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IJCNN 2012: Brisbane, Australia
- The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1488-6
- Anurag Mishra
, Amita Goel
, Rampal Singh, Girija Chetty
, Lavneet Singh:
A novel image watermarking scheme using Extreme Learning Machine. 1-6 - Celso André Rodrigues de Sousa:
Analysis of the backpropagation algorithm using linear algebra. 1-8 - Pedro M. Ferreira
, Sérgio M. Silva, António E. B. Ruano
, Aldric T. Negrier, Eusebio Z. E. Conceicao:
Neural network PMV estimation for model-based predictive control of HVAC systems. 1-8 - Lech Szymanski, Brendan McCane
Push-pull separability objective for supervised layer-wise training of neural networks. 1-8 - Carl Laufer, George G. Coghill:
Regularization for the kernel recursive least squares CMAC. 1-8 - Vaenthan Thiruvarudchelvan, Terry Bossomaier:
Towards realtime stance classification by spiking neural network. 1-8 - Huajin Tang, Qiang Yu, Kay Chen Tan
Learning real-world stimuli by single-spike coding and tempotron rule. 1-6 - Levin Kuhlmann
, Michael Hauser-Raspe, Jonathan H. Manton, David B. Grayden, Jonathan Tapson
, André van Schaik
Online learning in Bayesian Spiking Neurons. 1-6 - Paul W. Wright, Janet Wiles
Learning transmission delays in spiking neural networks: A novel approach to sequence learning based on spike delay variance. 1-8 - Wei Wang, Bao-Gang Hu
, Zengfu Wang:
Discriminating classes collapsing for Globality and Locality Preserving Projections. 1-8 - Lin Zhu, De-Shuang Huang:
A scalable rayleigh-ritz style method for large scale Canonical Correlation Analysis. 1-8 - Xiangping Sun, Jin Wang, Ronghua Chen, Mary Fenghua She, Lingxue Kong
Multi-scale local pattern co-occurrence matrix for textural image classification. 1-7 - Leon C. Hardy, Dahai Liu, Daniel S. Levine
Neurohydrodynamics as a heuristic mechanism for cognitive processes in decision-making. 1-10 - Amr S. Ghoneim
, Daryl Leslie Essam
A methodology for revealing and monitoring the strategies played by neural networks in mind games. 1-10 - Terry Bossomaier, Jason M. Traish, Fernand Gobet
, Peter C. R. Lane:
Neuro-cognitive model of move location in the game of Go. 1-7 - Péricles B. C. Miranda, Ricardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
, Carlos Soares
Multi-objective optimization and Meta-learning for SVM parameter selection. 1-8 - Pavel Kordík, Ján Cerný:
On performance of meta-learning templates on different datasets. 1-7 - Wlodzislaw Duch
, Norbert Jankowski, Tomasz Maszczyk:
Make it cheap: Learning with O(nd) complexity. 1-4 - Yanfei Kang
Real-time change detection in time series based on growing feature quantization. 1-6 - Daniel F. Leite
, Pyramo Costa Jr.
, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Evolving granular neural network for fuzzy time series forecasting. 1-8 - Aranildo R. Lima
, Alex J. Cannon
, William W. Hsieh:
Downscaling temperature and precipitation using support vector regression with evolutionary strategy. 1-8 - Ming Gao, Xia Hong, Sheng Chen
, Chris J. Harris
Probability density function estimation based over-sampling for imbalanced two-class problems. 1-8 - Zhan Shi, Jinglu Hu:
Local linear discriminant analysis with composite kernel for face recognition. 1-5 - Ary Noviyanto, Aniati Murni Arymurthy:
Sleep stages classification based on temporal pattern recognition in neural network approach. 1-6 - Katsutoshi Saeki, Tatsuya Tatebe, Yoshifumi Sekine:
A study on CPG model transition swing and stance pattern with interstitial cells. 1-8 - Takashi Matsubara
, Hiroyuki Torikai:
A generalized asynchronous digital spiking neuron: Theoretical analysis and compartmental model. 1-8 - Yutaro Yamashita, Hiroyuki Torikai:
Bursting analysis and synapse mechanism of a piece-wise constant spiking neuron model. 1-8 - Dong Huang, Cuntai Guan
, Kai Keng Ang
, Haihong Zhang, Yaozhang Pan:
Asymmetric Spatial Pattern for EEG-based emotion detection. 1-7 - Ehsan Lotfi
, M.-R. Akbarzadeh-T.:
Supervised brain emotional learning. 1-6 - Mark Wildie, Murray Shanahan:
Hierarchical clustering identifies hub nodes in a model of resting-state brain activity. 1-6 - Manabu Shibasaki, Masaharu Adachi:
Response to external input of chaotic neural networks based on Newman-Watts model. 1-7 - David Bhowmik, Murray Shanahan:
How well do oscillator models capture the behaviour of biological neurons? 1-8 - Nhat-Quang Doan, Hanane Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah:
Growing Self-organizing Trees for knowledge discovery from data. 1-8 - Lei Meng, Ah-Hwee Tan
Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering for personalized web image organization. 1-8 - Nicoleta Rogovschi, Lazhar Labiod, Mohamed Nadif
A spectral algorithm for topographical Co-clustering. 1-6 - Milton Roberto Heinen, Paulo Martins Engel, Rafael C. Pinto
Using a Gaussian mixture neural network for incremental learning and robotics. 1-8 - Chih-Lyang Hwang, June-Yun Huang:
Neural-network-based 3-D localization and inverse kinematics for target grasping of a humanoid robot by an active stereo vision system. 1-8 - Jason Kulk, James S. Welsh
Measuring impacts using Support Vector Machines on a standing humanoid robot. 1-8 - Weibao Zou
, Wai Yeung Yan
, Ahmed Shaker:
Neural network based remote sensing image classification in urban area. 1-6 - Ashfaqur Rahman
, Brijesh K. Verma
, David R. Stockwell:
An hierarchical approach towards road image segmentation. 1-8 - Keisuke Takizawa, Seiya Takenouchi, Hisashi Aomori, Tsuyoshi Otake, Mamoru Tanaka, Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh:
Lossless image coding by cellular neural networks with backward error propagation learning. 1-6 - Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton, Reihaneh Naghavizadeh:
Uncertainty quantification for wind farm power generation. 1-6 - Naji Al-Messabi, Yun Li
, Ibrahim El-Amin, Cindy Goh:
Forecasting of photovoltaic power yield using dynamic neural networks. 1-5 - Peng Kou, Feng Gao:
Sparse heteroscedastic Gaussian process for shortterm wind speed forecasting. 1-8 - Giansalvo Cirrincione
, Humberto Henao, M. Delgado, Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo:
Bearing fault diagnosis by EXIN CCA. 1-7 - Ngoc Nam Nguyen, Chai Quek
, Eng-Yeow Cheu:
Traffic prediction using a Generic Self-Evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (GSETSK) fuzzy neural network. 1-7 - Lining Zhang, Lipo Wang
, Weisi Lin:
Laplacian Regularized Subspace Learning for interactive image re-ranking. 1-5 - Roman Ilin, Robert Kozma
Cognitively motivated learning of categorical data with Modeling Fields Theory. 1-8 - Dominique Béroule, Pascale Gisquet-Verrier:
Decision making guided by emotion. 1-8 - Daniel S. Levine
I think therefore I feel: Possible neural mechanisms for knowledge-based pleasure. 1-5 - Fiona J. Buckingham, Keeley A. Crockett, Zuhair Bandar, James O'Shea, Kathleen M. MacQueen, Mario Chen:
Measuring human comprehension from nonverbal behaviour using Artificial Neural Networks. 1-8 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Interaction of individually and collectively treated neurons for explicit class structure in self-organizing maps. 1-8 - Hansenclever de F. Bassani
, Aluízio F. R. Araújo:
Dimension Selective Self-Organizing Maps for clustering high dimensional data. 1-8 - Romulo M. de Sousa, Roberto Célio Limão de Oliveira
Optimization of Geodesic Self-Organizing Map. 1-8 - Tianrui Chen, Cong Wang:
Rapid isolation of small oscillation faults via deterministic learning. 1-8 - G. Sateesh Babu
, Suresh Sundaram
, B. S. Mahanand:
Alzheimer's disease detection using a Projection Based Learning Meta-cognitive RBF Network. 1-8 - Ladys Rodriguez, Luis A. Diago, Ichiro Hagiwara, Frédéric Magoulès
Color reproduction by means of a Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function space mapping. 1-5 - Ashfaqur Rahman
, Brijesh K. Verma
Influence of unstable patterns in layered cluster oriented ensemble classifier. 1-8 - Yuanchun Zhu, Guyue Mi, Ying Tan
Query based hybrid learning models for adaptively adjusting locality. 1-8 - Yong Liu:
New discoveries in balanced ensemble learning. 1-8 - Sepehr Jalali, Joo-Hwee Lim, Jo Yew Tham, Sim Heng Ong:
Clustering and use of spatial and frequency information in a biologically inspired approach to image classification. 1-8 - A. Ravishankar Rao, Youping Xiao
A computational model of early visual cortex using konio-cellular pathway projections. 1-8 - Jing Wang, Chengan Guo:
Face recognition based on sparse representation and error correction SVM. 1-5 - Qiang Yu, Kay Chen Tan
, Huajin Tang:
Pattern recognition computation in a spiking neural network with temporal encoding and learning. 1-7 - Ning Ning, Kejie Huang
, Luping Shi:
Artificial neuron with somatic and axonal computation units: Mathematical and neuromorphic models of persistent firing neurons. 1-7 - Wenwen Wang, Budhitama Subagdja, Ah-Hwee Tan
, Yuan-Sin Tan:
A self-organizing multi-memory system for autonomous agents. 1-8 - Afonso D. Ribas, Juan Gabriel Colonna, Carlos Maurício S. Figueiredo
, Eduardo Freire Nakamura
Similarity clustering for data fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks using k-means. 1-7 - Noel Lopes
, Bernardete Ribeiro
, João Gonçalves:
Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks on multi-core processors. 1-7 - Ryo Ito, Yuta Nakayama, Toshimichi Saito:
Analysis and learning of periodic orbits in dynamic binary neural networks. 1-7 - Hansol Choi, Jun-Cheol Park, Jae Hyun Lim, Jae Young Jun, Dae-Shik Kim:
Reward hierarchical temporal memory. 1-7 - Michiel Boes, Damiano Oldoni
, Bert De Coensel, Dick Botteldooren
Attention-driven auditory stream segregation using a SOM coupled with an excitatory-inhibitory ANN. 1-8 - Baichuan Li, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
Communities of Yahoo! Answers and Baidu Zhidao: Complementing or competing? 1-8 - Dumidu Wijayasekara, Milos Manic:
Visual, linguistic data mining using Self- Organizing Maps. 1-8 - Hadautho Roberto Barros da Silva, Paulo Jorge Leitão Adeodato
A data mining approach for preventing undergraduate students retention. 1-8 - Ting Wu, Siyao Fu, Long Cheng, Rui Zheng, Xiuqing Wang, Xinkai Kuai, Guosheng Yang:
A simple probabilistic spiking neuron model with Hebbian learning rules. 1-6 - Kshitij Dhoble, Nuttapod Nuntalid, Giacomo Indiveri
, Nikola K. Kasabov
Online spatio-temporal pattern recognition with evolving spiking neural networks utilising address event representation, rank order, and temporal spike learning. 1-7 - Dmitri Yudanov, Leon Reznik
Scalable multi-precision simulation of spiking neural networks on GPU with OpenCL. 1-8 - Alistair Shilton, Daniel T. H. Lai, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
The conic-segmentation support vector machine - a target space method for multiclass classification. 1-8 - Han-Tai Shiao, Vladimir Cherkassky:
Implementation and comparison of SVM-based Multi-Task Learning methods. 1-7 - Hiroyuki Funaya, Kazushi Ikeda
A statistical analysis of soft-margin support vector machines for non-separable problems. 1-7 - Shuai Li, Sanfeng Chen, Y. Lou, B. Lu, Yongsheng Liang:
A recurrent neural network for inter-localization of mobile phones. 1-5 - Teresa García-Valverde, Alberto García-Sola, Juan A. Botía
, Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta
Ubiquitous deployment configuration of indoor location services. 1-8 - Atsushi Hara, Yoichi Hayashi:
Ensemble neural network rule extraction using Re-RX algorithm. 1-6 - R. N. A. Prado, Jorge Dantas de Melo, José Alberto Nicolau de Oliveira, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto:
FPGA based implementation of a Fuzzy Neural Network modular architecture for embedded systems. 1-7 - Renata C. B. Madeo, Sarajane Marques Peres
, Clodoaldo Ap. M. Lima
, Clodis Boscarioli:
Hybrid architecture for gesture recognition: Integrating fuzzy-connectionist and heuristic classifiers using fuzzy syntactical strategy. 1-8 - Chi Cheng, Wee Peng Tay
, Guang-Bin Huang
Extreme learning machines for intrusion detection. 1-8 - Piyasak Jeatrakul, Kok Wai Wong:
Enhancing classification performance of multi-class imbalanced data using the OAA-DB algorithm. 1-8 - Chih-Hui Chiu, Chun Chieh Chang, Ya-Fu Peng:
Implementation of human conveyance vehicle using model-free AORCMAC control strategy. 1-6 - Hao Quan
, Dipti Srinivasan
, Abbas Khosravi:
Construction of neural network-based prediction intervals using particle swarm optimization. 1-7 - Ching-Tsan Chiang, Yung-Sheng Lee, Xiao Ru Li, Chiung-Chou Liao:
A RSCMAC based forecasting for Solar Irradiance from local weather information. 1-7 - I-Hsum Li, Lian-Wang Lee
, Wei-Yen Wang:
Hybrid adaptive control based on a Hopfield dynamic neural network for nonlinear dynamical systems. 1-8 - Badong Chen, Songlin Zhao, Sohan Seth, José C. Príncipe:
Online efficient learning with quantized KLMS and L1 regularization. 1-6 - Chris Lovell, Steve R. Gunn:
Towards improved theoretical problems for autonomous discovery. 1-8 - Ana L. C. Bazzan:
Coordinating many agents in stochastic games. 1-8 - Shuangyong Song, Qiudan Li, Xiaolong Zheng:
Detecting popular topics in micro-blogging based on a user interest-based model. 1-8 - Aida Araujo Ferreira
, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino:
Comparing recurrent networks for time-series forecasting. 1-8 - Tong Liu, Yuhong Kang, Mohini Verma, Marius Orlowski:
Novel highly nonlinear memristive circuit elements for neural networks. 1-8 - Glenn D. Francis, Sandra R. Stein:
Prediction of histologic grade in breast cancer using an artificial neural network. 1-5 - Yozo Suzuki, Michimasa Kitahara, Masaki Kobayashi:
Rotor Associative Memory with a Periodic Activation Function. 1-8 - Feng Shu, Ah-Hwee Tan
A biologically-inspired affective model based on cognitive situational appraisal. 1-8 - Msizi Khoza, Tshilidzi Marwala:
Computational intelligence techniques for modelling an economic system. 1-5 - Adham Atyabi
, Sean P. Fitzgibbon
, David M. W. Powers
Biasing the overlapping and non-overlapping sub-windows of EEG recording. 1-6 - Tiago P. F. de Lima, Adenilton J. da Silva
, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Clustering and selection of neural networks using adaptive differential evolution. 1-7 - Ronaldo C. Prati
Combining feature ranking algorithms through rank aggregation. 1-8 - Jonathan Masci, Ueli Meier, Dan C. Ciresan, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Gabriel Fricout:
Steel defect classification with Max-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-6 - Andrea Flexeder, Matthias Putz, Thomas A. Runkler
Support vector machines for program analysis. 1-8 - Joao Henrique F. Flores, Paulo Martins Engel, Rafael C. Pinto
Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions to improve neural networks models on univariate time series forecasting. 1-8 - Paulo Ricardo da Silva Soares
, Ricardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio:
Time Series Based Link Prediction. 1-7 - Hasan Ferdowsi, Deepthi L. Raja, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
A decentralized fault detection and prediction scheme for nonlinear interconnected continuous-time systems. 1-7 - Eri Sato-Shimokawara
, Kazumasa Murakami, Yihsin Ho, Shin Ishiguro, Toru Yamaguchi:
Clustering action data based on amount of exercise for use-model based health care support. 1-6 - Upuli Gunasinghe, Sumith Matharage, Damminda Alahakoon:
A sequence based dynamic SOM model for text clustering. 1-8 - Udhay Ravishankar, Milos Manic:
The Adaptive Critic Learning Agent (ACLA) algorithm: Towards problem independent neural network based optimizers. 1-7 - Gonzalo Acuña
, Cristián Ramírez, Millaray Curilem
Comparing NARX and NARMAX models using ANN and SVM for cash demand forecasting for ATM. 1-6 - Leonardo Nascimento Ferreira
, A. R. Pinto, Liang Zhao
QK-Means: A clustering technique based on community detection and K-Means for deployment of cluster head nodes. 1-7 - Michael M. Li
, William W. Guo, Brijesh K. Verma
, Hong Lee:
A neural networks-based fitting to high energy stopping power data for heavy ions in solid matter. 1-6 - Shin-Ying Huang, Rua-Huan Tsaih:
The prediction approach with Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map. 1-7 - Rakesh Chalasani, Goktug T. Cinar
, José C. Príncipe:
Sequential causal estimation and learning from time-varying images. 1-5 - Yun Li, Li-Li Feng:
Integrating feature selection and Min-Max Modular SVM for powerful ensemble. 1-8 - Hiran Ganegedara, Damminda Alahakoon, John Mashford, Andrew P. Paplinski
, Karsten Müller, Thomas Martin Deserno:
Self organising map based region of interest labelling for automated defect identification in large sewer pipe image collections. 1-8 - Mollah R. Alam
, Kashem M. Muttaqi
, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
A short length window-based method for islanding detection in distributed generation. 1-6 - Minghui Shi, Changle Zhou, Fei Chao, Min Jiang
An algorithm for computing attribute reducts based on graph search strategy. 1-8 - Hossein Iranmanesh
, Majid Abdollahzade, Arash Miranian
, Ahmad Farmahini:
Wind power forecasting by a new local quadratic wavelet neural network. 1-7 - Jeffery Jonathan Davis, Robert Kozma
Analysis of phase relationship in ECoG using Hilbert transform and information theoretic measures. 1-7 - Nikolas J. Hemion, Frank Joublin, Katharina J. Rohlfing:
Integration of sensorimotor mappings by making use of redundancies. 1-8 - Toshihiro Yoshida, Masafumi Matsuhara, Goutam Chakraborty, Hiroshi Mabuchi:
A novel ranking method of web search result using clustering and concordance count. 1-6 - Su-Yang Yu, Nils Y. Hammerla, Jeff Yan, Peter Andras
A statistical aimbot detection method for online FPS games. 1-8 - Cameron Patterson, Francesco Galluppi
, Alexander D. Rast, Steve B. Furber
Visualising large-scale neural network models in real-time. 1-8 - Yuekai Wang, Xiaofeng Wu, Juyang Weng:
Skull-closed autonomous development: WWN-6 using natural video. 1-8 - Kirsty Kitto
, Peter Bruza
, Liane Gabora:
A quantum information retrieval approach to memory. 1-8 - Luca Mesin
, Diego Alberto, Eros Pasero
, Alberto Cabilli:
Control of coffee grinding with Artificial Neural Networks. 1-5 - Gregory Ditzler, Gail L. Rosen
, Robi Polikar
Transductive learning algorithms for nonstationary environments. 1-8 - Songlin Zhao, Badong Chen, José C. Príncipe:
An adaptive kernel width update for correntropy. 1-5 - Rodrigo F. B. de Brito, Adriano L. I. Oliveira
A foreign exchange market trading system by combining GHSOM and SVR. 1-7 - Samuel Xavier de Souza
, Francisco Ary Alves de Souza, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto:
Analysis of Multilayer Perceptron networks in the multicore era. 1-5 - Maria Vircíková, Martin Pala, Peter Smolar, Peter Sincak
Neural approach for personalised emotional model in human-robot interaction. 1-8 - Rifai Chai
, Sai-Ho Ling
, Gregory P. Hunter, Hung T. Nguyen
Mental non-motor imagery tasks classifications of brain computer interface for wheelchair commands using genetic algorithm-based neural network. 1-7 - Guilherme Palermo Coelho
, Celso C. Barbante, Levy Boccato
, Romis Ribeiro Faissol Attux
, Jose R. Oliveira, Fernando J. Von Zuben
Automatic feature selection for BCI: An analysis using the davies-bouldin index and extreme learning machines. 1-8 - Braveena K. Santhiranayagam, Daniel T. H. Lai, Cancan Jiang, Alistair Shilton, Rezaul K. Begg
Automatic detection of different walking conditions using inertial sensor data. 1-6 - David D. Rowlands, L. Laakso, T. McNab, Daniel Arthur James:
Cloud based activity monitoring system for health and sport. 1-5 - Toni Stojanov, Lichao Xu, Sofia Suvorova
, Ioanna Ioannou
, Tharshan Vaithianathan:
Preliminary investigation of evaluating surgical performance using an IMU device. 1-8 - Harold Soh, Yiannis Demiris
Iterative temporal learning and prediction with the sparse online echo state gaussian process. 1-8 - Arnaud Rachez, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Augmented Echo State Networks with a feature layer and a nonlinear readout. 1-8 - Oliver Obst
, Martin A. Riedmiller:
Taming the reservoir: Feedforward training for recurrent neural networks. 1-7 - Shanqing Yu, Jing Zhou, Bing Li, Shingo Mabu, Kotaro Hirasawa:
Q value-based Dynamic Programming with SARSA Learning for real time route guidance in large scale road networks. 1-7 - Jae Young Lee, Jin Bae Park, Yoon Ho Choi:
Integral reinforcement learning with explorations for continuous-time nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Hunor Jakab, Lehel Csató:
Reinforcement learning with guided policy search using Gaussian processes. 1-8 - Wen-Shyong Yu:
Adaptive neural network tracking control of robotic systems. 1-8 - Chiu-Hsiung Chen, Chiung-Chou Liao, Ching-Tsan Chiang:
Adaptive neuro-wavelet control for the ship trajectory tracking problem. 1-6 - Qinglai Wei, Derong Liu
Adaptive dynamic programming with stable value iteration algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems. 1-6 - Lech Szymanski, Brendan McCane
Deep, super-narrow neural network is a universal classifier. 1-8 - Xinwei Jiang, Junbin Gao
, Daming Shi, Tianjiang Wang:
Thin Plate Spline Latent Variable Models for dimensionality reduction. 1-8 - Ruggero Donida Labati
, Angelo Genovese
, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti
Low-cost volume estimation by two-view acquisitions: A computational intelligence approach. 1-8 - Petia Georgieva
, Lyudmila Mihaylova
, Nidhal Bouaynaya, Lakhmi C. Jain:
Particle filters and beamforming for EEG source estimation. 1-8 - Rongfeng Li, Beining Huang, Darun Tang, Wenxin Li:
Test sample size determination for biometric systems based on confidence elasticity. 1-7 - Darun Tang, Beining Huang, Rongfeng Li, Wenxin Li, Xiaoming Li:
Finger vein verification using Occurrence Probability Matrix (OPM). 1-8 - Ruggero Donida Labati
, Angelo Genovese
, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti
Quality measurement of unwrapped three-dimensional fingerprints: A neural networks approach. 1-8 - Li-Wen Chuang, Chyi-Yeu Lin, Angelo Cangelosi
Learning of composite actions and visual categories via grounded linguistic instructions: Humanoid robot simulations. 1-8 - Wentao Huang, Zhengping Ji, Steven P. Brumby, Garrett T. Kenyon
, Luís M. A. Bettencourt:
Development of invariant feature maps via a computational model of simple and complex cells. 1-7 - Wenjie Yan, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter:
A neural approach for robot navigation based on cognitive map learning. 1-8 - Jilie Zhang, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo, Hongjing Liang:
Optimal control design for nonlinear systems: Adaptive dynamic programming based on fuzzy critic estimator. 1-6 - Zhen Ni, Haibo He, Dongbin Zhao, Danil V. Prokhorov
Reinforcement learning control based on multi-goal representation using hierarchical heuristic dynamic programming. 1-8 - Qiming Zhao, Hao Xu, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Adaptive dynamic programming-based state quantized networked control system without value and/or policy iterations. 1-7 - Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino, Hugo T. V. Gouveia, Milde M. S. Lira, Aida Araujo Ferreira
, Otoni Nóbrega Neto, Manoel A. Carvalho:
Wind forecasting and wind power generation: Looking for the best model based on artificial intelligence. 1-8 - Biju Joseph Jacob, Eng-Yeow Cheu, Javan Tan, Chai Quek
Self-reorganizing TSK fuzzy inference system with BCM theory of meta-plasticity. 1-8 - Nikolaos Kourentzes
Data driven fitting sample selection for time series forecasting with neural networks. 1-8 - Jin Wang, Ronghua Chen, Xiangping Sun, Mary Fenghua She, Lingxue Kong
Generative models for automatic recognition of human daily activities from a single triaxial accelerometer. 1-6 - Harumitsu Nobuta, Kenta Kawamoto, Kuniaki Noda, Kohtaro Sabe, Shun Nishide, Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Tetsuya Ogata
Body area segmentation from visual scene based on predictability of neuro-dynamical system. 1-8 - Jun Yin, Yan Meng:
Reservoir computing ensembles for multi-object behavior recognition. 1-8 - Ammar Belatreche, Rakesh Paul:
Dynamic cluster formation using populations of spiking neurons. 1-6 - Ammar Mohemmed, Nikola K. Kasabov
Incremental learning algorithm for spatio-temporal spike pattern classification. 1-6 - Ayato Ejiri, Akira Hirose:
Landmine visualization system based on multiple complex-valued SOMs to integrate multimodal information. 1-7 - Ahmed Yarub H. Al-Nuaimi, Md. Faijul Amin, Kazuyuki Murase
Enhancing MP3 encoding by utilizing a predictive Complex-Valued Neural Network. 1-6 - Teijiro Isokawa, Haruhiko Nishimura
, Nobuyuki Matsui:
On the fundamental properties of fully quaternionic hopfield network. 1-4 - Jonathan Wright, Ivan Jordanov
Intelligent approaches in locomotion. 1-8 - Pedro M. Ferreira
, Sérgio M. Silva, António E. B. Ruano
Energy savings in HVAC systems using discrete model-based predictive control. 1-8 - Peter McLeod, Brijesh K. Verma
Clustered ensemble neural network for breast mass classification in digital mammography. 1-6 - Cesare Alippi, Giacomo Boracchi
, Manuel Roveri
Just-in-time ensemble of classifiers. 1-8 - Karl B. Dyer, Robi Polikar
Semi-supervised learning in initially labeled non-stationary environments with gradual drift. 1-9 - Eng-Yeow Cheu, Kelvin Sim, See-Kiong Ng, Chai Quek
Fuzzy associative learning of feature dependency for time series forecasting. 1-7 - Basabi Chakraborty:
Integrating awareness in user oriented route recommendation system. 1-5 - Dan Claudiu Ciresan, Ueli Meier, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Transfer learning for Latin and Chinese characters with Deep Neural Networks. 1-6 - Mariusz Rybnik
, Wladyslaw Homenda:
Extension of knowledge-driven harmonization model for tonal music. 1-8 - Chi-Chung Cheung, Sin Chun Ng
, Andrew K. Lui
Improving the Quickprop algorithm. 1-6 - Yungang Zhang, Bailing Zhang, Frans Coenen
, Wenjin Lu:
Highly reliable breast cancer diagnosis with cascaded ensemble classifiers. 1-8 - Yu Xu, Man Lan, Yue Lu, Zheng-Yu Niu, Chew Lim Tan:
Connective prediction using machine learning for implicit discourse relation classification. 1-8 - Jun Li, Jian Yang, Yongfeng Diao:
Continuous attractors of recurrent neural networks with complex-valued weights. 1-8 - Eduardo Vázquez-Santacruz, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
A new geometric recurrent neural network based on radial basis function and Elman models. 1-8 - Hironori Kumeno, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio
Performance of quadratic assignment problem by hopfield NN with periodic brake. 1-6 - Ron Sun, Sébastien Hélie:
Reasoning with heuristics and induction: An account based on the CLARION cognitive architecture. 1-8 - Tsukasa Sagara, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Natural language neural network and its application to question-answering system. 1-7 - Hyohyeong Kang, Seungjin Choi:
Bayesian common spatial patterns with Dirichlet process priors for multi-subject EEG classification. 1-6 - Benhui Chen, Lihua Duan, Jinglu Hu:
Composite kernel based SVM for hierarchical multi-label gene function classification. 1-6 - Parman Sukarno, Nandita Bhattacharjee, Bala Srinivasan:
Increasing level of confidence of iris biometric matching. 1-8 - Rogério S. Rosa, Rafael H. S. Santos, Katia S. Guimarães:
Accurate prediction of error in Haplotype Inference methods through neural networks. 1-8 - Rong-Jong Wai, You-Wei Lin, Li-Chung Shih:
Design of adaptive fuzzy-neural-network control for DC-DC boost converter. 1-6 - Andrew P. Paplinski
Rotation-invariant categorization of colour images using the Radon transform. 1-6 - Wei-Chen Cheng, Jiun-Wei Liou, Cheng-Yuan Liou
Construct adaptive template array for magnetic resonance images. 1-5 - Rami N. Khushaba
, Sarath Kodagoda
, Gamini Dissanayake
, Luke Greenacre
, Sandra Burke, Jordan J. Louviere
A neuroscientific approach to choice modeling: Electroencephalogram (EEG) and user preferences. 1-8 - Nitin K. Mahadeo, Andrew P. Paplinski
, Sid Ray:
Model-based pupil and iris localization. 1-7 - Miao Hu, Hai Li
, Qing Wu, Garrett S. Rose
, Yiran Chen:
Memristor crossbar based hardware realization of BSB recall function. 1-7 - Wen-Shyong Yu, Chih-Hao Lin:
Trajectory tracking control of the guiding and following mobile robots: Elliptic collision-Free approach. 1-8 - Hirokazu Madokoro, Kenya Honma, Kazuhito Sato:
Classification of behavior patterns with trajectory analysis used for event site. 1-8 - Jingbo Zhou, Zhong Jin, Jingyu Yang:
Multiscale saliency detection using principle component analysis. 1-6 - Konstantin V. Zmeu, Boris S. Notkin, P. A. Dyachenko, V. A. Kovalev:
Fast predictive inverse neurocontrol: Comparative simulation and experiment. 1-7 - Gang Yang, Shangce Gao
, Junyan Yi, Xiaofeng Meng:
Unsupervised up-to-bottom hierarchical clustering elastic net algorithm for TSP. 1-8 - Michael Fairbank, Eduardo Alonso
A comparison of learning speed and ability to cope without exploration between DHP and TD(0). 1-8 - Gonzalo E. Paredes, Luis S. Vargas
Circle-Clustering: A new heuristic partitioning method for the clustering problem. 1-8 - Hualiang Zhuang, Bo Zhao, Zohair Ahmad, Shoushun Chen, Kay Soon Low
3D depth camera based human posture detection and recognition Using PCNN circuits and learning-based hierarchical classifier. 1-5 - Hu Lu, Bao-Ming Li, Hui Wei:
A small-world of neuronal functional network from multi-electrode recordings during a working memory task. 1-6 - Shengjun Xu, Guanghui Liu, Xin Liu:
Image segmentation via ant colony algorithm and loopy belief propagation algorithm. 1-7 - Tomohiro Kato, Mikio Hasegawa
, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Performance improvement of heuristic algorithms for large scale combinatorial optimization problems using Lebesgue Spectrum Filter. 1-6 - David Jaramillo, Ignacio Rojas, Olga Valenzuela
, Ignacio Garcia, Alberto Prieto:
Advanced systems in medical decision-making using intelligent computing. Application to magnetic resonance imaging. 1-8 - Bin Xia, Qingmei Zhang, Hong Xie, Jie Li:
A neurofeedback training paradigm for motor imagery based Brain-Computer Interface. 1-4 - Hui Wang, Hai Li
, Robinson E. Pino:
Memristor-based synapse design and training scheme for neuromorphic computing architecture. 1-5 - Michael C. Avery, Jeffrey L. Krichmar
, Nikil D. Dutt
Spiking neuron model of basal forebrain enhancement of visual attention. 1-8 - Cheng Zhang, Yosuke Kimura, Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka:
A simple platform of brain-controlled mobile robot and its implementation by SSVEP. 1-7 - Chin-Teng Lin
, Shu-Fang Tsai, Hua-Chin Lee, Hui-Ling Huang, Shinn-Ying Ho, Li-Wei Ko:
Motion sickness estimation system. 1-6 - Fang-Chen Chuang, Jeen-Shing Wang, Ya-Ting C. Yang, Tzu-Ping Kao:
A wearable activity sensor system and its physical activity classification scheme. 1-6 - Luis Filipe A. Pereira
, Hector N. B. Pinheiro, Jose Ivson S. Silva, Anderson G. Silva, Thais M. L. Pina, George D. C. Cavalcanti
, Tsang Ing Ren
, Joao Paulo Nogueira de Oliveir:
A fingerprint spoof detection based on MLP and SVM. 1-7 - Xiangnan He, Wenlian Lu, Tianping Chen:
A note on adaptive Lp regularization. 1-5 - Arash Jalalian, Stephan K. Chalup
, Michael J. Ostwald
Analysis of pedestrian spatial behaviour using GDTW-P-SVMs. 1-8 - Alcides X. Benicasa, Liang Zhao, Roseli A. F. Romero:
Model of top-down / bottom-up visual attention for location of salient objects in specific domains. 1-8 - Baiying Lei
, Insu Song
, Shah Atiqur Rahman:
Optimal watermarking scheme for breath sound. 1-6 - Ranisha Fernando, Siddhivinayak Kulkarni:
Hybrid technique for colour image classification and efficient retrieval based on fuzzy logic and neural networks. 1-6 - Gonzalo S. Nido, Joanna M. Williams, Lubica Benuskova:
Bistable properties of a memory-related gene regulatory network. 1-6 - Adhi Harmoko Saputro
, Mohd. Marzuki Mustafa, Aini Hussain, Oteh Maskon, Ika Faizura Mohd. Noh:
Shape deformation descriptor using Fourier analysis. 1-5 - Filomena Anelli
, Roberto Nicoletti, Sinan Kalkan
, Erol Sahin
, Anna M. Borghi
Human and robotics hands grasping danger. 1-8 - Dermot Kerr
, Sonya A. Coleman
, Thomas Martin McGinnity
, Qingxiang Wu, Marine Clogenson:
A novel approach to robot vision using a hexagonal grid and spiking neural networks. 1-7 - Masato Yonekawa, Hiroaki Kurokawa:
The Content-Based Image Retrieval using the Pulse Coupled Neural Network. 1-8 - Anwesha Khasnobish, Arindam Jati, Garima Singh, Saugat Bhattacharyya
, Amit Konar, D. N. Tibarewala, Eunjin Kim, Atulya K. Nagar
Object-shape recognition from tactile images using a feed-forward neural network. 1-8 - Zheng-Ping Wei, Bao-Liang Lu:
Online vigilance analysis based on electrooculography. 1-7 - Yusuke Araga, Makoto Shirabayashi, Keishi Kaida, Hiroomi Hikawa:
Real time gesture recognition system using posture classifier and Jordan recurrent neural network. 1-8 - Bisser Raytchev
, Yusuke Kimura:
Real-time 3D pose and correspondence from stereo image sequences by combinatorial optimization. 1-8 - Indrazno Siradjuddin
, Laxmidhar Behera
, Thomas Martin McGinnity
, Sonya A. Coleman
A position based visual tracking system for a 7 DOF robot manipulator using a Kinect camera. 1-7 - Kristina Vassiljeva
, Eduard Petlenkov
, Juri Belikov
GA based optimization of NN-SANARX model for adaptive control of nonlinear systems. 1-8 - Sven Nomm
, Kristina Vassiljeva
, Eduard Petlenkov
Evaluation function optimization for the genetic algorithm based tuning of NN-ANARX model structure. 1-7 - Antoine Joubert, Bilel Belhadj, Olivier Temam, Rodolphe Héliot:
Hardware spiking neurons design: Analog or digital? 1-5 - Cleber Zanchettin
, Leandro M. Almeida
, Frederico D. Menezes
, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Walter M. Azevedo:
Odor recognition systems for natural gas odorization monitoring. 1-8 - Suet-Peng Yong, Jeremiah D. Deng
, Martin K. Purvis:
Key-frame extraction of wildlife video based on semantic context modeling. 1-8 - Huijuan Yang
, Cuntai Guan
, Kai Keng Ang
, Chuanchu Wang, Kok Soon Phua, Juanhong Yu:
Dynamic initiation and dual-tree complex wavelet feature-based classification of motor imagery of swallow EEG signals. 1-6 - Kai Keng Ang
, Juanhong Yu, Cuntai Guan
Extracting and selecting discriminative features from high density NIRS-based BCI for numerical cognition. 1-6 - Chin-Teng Lin
, Yu-Kai Wang
, Shi-An Chen:
A hierarchal classifier for identifying independent components. 1-5 - Natalia Lyubova, David Filliat
Developmental approach for interactive object discovery. 1-7 - Xuelei Hu, Liantao Wang, Bo Yuan
Querying representative points from a pool based on synthesized queries. 1-6 - Afsaneh Doryab, Julian Togelius
Activity recognition in collaborative environments. 1-8 - Mrigank Sharad, Charles Augustine, Georgios Panagopoulos, Kaushik Roy:
Spin based neuron-synapse module for ultra low power programmable computational networks. 1-7 - Cesare Alippi, Stavros Ntalampiras
, Manuel Roveri
An HMM-based change detection method for intelligent embedded sensors. 1-7 - Yongkang Wong
, Mehrtash Tafazzoli Harandi
, Conrad Sanderson, Brian C. Lovell
On robust biometric identity verification via sparse encoding of faces: Holistic vs local approaches. 1-8 - Thiago da Rocha, Flavio de Barros Vidal
, Alexandre Ricardo Soares Romariz:
A proposal for human action classification based on motion analysis and artificial neural networks. 1-6 - Srikanta Pal, Umapada Pal, Michael Blumenstein:
Off-line English and Chinese signature identification using foreground and background features. 1-7 - Shuhui Li
, Donald C. Wunsch, Michael Fairbank, Eduardo Alonso
Vector control of a grid-connected rectifier/inverter using an artificial neural network. 1-7 - Lian Lian Jiang, Douglas L. Maskell, Jagdish Chandra Patra
Chebyshev Functional Link Neural Network-based modeling and experimental verification for photovoltaic arrays. 1-8 - Jaco A. Jordaan, Dan V. Nicolae, Adisa A. Jimoh
Novel heuristic and SVM based optimization algorithm for improving distribution feeder performance. 1-5 - Fabricio A. Breve
, Liang Zhao
Particle competition and cooperation in networks for semi-supervised learning with concept drift. 1-6 - Arnulfo P. Azcarraga, Michael David Liu, Rudy Setiono:
Keyword extraction using backpropagation neural networks and rule extraction. 1-7 - Takayuki Kamei, Keiko Ono, Masahito Kumano, Masahiro Kimura:
Predicting missing links in social networks with hierarchical dirichlet processes. 1-8 - Anne Johannet
, Line Kong A. Siou
, Alain Mangin, Valerie Borrell Estupina, Severin Pistre, Dominique Bertin:
Prediction of spring discharge by neural networks using orthogonal wavelet decomposition. 1-8 - Sau Wai Tung, Chai Quek
, Cuntai Guan
Traffic modeling and identification using a Self-adaptive Fuzzy Inference Network. 1-7 - André Grahl Pereira
, Adriano Petry
Data assimilation using NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies. 1-6 - Kartick Subramanian
, Suresh Sundaram
Human action recognition using Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. 1-8 - Julio J. Valdés, Catherine Cheung, Matthew Li:
Towards conservative helicopter loads prediction using computational intelligence techniques. 1-8 - Jingli Li, Son Lam Phung
, Fok Hing Chi Tivive
, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
Automatic classification of human motions using Doppler radar. 1-6 - Yandre M. G. Costa
, Luiz S. Oliveira, Alessandro L. Koerich, Fabien Gouyon
Comparing textural features for music genre classification. 1-6 - Michael Biehl
, Kerstin Bunte
, Frank-Michael Schleif
, Petra Schneider, Thomas Villmann:
Large margin linear discriminative visualization by Matrix Relevance Learning. 1-8 - Stephane Ulysse Rigaud, Nicolas Loménie
, Shvetha Sankaran, Sohail Ahmed, Joo-Hwee Lim, Daniel Racoceanu
Neurosphere fate prediction: An analysis-synthesis approach for feature extraction. 1-7 - Zheng Yan, Jun Wang
A neurodynamic approach to bicriteria model predictive control of nonlinear affine systems based on a Goal Programming formulation. 1-7 - Dongbin Zhao, Yuanheng Zhu, Haibo He:
Neural and fuzzy dynamic programming for under-actuated systems. 1-7 - Fernando Ornelas-Tellez
, Edgar N. Sánchez, Ramón García-Hernández
, José Antonio Ruz Hernández
, José-Luis Rullán-Lara
Neural inverse optimal control for discrete-time uncertain nonlinear systems stabilization. 1-6 - Osamu Fukuda, Jonghwan Kim, Isao Nakai, Yasunori Ichikawa:
State transition control of a five-fingered pneumatic hand using a neural network. 1-8 - Jeffrey L. Krichmar
A biologically inspired action selection algorithm based on principles of neuromodulation. 1-8 - Changjing Shang, Dave Barnes:
Support vector machine-based classification of rock texture images aided by efficient feature selection. 1-8 - Sergio Davies
, Javier Navaridas
, Francesco Galluppi
, Steve B. Furber
Population-based routing in the SpiNNaker neuromorphic architecture. 1-8 - Sadique Sheik, Elisabetta Chicca
, Giacomo Indiveri
Exploiting device mismatch in neuromorphic VLSI systems to implement axonal delays. 1-6 - John V. Arthur, Paul Merolla, Filipp Akopyan, Rodrigo Alvarez-Icaza, Andrew Cassidy, Shyamal Chandra, Steven K. Esser, Nabil Imam, William P. Risk, Daniel Ben Dayan Rubin
, Rajit Manohar, Dharmendra S. Modha:
Building block of a programmable neuromorphic substrate: A digital neurosynaptic core. 1-8 - Nikhil R. Pal, Mridul Malpani:
Redundancy-Constrained feature selection with radial basis function networks. 1-8 - Jin Xu, Yafeng Yin, Hong Man, Haibo He:
Feature selection based on sparse imputation. 1-7 - Houtao Deng, George C. Runger:
Feature selection via regularized trees. 1-8 - Jorge López Lázaro, José R. Dorronsoro:
The convergence rate of the MDM algorithm. 1-7 - Trung Le, Dat Tran
, Wanli Ma
, Dharmendra Sharma
A unified model for support vector machine and support vector data description. 1-8 - Carlos Alzate, Johan A. K. Suykens
A semi-supervised formulation to binary kernel spectral clustering. 1-8 - Shuhei Kimura, Koki Matsumura, Mariko Okada-Hatakeyama:
Inference of S-system models of genetic networks by solving linear programming problems and sets of linear algebraic equations. 1-8 - Ahmad AlShami, Ahmad Lotfi
, Simeon Coleman
Unified Knowledge Based Economy neural forecasting map. 1-8 - Jing Dai, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
, Ronald G. Harley, Steve M. Potter:
Reservoir-computing-based, biologically-inspired artificial neural network for modeling of a single machine infinite bus power system. 1-8 - Karthikeyan Balasubramaniam, Bipul Luitel, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
A scalable wide area monitoring system using cellular neural networks. 1-8 - Jacqueline Llanos
, Doris Sáez
, Rodrigo Palma-Behnke
, Alfredo Núñez
, Guillermo Jimenez-Estevez
Load profile generator and load forecasting for a renewable based microgrid using Self Organizing Maps and neural networks. 1-8 - Franck Dufrenois, Jean-Charles Noyer
Discriminative kernel hat matrix: A new tool for automatic outlier identification. 1-8 - Yang Yan, Lihui Chen
, Nguyen Duc Thang:
Semi-supervised clustering with multi-viewpoint based similarity measure. 1-8 - Pablo Aguilera-Bonet, Iván Durán-Díaz
, Auxiliadora Sarmiento
, Sergio Cruces
Bounded Component Analysis of the training error. 1-7 - Sidath Ravindra Liyanage, Cuntai Guan
, Haihong Zhang, Kai Keng Ang, Jian-Xin Xu, Tong Heng Lee:
Dynamically Weighted Classification with Clustering to tackle non-stationarity in Brain computer Interfacing. 1-6 - Frank-Michael Schleif
, Andrej Gisbrecht, Barbara Hammer
Relevance learning for short high-dimensional time series in the life sciences. 1-8 - Michele Donato, Sorin Draghici
, Alin Tomoiaga, Peter Westfall, Zhonghui Xu
, Roberto Romero
A method for analysis and correction of cross-talk effects in pathway analysis. 1-7 - Misako Komatsu
, Jun Namikawa, Jun Tani, Zenas C. Chao, Yasuo Nagasaka
, Naotaka Fujii, Kiyohiko Nakamura:
Estimation of functional brain connectivity from electrocorticograms using an artificial network model. 1-8 - Yaozhang Pan, Cuntai Guan
, Kai Keng Ang
, Kok Soon Phua, Huijuan Yang
, Dong Huang, Shih-Hui Lim:
Seizure detection based on spatiotemporal correlation and frequency regularity of scalp EEG. 1-7 - Wonsang You
, Sophie Achard, Jörg Stadler
, Bernd Brückner, Udo Seiffert
Fractal analysis of resting state functional connectivity of the brain. 1-8 - Miguel De-la-Torre
, Eric Granger
, Paulo Vinicius Wolski Radtke, Robert Sabourin, Dmitry O. Gorodnichy:
Incremental update of biometric models in face-based video surveillance. 1-8 - Christophe Pagano, Eric Granger
, Robert Sabourin, Dmitry O. Gorodnichy:
Detector ensembles for face recognition in video surveillance. 1-8 - Luis Claudio Sugi Afonso, João P. Papa, Aparecido Nilceu Marana, Ahmad Poursaberi, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
A fast large scale iris database classification with Optimum-Path Forest technique: A case study. 1-5 - Jian-Xin Xu, Xin Deng:
Complex chemotaxis behaviors of C. elegans with speed regulation achieved by dynamic neural networks. 1-8 - Hui Wei, Yuan Ren, Zheyan Wang:
A group-decision making model of orientation detection. 1-8 - Young-Min Jang, Rammohan Mallipeddi, Minho Lee, Sangil Lee, Ho-Wan Kwak:
Human implicit intent transition detection based on pupillary analysis. 1-7 - Paolo Arena, Luca Patané
, Alessandra Vitanza
Autonomous learning of collaboration among robots. 1-8 - Fábio Dall Cortivo, Ezzat S. Chalhoub, Haroldo F. de Campos Velho:
A committee of MLP with adaptive slope parameter trained by the quasi-Newton method to solve problems in hydrologic optics. 1-8 - Shah Atiqur Rahman, Insu Song, Maylor K. H. Leung:
Negative space template: A novel feature to describe activities in video. 1-7 - Li Wang, Nandita Bhattacharjee, Bala Srinivasan:
Fingerprint reference point detection based on local ridge orientation patterns of fingerprints. 1-8 - Yu Zong, Guandong Xu, Ping Jin, Xun Yi, Enhong Chen, Zongda Wu:
A projective clustering algorithm based on significant local dense areas. 1-8 - Md. Geaur Rahman
, Md Zahidul Islam
, Terry Bossomaier, Junbin Gao
CAIRAD: A co-appearance based analysis for Incorrect Records and Attribute-values Detection. 1-10 - Guang Ling, Haiqin Yang
, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
Online learning for collaborative filtering. 1-8 - Upuli Gunasinghe, Damminda Alahakoon:
Sequence learning using the adaptive suffix trie algorithm. 1-8 - Tao Ban, Shanqing Guo, Masashi Eto, Daisuke Inoue, Koji Nakao:
A study on cost-effective P2P traffic classification. 1-7 - Fangshi Zhu
, Songyun Xie, Jiadong Xu, Huabing He:
Various artifacts reduction algorithms for EEG recorded in continuous fMRI scan environment. 1-4 - Yury Tsoy:
Evolving linear neural networks for features space dimensionality reduction. 1-6 - Alexandros Iosifidis
, Anastasios Tefas
, Ioannis Pitas:
Neural representation and learning for multi-view human action recognition. 1-6 - Elliackin M. N. Figueiredo, Rafael G. Mesquita, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, George D. C. Cavalcanti
Application of the IPSONet in face detection. 1-7 - Babak Nadjar Araabi
, Zhabiz Gharibshah:
Face recognition with manifold-based kernel discriminant analysis. 1-8 - K. Subramanian, Suresh Sundaram
, R. Venkatesh Babu
Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for human emotion recognition. 1-7 - Yangyang Chen, Bao-Liang Lu, Hai Zhao:
Parallel learning of large-scale multi-label classification problems with min-max modular LIBLINEAR. 1-7 - Antonello Rizzi
, Guido Del Vescovo, Lorenzo Livi
, Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli:
A new Granular Computing approach for sequences representation and classification. 1-8 - Lorenzo Livi
, Antonello Rizzi
Parallel algorithms for tensor product-based inexact graph matching. 1-8 - Vu Anh Nguyen, Janusz A. Starzyk, Wooi-Boon Goh:
Sequence recognition with spatio-temporal long-term memory organization. 1-8 - Huisheng Zhu, Peng Wang, Wei Wang, Baile Shi:
Discovering Frequent Closed Episodes from an event sequence. 1-8 - Mashud Rana
, Irena Koprinska
Electricity load forecasting using non-decimated wavelet prediction methods with two-stage feature selection. 1-8 - Neethu Robinson, A. Prasad Vinod
, Cuntai Guan
, Kai Keng Ang
, Keng Peng Tee:
A modified Wavelet-Common Spatial Pattern method for decoding hand movement directions in brain computer interfaces. 1-5 - Kian B. Ng, Ross Cunnington
, Andrew P. Bradley
Enhancing the classification accuracy of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential-based Brain-Computer Interface using Component Synchrony Measure. 1-6 - Mahnaz Arvaneh
, Cuntai Guan
, Kai Keng Ang
, Chai Quek
Robust EEG channel selection across sessions in brain-computer interface involving stroke patients. 1-6 - Teresa Escobet
, Joseba Quevedo
, Vicenç Puig
A fault/anomaly system prognosis using a data-driven approach considering uncertainty. 1-7 - Cesare Alippi, Giacomo Boracchi
, Manuel Roveri
On-line reconstruction of missing data in sensor/actuator networks by exploiting temporal and spatial redundancy. 1-8 - Vasso Reppa
, Marios M. Polycarpou, Christos G. Panayiotou
A distributed architecture for sensor fault detection and isolation using adaptive approximation. 1-8 - Ming-Bo Zhao, Zhao Zhang
, Tommy W. S. Chow, Zhou Wu
On the theoretical and computational analysis between Trace Ratio LDA and null-space LDA. 1-7 - Long-Long Ma, Jian Wu:
On-line handwritten Chinese character recognition based on inter-radical stochastic context-free grammar. 1-5 - Chih-Lyang Hwang:
Hybrid neural network under-actuated sliding-mode control for trajectory tracking of quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle. 1-8 - Yu Cheng, Jinglu Hu:
Nonlinear system identification based on SVR with quasi-linear kernel. 1-8 - Xichun Yuan, Honggui Han, Junfei Qiao:
The sludge volume index soft sensor model based on PCA-ElmanNN. 1-7 - Senzhang Wang, Zhoujun Li
, Wen-Han Chao, Qinghua Cao:
Applying adaptive over-sampling technique based on data density and cost-sensitive SVM to imbalanced learning. 1-8 - Rafael C. Pinto
, Paulo Martins Engel, Milton Roberto Heinen:
One-shot learning in the road sign problem. 1-6 - Yueyue Na, Jian Yu:
Kernel and spectral methods for solving the permutation problem in frequency domain BSS. 1-8 - Antonio Arista-Jalife, Roberto Antonio Vázquez
Implementation of configurable and multipurpose spiking neural networks on GPUs. 1-8 - Mohammed Al-Naeem
, Asad I. Khan
A novel target recognition scheme for WSNs. 1-6 - Min Han, Xinying Wang:
A modified fast recursive hidden nodes selection algorithm for ELM. 1-7 - Mo Zhao, Huaguang Zhang, Zhiliang Wang, Yanhong Luo:
A simple synchronization criterion for a complex network based on the feedback. 1-5 - Sutharshan Rajasegarar
, James C. Bezdek, Masud Moshtaghi, Christopher Leckie
, Timothy C. Havens
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Measures for clustering and anomaly detection in sets of higher dimensional ellipsoids. 1-8 - Levy Boccato
, Diogo C. Soriano
, Romis Attux
, Fernando J. Von Zuben
Performance analysis of nonlinear echo state network readouts in signal processing tasks. 1-8 - Long Ma, Chunheng Wang, Baihua Xiao:
Sparse representation based on matrix rank minimization and k-means clustering for recognition. 1-8 - Francesco Galluppi
, Sergio Davies
, Steve B. Furber
, Terry C. Stewart, Chris Eliasmith:
Real time on-chip implementation of dynamical systems with spiking neurons. 1-8 - Kou-Yuan Huang, Liang-Chi Shen, Kai-Ju Chen, Ming-Che Huang:
Multilayer perceptron learning with particle swarm optimization for well log data inversion. 1-6 - Juha Karhunen, Tele Hao, Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi
A generalized canonical correlation analysis based method for blind source separation from related data sets. 1-9 - Sérgio Ricardo de Melo Queiroz, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
, Yves Lechevallier:
Multicriteria clustering with weighted Tchebycheff distances for relational data. 1-6 - Paolo Arena, Luca Patané
A spiking network for object and ego-motion detection in roving robots. 1-8 - Leandro L. Minku
, Xin Yao
Using unreliable data for creating more reliable online learners. 1-8 - Tommi Vatanen
, Mikael Kuusela, Eric Malmi, Tapani Raiko, Timo Aaltonen, Yoshikazu Nagai:
Semi-supervised detection of collective anomalies with an application in high energy particle physics. 1-8 - Ulf Johansson, Tuve Löfström
Producing implicit diversity in ANN ensembles. 1-8 - Shun Nishide, Jun Tani, Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Tetsuya Ogata
Self-organization of object features representing motion using Multiple Timescales Recurrent Neural Network. 1-8 - Nopriadi, Yukihiko Yamashita:
Extended maximum a posteriori-based kernel classification trained by linear programming (MAPLP) with adjustment parameter (MAPLP-P) and difference-type objective function (MAPLP-D). 1-8 - Tzu-Ping Kao, Jeen-Shing Wang, Che-Wei Lin, Ya-Ting C. Yang, Fang-Chen Juang:
Using Bootstrap AdaBoost with KNN for ECG-based automated obstructive sleep apnea detection. 1-5 - Kenny Hong, Stephan K. Chalup
, Robert A. R. King:
An experimental evaluation of pairwise adaptive support vector machines. 1-8 - Evan Kriminger, José C. Príncipe, Choudur Lakshminarayan:
Nearest Neighbor Distributions for imbalanced classification. 1-5 - Cleber Zanchettin
, Byron Leite Dantas Bezerra
, Washington W. Azevedo:
A KNN-SVM hybrid model for cursive handwriting recognition. 1-8 - Saulo Henrique Leoncio de Medeiros Napoles, Cleber Zanchettin
Offline handwritten signature verification through network radial basis functions optimized by Differential Evolution. 1-5 - Rosha Pokharel, José C. Príncipe:
Kernel classifier with Correntropy loss. 1-6 - Hiran Ganegedara, Damminda Alahakoon:
Redundancy reduction in self-organising map merging for scalable data clustering. 1-8 - Shin-Ichi Ito, Katsuya Sato, Shoichiro Fujisawa:
Learning algorithm for self-organizing map classification of electroencephalogram patterns with individual differences. 1-6 - Xueyi Wang:
A new model for measuring the accuracies of majority voting ensembles. 1-7 - Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio
Multi-Layer Perceptron with positive and negative pulse glial chain for solving two-spirals problem. 1-6 - Rocco Langone
, Carlos Alzate, Johan A. K. Suykens
Kernel spectral clustering for community detection in complex networks. 1-8 - Carlos Wilson Dantas de Almeida, Renata M. C. R. Souza
, Ana Lucia B. Candeias:
IFKCN: Applying fuzzy Kohonen clustering network to interval data. 1-6 - Shuyuan Yang, Yue Han, Xiangrong Zhang:
A sparse kernel representation method for image classification. 1-7 - Yu-Lin Liao, Ya-Fu Peng, Chiung-Chou Liao:
Adaptive dynamic TSKCMAC neural networks for prediction and identification. 1-7 - Goktug T. Cinar
, José C. Príncipe:
Hidden state estimation using the Correntropy Filter with fixed point update and adaptive kernel size. 1-6 - Ryosuke Shigenaka, Bisser Raytchev
, Toru Tamaki
, Kazufumi Kaneda:
Face sequence recognition using Grassmann Distances and Grassmann Kernels. 1-7 - Nistor Grozavu, Younès Bennani
, Lazhar Labiod:
Feature space transformation for transfer learning. 1-6 - Lucas H. Sousa Mello, Flávio Miguel Varejão, Thomas W. Rauber:
Kernel enhanced multilayer perceptron for industrial process diagnosis. 1-8 - Erion Hasanbelliu, Kittipat Kampa, José C. Príncipe, James Tory Cobb:
Online learning using a Bayesian surprise metric. 1-8 - Guénaël Cabanes
, Younès Bennani
Change detection in data streams through unsupervised learning. 1-6 - Helyane Bronoski Borges
, Júlio C. Nievola:
Multi-Label Hierarchical Classification using a Competitive Neural Network for protein function prediction. 1-8 - Chenhui Yang, Sijia Wang, Bing Cheng, Yuan Yuan, Jennie Si
A neural correlate to learning decision and control using functional synaptic efficacy. 1-7 - Bo Yuan
, Xiaoli Ma:
Sampling + reweighting: Boosting the performance of AdaBoost on imbalanced datasets. 1-6 - Mark J. Embrechts, Christopher J. Gatti, Jonathan D. Linton
, Thiemo Gruber, Bernhard Sick
Forecasting exchange rates with ensemble neural networks and ensemble K-PLS: A case study for the US Dollar per Indian Rupee. 1-8 - Anne M. P. Canuto, Diego Silveira Costa Nascimento
A genetic-based approach to features selection for ensembles using a hybrid and adaptive fitness function. 1-8 - Cristiano Cabrita, António E. B. Ruano
, Pedro M. Ferreira
, László T. Kóczy:
Extending the functional training approach for B-splines. 1-8 - Zalán Bodó
, Lehel Csató:
Improving kernel locality-sensitive hashing using pre-images and bounds. 1-8 - Phyo Phyo San, Sai-Ho Ling
, Hung T. Nguyen
Hybrid particle swarm optimization based normalized radial basis function neural network for hypoglycemia detection. 1-6 - Ginny Y. Wong
, Frank Hung-Fat Leung
, Sai-Ho Ling
Predicting protein-ligand binding site with differential evolution and support vector machine. 1-6 - Lien B. Nguyen, Anh V. Nguyen
, Sai-Ho Ling
, Hung T. Nguyen
A particle swarm optimization-based neural network for detecting nocturnal hypoglycemia using electroencephalography signals. 1-6 - Ailong Wu, Zhigang Zeng:
Dynamic behaviors of hybrid Lotka-Volterra recurrent neural networks with memristor characteristics. 1-8 - Zhao Xu, Qing Song, Haijin Fan, Danwei Wang:
Online prediction of time series data with recurrent kernels. 1-7 - Guangpu Huang, Meng Joo Er:
Model-based articulatory phonetic features for improved speech recognition. 1-8 - Fady Alnajjar
, Yuichi Yamashita, Jun Tani:
Static and dynamic memory to simulate higher-order cognitive tasks. 1-6 - Gaoxiang Ouyang
, Zhaojie Ju
, Honghai Liu:
Surface EMG signals determinism analysis based on recurrence plot for hand grasps. 1-6 - Alessandro G. Di Nuovo
, Vivian M. De La Cruz
, Santo Di Nuovo
Mental practice and verbal instructions execution: A cognitive robotics study. 1-6 - Mototaka Yoshioka, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Jun Ozawa:
Brain signal pattern of engrossed subjects using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and its application to TV commercial evaluation. 1-6 - Suh-Yeon Dong
, Soo-Young Lee:
Understanding human implicit intention based on frontal electroencephalography (EEG). 1-5 - Matthieu Duvinage, Thierry Castermans, Mathieu Petieau, Guy Cheron, Thierry Dutoit:
Are current gait-related artifact removal techniques useful for low-complexity BCIs? 1-7 - M. Pérez-Ortiz
, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
, César Hervás-Martínez, Javier Briceño, Manuel de la Mata:
An ensemble approach for ordinal threshold models applied to liver transplantation. 1-8 - Albert Vilamala, Lluís A. Belanche Muñoz, Alfredo Vellido
Classifying malignant brain tumours from 1H-MRS data using Breadth Ensemble Learning. 1-8 - Natthakan Iam-on
, Tossapon Boongoen
Improved link-based cluster ensembles. 1-8 - Petar Kormushev
, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin G. Caldwell
, Barkan Ugurlu
Challenges for the policy representation when applying reinforcement learning in robotics. 1-8 - Andrea Castelletti
, Francesca Pianosi
, Marcello Restelli
Tree-based Fitted Q-iteration for Multi-Objective Markov Decision problems. 1-8 - Tobias Jung, Sylvain Martin, Damien Ernst, Guy Leduc:
Contextual multi-armed bandits for web server defense. 1-8 - Yu-Chia Hsu, An-Pin Chen:
Futures hedging using clusters with dynamic behavior of market fluctuation. 1-8 - Yin Song, Longbing Cao
Graph-based coupled behavior analysis: A case study on detecting collaborative manipulations in stock markets. 1-8 - Teck-Hou Teng, Ah-Hwee Tan
, Yuan-Sin Tan, Adrian Yeo:
Self-organizing neural networks for learning air combat maneuvers. 1-8 - Gaurav Gupta
, Alexandra Psarrou
, Anastasia Angelopoulou
, José García Rodríguez
Region analysis through close contour transformation using growing neural gas. 1-8 - Timo Honkela
, Juha Raitio, Krista Lagus, Ilari T. Nieminen, Nina Honkela, Mika Pantzar
Subjects on objects in contexts: Using GICA method to quantify epistemological subjectivity. 1-9 - Sambu Seo, Johannes Mohr, Hauke R. Heekeren
, Andreas Heinz, Ben Eppinger, Shu-Chen Li
, Klaus Obermayer:
A voxel selection method for the multivariate analysis of imaging genetics data. 1-7 - Marco Masseroli, Davide Chicco
, Pietro Pinoli
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for prediction of Gene Ontology annotations. 1-8 - Siamak Tafavogh, Paul J. Kennedy
, Daniel R. Catchpoole:
Determining cellularity status of tumors based on histopathology using hybrid image segmentation. 1-8 - G. Sateesh Babu
, Ramaswamy Savitha, Suresh Sundaram
A projection based learning in Meta-cognitive Radial Basis Function Network for classification problems. 1-8 - Efrain Castillo-Muñiz, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Geometric spherical networks for Visual Data processing. 1-8 - Habib Dhahri
, Adel M. Alimi
, Ajith Abraham:
Designing Beta Basis Function Neural Network for optimization using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). 1-7 - Jun Yin, Yan Meng:
Self-organizing reservior computing with dynamically regulated cortical neural networks. 1-7 - Scott V. Notley, André Grüning:
Improved spike-timed mappings using a tri-phasic spike timing-dependent plasticity rule. 1-6 - Junichi Kuwabara, Kohei Nakajima, Rongjie Kang, David T. Branson
, Emanuele Guglielmino, Darwin G. Caldwell
, Rolf Pfeifer:
Timing-based control via echo state network for soft robotic arm. 1-8 - Yuko Osana:
Chaotic Quaternionic Associative Memory. 1-8 - Motoyuki Onagi, Yuko Osana:
Pattern dependency of one-to-many association ability in Chaotic Complex-valued Multidirectional Associative Memory with variable scaling factor. 1-8 - Fernando Corinto
, Alon Ascoli, Marco Gilli:
Memristor models for chaotic neural circuits. 1-8 - Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi, Said F. Al-Sarawi
, Nicolangelo Iannella
, Derek Abbott:
Design and implementation of BCM rule based on spike-timing dependent plasticity. 1-7 - Saeed Afshar, Omid Kavehei
, André van Schaik
, Jonathan Tapson
, Stan Skafidas
, Tara Julia Hamilton
Emergence of competitive control in a memristor-based neuromorphic circuit. 1-8 - Dane S. Corneil, Daniel Sonnleithner, Emre Neftci
, Elisabetta Chicca
, Matthew Cook, Giacomo Indiveri
, Rodney J. Douglas:
Function approximation with uncertainty propagation in a VLSI spiking neural network. 1-7 - Alexandru G. Floares
, Adriana Birlutiu
Decision tree models for developing molecular classifiers for cancer diagnosis. 1-7 - Federico Cismondi, André S. Fialho, Xiaoning Lu, Susana M. Vieira
, James E. Gray, Shane R. Reti, João M. C. Sousa
, Stan N. Finkelstein:
ANN validation system for ICU neonatal data. 1-4 - Héctor Ruiz, Ian H. Jarman, José David Martín-Guerrero, Sandra Ortega-Martorell
, Alfredo Vellido
, Enrique Romero, Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
Towards interpretable classifiers with blind signal separation. 1-7 - Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Gerson Zaverucha:
Multi-instance learning using recurrent neural networks. 1-6 - Kazuaki Masuda, Bunpei Fukui, Kenzo Kurihara:
A weighting approach for autoassociative memories to improve accuracy in memorization. 1-7 - Florian Jug
, Matthew Cook, Angelika Steger:
Recurrent competitive networks can learn locally excitatory topologies. 1-8 - Thiago C. Silva
, Liang Zhao
Detecting overlapping structures via network-based competitive learning. 1-8 - Jae Hyun Lim, Hansol Choi, Jun-Cheol Park, Jae Young Jun, Dae-Shik Kim:
Learning spatio-temporally invariant representations from video. 1-6 - KyungHyun Cho, Nima Reyhani:
An iterative algorithm for singular value decomposition on noisy incomplete matrices. 1-6 - Derong Liu
, Hongliang Li, Ding Wang:
H∞ control of unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems with control constraints using adaptive dynamic programming. 1-6 - Michael Fairbank, Eduardo Alonso
Value-gradient learning. 1-8 - Michael Fairbank, Eduardo Alonso
The divergence of reinforcement learning algorithms with value-iteration and function approximation. 1-8 - Xi Xu, Hong-Wei Hao, Xu-Cheng Yin
, Ning Liu, Shawkat Hasan Shafin:
Automatic segmentation of cervical vertebrae in X-ray images. 1-8 - Juan Gabriel Colonna, Afonso D. Ribas, Eulanda Miranda dos Santos, Eduardo Freire Nakamura
Feature subset selection for automatically classifying anuran calls using sensor networks. 1-8 - Teddy Salan, Khan M. Iftekharuddin:
Large pose invariant face recognition using feature-based recurrent neural network. 1-7 - Juan Manuel Adán Coello
, Carlos Miguel Tobar:
OntoHop: An information filtering agent using hopfield nets and ontologies. 1-6 - Adrian Letchford, Junbin Gao
, Lihong Zheng
Optimizing the moving average. 1-8 - B. Keshavarz Hedayati, Rafael Parra-Hernandez, Erik M. Laxdal, Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, Panagiotis Alexiou, V. J. Demopoulos:
An improved neural network ensemble model of Aldose Reductase inhibitory activity. 1-7 - Tengfei Shen, Dingyun Zhu:
Layered_CasPer: Layered cascade artificial neural networks. 1-7 - Araken M. Santos, Anne M. P. Canuto:
Using semi-supervised learning in multi-label classification problems. 1-8 - Josu Maiora
, Manuel Graña:
Abdominal CTA image analisys through active learning and decision random forests: Aplication to AAA segmentation. 1-7 - Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Kenta Nakane, Yuuko Miyaura:
Experimental study on human-machine interaction for dynamical balancing control based on a building block type device with parallel two-wheeled vehicles. 1-8 - Yutaka Maeda, Akihiro Ito, Hidetaka Ito:
Central pattern generator and its learning via simultaneous perturbation method. 1-6 - Xuemei Ding, Yuhua Li
, Ammar Belatreche, Liam P. Maguire
Constructing minimum volume surfaces using level set methods for novelty detection. 1-6 - Sergio Orts-Escolano
, José García Rodríguez
, Vicente Morell
, Jorge Azorín López
, Juan Manuel García Chamizo
Multi-GPU based camera network system keeps privacy using growing neural gas. 1-8 - Ralf Joost, Ralf Salomon:
Time coding output neurons in digital artificial neural networks. 1-8 - José Luis Rosselló, Vincent Canals
, Antoni Morro:
Probabilistic-based neural network implementation. 1-7 - Shiping Wen, Zhigang Zeng, Tingwen Huang:
Passivity and passification for a class of singularly perturbed nonlinear systems via neural networks. 1-6 - Andrej Gisbrecht, Bassam Mokbel, Barbara Hammer
Linear basis-function t-SNE for fast nonlinear dimensionality reduction. 1-8 - Zhengping Ji, Wentao Huang, Steven P. Brumby:
Learning sparse representation via a nonlinear shrinkage encoder and a linear sparse decoder. 1-8 - Xia Hong, Sheng Chen
, Chris J. Harris
Modelling and inverting complex-valued wiener systems. 1-8 - Kartick Subramanian
, Ramaswamy Savitha, Suresh Sundaram
Complex-valued neuro-fuzzy inference system for wind prediction. 1-7 - Abdul Rahman Hafiz
, Md. Faijul Amin, Kazuyuki Murase
Using complex-valued Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for learning and recognizing various hand gestures. 1-5 - Walter J. Freeman, Robert Kozma
, Giuseppe Vitiello
Adaptation of the generalized Carnot cycle to describe thermodynamics of cerebral cortex. 1-8 - Dror Cohen, Andrew P. Paplinski
A comparative evaluation of the Generative Topographic Mapping and the Elastic Net for the formation of Ocular Dominance stripes. 1-8 - Johannes Bauer
, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter:
A SOM-based model for multi-sensory integration in the superior colliculus. 1-8 - Aneesha Bakharia, Vladimir Nikulin:
A nonparametric criterion for the selection of the number of factors and nonnegative extension for gradient-based matrix factorization. 1-8 - Faicel Chamroukhi
, Hervé Glotin:
Mixture model-based functional discriminant analysis for curve classification. 1-8 - Dorra Trabelsi, Samer Mohammed, Yacine Amirat, Latifa Oukhellou
Activity recognition using body mounted sensors: An unsupervised learning based approach. 1-7 - Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi, Said F. Al-Sarawi
, Nicolangelo Iannella
, Derek Abbott:
Efficient design of triplet based Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity. 1-7 - Alexander D. Rast, Luis A. Plana, Stephen R. Welbourne, Stephen B. Furber:
Event-driven MLP implementation on neuromimetic hardware. 1-8 - William Chan, Jason D. Lohn:
Spike timing dependent plasticity with memristive synapse in neuromorphic systems. 1-6 - Sascha Lange, Martin A. Riedmiller, Arne Voigtländer:
Autonomous reinforcement learning on raw visual input data in a real world application. 1-8 - Hung Quoc Ngo, Matthew D. Luciw, Alexander Förster
, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Learning skills from play: Artificial curiosity on a Katana robot arm. 1-8 - Kevin Van Vaerenbergh, Abdel Rodríguez
, Matteo Gagliolo
, Peter Vrancx, Ann Nowé, Julian Stoev, Stijn Goossens, Gregory Pinte, Wim Symens:
Improving wet clutch engagement with reinforcement learning. 1-8 - Sebastian Risi
, Kenneth O. Stanley:
A unified approach to evolving plasticity and neural geometry. 1-8 - Lubica Benuskova:
Why is it hard to induce long-term depression? 1-7 - Joseph Chrol-Cannon, André Grüning, Yaochu Jin
The emergence of polychronous groups under varying input patterns, plasticity rules and network connectivities. 1-6 - Xiaoqiang Zhu, Pinghua Gong, Zeng-Shun Zhao
, Changshui Zhang:
Learning similarity metric with SVM. 1-8 - Balamurugan Palaniappan, Shirish K. Shevade, T. Ravindra Babu:
Efficient algorithms for linear summed error structural SVMs. 1-8 - Giovanni Da San Martino
, Nicolò Navarin
, Alessandro Sperduti:
A memory efficient graph kernel. 1-7 - Kiruthika Ramanathan, Madhurima Battacharya, Prahlad Vadakkepat
Stimulus dependent habituation in a bottom - up brain inspired model of learning and memory. 1-7 - Paolo Arena, Luca Patané
, Pietro Savio Termini:
Modeling attentional loop in the insect Mushroom Bodies. 1-7 - Jenia Jitsev
, Abigail Morrison, Marc Tittgemeyer
Learning from positive and negative rewards in a spiking neural network model of basal ganglia. 1-8 - Kris De Brabanter, Jos De Brabanter, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle, Bart De Moor:
Robustness of kernel based regression: Influence and weight functions. 1-8 - Lei Zhu, Shaoning Pang
, Gang Chen, Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh:
Class imbalance robust incremental LPSVM for data streams learning. 1-8 - Haijin Fan, Qing Song, Zhao Xu:
An information theoretic kernel algorithm for robust online learning. 1-8 - Zhao Zhang
, Ming-Bo Zhao, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Extracting the informative constraints for semi-supervised marginal projections in multimodal dimensionality reduction. 1-8 - Ashwini Shikaripur Nadig, Brian Potetz:
A hierarchical Bayesian model for pattern recognition. 1-8 - Junlin Hu
, Ping Guo
Learning multiple pooling combination for image classification. 1-7 - Simone G. O. Fiori
, Tetsuya Kaneko, Toshihisa Tanaka:
Learning on the compact Stiefel manifold by a cayley-transform-based pseudo-retraction map. 1-8 - Corneliu T. C. Arsene, Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
Bayesian Neural Network with and without compensation for competing risks. 1-8 - Carlos M. Alaíz
, Álvaro Barbero Jiménez, José R. Dorronsoro:
Sparse methods for wind energy prediction. 1-7 - Sanfeng Chen, Shuai Li, Yongsheng Liang, Y. Lou:
A discrete-time switching neural network for quadratic programming. 1-5 - Tae-Hyung Kim, Donald C. Wunsch:
Modified cellular simultaneous recurrent networks with cellular particle swarm optimization. 1-8 - Malte Schilling
, Jan Paskarbeit, Axel Schneider, Holk Cruse:
Flexible internal body models for motor control: On the convergence of constrained dual quaternion mean of multiple computation networks. 1-8 - Bardia Yousefi, Chu Kiong Loo
Development of Fast Incremental Slow Feature Analysis (F-IncSFA). 1-6 - Hiroyuki Masuta, Yasuto Tamura, Hun-ok Lim:
A direct perception for decision making of a service robot. 1-6 - Jinseok Woo
, Naoyuki Kubota:
Interactive categorization of living space based on simultaneous localization and mapping. 1-7 - Ali Heydari, Sivasubramanya Nadar Balakrishnan:
Decentralized control of nonlinear multi-agent systems using single network adaptive critics. 1-8 - Hung-Ching Lu, Ming-Hung Chang:
Design of the Self-Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network controller for a sliding door system. 1-6 - David Renfrew, Xiao-Hua Yu
Traffic signal optimization using Ant Colony Algorithm. 1-7

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