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17th ICALT 2017: Timisoara, Romania
- Maiga Chang, Nian-Shing Chen, Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Demetrios G. Sampson, Radu Vasiu:
17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2017, Timisoara, Romania, July 3-7, 2017. IEEE Computer Society 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3870-5
Track 1. Technologies for Open Learning and Education (i-OPENLearn@ICALT2017)
- Eva Dobozy:
University Lecturer Views on Pedagogic Lurking. 1-2 - Xiaoling Ye:
Research on Differences of University Students' Communication in IM and Practical Environments: Case Study Based on Acquaintance Group. 3-4 - Aïcha Bakki, Lahcen Oubahssi, Sébastien George, Chihab Cherkaoui:
A Model to Assist Pedagogical Scenario Building Process in cMOOCs. 5-7 - Kai Pata
, Aleksandr Beliaev, Romil Robtsenkov, Mart Laanpere:
Affordances of the LePlanner for Sharing Digitally Enhanced Learning Scenarios. 8-12 - Christian M. Stracke
Why We Need High Drop-Out Rates in MOOCs: New Evaluation and Personalization Strategies for the Quality of Open Education. 13-15 - Geng Sun, Tingru Cui, Jun Shen
, Dongming Xu, Ghassan Beydoun
, Shiping Chen
Ontological Learner Profile Identification for Cold Start Problem in Micro Learning Resources Delivery. 16-20 - Stylianos Sergis, Demetrios G. Sampson
, Michail N. Giannakos:
Enhancing Student Digital Skills: Adopting an Ecosystemic School Analytics Approach. 21-25 - Diana Andone
, Andrei Ternauciuc
, Radu Vasiu
Using Open Education Tools for a Higher Education Virtual Campus. 26-30 - Vincent W. L. Tam, Mimansha Gupta:
Facilitating the Open Learning and Education through Facial Analytics and Video Streaming. 31-33 - Xiaoyin Che, Sheng Luo, Haojin Yang, Christoph Meinel:
Automatic Lecture Subtitle Generation and How It Helps. 34-38
Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning (APTeL@ICALT2017)
- Xingliang Chen, Antonija Mitrovic, Moffat Mathews:
How Much Learning Support Should be Provided to Novices and Advanced Students? 39-43 - Felipe de Morais
, Ig Ibert Bittencourt
, Seiji Isotani
, Patrícia Augustin Jaques
The Use of Handwriting Input in Math Tutoring Systems: An Use Case with PAT2Math. 44-46 - Leonardo Zilio, Cédrick Fairon:
Adaptive System for Language Learning. 47-49 - Hiba Hajri, Yolaine Bourda
, Fabrice Popineau:
MORS: A System for Recommending OERs in a MOOC. 50-52 - Asma Ben Khedher, Imène Jraidi, Claude Frasson:
Tracking Students' Analytical Reasoning Using Visual Scan Paths. 53-54 - J. C. S. Kadupitiya, Surangika Ranathunga
, Gihan Dias:
Assessment and Error Identification of Answers to Mathematical Word Problems. 55-59 - Nabeela Altrabsheh, Mihaela Cocea, Sanaz Fallahkhair, Khaldoon Dhou:
Evaluation of the SA-E System for Analysis of Students' Real-Time Feedback. 60-61 - Tiina Lynch, Ioana Ghergulescu:
Large Scale Evaluation of Learning Flow. 62-64 - Maria De Marsico, Andrea Sterbini, Marco Temperini
Leveraging CPTs in a Bayesian Approach to Grade Open Ended Answers. 65-69 - A. Ezzat Labib, José H. Canós, M. Carmen Penadés
Integrating Product Line and Learning Style Approaches to Enforce Reusability and Personalization of Learning Objects. 70-71 - Simone S. Borges, Vinicius H. S. Durelli, Helena Macedo Reis
, Ig Ibert Bittencourt
, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Seiji Isotani
Brazilian Portuguese Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Susceptibility to Persuasion Scale (Br-STPS). 72-73 - Birol Ciloglugil
, Mustafa Murat Inceoglu
Exploiting Agents and Artifacts Metamodel to Provide Abstraction of E-Learning Resources. 74-75 - Jose Wallison F. da Silva, Cidcley Teixeira de Souza, Maria de Fatima C. de Souza:
CLOVeR: An Optimized Repository for Customizable Learning Objects. 76-78 - Carolina Mejía
, Sergio Gómez, Laura Mancera
, Sibylle Taveneau:
Inclusive Learner Model for Adaptive Recommendations in Virtual Education. 79-80 - Shinpei Ogata
, Mizue Kayama
, Kozo Okano:
SMart-Learning: State Machine Simulators for Developing Thinking Skills. 81-83
Track 3. Wireless, Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning (WMUTE@ICALT2017)
- Terje Väljataga, Priit Tammets
, Kairit Tammets, Pjotr Savitski, Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Ryan Dias:
Designing Learning Experiences in Zoos: A Location-Based Game Development Toolkit. 84-86 - Kai-Yi Chin, Chun-Xin Hou, Ching-Sheng Wang, Ko-Fong Lee:
Using Augmented Reality Technology for the Development of Historic Building Teaching Application: A Mackay Culture Course. 87-88 - Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Kalina Yacef
, Augusto Dias Pereira dos Santos, Simon Buckingham Shum
, Vanessa Echeverría
, Olga C. Santos
, Mykola Pechenizkiy
Towards Proximity Tracking and Sensemaking for Supporting Teamwork and Learning. 89-91 - Karl Barth, Wolfgang Müller:
Interacting with Public Displays for Informal Learning: Design Issues and First Experiences. 92-94 - Teresa Walter, Stefanie Eichwald, Nina Klaas, Jennifer Reder, Wolfgang Muller:
RefugeeScout: Learning German Culture for a Better Integration with a Storytelling Application. 95-97 - Mohammed Al-Soh
, Imran A. Zualkernan
An MQTT-Based Context-Aware Wearable Assessment Platform for Smart Watches. 98-100 - Rawia Bdiwi, Cyril de Runz, Sami Faïz, Arab Ali Chérif:
Towards a New Ubiquitous Learning Environment Based on Blockchain Technology. 101-102 - Xuan-Lam Pham, Thi-Huyen Nguyen
, Gwo-Dong Chen:
Factors that Impact Quiz Score: A Study with Participants in a Mobile Learning App. 103-105
Track 4. Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning DIGITEL@ICALT2017)
- Mauricio Loachamin-Valencia
, M. Carmen Juan
, Magdalena Méndez-López
, Elena Pérez-Hernández
Auditory and Spatial Assessment in Inattentive Children Using Smart Devices and Gesture Interaction. 106-110 - David Rodríguez-Andrés, M. Carmen Juan
, Ramón Mollá Vayá, Magdalena Méndez-López
A 3D Serious Game for Dental Learning in Higher Education. 111-115 - Yun-Hsuan Chang, Yu-Fang Liu, Wen-Liang Chung, Chi-Wen Huang, Gwo-Dong Chen:
Improve Knowledge Application Capability by Script Authoring and Comic Drama Performing. 116-118 - Veljko Aleksic
, Mirjana Ivanovic
Digital Gameplay Habits and Multiple Intelligences Profile of Early Adolescents Living in Rural Areas. 119-122 - Chang-Hsin Lin, Shu-Hsien Huang, Ju-Ling Shih, Alexandra Covaci, Gheorghita Ghinea
Game-Based Learning Effectiveness and Motivation Study between Competitive and Cooperative Modes. 123-127 - Veronica Rossano
, Teresa Roselli, Gabriella Calvano:
Multimedia Technologies to Foster Ecological Skills. 128-130 - Ahmed Tlili
, Fathi Essalmi, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed, Mohamed Jemni
, Kinshuk:
A Smart Educational Game to Model Personality Using Learning Analytics. 131-135 - Samuli Laato
, Teemu Henrikki Laine, Jungryul Seo
, Wooryeon Ko, Erkki Sutinen:
Designing a Game for Learning Math by Composing: A Finnish Primary School Case. 136-138 - Peng Chen, Ronghuai Huang:
Design Thinking in App Inventor Game Design and Development: A Case Study. 139-141 - Elena Novak, Janet Lynne Tassell:
Video Games that Improve 'Learning to Learn': Focus on Action Video Game Play Elements. 142-144 - Mathieu Vermeulen
, Gaëlle Guigon
, Nadine Mandran, Jean-Marc Labat:
Teachers at the Heart of the Learning Games Design: The DISC Model. 145-149 - Wong Seng Yue
, Chong Yee Ying:
The Evaluation Study of Gamification Approach in Malaysian History Learning via Mobile Game Application. 150-152 - Ashutosh Raina, Lakshmi T. G., Sahana Murthy:
CoMBaT: Wearable Technology Based Training System for Novice Badminton Players. 153-157 - Tzu-Chi Yang
, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun:
An Investigation of the Influence of Drug Addiction on Learning Behaviors in a Game-Based Learning Environment. 158-162 - Rafaela V. Rocha, Pedro Henrique Dias Valle
, José Carlos Maldonado, Ig Ibert Bittencourt
, Seiji Isotani
AIMED: Agile, Integrative and Open Method for Open Educational Resources Development. 163-167 - Mojibola Abioye, Maiga Chang
, Shi-Jer Lou, Ru-Chu Shih, Tzu-Chien Liu, Fuhua Lin:
The Design of Questionnaire of Students' Perceived Gender and Role of Humanoid Robots in Education. 168-169 - George Palaigeorgiou, Anastasios Karakostas
, Keli Skenderidou:
FingerTrips: Learning Geography through Tangible Finger Trips into 3D Augmented Maps. 170-172 - Ahmad Hassan Kobeissi, Alessio Sidoti, Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta
, Alessandro De Gloria:
Building a Tangible Serious Game Framework for Elementary Spatial and Geometry Concepts. 173-177 - Afef Ghannem, Karim Sehaba, Raoudha Khchérif, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
Towards Serious Game Content-Extraction for a Pedagogical Evaluation. 178-179
Track 5. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL@ICALT2017)
- Luis Galindo:
How Collaboration in a Heterogeneous Team Impacts Invention in the Design Process of Digital Learning Objects?: The Case of the REMASCO Project to Redesign and Reinvent the Digital School Textbook through an Online and Collaborative Design Framework. 180-181 - Rustam Shadiev
, Barry Lee Reynolds
, Yueh-Min Huang, Narzikul Shadiev, Wei Wang, Laxmisha Rai
, Wanwisa Wannapipat
Applying Speech-to-Text Recognition and Computer-Aided Translation for Supporting Multi-lingual Communications in Cross-Cultural Learning Project. 182-183 - Sheng-Yi Wu
Design of Strategy for Reducing Off-Topic in Online Discussion Activities. 184-185 - Hang Shu, Yi Wei, Xiaoqing Gu
Is There Difference between In and Out of Classroom? Harnessing the Group Interaction of Blended Learning. 186-188 - Chih-Chao Hsu
, Tzone-I Wang, Ke-Jie Lin, Jia-Wei Chang:
The Effects of Fusing 635 Brainstorming and C-Sketch Methods on the Creativity of Industrial Design. 189-193 - Kazuya Takemata, Takumi Nishiyama, Akiyuki Minamide, Shintarou Wakayama:
Design and Trial Use of an E-Time Capsule System. 194-195 - Panpan Cui, Lanqin Zheng, Xin Li:
A Co-citation Network Analysis of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning from 2006 to 2016. 196-198 - Gabriel Gutu
, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Ruseti, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Unlocking the Power of Word2Vec for Identifying Implicit Links. 199-200 - Ishari Amarasinghe, Davinia Hernández Leo
, Anders Jonsson:
Intelligent Group Formation in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Scripts. 201-203 - Andreas Harrer
, Andreas Lingnau
A Proposal to Measure Innovation and Scaling of CSCL Projects - Extension and Application of the JRC Mapping Framework. 204-206 - Francesca Pozzi
, Andrea Ceregini, Francesca Maria Dagnino
, Donatella Persico
, Luis Pablo Prieto
, Luigi Sarti:
Designing Collaborative Learning Activities with an Augmented LD Tool. 207-209 - Ioana Maria Bacea, Aurelia Ciupe, Serban Meza
Interactive Kanban - Blending Digital and Physical Resources for Collaborative Project Based Learning. 210-211 - Gabriel Badea
, Elvira Popescu
CollAnnotator - A Support Tool for Content Analysis According to Community of Inquiry Framework. 212-214
Track 6. Technology-enhanced Assessment in Formal and Informal Education (TeASSESS@ICALT2017)
- Buddhiprabha Erabadda, Surangika Ranathunga
, Gihan Dias:
Automatic Identification of Errors in Multi-step Answers to Algebra Questions. 215-219 - Erica Dal Magro, Samuel Gebing, Leticia Heinzmann, Maria Eduarda Romagna, Julia Studer, Tiago Martins Goulart, Daniel Martins Ayub
, Maurício Covolan Rosito, Julia M. C. Silva, Hazra Imran, Kinshuk:
MOOC as Supplementary Tutoring to Public School Students Learning. 220-223 - Eddie Walsh, Mirjam Neelen, Evangelos Kapros
Competency Analytics in the Workplace through Continuous Peer Feedback. 224-226 - Mireilla Bikanga Ada
, Mark Stansfield:
The Potential of Learning Analytics in Understanding Students' Engagement with Their Assessment Feedback. 227-229 - Alexander Amigud
, Joan Arnedo-Moreno, Thanasis Daradoumis, Ana-Elena Guerrero-Roldán
A Method for Thematic and Structural Visualization of Academic Content. 230-234 - Oscar Jerez, Nelson Baloian
, Gustavo Zurita
Authentic Assesment Between Peers in Online Courses with a Large Number of Students. 235-237 - Buddhima S. Wijeweera, Gihan Dias, Surangika Ranathunga
Automatic Assessment of Student Answers for Geometric Construction Questions. 238-242 - Diunuge Buddhika Wijesinghe, J. C. S. Kadupitiya, Surangika Ranathunga
, Gihan Dias:
Automatic Assessment of Student Answers Consisting of Venn and Euler Diagrams. 243-247 - Roxana Moldovan, Bogdan Orza
, Cosmin Porumb, Serban Meza
Blended Assessment Concepts for Formal and Informal Engineering Education. 248-250 - Fahima Hajjej, Yousra Bendaly Hlaoui, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed:
Adapted E-Assessment System Based on Cloud Computing. 251-255 - Hans Jeria, Jorge J. Villalón
Incorporating Open Education Resources into Computer Supported Marking Tool to Enhance Formative Feedback Creation. 256-260 - Hasan M. Jamil
Automated Personalized Assessment of Computational Thinking MOOC Assignments. 261-263
Track 7. Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics (BDELA@ICALT2017)
- Jeremie Seanosky, Isabelle Guillot, David Boulanger, Rébecca Guillot, Claudia Guillot, Vivekanandan Kumar, Shawn N. Fraser
, Kinshuk, Nahla Aljojo
, Asmaa Munshi:
Real-Time Visual Feedback: A Study in Coding Analytics. 264-266 - Daiki Suehiro, Yuta Taniguchi, Atsushi Shimada
, Hiroaki Ogata:
Face-to-Face Teaching Analytics: Extracting Teaching Activities from E-Book Logs via Time-Series Analysis. 267-268 - Daniel Spikol
, Emanuele Ruffaldi, Lorenzo Landolfi
, Mutlu Cukurova
Estimation of Success in Collaborative Learning Based on Multimodal Learning Analytics Features. 269-273 - Atsushi Shimada
, Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata:
Real-Time Learning Analytics of e-Book Operation Logs for On-site Lecture Support. 274-275 - Vinicius M. Gottin, Haydée Guillot Jiménez, Anna Carolina Finamore, Marco A. Casanova, António L. Furtado, Bernardo Pereira Nunes
An Analysis of Degree Curricula through Mining Student Records. 276-280 - Douglas Afonso Tenorio de Menezes, Diogo Lima Florencio, Renato Ely Domingues Silva, Isabel Dillmann Nunes, Ulrich Schiel, Marcus Salerno de Aquino:
DaVID - A Model of Data Visualization for the Instructional Design. 281-285 - Zacharoula K. Papamitsiou, Anastasios A. Economides
Student Modeling in Real-Time during Self-Assessment Using Stream Mining Techniques. 286-290 - Thiago Baesso Procaci, Sean W. M. Siqueira
, Bernardo Pereira Nunes
, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller
Modelling Experts Behaviour in Q&A Communities to Predict Worthy Discussions. 291-295 - Olfat M. Mirza, Mike Joy
, Georgina Cosma
Style Analysis for Source Code Plagiarism Detection - An Analysis of a Dataset of Student Coursework. 296-297 - Yuta Taniguchi, Daiki Suehiro, Atsushi Shimada
, Hiroaki Ogata:
Revealing Hidden Impression Topics in Students' Journals Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 298-300 - Aneta George, Voicu Groza, Liam Peyton:
Graduate Attribute Assessment in Computer Engineering Program at University of Ottawa. 301-302 - Imran A. Zualkernan
Using EGRA Data to Automatically Generate Teaching and Training Advice for Teachers in Developing Countries. 303-307
Track 8. Technology-Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (TeSTEM@ICALT2017)
- Juanjuan Chen
, Minhong Wang
A Pilot Study of Concept Mapping Mediated Inquiry Learning in an Online Environment. 308-310 - Michalis Ioannou, Tharrenos Bratitsis
Teaching the Notion of Speed in Kindergarten Using the Sphero SPRK Robot. 311-312 - Kaushal Kumar Bhagat
, Chun-Yen Chang
, Ronghuai Huang:
Integrating GeoGebra with TPACK in Improving Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers' Professional Development. 313-314 - Jun Peng
, Minhong Wang
, Demetrios G. Sampson
Scaffolding Project-Based Learning of Computer Programming in an Online Learning Environment. 315-319 - Chengjiu Yin, Noriko Uosaki:
Building a Group Formation System by Using Educational Log Data. 320-321 - Yiling Hu, Jiayu Zhu, Bian Wu
Scaffolding Spatial Thinking with Visualization and Embodiment: A 3D Multimedia Approach. 322-324 - Sven Manske
, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Fake or Real? Analysis of Physical Phenomena in Viral Videos as an Inquiry Learning Activity. 325-329 - Sven Manske
, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Managing Knowledge Diversity: Towards Automatic Semantic Group Formation. 330-332 - Dorian Stoilescu:
An Analysis of Content and Policies in ICT Education in Australia. 333-334 - Cristina Hava Muntean, Josephine Andrews, Gabriel-Miro Muntean:
Final Frontier: An Educational Game on Solar System Concepts Acquisition for Primary Schools. 335-337 - George Palaigeorgiou, George Malandrakis
, Christine Tsolopani:
Learning with Drones: Flying Windows for Classroom Virtual Field Trips. 338-342 - Tiina Lynch, Ioana Ghergulescu:
NEWTON Virtual Labs: Introduction and Teacher Perspective. 343-345
Track 9. Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL@ICALT2017)
- Michelle Siaocing Guo:
Investigating the Effect of the Flipped Classroom Using E-Learning on Language Proficiency, Learner's Autonomy, and Class Participation of English Language Learners. 346-350 - Olha Dalte
, Jing Leng, Xiaoqing Gu
The Influence of Technology-Enhanced Environment on the Progress and Participation in ESL Learning Activities among Ukrainian Preschoolers. 351-353 - Chia-Ling Kao, Chia-Ying Liao, Yu-Ju Lan
Listening Strategy Applications by Learners under the Context of Multimodality. 354-356 - Mei-Mei Chang
A Meta-analysis of Technology Application on Language Instruction. 357-358 - Laxmisha Rai
, Tantan Yang, Zhongtong Yue, Nongliang Sun, Rustam Shadiev
Visualizing Characters as Images: Understanding Chinese through Internet Usage. 359-361 - Sy-Ying Lee
Testing an Extensive Reading and Blogging Model Using Structural Equation Modeling. 362-364 - Jon-Chao Hong, Ming-Yueh Hwang:
Comparing the Judgment and Accuracy of English Vocabulary Tests Relevant to Metamemory Practice. 365-369
Track 10. Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology-enhanced Learning (MA-TEL@ICALT2017)
- Masanori Yamada
, Yoshiko Goda
, Takeshi Matsuda, Yutaka Saito
, Hiroshi Kato, Hiroyuki Miyagawa:
Self-Regulator: Preliminary Research of the Effects of Supporting Time Management on Learning Behaviors. 370-372 - Yan Liu, Xiaoqing Gu
What Contributes to Chinese Adolescents' Academic Self-Concept? - An Analysis of Social Media Influence of Peers. 373-376 - Élise Lavoué, Gaëlle Molinari
, Maxence Trannois:
Emotional Data Collection Using Self-Reporting Tools in Distance Learning Courses. 377-378 - Liina Lepp, Marvi Remmik, Margus Pedaste
University Teachers and Technology Mentoring - Why, How and for Whom? 379-383 - Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa:
An Electroencephalograph-Based Method for Judging the Difficulty of a Task Given to a Learner. 384-386 - Ramón Zataraín-Cabada
, María Lucía Barrón-Estrada, Daniel Leal-Hernandez, José Mario Ríos-Félix:
Creation of a Facial Expression Corpus from EEG Signals for Learning Centered Emotions. 387-390 - Ramón Zataraín-Cabada
, María Lucía Barrón-Estrada
, Francisco González Hernández
, Héctor Rodríguez Rangel
Building a Face Expression Recognizer and a Face Expression Database for an Intelligent Tutoring System. 391-393 - María Lucía Barrón-Estrada
, Ramón Zataraín-Cabada
, Raúl Oramas Bustillos
, Francisco González Hernández
Sentiment Analysis in an Affective Intelligent Tutoring System. 394-397 - Arghir-Nicolae Moldovan, Ioana Ghergulescu, Cristina Hava Muntean:
Analysis of Learner Interest, QoE and EEG-Based Affective States in Multimedia Mobile Learning. 398-402
Track 11. Technology Enabled Learning of Thinking Skills (TELoTS@ICALT2017)
- Zoi Tsiviltidou, Giasemi N. Vavoula
Digital Storytelling as a Framework for Inquiry-Based Museum Learning. 403-405 - Na Sun, Chien Wen Yuan, Mary Beth Rosson, Yu Wu, John M. Carroll:
Critical Thinker: Supporting Collaborative Argumentation with Structure and Awareness. 406-410 - Yu-Fang Liu, Cheng-Yu Fan, Yun-Hsuan Chang, Gwo-Dong Chen:
A Digital Tool for Argumentation Construction that Assists Users in Writing Argumentative Essays. 411-413 - Patil Deepti Reddy
, Sridhar Iyer, M. Sasikumar:
FATHOM: TEL Environment to Develop Divergent and Convergent Thinking Skills in Software Design. 414-418 - I-Hsiu Lin, Sie Wai Chew, Nian-Shing Chen:
A Vocal Assessment Approach to Measure Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills. 419-421 - Anura Kenkre, Sahana Murthy:
Learning of Micro-Macro Thinking in Analog Electronics via MIC-O-MAP TEL Environment. 422-426 - Lakshmi T. G., Prajish Prasad, Sridhar Iyer:
A System for Developing Operationalization Skills through Problem Decomposition. 427-429 - Rémi Venant, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin:
A Help Management System to Support Peer Instruction in Remote Laboratories. 430-432
Track 12. Recommender and Decision Support Systems for Learning (ReSyL@ICALT2017)
- Rubiela Carrillo, Clement Renaud, Yannick Prié
, Élise Lavoué:
Dashboard for Monitoring Student Engagement in Mind Mapping Activities. 433-437
Track 13. Technology Supported Education for People with Disabilities (TeDISABLE@ICALT2017)
- Laura Mancera
, Silvia Baldiris
, Ramón Fabregat, Sergio Gómez, Carolina Mejía
aTenDerAH: A Videogame to Support e-Learning Students with ADHD. 438-440 - Thais Castro, Alberto Castro, David Lima, Pernille Bjørn:
Model Playground for Autistic Children: Teaching Social Skills through Tangible Collaboration. 441-445
Track 14. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Learning Environments (AISLE@ICALT2017)
- Siska Wati Dewi Purba
, Wu-Yuin Hwang
Investigation of Learning Behaviors and Their Effects to Learning Achievement Using Ubiquitous-Physics App. 446-450 - Wei Wang
, Wenjing Wang, Rustam Shadiev
A Kinect-Based Feedback System for Improving Static Balance Ability. 451-453 - Jing Du, Xinzhu Wang, Mingyang Geng, Ronghuai Huang:
Manage Learning Space to Improve Learning Experience: Case Study in Beijing Normal University on Classroom Layout. 454-456 - Salsabeel Y. Shapsough, Imran A. Zualkernan
A Voice-Based Mobile System for Generating Stallings-Type Class Observations. 457-459 - Giuseppe Fenza, Francesco Orciuoli, Demetrios G. Sampson
Building Adaptive Tutoring Model Using Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning. 460-462 - Hoda Amer
, Saad Harous
Smart-Learning Course Transformation for an Introductory Programming Course. 463-465
Track 15. Augmented Reality and Virtual Worlds in Education and Training (VWET@ICALT2017)
- M. Carmen Juan
, Mauricio Loachamin-Valencia
, Inmaculada García-García, Jose Manuel Melchor
, Josep Benedito:
ARCoins. An Augmented Reality App for Learning about Numismatics. 466-468 - María-Blanca Ibáñez-Espiga, Antonio J. de Castro, Carlos Delgado Kloos:
An Empirical Study of the Use of an Augmented Reality Simulator in a Face-to-Face Physics Course. 469-471 - Florian Jeanne, Yann Soullard, Ali Oker
, Indira Thouvenin:
EBAGG: Error-Based Assistance for Gesture Guidance in Virtual Environments. 472-476 - Nikiforos M. Papachristos
, Ioannis Vrellis
, Tassos A. Mikropoulos:
A Comparison between Oculus Rift and a Low-Cost Smartphone VR Headset: Immersive User Experience and Learning. 477-481 - Johanna Pirker, Isabel Lesjak, Christian Guetl:
Maroon VR: A Room-Scale Physics Laboratory Experience. 482-484 - Tharrenos Bratitsis
, Pinelopi Bardanika, Michalis Ioannou:
Science Education and Augmented Reality Content: The Case of the Water Circle. 485-489 - Catalina Malinchi, Aurelia Ciupe, Serban Meza
, Bogdan Orza
A Mobile Exploration Solution for Virtual Libraries in Higher Education. 490-492 - Mark Frydenberg, Diana Andone
Collaborative Learning about Augmented Reality from Technology and Business Perspectives. 493-495 - Silviu Vert
, Diana Andone
Zero-Programming Augmented Reality Authoring Tools for Educators: Status and Recommendations. 496-498
Track 16. Maker Spaces and 3-D Printing Based Innovations in Learning (Make&3DPrint@ICALT2017)
- Hsuan Chang, Chao-Hung Liao, Chung-Han Yeh:
The Influence of Live Stream and On-the-Spot Teaching on Elementary School Students in Robotics Course. 499-501 - I-Sheng Lin, Tsai-Yen Li, Fang-Chi Liang, Yong-Teng Lin:
A Collaborative Learning System for Sharing 3D Models: 3D Model Co-learning Space. 502-506 - Ilias O. Pappas
, Sofia Papavlasopoulou
, Michail N. Giannakos, Demetrios G. Sampson
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Cognitive and Affective Characteristics in Programming-Based Making Activities. 507-511 - Mircea Dorin Vasilescu
, Ioana Ionel
3D Printer FABLAB for Students at POLITEHNICA University Timisoara. 512-513
Track 17. Applications of Semantic Web technologies for Learning (SW-EL@ICALT2017)
- Fabiano Azevedo Dorça, Vitor C. de Carvalho, Miller M. Mendes, Rafael Dias Araújo, Hiran Nonato M. Ferreira, Renan G. Cattelan
An Approach for Automatic and Dynamic Analysis of Learning Objects Repositories through Ontologies and Data Mining Techniques for Supporting Personalized Recommendation of Content in Adaptive and Intelligent Educational Systems. 514-516 - Hiran Nonato M. Ferreira, Taffarel Brant-Ribeiro
, Rafael Dias Araújo, Fabiano Azevedo Dorça, Renan G. Cattelan
An Automatic and Dynamic Knowledge Assessment Module for Adaptive Educational Systems. 517-521 - Davide Taibi
, Giovanni Fulantelli, Ivana Marenzi
, Wolfgang Nejdl
, Richard Rogers, Qazi Asim Ijaz Ahmad:
SaR-WEB: A Semantic Web Tool to Support Search as Learning Practices and Cross-Language Results on the Web. 522-524 - Ornella Malandrino
, Maria Rosaria Sessa:
Ontology-Based Model Sustaining Competence Management within Corporates: Competence Certification in CSR. 525-527 - Carla Limongelli, Matteo Lombardi, Alessandro Marani, Davide Taibi
Enrichment of the Dataset of Joint Educational Entities with the Web of Data. 528-529
Doctoral Student Consortium
- Alexander Amigud
, Joan Arnedo-Moreno, Thanasis Daradoumis, Ana-Elena Guerrero-Roldán
A Robust and Non-invasive Strategy for Preserving Academic Integrity in an Open and Distance Learning Environment. 530-532 - Geetha Paulmani:
Lean Research Culture: Measurement, Analysis, and Revitalization of Processes and Outcomes of Contemporary Research Practices. 533-535 - Ya-Wen Cheng, Pei-Chen Sun, Nian-Shing Chen:
An Investigation of the Needs on Educational Robots. 536-538 - Rafael Dias Araújo, Renan G. Cattelan
, Fabiano Azevedo Dorça:
Towards an Adaptive and Ubiquitous Learning Architecture. 539-541 - Christiane Hagedorn, Christoph Meinel:
Exploring the Potential of Game-Based Learning in Massive Open Online Courses. 542-544

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