva Mary Bures, Andrew Feenberg, Cindy Xin, Philip C. Abrami:
Social Annotating in the Online Margins: Re(designing) an Annotation Tool drawing on Unintended Ways University Students and Faculty Chose to Use It. - Henry Ha, Jane Yip, Ka Tim Chu, Shirley Lit, Chi Kin Chow:
Action research on the effectiveness of partnership collaboration in ICT language projects. - Sarah Hundertmark, Sascha Schanze:
It's not only words that constitute conversation - analyzing a collaboration process while reflecting. - Camillia Matuk, Elissa Sato, Marcia C. Linn:
Agreeing to Disagree: Challenges with Ambiguity in Visual Evidence. - Deller J. Ferreira, Rupert Wegerif:
Dialogic Framework for Creative and Collaborative Problem-solving. - Stefan Trausan-Matu:
Experiencing, Conducting, Designing and Evaluating Polyphony in CSCL Chats. - Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn P. Rosé, Frank Fischer:
ACODEA: A Framework for the Development of Classification Schemes for Automatic Classifications of Online Discussions. - Iris Tabak, Itay Asher, Samira Nasser, Eleni A. Kyza, Christothea Herodotou, Iolie Nicolaidou, Andreas Redfors, Lena Hansson, Maria Rosberg, Cally Oldershaw, Constantinos P. Constantinou, Hans van der Meij, Sascha Schanze, Ulf Saballus, Vassilis Kollias:
Increasing International Capacity for CSCL: CoReflect, an Example of Sharing and Adapting CSCL Environments across Europe. - Eric Hamilton, Nancy Harding, Gina Chaves, Wendy Chaves:
Creativity of Teachers and Peer-Student-Tutors through Video Media at the Intersection of Content and Cognition. - Dejan Ljubojevic, Brock R. Craft, Diana Laurillard:
Supporting innovative teaching and responding to change with an intelligent collaborative design environment. - Susanna Mann, Peter Reimann:
Video Analysis of Learners' Interactions with the Expert: Using Mobile Devices as Mediating Tools for Learning at a Museum. - Patricia Peterson, Stephen Showalter:
A Web-based Doctoral Program to Develop Culturally Responsive Special Education Faculty. - Kimberly A. Lawless, Scott W. Brown, Mark A. Boyer:
GlobalEd 2: A Technology Mediated Simulation Targeted at Writing in the Disciplines. - Beaumie Kim, Xueli Wang, Misong Kim:
Learners' Ideas about Plate Tectonics and Collaborative Game Play. - Noel Enyedy, Joshua A. Danish, Girlie Delacruz, Melissa Kumar, Sylvia Gentile:
Play and Augmented Reality in Learning Physics: The SPASES Project. - Xinghua Wang, Ingo Kollar, Karsten Stegmann, Frank Fischer:
Adaptable Scripting in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to Foster Knowledge and Skill Acquisition. - Heisawn Jeong, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver:
A Portrait of CSCL Methodologies. - Zhi-Hong Chen, Euphony F. Y. Yang, Hsiu-Mei Chang, Chih-Mao Chen, Tak-Wai Chan:
A Supporting System for Pupils' Question-Posing and Peer-Assessment. - Charles Y. C. Yeh, Zhi-Hong Chen, Calvin C. Y. Liao, Tak-Wai Chan:
My-Pet-My-Quest: Using Authoring Tool in Open Content Environment to Extend Learning Quests. - Kate Thompson, Shannon Kennedy-Clark, Lina Markauskaite, Vilaythong Southavilay:
Capturing and analysing the processes and patterns of learning in collaborative learning environments. - Thérèse Laferrière, Christine Hamel, Stéphane Allaire:
Reflective practice on online collaborative learning and knowledge building in campus-based teacher education courses. - Beat Schwendimann:
Distinguishing Evolution Ideas Through Two Different Forms Of Collaborative Critique-Focused Concept Mapping Activities. - Cheryl Ann Madeira, James D. Slotta:
Visual Representations of Videotaped Interactions: Understanding Activity Patterns in the Classroom. - Kristin Knipfer, Michael Prilla, Thomas Herrmann, Ulrike Cress:
Computer Support for Collaborative Reflection on Captured Teamwork Data. - Jo Dugstad Wake, Frode Guribye, Barbara Wasson:
The Interactional Organisation of Location-based Gaming. - Akiko Deguchi, Fusako Kusunoki, Shigenori Inagaki, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Yoshiaki Takeda, Masanori Sugimoto:
Vegetation Interaction Game: Digital SUGOROKU to Learn Vegetation Succession for Children. - Birgitta Kopp, Maria Cristina Matteucci, Carlo Tomasetto, Heinz Mandl:
E-Tutorial Support for Collaborative Online Learning: Differences between experienced and non-experienced E-tutors. - Gaëlle Molinari, Daniel Bodemer, Manu Kapur, Nikol Rummel, Armin Weinberger:
Design and Technologies for Supporting Collaborative Learning with Multiple Representations. - Anne Weibert, Birgit Sander, Kai Schubert:
Upon the role of the teacher in the informal learning setting of an intercultural computer club. - Gyeong Mi Heo, Alain Breuleux:
Online Communication and Collaboration in a Community of Practice for Teachers Professional Development. - Sten R. Ludvigsen, Crina Damsa, Hanni Muukkonen:
Integrated tool support for learning through knowledge creation. - Ravi Vatrapu:
Seven Challenges in CSCL. - Pierre Dillenbourg, Guillaume Zufferey, Hamed Alavi, Patrick Jermann, Son Do-Lenh, Quentin Bonnard, Sébastien Cuendet, Frédéric Kaplan:
Classroom orchestration: The third circle of usability. - Anindito Aditomo, Rafael A. Calvo, Peter Reimann:
Collaborative writing: too much of a good thing? Exploring engineering students' perceptions using the Repertory Grid. - Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay, Kalina Yacef:
Visualisations for longitudinal participation, contribution and progress of a collaborative task at the tabletop. - Vanessa Svihla:
Formulating WISE Learning Experiences. - Jan van Aalst, Carol K. K. Chan, Yuen-Yan Chan, Wing-San Wan, Stella Wen Tian:
Design and Development of a Formative Assessment Tool for Knowledge Building and Collaborative Learning. - Christophe Reffay, Christopher Teplovs, François-Marie Blondel:
Productive re-use of CSCL data and analytic tools to provide a new perspective on group cohesion. - Mihai Dascalu, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Trausan-Matu, Gillian Armitt:
PolyCAFe: Collaboration and Utterance Assessment for Online CSCL Conversations. - Daniel Greene, Paulo Blikstein:
Towards the Identification of Emergent Strategies for Interdependent Collaboration in Complex Tasks. - Johnny Yuen:
Investigating Students' Epistemologies in CSCL discourse through Reflective Judgment Model and Practical Epistemologies. - Samuel Kai-Wah Chu:
Using Google Sites in collaborative inquiry project-based learning. - Carol K. K. Chan, Ella L. F. Fu:
Principle-Based Design for Collective Growth: From Knowledge Sharing to Explanatory Knowledge-Building Discourse. - Jürgen Buder, Daniel Bodemer:
Group Awareness Tools for Controversial CSCL Discussions: Dissociating Rating Effects and Visualized Feedback Effects. - Kati Mäkitalo-Siegl, Frank Fischer, Carmen Kohnle:
Single- and Mixed-Gender Pairs' Help-Seeking and Domain-Knowledge Gains in Collaborative Inquiry-Learning Classroom. - Nantha K. Subramaniam, Abdullah Mohd Zin, Sufian Bin Idris:
Online Smart "Discussion Forum" - An environment for an Effective Task-based Collaborative Discussion among the Adult Learners. - Marcelo Milrad, Dan Kohen-Vacs, Bahtijar Vogel, Miky Ronen, Arianit Kurti:
An Integrated Approach for the Enactment of Collaborative Pedagogical Scripts Using Mobile Technologies. - Neema Moraveji, Roy Pea:
How Do Instructors Design Classroom-wide Interactive Formative Assessments? A Field Study with 18 Schools. - Gaowei Chen, Ming Ming Chiu, Zhan Wang:
Social Cues in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Effects of Social Metacognition and New Ideas. - Michael Oehl, Hans-Rüdiger Pfister:
Modeling Efficient Grounding in Chat-based CSCL: An Approach for Adaptive Scripting? - David James Woo:
Support by Educators for Knowledge Building in an Organic Social Networking Environment. - Mireille Bétrancourt, Nicolas Guichon, Yannick Prié:
Assessing the use of a Trace-Based Synchronous Tool for distant language tutoring. - Michele P. Notari, Adrian Baumgartner:
Social Skills as Predictors of Satisfaction and Performance in a Project-based Learning CSCL Environment: An Empirical Study. - Ingo Kollar, Raija Hämäläinen, Michael A. Evans, Bram de Wever, Carlo Perrotta:
Orchestrating CSCL - More Than a Metaphor? - Miho Kawasaki, Hajime Shirouzu:
Explanatory Activity with a Partner Promotes Children's Learning from Multiple Solution Methods. - Dan Banica, Stefan Trausan-Matu, Traian Rebedea:
Detecting Collaboration Regions in a Chat Session. - Jim Hewitt, Clare Brett:
Engaging Learners in the Identification of Key Ideas in Complex Online Discussions. - Heidrun Allert, Christoph Richter:
An Educational Perspective: Research Through Design. - Mark Chen:
How a New Actor Was Temporarily Enrolled Into the Network of Game Playing. - Maria Chuy, Jianwei Zhang, Monica Resendes, Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter:
Does Contributing to a Knowledge Building Dialogue Lead to Individual Advancement of Knowledge? - Minna Lakkala, Liisa Ilomäki:
Unfolding experienced teachers' pedagogical practices in technology-enhanced collaborative learning. - Wenli Chen, Chee-Kit Looi, Yun Wen:
A Scaffolded Software Tool for L2 Vocabulary Learning: GroupScribbles with Graphic Organizers. - Sarah A. Sullivan, Katherine D. Knight, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Group Sense Making of Multiple Sources in a Hypertext Environment. - Andrew E. Krumm, Richard Joseph Waddington, Steven Lonn, Stephanie D. Teasley:
Collaboration at Scale: How and Why are Instructors Using Collaborative Learning Management System Tools? - Thérèse Laferrière, Alain Breuleux:
Collaborative Design (CODE) as a Teacher Professional Development Model in Francophone and Anglophone Quebec. - Cynthia D'Angelo, Golnaz Arastoopour, Naomi C. Chesler, David Williamson Shaffer:
Collaborating in a Virtual Engineering Internship. - Monica Resendes, Maria Chuy, Bodong Chen, Marlene Scardamalia:
Ways of contributing to a knowledge-building dialogue in history. - Joshua Underwood, Rosemary Luckin, Niall Winters:
Retelling Stories: Setting Learner Narratives in Resource Ecologies. - Jing Leng:
Investigating Different Critical Thinking Tests in an Authentic Inquiry. - Alyssa Friend Wise, Farshid Marbouti, Jennifer Speer, Ying-Ting Hsiao:
Towards an Understanding of "Listening" in Online Discussions: A Cluster Analysis of Learners' Interaction Patterns. - Susan A. Yoon, Karen Elinich, Christopher Steinmeier, Joyce Wang, Sean Tucker:
Learning Science through Knowledge-Building and Augmented Reality in Museums. - Crina Damsa, Sten R. Ludvigsen:
Learning Through Collaborative Creation of Knowledge Objects in Teacher Education. - Thierry Condamines:
A collaborative platform supporting knowledge sharing and problem solving for teacher professional development. - Jeremy Roschelle, Charlie Patton, Patricia K. Schank, William R. Penuel, Chee-Kit Looi, Wenli Chen, Anwar Chan, Luis Pablo Prieto, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, Yannis Dimitriadis:
CSCL and Innovation: In Classrooms, With Teachers, Among School Leaders, In Schools of Education. - Katerine Bielaczyc, Kai Hakkarainen, Guiseppe Ritella, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Gerry Stahl, Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter:
Strengthening the Conceptual Foundations of Knowledge Building Theory and Pedagogy. - Elizabeth S. Charles, Mike Tissenbaum, Chris Whittaker, Michelle Lui, Michael Dugdale, James D. Slotta:
Co-design of Collaborative Collective Knowledge Environment. - Victor Law, Xun Ge, Deniz Eseryel:
Dimensions of Social Interactions Contributing to Knowledge Construction and Building in an Online Learning Community. - Meng Yew Tee, Shuh Shing Lee:
SECI-driven problem-based learning for cultivating technological pedagogical content knowledge. - Ming Lai, Nancy Law:
Questioning and the Quality of Knowledge Ideas in a CSCL Context: A Study on Two Age-groups of Students. - Frank Loll, Niels Pinkwart:
Guiding the Process of Argumentation: The Effects of Ontology and Collaboration. - Toshio Mochizuki, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshihiko Kubota, Hideyuki Suzuki:
Tabletop Teaching Simulation: Collaborative Multivoiced Simulation for Improving Lesson Plans in Pre-service Training. - Shannon Kennedy-Clark, Kate Thompson, Debbie Richards:
Collaborative Problem Solving Processes in a Scenario-Based Multi-User Environment. - Ching-Huei Chen, I-Chia Wu:
Factors affecting students' performance in a supportive e-learning system - eCIS: an exploratory study. - Mark D. Reilly, Haifeng Shen:
GroupNotes: Encouraging Proactive Student Engagement in Lectures through Collaborative Note-taking on Smartphones. - Beat Schwendimann:
Linking Genotypic And Phenotypic Ideas Of Evolution Through Collaborative Critique-focused Concept Mapping. - Deborah A. Fields, Yasmin B. Kafai:
The Role of Different Narratives in Recognizing Peer Expertise in Collaborative Programming Projects. - Thérèse Laferrière, Marjut Viilo, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Kai Hakkarainen, Jun Oshima, Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter, Bodong Chen, Maria Chuy, Monica Resendes, Jan van Aalst, Carol K. K. Chan, Katerine Bielaczyc, Huang-Yao Hong, Jianwei Zhang:
Enhancing the Social and Cognitive Benefits of Digital Tools and Media. - Mike Stieff:
Fostering Representational Competence Through Argumentation with Multi-Representational Displays. - Jennifer Yeo, Yew-Jin Lee, Jing Wu, S. Zanariah Ahmad, Siew Kheng Cheong, Chor Miang Sim, Hsueh Chien Dawn Lee, Chong Wah Cedric Choy:
Common boundary between different worlds: Collaboration between researchers and school teachers in NLC KB project in Singapore. - Yen-Hua Chen, Tak-Wai Chan, Chee-Kit Looi, Yin-juan Shao, Chiu-Pin Lin:
Utilizing a collaborative "Cross Number Puzzle" game on Group Scribbles to develop students' computing ability of addition and subtraction. - Derek Lomas, Dixie Ching, Christopher Hoadley, Kishan Patel, Matthew Kam:
When a console game becomes CSCL: Play, participatory learning and 8-bit home computing in India. - Frank Loll, Niels Pinkwart, Oliver Scheuer, Bruce M. McLaren:
Developing Collaborative Argumentation Systems: What Advice Do the Experts Have? - Jae-Bong Yoo, Erin Shaw, Jihie Kim:
Can participation and procrastination in discussion forums predict project performance in computer science courses? - Christina Matschke, Johannes Moskaliuk, Franziska Arnold, Ulrike Cress:
Patterns as Facilitators for Knowledge Building in Learning Organizations. - Annelies Raes, Tammy Schellens, Bram de Wever, Ellen Vanderhoven:
Multiple modes of scaffolding to enhance web-based inquiry. - Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Wenli Chen:
Towards a model for rapid collaborative knowledge improvement in classroom language learning. - Gahgene Gweon, Pulkit Agrawal, Mikesh Udani, Bhiksha Raj, Carolyn P. Rosé:
The automatic assessment of knowledge integration processes in project teams. - Rupert Wegerif, Yang Yang:
Technology and Dialogic Space: Lessons from History and from the 'Argunaut' and 'Metafora' Projects. - Juan Carlos Hernández, Luis Facundo Maldonado, Widman Said Valbuena B, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Improving Collaboration through Visibility of Students' Learning Products in a Digital Classroom Environment. - Nancy Law, Yeung Lee, S. M. Kwok, Bonnie Lam, K. C. Ho:
Teacher as co-designer in developing technology that supports Liberal Studies learning. - Yael Kali, Lina Markauskaite, Peter Goodyear, Mary-Helen Ward:
Bridging Multiple Expertise in Collaborative Design for Technology-Enhanced Learning. - Kai Hakkarainen, Giuseppe Ritella, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen:
Epistemic mediation, chronotope, and expansive knowledge practices. - Robbin Chapman:
Pearls of Wisdom: A Computational Scaffold for Design and Diffusion of Cognitive Artifacts. - Shaoming Chai, Jianhua Zhao, Su Mu:
Discourse analysis of collaborative meaning making in CSCL. - Lung-Hsiang Wong, Ivica Boticki, Jizhen Sun, Chee-Kit Looi:
Improving the mCSCL Approach of a Mobile Chinese Character Forming Game via a Design-based Research Cycle. - Yasmin B. Kafai, Kylie Peppler:
Beyond Small Groups: New Opportunities for Research in Computer-Supported Collective Learning. - Rohit Kumar, Jack L. Beuth, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Conversational Strategies that Support Idea Generation Productivity in Groups. - Crina Damsa, Gijsbert Erkens, Jeroen Janssen:
Analyzing discourse synthesis - use of semantic information for collaborative writing in secondary education. - Jianwei Zhang, Yanqing Sun:
Quantified Measures of Online Discourse as Knowledge Building Indicators. - Karen Brennan:
Mind the gap: Differences between the aspirational and the actual in an online community of learners. - Jianwei Zhang, Marlene Scardamalia, Carol K. K. Chan, Jan van Aalst, Yuen Han Fung, Hidy Tse, Elizabeth Morley, Richard Messina, Janet L. Kolodner:
A Principle-Based Approach to Knowledge Building: Processes, Challenges, and Implications. - Sameer Honwad, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, Suparna Sinha, Catherine Eberbach, Ashok K. Goel, Spencer Rugaber:
Learning about Ecosystems in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment. - Raija Hämäläinen, Kimmo Oksanen:
Designing, orchestrating and evaluating inter-professional collaboration in a scripted 3D learning space for vocational education. - Jürgen Buder, Christina Schwind:
Recommender Systems: A Technology to Foster Individual and Collaborative Learning. - Daniel D. Suthers, Kristine Lund, Carolyn P. Rosé, Gregory Dyke, Nancy Law, Chris Teplovs, Wenli Chen, Ming Ming Chiu, Heisawn Jeong, Chee-Kit Looi, Richard Medina, Jun Oshima, R. Keith Sawyer, Hajime Shirouzu, Jan-Willem Strijbos, Stefan Trausan-Matu, Jan van Aalst:
Towards Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Collaborative Learning. - Johannes Moskaliuk, Johanna Bertram, Ulrike Cress:
Training in Virtual Training Environments: Connecting Theory to Practice. - Karsten Stegmann, Jin Mu, Vera Gehlen-Baum, Frank Fischer:
The Myth of Over-scripting: Can Novices be Supported too much? - Jianhua Zhao, Kedong Li, Shaoming Chai, Lu Wang, Shaoqing Guo, Shengquan Yu, Gang Cheng, Xianmin Yang, Yanyan Li, Hui Xu, Xidiao Chen, Xiaoqing Gu, Jian Zhao, Xianqing Bao, Kangli Li, Jim Slotta, Nancy Law:
Introducing China: Expanding the CSCL Research Community. - Jan M. Zottmann, Frank Fischer, Annika Goeze, Josef Schrader:
Enhancing Computer-Supported Case-Based Learning for Pre-Service Teachers: Effects of Hyperlinks to Conceptual Knowledge and Multiple Perspectives. - Charles Vanover, George Roy, Zafer Ünal, Vivian Fueyo, Nicole Collier, Phil Vahey:
Scaling Dynamic Mathematics Reform: Findings from the SunBay Pilot Study. - Tsukasa Hirashima, Kazuya Yamasaki, Hiroyuki Fukuda, Hideo Funaoi:
Diagnosable Concept Map toward Group Formation and Peer Help. - Lei Liu, Susan A. Yoon:
Using Online Communication Tools to Mediate Curriculum Development As A Collaborative Process. - Luis Pablo Prieto, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, Yannis Dimitriadis, Patricia K. Schank, William R. Penuel, Angela Haydel DeBarger:
Mind the Gaps: Using Patterns to Change Everyday Classroom Practice Towards Contingent CSCL Teaching. - Neema Moraveji, Salman Ahmad, Chigusa Kita, Frank Chen, Sepandar D. Kamvar:
Weblines: Enabling the Social Transfer of Web Search Expertise using User-Generated Short-form Timelines. - Bert Slof, Gijsbert Erkens, Paul A. Kirschner:
Constructing Part-task Congruent Representations to Support Coordination of Collaborative Problem-solving Tasks. - Chris Phielix, Frans J. Prins, Jeroen Janssen, Paul A. Kirschner:
Using a Reflection Tool to Increase Reliability of Peer Assessments in a CSCL Environment. - Celia Kaendler, Christine Plesch, Anne Deiglmayr, Dejana Mullins, Nikol Rummel, Hans Spada:
Emerging Tensions in the Future of Technology-Enhanced Learning: First Results of an International Delphi Study. - M. Shane Tutwiler, Tina A. Grotzer, Amy Kamarainen, Shari Metcalf, Chris Dede:
Exploring Student Understanding of Complex Causality in an Ecosystems-Based Multi-User Virtual Environment. - Georgios Fesakis, Angelique Dimitracopoulou, Aggelos Palaiodimos:
The impact of interaction analysis graphs on groups during online collaboration through blogs according to the "learning by design" scenario. - Ching Yin Kwok, Siu Fan Lau, Yin Wai Yvonne Choi, Lok Sze Chan:
School Network for Enhancing Student Information Literacy Across the Curriculum. - Robbin Chapman, Shaundra Daily:
OASIS: An Online Professional Learning Community for Inquiry-based Teaching. - Ming Lai, Nancy Law:
Some Discourse Mechanisms for Knowledge Advancement in a CSCL Context. - Moegi Saito, Naomi Miyake:
Socially constructive interaction for fostering conceptual change. - Iris K. Howley, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Missing Something? Authority in Collaborative Learning. - Andri Ioannou, Agni Stylianou-Georgiou, Elena C. Papanastasiou:
Coding schemes as measurement instruments? An attempt to assess the psychometric properties of a coding scheme.

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