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23rd SIU 2015: Malatya, Turkey
- 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Malatya, Turkey, May 16-19, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-7386-9
- Cengiz Tepe
, Ilyas Eminoglu, Nurettin Senyer
Estimate angle information of hand open-close from surface electromyogram (sEMG). 1-4 - Mehmet Ali Çavuslu
, Mehmet Oner, Erkan Helvacilar, Yasar Hakan Basaran:
Hardware implementation of feature extraction from ship's underwater acoustic signals using LOFAR analysis. 97-100 - Mehmet Baris Tabakcioglu
, Doruk Ayberkin
Application of of ray tracing technique into S-UTD-CH model. 101-104 - Osman Tutaysalgir, Adnan Orduyilmaz
, K. Kerem Oktem, Mahmut Serin, Alper Yildirim:
Real time wideband direction finding. 105-108 - Adnan Orduyilmaz
, Mahmut Serin, Alper Yildirim, Kivanc Ceyhan, Ali Cafer Gürbüz
Hybrid phase amplitude direction finding method. 109-112 - Mehmet Baris Tabakcioglu
, Doruk Ayberkin
Building parameter analysis with S-UTD-CH model in multiple diffraction. 113-115 - Volkan Erol, Fatih Ozaydin, Azmi Ali Altintas
Analysis of Negativity and Relative Entropy of Entanglement measures for qubit-qutrit Quantum Communication systems. 116-119 - Yasin Karan, Salim Kahveci:
Wireless measurement of thermocouple with microcontroller. 120-123 - Muhammed Kürsad Uçar, Mehmet Recep Bozkurt
, Kemal Polat
, Cahit Bilgin
Investigation of effects of time domain features of the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal on sleep respiratory arrests. 124-127 - Tolga Ayav
Fourier analysis-based automatic test pattern generation for combinational circuits. 128-131 - Cansu Kadi, Seda Gokhuseyin, Umut Arioz:
A study on compare pitch detection algorithms. 132-135 - N. Tugbagül Altan Akin:
Survey on green Cloud computing and using a renewable energy source in Turkey. 136-139 - Osman Büyük
Experiment on fast scoring for GMM based speaker verification. 140-143 - Gökay Disken
, Turgay Ibrikci
Recognition of non-speech sounds using Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients and dynamic time warping method. 144-147 - Derman Akgol, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Predicting upper body power of cross-country skiers using machine learning methods combined with feature selection. 148-151 - Ümit Budak, Abdulkadir Sengür
Texture classification using scale invariant feature transform and Bag-of-Words. 152-155 - Fatih Abut, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Determination of the variables affecting the maximal oxygen uptake of cross-country skiers by using machine learning and feature selection algorithms. 156-159 - Mahmut Esat Demirhan, Umut Arioz:
Huffman coding of a PCM-quantized speech signal. 160-163 - Duygu Kaya, Mustafa Türk
A Matlab/Simulink model for multi-scroll chaotic attractors. 164-167 - Gozde Ozsert, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Performance comparison of different regression methods for maximal oxygen uptake estimation of cross-country skiers. 168-171 - Abdurrahman Özbeyaz, Sami Arica
Comparison of channel selection methods on the classification of EEG data obtained from the animal non-animal categorization experiment. 172-175 - Onder Aydemir:
Improving classification accuracy of EEG based brain computer interface signals. 176-179 - Tarik Kisla
, Senem Kumova Metin, Bahar Karaoglan:
Extracting the features of similarity in short texts. 180-183 - Incilay Yildiz, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Prediction of maximum oxygen uptake with different machine learning methods by using submaximal data. 184-187 - Yusuf Acar
, Hakan Dogan, Erdal Panayirci:
Spline based channel estimation for STBC-SM systems over fast-varying rician fading channels. 188-191 - Murat Obali, Ahmet Ercan Topcu
Comparison of cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing using three different approaches. 192-195 - Esin Genc, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Development of new non-exercise maximum oxygen uptake models by using different machine learning methods. 196-199 - Salih Coskun, Ali Özgür Yilmaz, S. Sencer Koç, Mert Celik:
Polarimetric FMCW weather radar. 200-203 - Deniz Ustun
, Mustafa Akkus, Mustafa Berkan Bicer
, Hasan Temurtas
, Ali Akdagli:
Design of Butterworth and Chebyshev low-pass filter with heuristic algorithms. 204-207 - Halit Çetiner, Bayram Cetisli:
Optical disc detection based on intensity and feature in the retinal images. 208-211 - Aytug Onan
, Serdar Korukoglu
Ensemble methods for opinion mining. 212-215 - Ertan Atar, Okan K. Ersoy, Lale Özyilmaz:
Cryptography with compressive sensing Orthogonal Matching Pursuit method. 216-219 - Seda Ustunbas, Ertugrul Basar
, Ümit Aygölü:
Cooperative spectrum sharing for cognitive radio networks using spatial modulation at secondary users. 220-223 - Murat Canayaz, Ali Karci
A novel approach for image compression based on multi-level image thresholding using discrete wavelet transform and cricket algorithm. 224-227 - Ferhat Özgür Çatak
Classification with Extreme Learning Machine and ensemble algorithms over randomly partitioned data. 228-231 - Yuriy Mishchenko, Murat Kaya:
Detecting the attention state of an operator in continuous attention task using EEG-based brain-computer interface. 232-235 - Merve Nilay Aydin, Kadir Tohma
, Ipek Abasikeles-Turgut:
Modelling black hole attacks on cluster-based wireless sensor networks. 236-239 - Kadir Tohma
, Merve Nilay Aydin, Ipek Abasikeles-Turgut:
Improving the LEACH protocol on Wireless sensor network. 240-243 - Sükrü Ozan, Sevket Gümüstekin:
Reconstruction of geometrical and reflectance properties of surfaces by using structured lighting. 244-247 - Lutfiye Cagan, Umut Arioz:
Turkish pitch frequency detection: AutoCorreletaion and cepstral method. 248-251 - Selim Aras
, Ali Gangal, Yilmaz Bulbul
Classification of healthy and pathologic lung sounds recorded with electronic auscultation. 252-255 - Mumin Yildiz, Songul Albayrak
Customer churn prediction in telecommunication. 256-259 - Shahaboddin Daneshvar, Fatih Abut, Incilay Yildiz, Mehmet Fatih Akay:
Development of new upper body power prediction models for cross-country skiers by using different machine learning methods. 260-263 - Ahmet Senol, Kivanc Dincer, Hayri Sever, Ersin Elbasi
Blocked-DWT based vector image watermarking. 264-267 - Ufuk Sakarya:
Thermal infrared hyperspectral dimension reduction experiment results for global and local information based linear discriminant analysis. 268-271 - Rukiye Karakis
, Inan Güler
, Irem Çapraz, Erhan Bilir:
A new method of fuzzy logic-based steganography for the security of medical images. 272-275 - Muzammil Abdulrahman, Alaa Eleyan
Facial expression recognition using Support Vector Machines. 276-279 - Mahmut Kaya
, Umut Arioz:
Feature weighting with Laplacian score. 280-283 - Berat Dogan
, Ayhan Yüksel:
Analog filter group delay optimization using the Vortex Search algorithm. 288-291 - Ali Özgün Ok, Andrea Manno-Kovacs:
Detection of buildings from high resolution satellite images using urban area knowledge. 292-295 - Huseyin Oguzhan Tevetoglu, Nihan Kahraman:
Design of a human-machine interface control system for home air conditions. 296-299 - Ahmet Emir, Hakan Kaya, Ertan Öztürk:
Design of OFDM on Digital Signal Processors. 300-303 - Ali Öztürk, Rifat Seherli:
Short term prediction of aluminium strip thickness via Support Vector Machines. 304-307 - Mesut Durukal, Ali Köksal Hocaoglu:
Performance optimization on emotion recognition from speech. 308-311 - Hicran Yilmaz, Sengül Dogan
, Gonca Ozmen Koca:
Optimal length determination for mine destruction using 3D traveling salesman problem on a sphere. 312-315 - Furkan Dincer, Muharrem Karaaslan
, Mehmet Bakir, Oguzhan Akgöl, Emin Unal
, Kemal Delihacioglu, Cumali Sabah
Increasing bandwidth in antenna applications By using chiral metamaterials. 316-318 - Kubilay Ulutas, Mustafa Emre Aydemir
Karmaşık düzlemsel antenlerin tasarımında genetik yaklaşım. 319-322 - Cüneyt Yücelbas, Seral Özsen, Sule Yücelbas, Gülay Tezel, Mehmet Dursun
, Sebnem Yosunkaya, Serkan Küççüktürk
Detection of the electrode disconnection in sleep signals. 323-326 - Yusuf Gorkem Celik, Süleyman Gökhun Tanyer:
Maximum Amplitude Sensitive Time-Frequency Analysis. 327-330 - Muhammed Enes Bayrakdar
, Ali Çalhan:
Fuzzy logic based channel selection for mobile secondary users in cognitive radio networks. 331-334 - Sinan Atan, Ümit Aygölü:
High capacity novel protocols for common destination wireless relay systems. 335-338 - Mehmet Bilen
, Ali Hakan Isik, Tuncay Yigit:
A hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm approach for classification of microarray data. 339-342 - Musa Tunç Arslan, Mohammad Tofighi, A. Enis Çetin
Target detection using sparsity based deconvolution in passive bistatic radars. 343-346 - Fatih Gulec
, Erkan Afacan:
Usage of Costas arrays in Low Probability of Intercept radars. 347-350 - Onder Aydemir:
Improving the effectiveness of common spatial pattern features at brain computer interface applications. 351-354 - Yalçin Balcioglu, Günhan Dündar
Improved standard cell synthesizable Digitally Controlled Oscillator. 355-358 - Zuleyha Akusta Dagdeviren, Kaya Oguz
, Muhammed Cinsdikici
Automatic registration of structural brain MR images to MNI image space. 359-362 - Erdal Kiliç
, Mustafa Resit Tavus, Zehra Karhan
Classification of breaking news taken from the online news sites. 363-366 - Ömer Faruk Alcin
, Ali Ari, Abdulkadir Sengür
, Melih Cevdet Ince
Iterative hard thresholding based Extreme Learning Machine. 367-370 - Fatih Çalisir, Muhammet Bastan, Ugur Güdükbay, Özgür Ulusoy
Mobile image search using multi-query images. 371-374 - Harun Sümbül
, Ahmet Hayrettin Yüzer
Detection of respiratory signals according to different positions using acceleration sensor. 375-378 - Orhan Yesilyurt, Mustafa Koksal, Taha Imeci:
Microstrip band pass filter design. 379-382 - Huseyin Yanik
, Evren Degirmenci
Detection of ECG characteristic points using multiresolution analysis. 383-386 - Sahin Bas, Müstak E. Yalçin
Key generation and license authentication using physical unclonable functions. 387-390 - Hakki Can Karaimer, Yalin Bastanlar:
Classification of vehicles using binary foreground images averaged over time. 391-394 - Gokhan Kurt, Gökhan Ince
Path planning in a 3D environment created using real world data. 395-398 - Osman Aydogan, Ali Öter
, Mahmut Kemal Kiymik, Deniz Tuncel:
Automatic classification of sleep stages with artificial neural networks according to visual scoring rules. 399-402 - Ugur Ergul, Gokhan Bilgin
Multiple instance bagging approach for ensemble learning methods on hyperspectral images. 403-406 - Yasin Kaya
, Hüseyin Pehlivan:
Comparison of classification algorithms in classification of ECG beats by time series. 407-410 - Musa Atas
, Yahya Dogan:
Adaptive High Dynamic Range. 411-414 - Mustafa Bakir, Fatih Erdogan Sevilgen
High performance online key performance indicator's calculations in oil refineries. 415-418 - Abdullah H. Ozcan
, Cem Ünsalan
, Peter Reinartz:
Crowd detection in airborne images using spatial point statistics. 419-422 - Sahin Isik
, Kemal Özkan:
Edge linking using angle information. 423-426 - Huseyin Cabuk, Gökhan Ince
Commercial identification using audio fingerprinting. 427-430 - Serdar Çiçek
, Abdullah Ferikoglu, Ihsan Pehlivan
A chaotic communication system design with chaotic on-off keying (COOK) modulation method. 431-434 - Mehmet Cem Catalbas
, Didem Issever, Arif Gülten:
Morphological feature extraction with local histogram equalization. 435-438 - Kerem Küçük
, Murat Torlak:
Real time ERP DSSS/CCK baseband WLAN receiver design. 439-442 - Muzaffer Aslan
, Ömer Faruk Alçin
, Abdulkadir Sengür
, Melih Cevdet Ince
Fall detection with depth-videos. 443-446 - Lida Kouhalvandi
, Selçuk Paker, H. Bulent Yagci:
Ku - Band slotted rectangular patch array antenna design. 447-450 - Zeynep Kaya
, Erol Seke:
Numerically controlled oscillator using De Moivre identity. 451-454 - Nuh Hatipoglu
, Gokhan Bilgin
Segmentation of histopathological images with Convolutional Neural Networks using Fourier features. 455-458 - Baris Doruk Gungor
, Muhammed Kürsad Uçar, Ferda Bozkurt:
Statistical investigation of the effects of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contractions (UC) signals on apgar score. 459-462 - Ozan Deniz, Mehmetcan Fal, Cengiz Acartürk
Density based eye movement event detection algorithm (in English). 463-466 - Mehmet Bakir, Muharrem Karaaslan
, Furkan Dincer, Oguzhan Akgöl, Emin Unal
, Kemal Delihacioglu, Cumali Sabah
Electromagnetic energy harvesting by using tunable metamaterial absorbers. 467-470 - Lauri Laur, Morteza Daneshmand
, Mary Agoyi, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Robust grayscale watermarking technique based on face detection. 471-475 - Erdal Kiliç
, Nurullah Ates, Aykut Karakaya
, Durmus Ozkan Sahin:
Two new feature extraction methods for text classification: TESDF and SADF. 475-478 - Behzad Moradi, Recep Demirci
Fuzzy logic and graph based segmentation. 479-482 - Erdogan Aydin
, Haci Ilhan:
Relay selection with threshold value for DF based cooperative systems. 483-486 - Ozan Yardimci, Seyit Tunc, Ilkay Ulusoy Parnas:
Small target detection by morphological operations. 487-490 - Ahmet Aydin, Sedat Telceken:
The comparison of A* algorithm and Ant Colonial Optimization for mobile traveler application. 491-494 - Mukarram Al-jamali, Azzam Al-Nahari, Mohammed Alhawlani:
Relay selection scheme for Improving the physical layer security in cognitive radio networks. 495-498 - H. Seckin Demir, Erdem Akagündüz, S. Kubilay Pakin:
Vessel classification on UAVs using inertial data and IR imagery. 499-502 - Mehmet Fatih Amasyali
, Metin Bilgin:
Comparison of machine learning methods for the sequence labelling applications. 503-506 - Ali Yavuz Kahveci, Hande Alemdar
, Cem Ersoy
Sleep quality monitoring with ambient and mobile sensing. 507-510 - Yüksel Arslan, Burak Guldogan:
Impulsive sound detection and gunshot recognition. 511-514 - Hasan Ocak
, Murat Ambarkutuk
, Gurkan Kucukyildiz, Suat Karakaya:
Image processing based package volume detection with Kinect. 515-518 - Gurkan Kavuran
, Celaleddin Yeroglu
Investigation of periodic modes in nonlinear systems with fractional order integrator. 519-522 - Muhammet Ali Karabulut
, Haci Ilhan, Özgür Özdemir:
Differential modulation based network coded cooperative communications. 523-526 - Merve Ayyuce Kizrak
, Bülent Bolat:
Classification of Classic Turkish Music Makams by using Deep Belief Networks. 527-530 - Mahmut Demirtas, Alkan Soysal
Energy efficient microcell deployment for HetNets. 531-534 - Sedat Görmüs
Synchronisation in 6Tisch networks. 535-539 - Mustafa Ustuner
, Gokhan Bilgin
Mitosis detection on histopathological images using statistical detection algorithms. 540-543 - Gülüstan Dogan, Koksal Avincan
, Theodore Brown:
Provenance and trust as new factors for self-organization in a wireless sensor network. 544-547 - Demir Y. Yavas, Ibrahim Hökelek, Bilge Günsel
Analysis tool for SIP server loading. 548-551 - Salih Arda Boluk, M. Fatih Demirci
Skeleton branch distances for shape recognition. 552-555 - Isa Atas, M. Bahaddin Kurt, Teymuraz Abbasov
High gain Microstrip Antenna design for 2.4GHz WLAN application. 556-559 - Collins Nduka Ineneji, Mehmet Kusaf:
Gain enhancement in microstrip patch antenna using the Multiple Substrate Layer method. 560 - Ugurhan Kutbay
, Ali Berkan Ural
, Firat Hardalaç:
Underground electrical profile clustering using K-MEANS algorithm. 561-564 - Murat Koyuncu
, Basar Cetinkaya:
Feature fusion in part-based object detection. 565-568 - Ömer Özgür Bozkurt, Z. Cihan Taysi
, Göksel Biricik
Power load forecast system for Turkish electric market. 569-572 - Nusret Can Kazanci, Baki Yuksel, S. TahaImeci:
7 GHz microstrip low pass filter. 573-576 - Efendi Fidan, Oguz Kucur:
Performance of multi-antenna two-way relay networks with generalized antenna selection over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 577-580 - Zafer Yavuz
, Cemal Köse:
Vessel segmentation in retinal images using multiscale image enhancement and clustering. 581-584 - Osman Coskun
, Cagatay Candan:
On the optimality of maisel sidelobe blanking system. 585-591 - Muhammet Said Aydemir, Gökhan Bilgin
Combination of sparse and semi-supervised learning for classification of hyperspectral images. 592-595 - Mouslem Damkhi, Nawal Abdullahi Mohamed, Bekir Dizdaroglu:
Client-server based photomontage. 596-599 - Göksel Biricik
, Ömer Özgür Bozkurt, Z. Cihan Taysi
Analysis of features used in short-term electricity price forecasting for deregulated markets. 600-603 - Muhammed Enes Bayrakdar
, Sumeyye Bayrakdar
A cooperative communication approach for voluntary secondary users in cognitive radio networks. 604-607 - Pejman Rasti, Rudolf Kiefer
, Gholamreza Anbarjafari
Autofocus liquid lens by using sharpness measurement. 608-611 - Mecit Emre Duman, Ayhan Yüksel, Tamer Ölmez
Divergent common spatial patterns method. 612-615 - Sumeyye Bayrakdar
, Bekir Comak, Derya Basol, Ibrahim Yücedag:
Determination of type and quality of hazelnut using image processing techniques. 616-619 - Z. Cihan Taysi
, Göksel Biricik
, Ömer Özgür Bozkurt:
Evaluation of price forecast systems for Turkish Electric Market. 620-623 - Yekta Said Can
, Mehmet Yunus Donmez:
Sport Sense: A mobile sensor data collection, labeling and display application for sport centers. 624-627 - Zeynep Yeloglu, Yaman Akbulut
, Ümit Budak, Abdulkadir Sengür
Hand gesture recognition from kinect depth images. 628-631 - Murat Yücel
, Nail Ferhat Öztürk, H. Haldun Göktas:
The analyzes of the Brillouin scattering for the different fiber types. 632-635 - Seral Özsen, Mehmet Dursun
, Sebnem Yosunkaya:
Comparison of some spectral analysis methods in detection of sleep spindles using YSA. 636-639 - Berna Yalçin, Yaser Moazzen
, Kadim Tasdemir:
Extraction of hazelnut fields using Approximate Spectral Clustering Ensemble. 640-643 - Reza A. Ashrafi, Ali Emre Pusane, Ismail Demirkan:
Analysis of advanced programming architectures for next-generation Flash memories. 644 - Oktay Karakus
, Ercan E. Kuruoglu, Mustafa A. Altinkaya
Long term wind speed prediction with polynomial autoregressive model. 645-648 - Okan Mert Yucedag, Cemil Yazici, Ertugrul Aksoy
Investigation of dipole antenna radiation pattern over planar lossy half-space. 649-652 - Amir Abbas Davari
, Erchan Aptoula
, Berrin A. Yanikoglu
On the effect of synthetic morphological feature vectors on hyperspectral image classification performance. 653-656 - Yahya Dogan, Musa Atas
Prediction of adaptive exposure time in hyperspectral bands for industrial cameras. 657-660 - Mesut Toka, Oguz Kucur, Bekir Sami Tezekici:
Performance of joint relay and antenna selection in the Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward relay networks. 661-664 - Emrullah Acar
, Mehmet Siraç Özerdem:
The texture feature extraction of Mardin agricultural field images by HOG algorithms and soil moisture estimation based on the image textures. 665 - Ugur Yayan, Fatih Inan, Furkan Guner, U. Gulsum Partal, Aylin Kale, Ahmet Yazici
Indoor mobile navigation software for blind people. 666-669 - Ugur Yayan, Fatih Inan, Furkan Guner, Ahmet Yazici
Comprehensive indoor remote tracking system. 670-673 - Gurkan Sahin, Banu Diri, Tugba Yildiz:
Pattern and semantic similarity based automatic extraction of hyponym-hypernym relation from Turkish corpus. 674-677 - Selcuk Aslan
, Celal Öztürk
Alignment of biological sequences by discrete Artificial Bee Colony algorithm. 678-681 - Yusuf Engin Tetik
, Aytekin Yildizhan
, Kadir Erol:
Improving the perceived quality of half tone secret images in visual cryptography. 682-685 - Yusuf Engin Tetik
, Sinan Ay, Seyfullah Alver:
A face recognition method robust to partial illumination. 686-689 - Muhammad Ilyas
, Oguz Bayat, Ömer Ileri:
Indoor location estimation by using MLE based algorithm on smallcell networks. 690-693 - Çagla Çig, Tevfik Metin Sezgin
Gaze-based real-time activity recognition for proactive interfaces. 694-697 - Murat Tuna, Ismail Koyuncu
, Can Bülent Fidan
, Ihsan Pehlivan
Real time implementation of a novel chaotic generator on FPGA. 698-701 - Asuman Günay
, Vasif V. Nabiyev:
Age estimation using hybrid features of facial images. 702-705 - Elif Tasdemir, Soheyl Gherekhloo, Tansal Gucluoglu:
Channel sounding realizations for indoor wireless communication. 706 - Bircan Kamislioglu
, Nurhan Karaboga:
QMF bank design with Cosh-Hamming window. 707-710 - Mohammad Shukri Salman
, Alaa Ali Hameed
, Cemil Turan
, Bekir Karlik
A new sparse convex combination of ZA-LLMS and RZA-LLMS algorithms. 711-714 - Selin Yilmaz, K. Tolga Bagci, A. Murat Tekalp
System architecture and emulator for multimedia streaming over multi-domain SDN. 715-718 - Mehmet Oturak, Seniha Esen Yüksel:
Aircraft recognition from satellite images. 719-722 - Orhan Can, Gurhan Kucuk, Sebnem Baydere, Anil O. Sarpkaya, Ozan Gursoy:
An experimental VoD server for IPTV. 723-726 - Engin Zeydan
, Ilgaz Kiliçgedik, H. Firat Köse, Ömer Dedeoglu, Tuncay Küçükikiz, Ilyas Alper Karatepe, Ahmet Serdar Tan:
An offloading platform using multiple attribute decision making for heterogeneous networks. 727-730 - Iren Saltali, Gökhan Ince
, Sanem Sariel
Sound source identification for scene analysis. 731-734 - Kazim Hanbay
, Muhammed Fatih Talu
, Omer Faruk Ozguven, Dursun Öztürk:
Fabric defect detection methods for circular knitting machines. 735-738 - Özer Özgün, Fatih Macit, Furkan Mertoglu, Taha Imeci:
Double U-slot microstrip patch antenna. 739-742 - Onder Aydemir:
Detection of highly motivated time segments of motor imagery brain computer interface signals. 743-746 - Ali Yüce, Nusret Tan
IIR filter design based on LabVIEW. 747-750 - Ergün Yücesoy
, Vasif V. Nabiyev:
Age and gender recognition of a speaker from short-duration phone conversations. 751-754 - Gaddafi Sani Shehu
, Abubakar Muhammad Ashir
, Alaa Eleyan
Character recognition using correlation & hamming distance. 755-758 - Seda Karadeniz Kartal, Mehmet Kemal Leblebicioglu, Emre Ege:
Vision-based navigation and system identification of underwater survey vehicle. 759-762 - Ceyda Nur Öztürk, Songul Albayrak
Edge detection on MR images with Marr-Hildreth method extended to third dimension. 763-766 - Tugce Dongel, Hakan Cevikalp:
Dimensionality reduction by using transductive learning and binary hierarchical trees. 767-770 - Ahmet Seckin Bilgi, Efkan Durmus, Habil Kalkan
, Gizem Ortaç
, Kadim Tasdemir:
An automated system for detecting the infected figs by hyperspectral image analysis. 771-774 - Mehmet Cemil Kale
, Gizem Atac
, Ömer Nezih Gerek:
Biorthogonal wavelet vanishing moment increment technique. 775-778 - Caner Ozcan
, Baha Sen
, Fatih Nar
Early-exit optimization using mixed norm despeckling for SAR images. 779-782 - Sertac Arisoy, Koray Kayabol:
Superpixel-based classification of SAR images. 783-786 - Engin Cemal Menguc
, Nurettin Acir:
A new approach to channel equalization problem. 787-790 - Sinem Bozkurt
, Serkan Günal
, Ugur Yayan, Veli Bayar:
Classifier selection for RF based indoor positioning. 791-794 - Omurcan Kumtepe, Gozde Bozdagi Akar
, Enes Yuncu:
On vehicle aggressive driving behavior detection using visual information. 795-798 - Seda Güzel Aydin, Turgay Kaya, Hasan Güler:
LabVIEW-based analysis of EEG signals in determination of sleep stages. 799-802 - Osman Selcuk, Figen Özen
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis using image processing techniques. 803-806 - Esra Çalik
, Buket Dogan
, Osman Nuri Uçan:
Computer Aided Detection of age related macular degeneration in retinal images. 807-810 - Arafat Sentürk, Zehra Karapinar, Resul Kara
Image compression techniques in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 811-814 - Ümit Özsandikcioglu, Ayten Atasoy
, Selda Guney
Classification of different objects with Artificial Neural Networks using electronic nose. 815-818 - Ayse Siddika Aydogdu, Poyraz Umut Hatipoglu, Levent Ozparlak, Seniha Esen Yüksel:
LWIR and MWIR images dimension reduction and anomaly detection with locally linear embedding. 819-822 - Haci Tasmaz:
Dual tree complex wavelet transform based speech enhancement. 823-826 - Ozkan Oguz, T. Engin Tuncer
Performance of a non-linear adaptive beamforming algorithm for signal-of-interest extraction. 827-830 - Abidin Çaliskan
, Ulus Çevik:
Overview of Computer Graphics and algorithms. 831-834 - Serdar Özgür Ata
, Ibrahim Altunbas
Relay antenna selection for V2V PLNC system. 835-838 - Özge Öztimur Karadag, Mehmet Akif Akkus, Sinan Kalkan
, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
An MRF framework for co-solving image segmentation and border ownership. 839-842 - Pelin Altinisik, Erhan Ergun:
Symmetrical triangular switching fuzzy filter with four directional average value center for the removal of salt and pepper noise. 843-846 - Kenan E. Ak, Hasan F. Ates
Scene segmentation and labeling using multi-hypothesis superpixels. 847-850 - Selen Ayas, Hulya Dogan, Eyüp Gedikli, Murat Ekinci:
Microscopic image segmentation based on firefly algorithm for detection of tuberculosis bacteria. 851-854 - Bekir Dizdaroglu:
Retinal vasculature segmentation based on fast level set method. 855-858 - Bekir Dizdaroglu:
Object normalization via decomposition of affine transform. 859-862 - Seda Kazdal, Buket Dogan
, Ali Yilmaz Çamurcu:
Computer-aided detection of brain tumors using image processing techniques. 863-866 - Caglar Uzun, Mübeccel Demirekler:
Stochastic dynamic programming based resource allocation for multi target tracking for electronically steered antenna radar. 867-870 - Recep Özdag
, Ali Karci
A novel routing protocol based on EM-L algorithm for energy efficiency of Wireless Sensor Networks. 871-874 - Savas Özkan, Ersin Esen, Medeni Soysal, Muhammed Selim Atar:
Fingerprint recognition with geometric relation of minutiae points. 875-878 - Kayhan Celik
, Hasan Hüseyin Sayan, Recep Demirci
Gradient adaptive Gaussian image filter. 879-882 - Unsal Kocatepe, Hilmi Öztürk, Necip Uygun:
The design and applications of LabVIEW controlled digital/analog telecommunications trainer. 883-886 - Melike Atay Karabalkan, Mehmet Oner:
Implementation of Match Filters as IP core for sonar applications. 887-890 - Furkan Cakmak
, Banu Diri:
Correction of Turkish characters with a web-based semantic method. 891-894 - Ahmet Mert
, Aydin Akan
Epilepsy detection using Empirical Mode Decomposition and detrended Fluctuation Analysis. 895-898 - Ahmet M. Elbir
, T. Engin Tuncer
Sparse signal recovery for localization of coherent far- and near-field signals. 899-902 - Ahmet Aris
, Sema F. Oktug
, Siddika Berna Örs Yalçin
Internet-of-Things security: Denial of service attacks. 903-906 - Gamze Nur Cerme, Mahmut Karakaya:
3D iris structure impact on iris recognition. 907-910 - Seda Kul, Süleyman Eken, Ahmet Sayar
Service oriented warning system for detection of abondened object in video surveillance. 911-914 - Halil Arslan
, Sinan Tüncel, Ahmet Gurkan Yuksek
Comparison of the Web based multimedia protocols for NAT traversal performance. 915-918 - Beste Ustubioglu, Güzin Ulutas, Vasif V. Nabiyev, Mustafa Ulutas
Image forgery detection based on energy probability. 919-922 - Ecmel Kaytazoglu, Nurettin Senyer
, Akan Karakus:
Sanal dünyada acıl tip eğıtımı altyapisinin kurulumu. 923-926 - Koray Açici, Hasan Ogul:
Comparison of similarity metrics in microarray experiment retrieval. 927-930 - Baris Yuksekkaya
, Hazer Inaltekin
, Cenk Toker
, Halim Yanikomeroglu:
Power control for two-tier SIMO-MIMO uplink under interference constraints. 931-934 - Tunç Asuroglu
, Emre Sümer:
Performance analysis of spatial and frequency domain filtering in high resolution images. 935-938 - Muhammad Usman Ghani
, Sumeyra Demir Kanik
, Ali Ozgur Argunsah
, Tolga Tasdizen, Devrim Ünay, Müjdat Çetin
Dendritic spine shape classification from two-photon microscopy images. 939-942 - Kemal Tugrul Yesilbek, Cansu Sen, Serike Cakmak, T. Metin Sezgin
SVM for sketch recognition: Which hyperparameter interval to try? 943-946 - Bedir Yilmaz, Muhammet Balcilar
, Mehmet Fatih Amasyali
, Sirma Yavuz
Human victim detection with Deformable Part Models. 947-950 - Düzgün Akmaz, Mehmet Salih Mamis
, Müslüm Arkan
, M. Emin Tagluk
Fault location on series compensated power transmission lines using transient spectrum. 951-954 - Ece Caglayan
, Tolga Esat Özkurt:
Spectral features of heart rate variability obtained from a video camera. 955-957 - Erhan Gundogdu:
Fast geodesic saliency map for Infrared Imagery. 958-961 - Gorkem Gok, Umut Orguner
Dynamic quantization for track fusion under communication constraints. 962-965 - Baris Konuk, Emin Zerman, Gozde Bozdagi Akar
, Gokce Nur
Content aware audiovisual quality assessment. 966-969 - Ferhat Ucar
, Besir Dandil
, Fikret Ata
Classification of power quality events using extreme learning machine. 970-973 - Erman Sargan, Basak Esin Köktürk
Detection of vessels in a retinal image using decomposed pixel classification method. 974-977 - Mehmet Bilim, Ibrahim Develi
, Nuri Kapucu
Error performance evaluation of DF cooperative IDMA systems over Weibull channels. 978-981 - Gokhan Tanisik, Erhan Gundogdu:
Bi-model visual tracking with correlation filters. 982-985 - Nuri Kapucu
, Ibrahim Develi
, Mehmet Bilim:
BER analysis of cooperative DS-CDMA systems over Weibull/Rayleigh fading channels. 986-989 - Sukru Durbas, Berna Özbek
Energy-efficient resource allocation for multiuser OFDM wireless networks. 990-993 - Mumtaz Yilmaz:
Performance enhancement for physical layer network coding via mapping diversity. 994-997 - Tufan Dogruer, Nusret Tan
Design of phase lead and phase lag filters for fractional order systems. 998-1001 - Ismail Melih Tas
, Bahar Ugurdogan, Huseyin Tas:
Integrating VoIP/UC security into the holistic information security planning. 1002-1005 - Bekir Berker Türker, Shabbir Marzban, M. Tevfik Sezgin
, Yucel Yemez, Engin Erzin
Affect burst detection using multi-modal cues. 1006-1009 - Ömer Özdil, A. Gunes:
Unsupervised hyperspectral image segmentation using adaptive bilateral filtering. 1010-1013 - Ilker Bayram, Aziz Kocanaogullari:
A Minimization Formulation for Source Separation with a Microphone Array. 1014-1017 - Aziz Kocanaogullari, Ilker Bayram:
A dereverberation formulation based on sparsity. 1018-1021 - Berrak Öztürk Simsek, Aydin Akan
, Baris Bozkurt
Fundamental frequency estimation for monophonical Turkish music by using VMD. 1022-1025 - M. Talha Öztürk, Yaser Dalveren
, Ali Kara:
Spectrum analysis of parabolic range gate pull-off (RGPO) signals. 1026-1029 - Ahmet Maruf Aytekin, Tevfik Aytekin
Locality sensitive hashing based scalable collaborative filtering. 1030-1033 - Meltem Kurt PehlIvanoõlu
, Burcu Kir Savas, Nevcihan Duru
LSB based steganography over video files using Koblitz's Method. 1034-1037 - Umut Can Karatas, Saygi Kaan Tuzcu, Taha Imeci:
RFID (radio-frequency identification) planar low loss antenna design. 1038-1041 - Eyüp Emre Ülkü, Ilker Bekmezci:
Multi token circulation for Multi-UAV systems. 1042-1045 - Busra Canak, Hazim Kemal Ekenel
Analyzing effects of face modalities. 1046-1049 - Cagatay Murat Yilmaz
, Cemal Köse:
Eye gaze direction detection using Principal Component Analysis and appearance based methods. 1050-1053 - Esra Aycan Beyazit, Berna Özbek
, Didier Le Ruyet:
Interference alignment with improved stream selection in heterogeneous networks. 1054-1057 - Mustafa Resit Tavus, Muhammed Emin Eker, Nurettin Senyer
, Bunyamin Karabulut:
Plant counting by using k-NN classification on UAVs images. 1058-1061 - Faruk Sukru Uslu:
Solving Knapsack Problem with Genetic Algorithm. 1062-1065 - Alper Akarsu, Tolga Girici:
Opportunistic device-to-device communication in wireless downlink. 1066-1069 - Derya Avci
, Mustafa Poyraz, Mehmet Kemal Leblebicioglu:
An expert system based on Discrete Wavelet Transform - ANFIS for acquisition and recognition of invariant features from texture images. 1070-1073 - Yekta Said Can
, Fatih Alagöz, Emre Özer, Mucahit Gundebahar:
Counterfeit gold identification using sound and image processing. 1074-1077 - Ibrahim Onur Sigirci
, Abdulkadir Albayrak
, Gokhan Bilgin
Detection of mitotic cells using completed local binary pattern in histopathological images. 1078-1081 - Bugra Engin, Ibrahim Altunbas
, Semiha Tedik Basaran
, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
Different numbers of subcarrier allocation in OFDMA systems via random bipartite graphs. 1082-1085 - Necmeddin Said Karakoc, Samil Karahan, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Iterative estimation of the eye pupil center. 1086-1089 - M. Emin Tagluk, Mehmet Salih Mamis
, Müslüm Arkan
, Ömer Faruk Ertugrul:
Detecting fault type and fault location in power transmission lines by extreme learning machines. 1090-1093 - Sevil Tuncer, Taner Tuncer
Determination of location using RSSI and LQI based on fuzzy logic. 1094-1097 - Okkes Tolga Altinöz, Erhan Mengusoglu:
Investigation of performance effect of input diversity on long term electricity demand forecasting. 1098-1101 - Ahmet Tabanlioglu, Adil Cagatay Yucedag, Mehmet Fatih Tüysüz, Mehmet Emin Tenekeci:
Multicopter usage for analysis productivity in agriculture on GAP region. 1102-1105 - Mohammed K. Al-Obaidi, Rasime Uyguroglu:
Microstrip Rotman lens fed array using multisection transition. 1106-1109 - Veli Baysal, Ergin Yilmaz, Mahmut Özer:
Effects of autapse on the transmission of localized rhythmic activity in small-world neuronal networks. 1110-1113 - Ergin Yilmaz, Veli Baysal, Mahmut Ozer:
Vibrational resonance in a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron. 1114-1117 - Orhan Yaman
, Mehmet Karaköse
, Erhan Akin
, Ilhan Aydin:
Image processing based fault detection approach for rail surface. 1118-1121 - Mehmet Saman, Mehmet Karaköse
, Erhan Akin
Dynamic Behavior analysis of PV cell With Lyapunov exponents. 1122-1125 - Sinan Nar, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Analysis of social media messages for disasters via semi supervised learning. 1126-1129 - Enes Aslan, Tugrul Karakaya, Ethem Unver, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
An optimization approach for invoice image analysis. 1130-1133 - Nader Vahdani Manaf, Temel Kayikçioglu:
Comparison of time difference variations of photoplethysmographic signals with different wavelengths. 1134-1137 - Mirac Kamislioglu, Fatih Kulahci
Time series analysis of 222Rn gas measurements received from Osmaniye region. 1138-1141 - Ebru Durmus, Nurhan Gürsel Özmen
Selection of proper electrodes and improving performance in brain computer interfaces. 1142-1145 - Jale Nur Mertoglu, Tuna Orhanli:
Speed bump detection system by autothresholding method. 1146-1149 - Selim Aras
, Ali Gangal, Yilmaz Bulbul
Classification of normalized healty and pathological lung sounds. 1150-1153 - Kaan Caliskan, Salih H. Ozkul, Hasan C. Sarigul, Yunus Emre Ozmen, Taha Imeci:
Ku Band microstrip patch antenna. 1154-1157 - Fidan Kaya Gülagiz
, Süleyman Eken, Adnan Kavak, Ahmet Sayar
Estimation of idle time for synchronization: A case study on Fatih project. 1158-1161 - Meryem Deniz, Baris Bidikli, Alper Bayrak
, Barbaros Ozdemirel
, Enver Tatlicioglu:
Modelling twin rotor system with artificial neural networks. 1162-1165 - Emre Ülkü, Önder Demir
, Kazim Yildiz, Zehra Yildiz
Fiber thickness measurement using image processing. 1166 - Ademola O. Kaka, Mehmet Toycan
Design of miniaturized and biocompatible implant antenna for retinal prosthesis systems. 1167-1170 - Selahattin Gökceli
, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
Implementation of real time channel based spectrum monitoring for 2.4 GHz ISM band. 1171-1174 - Leda Sari
, Murat Saraclar:
Discriminative training of the keyword search confusion model. 1175-1178 - Mehmet Fatih Tüysüz, Tuba Yuzgul:
Collision-free MAC approaches in wireless networks. 1179-1182 - Leda Sari
, Batuhan Gündogdu, Murat Saraclar:
Posteriorgram based approaches in keyword search. 1183-1186 - Deniz Kumlu, Ibrahim Hökelek:
Network traffic estimation using Markov chain and Incremental Gaussian Mixture. 1187-1190 - Rukiye Uzun, Mahmut Ozer:
The effect of channel blocking on first spike timing. 1191-1199 - Eda Akman Aydin
, Ömer Faruk Bay, Inan Güler
Classification of P300 event related potentials with Discrete Wavelet Transform. 1200-1203 - Masoud Maleki, Negin Manshouri, Temel Kayikçioglu:
A novel brain-computer interface based on the gaze rotating vane independent EEG. 1204-1207 - Emrehan Yavsan
, Aysegül Uçar
Teaching human gestures to humanoid robots by using Kinect sensor. 1208-1211 - Bayram Cevdet Akdeniz
, Burcu Tepekule, Ali Emre Pusane, Tuna Tugcu:
Network Coding applications in molecular communication. 1212-1215 - Fatih Ahmet Senel, Bayram Cetisli, Seyit Ahmet Guvenc, Ismail Tasci:
Optimum placement of the cutting patterns on the leather with image processing and optimization. 1216-1219 - Abdullah H. Ozcan
, Cem Ünsalan
Detecting inshore ships in satellite images. 1220-1223 - Abdullah H. Ozcan, Cem Ünsalan
LiDAR height data filtering using Empirical Mode Decomposition. 1224-1227 - Hande Erkaymaz, Mahmut Ozer, Ceren Kaya
, Ilhami Muharrem Orak
EOG based intelligent direction detect system with pre-filtering algorithm. 1228-1231 - Timur Duzenli, Olcay Akay:
Channel state prediction for cognitive radios with stochastically varying primary user traffic density. 1232-1235 - Selahattin Gökceli
, Hakan Alakoca, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
Design and implementation of a software defined radio based OFDMA network. 1236-1239 - Hanife Coskun, Seyma Yucer, Abdullah Akay, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Learning based automated teleoperation system. 1240-1243 - Canan Tastimur, Erhan Akin
, Mehmet Karaköse
, Ilhan Aydin:
Detection of rail faults using morphological feature extraction based image processing. 1244-1247 - Nigar Ozbey, Mehmet Karaköse
State change detection on PV panels based on image processing. 1248-1251 - Ahmet Beskardes, Merve Erkinay Özdemir, Serdar Yildirim:
Sinter Machine speed control based on thermal control. 1252-1255 - Kani K. Guner, Burcu Erkmen, Taylan O. Gulum, Ahmet Yasin Erdogan, Tulay Yildirim
, Lutfiye Durak-Ata
Improving Wigner-Hough Transform for hardware implementation to intercept LFMCW signals. 1256-1259 - Umit Kacar, Murvet Kirci
, Ece Olcay Günes
, Tolga Inan:
A comparison of PCA, LDA and DCVA in ear biometrics classification using SVM. 1260-1263 - Baris Bayram
, Gökhan Ince
Audio-visual human tracking for active robot perception. 1264-1267 - Fahrettin Ay
, Gökhan Ince
Application of pesticide using unmanned aerial vehicle. 1268-1271 - Mohammad N. S. Jahromi, Kemal Demirciler:
Modified segment constrained vector quantizer design. 1272-1275 - Hasan Gok, Umut Orhan
Computer aided determination of proportion of sand in a soil. 1276-1279 - Kadir Kebabci, M. Elif Karsligil
High priority tweet detection and summarization in natural disasters. 1280-1283 - Hüseyin Yildiz, Osman Torunoglu, Safak Saraydemir:
Increasing the performance of face recognition in near infrared region with Hierarchical Grouping. 1284-1287 - Gokhan Altan, Yakup Kutlu:
ECG based Human identification using Logspace Grid Analysis of Second Order Difference Plot. 1288-1291 - Özal Yildirim, Belkis Eristi, Hüseyin Eristi
, Sencer Unal
, Yavuz Erol
, Yakup Demir:
An FPGA based power quality monitoring system. 1292-1295 - Ozgur Gucer, Asli Birol, Tansal Gucluoglu:
Cooperative OFDM based maximum-ratio transmission. 1296 - Gorkem Arasil, Agah Oktay Ertay
, Ecem Kaplan:
Investigation of schizophrenic EEG signals using wavelet transform functions. 1297-1300 - Alper Yazar
, Cagatay Candan:
Analysis window length selection for linear signal models. 1301-1304 - Sila Ozen, Sema Oktug
Failure tolerant forwarding in wireless sensor networks. 1305-1308 - Gencer Vural, Muhittin Gokmen:
Facial feature detection using Conditional Regression Forests. 1309-1312 - Erkan Uslu
, Furkan Cakmak
, Muhammet Balcilar
, Mehmet Fatih Amasyali
, Sirma Yavuz
Frontier-based autonomous exploration algorithm implementation. 1313-1316 - Enes Celik
, Adil Kondiloglu:
Detection of fake banknotes with Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. 1317-1320 - Firat Sansal, Yunus Engin Gökdag, Hilal Kizilcabel, Yigit Daghan Gokdel:
Implementation of high-performance LSM using wavelet transformation analysis. 1321-1324 - Seda Dogan
, Ferkan Yilmaz
, Sarp Ertürk:
On the error performance bounds of positioning using RSSI-based fingerprints. 1325-1328 - M. A. Tugtekin Turan
, Engin Erzin
Artificial bandwidth extension of speech excitation. 1329-1332 - Ugur Ileri, Ali Calim
, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Mahmut Ozer:
The role of short-term synaptic depression and adaptive threshold on cortical irregular spike activity. 1333-1336 - Suleyman Emre Dagteke
, Sencer Unal
Comparative analysis of maximum power point tracking methods for rapid environmental changes. 1337-1340 - Burak Benligiray, Halil Ibrahim Cakir
, Cihan Topal
, Cuneyt Akinlar
Coin recognition based on geometric features. 1341 - Meryem Uzun-Per
, Muhittin Gökmen:
Face recognition with Local Walsh-Hadamard Transform around landmarks. 1342-1345 - Ibrahim Papila, Selçuk Paker, Mesut Kartal, Sedef Kent
Refocusing of moving targets in Spotlight SAR raw data. 1346-1349 - Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan, A. Coskun Sonmez:
Fractional-rate radiometer for spectrum sensing based on I/Q branch separation. 1350-1353 - Gökhan Özbulak, Muhittin Gokmen:
Corner detection by Local Zernike Moments. 1354-1357 - Ahmet Faruk Coskun, Oguz Kucur:
BER performance of three-phase digital network coding employing TAS/OFDM in the presence of imperfect channel state information. 1358-1361 - Seyit Ahmet Guvenc, Fatih Ahmet Senel, Bayram Cetisli:
Classification of processed hazelnuts with computer vision. 1362-1365 - Önder Halis Bettemir:
Detection of railway track from image by heuristic method. 1366-1369 - Mustafa Mentesoglu, Adnan Kavak, Mehmet Yakut, Ali Tangel, Suhap Sahin, Hikmetcan Ozcan
Design and implementation of a communication protocol for mobile device controlled smart home management system. 1370-1373 - Elif Bozkurt, Hossein Khaki, Sinan Keçeci, Bekir Berker Türker, Yucel Yemez, Engin Erzin
JESTKOD database: Dyadic interaction analysis. 1374-1377 - Necip Gözüaçik, Emine Yilmaz, Ferhat Tuncel, Kenan Sahin, Bahadir Özdemir, Ufuk Gurpinar, Ersin Bayramoglu, Oguzhan Yavuz, Ayse Belma Sahin Kaya:
Multi country support on VoIP switches: Central international switch. 1378-1380 - S. Goksel Eraldemir, Esen Yildirim:
Comparison of wavelets for classification of cognitive EEG signals. 1381-1384 - Aizat Aitelieva, Gökhan Çelik, Hasari Celebi:
Ray tracing-based channel modelling for VHF frequency band. 1385-1388 - Deniz Karaman, Necip Gözüaçik, Mustafa Olcay Alagoz, Haci Ilhan, Ugur Cagal, Oguzhan Yavuz:
Managing 6LoWPAN sensors with CoAP on internet. 1389-1392 - Remzi Arslanalp, Tolga Yucehan
Capacitance multiplier design by using CFOA-. 1393-1396 - Düzgün Akmaz, Mehmet Salih Mamis
Harmonic analysis in power systems with Discrete Fourier Transform. 1397-1400 - Seyfullah Alver, Sinan Ay, Yusuf Engin Tetik
A Novel approach for the detection of diabetic retinopathy disease. 1401-1404 - Mecit Yüzkat
, Bugra Sen, Hasan Kaan Caymaz, Fethullah Karabiber:
Implementation of data generator for process mining applications. 1405-1408 - Haldun M. Özaktas, Aykut Koç
Fast and accurate linear canonical transform algorithms. 1409-1412 - Ahmet Turan Özdemir, Ahmet Atci:
A TMS320C6416 DSP-based high-speed data acquisition system. 1413-1416 - Adem Ukte
, Aydin Kizilkaya
Adaptive noise cancellation with a multirate normalized least mean squares filter. 1417-1420 - Gürcan Lokman, Guray Yilmaz:
Target detection in hyperspectral images using support vector neural networks algorithm. 1421-1424 - Osman Levent Savkay, Vedat Tavsanoglu, Müstak Erhan Yalçin
, Evren Cesur:
Computer assisted sperm analysis system designed on a hybrid CPU + FPGA architecture. 1425-1428 - Hüseyin Yasar
, Murat Ceylan:
Investigation of image representation and denoising performances of real and complex valued fast finite shearlet transform. 1429-1432 - Yusuf Özçevik
, Müge Erel
, Berk Canberk
NOC based Banyan OpenFlow switch for Software Defined Networks. 1433-1436 - Cosku Oksuz, M. Kemal Güllü
Adaptive local thresholding based number plate detection. 1437-1440 - Hakan Alakoca, Mehmet Karaca, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
The impact of MAC layer parameters in system performance of 802.11ac multi-hop networks. 1441-1444 - Zehra Karhan
, Burhan Ergen
Content based medical image classification using discrete wavelet and cosine transforms. 1445-1448 - Mehmet Öztürk
Geometrical shape recognition based on CDF extreme points analysis. 1449-1452 - Mehmet Ozgun Demir, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
, Mehmet Karaca:
Analysis for reducing power consumption of wireless local area network access points. 1453-1456 - Ozlem Tugfe Demir, T. Engin Tuncer
Multicast beamforming with antenna selection using alternating maximization. 1457-1460 - Ozlem Tugfe Demir, T. Engin Tuncer
Discrete broadcast beamforming with antenna and user selection. 1461-1464 - Ozan Gul, Asim Kaygusuz
, Nusret Tan
Effect of shunt capacitors on power systems containing renewable energy resources. 1465-1468 - Nuh Alpaslan
, Asuman Kara, Busra Zencir, Davut Hanbay
Classification of breast masses in mammogram images using KNN. 1469-1472 - Engin Zeki, Tolga Çiloglu:
Enhanced Modelling of Guitar Distortion. 1473-1476 - Hakan Kalmac, Banu Diri:
moBraille: Mobile framework for visually impaired users. 1477-1480 - Abidin Çaliskan
, Ömer Faruk Ertugrul:
Wavelet transform based fingerprint recognition. 1481-1484 - Akin Ozel, Nusret Tan
Analysis of PFC and THD with the boost converter. 1485-1488 - Ebubekir Temizkan, Hasan Sakir Bilge, Reyyan Ozcan Temizkan:
Comparison of despeckle filters for endometrial ultrasound images. 1489-1492 - Ceyhun Alp, Sinan Isik, Cem Ersoy
Exploring the effects of monitoring and flow-rule timeout durations on load balancing in software defined networks. 1493-1496 - Sedat Metlek, Bayram Cetisli, Ahmet Fatih Senel:
Classification of travertine plates with image processing. 1497-1500 - Ali Recai Celik
Image processing on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. 1501-1504 - Merve Uslu, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
The impact of filters on the error vector magnitude in software defined radios. 1505-1508 - Yagmur Sabucu, Ali Emre Pusane, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
Applications of stable matching algorithm in wireless communication systems. 1509-1512 - Haluk Dilmen, Muhammed Fatih Talu
Tracking one dimension state space variables with particle filter method. 1513-1516 - Mehmet Fatih Tüysüz, Murat Uçan, Dilek Ayneli:
An energy-efficient medium access control over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 1517-1520 - Arzu Kakisim, Ibrahim Sogukpinar
Community detection in social networks using content and link analysis. 1521-1524 - Arda Ustubioglu, Güzin Ulutas, Mustafa Ulutas
A new watermark algorithm resistance to geometric transformations. 1525-1528 - Ece Egemen, Emre Inal, Albert Levi
Mobile malware classification based on permission data. 1529-1532 - Metin Aktas
, Toygar Akgun
, Duygu Buyukaydin, Huseyin Ozkan
Acoustic direction finding under high reverberation. 1533-1536 - Selva Muratoglu Çürük
Channel estimation for OFDM systems in Power Line Communication. 1537-1540 - Zehra Karhan, Aykut Karakaya
, Nurettin Senyer
, Gökhan Kayhan:
Bird's-eye view images taken plant material and counting. 1541-1544 - Esra Gulsen, Hakan Gündüz
, Zehra Cataltepe, Levent Serinol:
Big data feature selection and projection for gender prediction based on user web behaviour. 1545-1548 - Alper Karahan, Ismail Erturk, Sedat Atmaca
, Suleyman Cakici:
Energy efficient hybrid MAC protocol for large scale wireless sensor networks. 1549-1552 - Gorkem Gurel, Selcuk Keskin:
Emergency Recovery for Small Cell Management System. 1553-1556 - H. Seckin Demir:
A comparison of focus measures for autofocus systems in IR cameras. 1558-1561 - Kevser Onur:
Braille-2 automatic interpretation system. 1562-1565 - Baris Erol, Bahri Cagliyan, Burkan Tekeli, Sevgi Zubeyde Gurbuz
Data-dependent micro-Doppler feature selection. 1566-1569 - Hasan Sercan Atli
, Baris Bozkurt
Automatic tonic identification method for Turkish makam music. 1570-1573 - Ugur Kose, Adil Emre Ozen, Çetin Kurnaz:
The effect of wireless radio channel on WCDMA system with paralel interference cancellation. 1574-1577 - Hasan Badem
, Eyup Yalcin, Mahit Gunes:
Accelerated intuitionistic fuzzy edge detection algorithm by using CUDA. 1578-1581 - Aysun Tasyapi Çelebi, Ramazan Duvar, Oguzhan Urhan
High dynamic range imaging on a mobile device using single input image. 1582-1585 - Filiz Gurkan, Bilge Günsel
, Erdem Basyurt:
Integration of motion and localization features for head movement classification. 1586-1589 - Süleyman Gökhun Tanyer, Sitki Çagdas Inam
, Kumru Didem Atalay:
Analysis of true random number generation method utilizing FM radio signals. 1590-1593 - Hasan Ihsan Turhan, Mübeccel Demirekler:
Air target classification based on Dempster-Shafer approach. 1594-1597 - Erhan Sesli
, Gokce Hacioglu, Volkan Gangal:
Performance analysis of positioning based velocity estimation methods for vehicles in ITS. 1598-1601 - Mehmet Onur Sarkan, Aysel Akcakoca, Can Kucukakdag, Zehra Cataltepe:
Alarm correlation using Apriori algorithm. 1602-1605 - Mahmoud Nazzal
, Hüseyin Özkaramanli:
Directionally-structured dictionary learning and sparse representation based on subspace projections. 1606-1610 - Edip Ertugrul, Mehmet Sahin, Fikri Aggun:
Estimating solar radiation by machine learning methods. 1611-1614 - Nazli Tekin
, Kadir A. Peker:
Matching day and night location images using SIFT and logistic regression. 1615-1618 - Ozge Makul, Murat Ekinci:
Development and implementation of multibiometric on palm finger joint and palm pattern. 1619-1622 - Ömer Sayli
Detection of spike-wave discharges in the EEG signals of WAG/Rij rats. 1623-1626 - Erdinç Avaroglu:
Statistical investigation of design Knut Wold TRNG. 1627-1630 - Ufuk Tamer
, Cansu Sunu, Emre Aktas, Ali Özgür Yilmaz:
Performance analysis of beamforming techniques in MU-MIMO systems with residual RF impairments. 1631-1634 - Bekir Parlak, Alper Kursat Uysal:
Classification of medical documents according to diseases. 1635-1638 - Fatma Nur Aki, Ali Boyaci, Serhan Yarkan:
High-resolution multi-band spectrum occupancy measurements and evaluations at 900MHz downlink band for Istanbul metropolitan. 1639-1642 - Zeynep Kaya
, Erol Seke:
Implementation of numerically controlled oscilator that uses De Moivre identity and trigonometric relations. 1643-1646 - Çagdas Topçu
, Arzu Akgül, Merve Bedeloglu, Ela Naz Döger, Refik Sever, Ozlenen Ozkan, Omer Ozkan, Hilmi Uysal, Ovunc Polat, Ömer Halil Çolak:
Entropy analysis of surface EMG for classification of face movements. 1647-1650 - Gizem Kalender, Mustafa Seçmen
, Emine Yesim Zoral
Metamaterial characteristics of dielectric resonator arrays in rectangular waveguide and free space. 1651-1654 - Sibel Birtane Akar
, Ozgur Koray Sahingoz
Solving asymmetric traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithm. 1655-1659 - Sultan Aldirmaz Çolak, Sarp Ertürk, Serkan Turan:
An approach for non-uniform resampling of radar range data. 1660-1663 - Hanife Kucuk, Ilyas Eminoglu:
Classification of ALS disease using support vector machines. 1664-1667 - Ayse Arslan, Baha Sen
Detection of non-coding RNA's with optimized support vector machines. 1668-1671 - Savas Özkan, Medeni Soysal, Ersin Esen, Gozde Bozdagi Akar
Represent, reduce, classify: The essential stages for scene recognition. 1672-1675 - Hilal Koc, Gulsah Kadihasanoglu, M. Dilruba Geyikoglu, M. Emin Dertli, Bulent Cavusoglu, I. Yücel Özbek
, Emin Argun Oral, Ahmet Hacimuftuoglu, Erdal Sonmez
, Tevhit Karacali
, Mehmet Ertugrul
, Hasan Efeoglu:
Improving the limit of detection (LOD) of microsensor used in detection of brain diseases via wavelet filter. 1676-1679 - Erdem Demircioglu, Senol Gülgönül
, Ahmet Fazil Yagli, Hasan Huseyin Ertok:
GNSS augmentation and regional positioning systems over Turksat communication satellites. 1680-1683 - Alparslan Fisne, Cenk Toker
Analysis of clipping noise in visible light communications. 1684-1687 - Itir Onal, Emre Aksan, Burak Velioglu, Orhan Firat, Mete Ozay, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
Bilişsel durum analizi i~in beyin Aği modeli. 1688-1692 - Ahmet Güner, Mehmet Üstündag
Performance analysis of fourth order cumulant method in direction of arrival estimation. 1693-1696 - Goksel Uctu, Melda Yuksel
Maximal ratio combining with energy harvesting multi-antenna receivers. 1697-1700 - Kazim Firildak
, Mehmet Karaköse
Negative selection based shadow detection algorithm. 1701-1704 - Emre Erkan
, Hasan Riza Özçalik, Saban Yilmaz:
Designing a smart security camera system. 1705-1708 - Özgür Özugur, Tolga Sönmez, Abdil Burak Basli, Mehmet Kemal Leblebicioglu:
Atış tespit sistemleri İçin duyarlılık analizi. 1709-1716 - Huseyin Abaci, Mahmut Sinecen
Performance analysis of e-Learning server. 1717-1720 - Yalcin Ozveren, Cihat Cetinkaya
, Müge Sayit:
Performance evaluation of DASH rate adaptation algorithms. 1721-1724 - Türker Tuncer, Engin Avci, Resul Çöteli:
A new method for object detection from binary images. 1725-1728 - Ömer Emre Yetgin, Ömer Nezih Gerek:
Segmentaton performance comparison over HDR images. 1729-1732 - Fatih Özkaynak, Halil Ibrahim Ozdemir, Ahmet Bedri Özer
Cryptographic random number generator for mobile devices. 1733-1736 - Keivan Bahmani, Ramin Bakhshi, Erhan A. Ince
, Cenk M. Yetis:
Interference management in two-tier heterogeneous networks using blind interference alignment. 1737-1740 - Beste Ustubioglu, Selen Ayas, Hulya Dogan, Güzin Ulutas:
Image forgery detection based on Colour SIFT. 1741-1744 - Deniz Gurkaynak, Hulya Yalcin:
Recognition and classification of human activity from RGB-D videos. 1745-1748 - Elif Baykal, Murat Ekinci:
Extraction of unrestricted palm patterns in a 3D environment and its application in biometrics. 1749-1752 - Türker Tuncer, Engin Avci:
A new data hiding algorithm based on direction vector for digital images. 1753-1756 - Necla Bandirmali
, Murat Torlak:
BLUE-based real-time location estimation using indoor RSSI measurements. 1757-1760 - Erdal Güvenoglu
, Mehmet Ali Aksoy Tuysuz:
An improvement for Knutt/Durstenfeld algorithm based image encryption. 1761-1764 - Ozgun Pinarer
, Atay Ozgovde
Application specific dynamic sleep scheduling. 1765-1768 - Huseyin Cukur, Hamidullah Binol, Abdullah Bal:
A heuristic-based band selection approach to improve classification accuracy in hyperspectral images. 1769-1772 - Fatih Kahraman
, Mumin Imamoglu, Busra Yuksel Ozcan, Cengiz Huroglu, Tolga Alasag, Omer Faruk Gemici, Muhammet A. Hocaoglu, Hasan F. Ates
VİSKON-RS: Rapid damage assessment software with remote sensing. 1773-1776 - Abubakar Muhammad Ashir
, Alaa Eleyan
A multi-resolution approach for edge detection using Ant Colony Optimization. 1777-1780 - Okkes Tolga Altinöz, Asim Egemen Yilmaz:
Length formulation extraction of rectangular patch antenna by using self organizing migration algorithm. 1781-1784 - Ismail Karadogan, Resul Das
Analysis of attack types on TCP/IP based networks via exploiting protocols. 1785-1788 - Can Uysal
, Tansu Filik:
A sparse approach for the presence detection of long-code DS-SS signals. 1789-1792 - Okkes Tolga Altinöz, Asim Egemen Yilmaz:
Parallelization of Hooke-Jeeves pattern recognition algorithm by using CUDA for GPGPU. 1793-1796 - Emrah Donmez
, Payam Vakil Zadeh:
A modified graph based approach for leaf segmentation with GPGPU support. 1797-1800 - Aykut Cubukcu, Melih Kuncan
, Kaplan Kaplan
, H. Metin Ertunç:
Development of a voice-controlled home automation using Zigbee module. 1801-1804 - Fatih Okumus
, Adnan Fatih Kocamaz
, Mustafa Erkan Ozgur
Detection and counting of Oncorhynchus Mykiss spermatozoa. 1805-1808 - Fatih Özyurt
, Engin Avci, Taner Çevik:
Performance analysis of the structural factors in the communication of the wireless sensor network. 1809-1812 - Fatih Kahraman
, Cengiz Huroglu, Mumin Imamoglu, Busra Yuksel Ozcan, Muhammed I. Kalkan, Muhammet A. Hocaoglu, Ergin Öztürk, Binnur Kurt:
Enterprise crowdsourcing platform for geospatial image analysis. 1813-1816 - Uygar Demir, Cenk Toker
, Hazer Inaltekin
Optimal power control in two-tier networks at low-SNR regime. 1817-1820 - Faruk Baturalp Gunay, Tugrul Çavdar
Unmanned mobile fleet application with sensor networks. 1821-1824 - Mustafa Fatih Tunali, Mehmet Gokturk:
Effects of HMD on 2D object interaction in 3D virtual environments. 1825-1828 - Ismail Koyuncu
, Özdemir Çetin, Ferzan Katircioglu, Murat Tuna:
Edge dedection application with FPGA based Sobel operator. 1829-1832 - Ugur Alkasi
, Tughan Caglayan, Habibullah Ahmadzay, Mehmet Çayören
Multiband monopole antenna design for microwave imaging applications. 1833-1836 - Ozan Özdenizci, Timm Meyer, Müjdat Çetin
, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
Adaptive neurofeedback on parieto-occipital cortex for motor learning performance. 1837-1840 - Ismail Yilmaz, Sumeyra Demir Kanik
, Tolga Tasdizen, Müjdat Çetin
Semi-supervised adaptation of motor imagery based BCI systems. 1841-1844 - Onur Karatalay, Serhat Erküçük
, Tunçer Baykas
Busy tone implementation for coexistence of IEEE 802.22 and 802.11af systems. 1845-1848 - Dilek Surucu, Murat Surucu
, Kerem Koksal, Rifat Hacioglu:
Visual tracking and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1849-1852 - Utku Çelikok, Neslihan Serap Sengör:
A computational model on affects of subcortical oscillations during working memory. 1853-1856 - Elvan Duman, Osman Ayhan Erdem
Edge preserving image denoising method based on averaging. 1857-1860 - Mehmet Zeki Konyar, Sarp Ertürk:
Enhancement of ultrasound images with bilateral filter and Rayleigh CLAHE. 1861-1864 - Mikail Yilan
, Mehmet Kemal Özdemir:
A simple approach to traffic density estimation by using Kernel Density Estimation. 1865-1868 - Seda Ustun Ercan, Çetin Kurnaz:
Investigation of blind and pilot based channel estimation performances in MIMO-OFDM system. 1869-1872 - Bike Kilic, Lavdie Rada, Ertunc Erdil, Ali Ozgur Argunsah
, Müjdat Çetin
, Devrim Ünay:
Automated dendritic spine tracking on 2-photon microscopic images. 1873-1876 - Volkan Gangal
, Gokce Hacioglu, Erhan Sesli
Energy efficient multihop routing in wireless sensor networks based on ant colony algorithm. 1877-1880 - Evren Çatak, Lutfiye Durak-Ata
, Haci Ali Mantar:
Enhanced physical layer security by OFDM signal transmission in fractional Fourier domains. 1881-1884 - Cemal Keles, Asim Kaygusuz
Communication opportunities in smart grids. 1885-1888 - Ilker Buzcu, A. Aydin Alatan:
Superpixel based unsupervised change detection of manmade targets on satellite images. 1889-1892 - Ramazan Özgür Dogan
, Hülya Dogan, Cemal Köse:
Virtual mouse control with hand gesture information extraction and tracking. 1893-1896 - Tughan Caglayan, Habibullah Ahmadzay, Gokhan Kofraz:
Real-time traffic sign recognition based on shape and color classification. 1897-1900 - Onur Yorulmaz, Oguzhan Oguz, Ece Akhan, Donus Tuncel, Rengül Çetin-Atalay
, A. Enis Çetin
Wavelet merged multi-resolution super-pixels and their applications on fluorescent MSC images. 1901-1904 - Elif Haytaoglu
, Mehmet Emin Dalkiliç:
Managing TCP connections of file reconstruction process in erasure codes. 1905-1908 - Ipek Toker, Berat Dogan
, Sedef Kent Pinar
Segmentation of brain MRI images by using type-II fuzzy clustering algorithm. 1909-1912 - Seda Ustun Ercan:
In-band interference reduction by using wiener filter in radio channel data. 1913-1916 - Nesli Erdogmus, Mustafa Özuysal
Scene text localization using keypoints. 1917-1920 - Nuray Gul, Hakan Tora:
Recognition of Hand-Sketched digital logic gates. 1921-1924 - Kaplan Kaplan
, Melih Kuncan
, H. Metin Ertunç:
Prediction of bearing fault size by using model of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. 1925-1928 - Polat Goktas, Satilmis Topcu
, Ezhan Karasan
, Ayhan Altintas
Evaluating spatial diversity technique for mitigating multipath fading of fixed terrestrial point-to-point systems. 1929-1932 - Ersin Esen, Ilkay Atil:
Effects of standard image processing methods on steganalysis. 1933-1936 - Yakup Sahin, Eylem Erdogan
, Tansal Gucluoglu:
Detect and forward based two-way relay systems with maximum-ratio transceivers. 1937 - Tugkan Demirci, Fatma Çaliskan, Elif Aydin:
Microstrip antennas for WiMAX applications. 1938-1941 - Burcu Akmansayar, Salman Kurtulan
, Siddika Berna Örs
Design of core blocks and implementation on a programmable logic controller for a train signalization system. 1942-1945 - Mehmet Ali Arabaci, Ersin Esen:
Video copy detection using motion co-occurrence feature. 1946-1949 - Erdal Epcacan, Tolga Çiloglu, Cagatay Candan, Erdal Mehmetcik
Removing grating lobes in sparse sensor arrays with a nonlinear approach. 1950-1953 - Zekeriya Senturk, Yunus Emre Vatankulu, Yilmaz Durna
A new steganographic approach based on color change with LSB method. 1954-1956 - Faezeh Yeganli, Mahmoud Nazzal
, Hüseyin Özkaramanli:
Selective super-resolution via sparse representations of sharp image patches using multiple dictionaries and bicubic interpolation. 1957-1960 - Mehmet Hakan Durak
, Erol Seke, Kemal Özkan:
Denoising speech signal using common vector approach. 1961-1964 - Ibrahim Sefa
, Funda Battal
A harmonic analysis using parallel computing. 1965-1968 - Polat Goktas, Satilmis Topcu
, Ezhan Karasan
, Ayhan Altintas
Interference analysis of fixed terrestrial microwave LOS/NLOS radio links. 1969-1972 - Zeynel Deprem, A. Enis Çetin
Kernel estimation for Time-frequency distribution. 1973-1976 - M. Furkan Bahat, Tansu Filik:
GPS-based antenna tracking and signal beamforming system for small UAV platform. 1977-1980 - Bilal Iscimen, Yakup Kutlu, Ali Uyan
, Cemal Turan:
Classification of fish species with two dorsal fins using centroid-contour distance. 1981-1984 - Bilge Suheyla Akkoca, Muhittin Gokmen:
Automatic smile recognition from face images. 1985-1988 - Serdar Kockanat, Turker Koza, Nurhan Karaboga:
IIR filter paramater estimation with ABC algorithm for mitral valve Doppler signal denoising. 1989-1992 - Hasan Kivrak
, Hatice Kose
Learning by imitation and implementation of sign language gestures by a humanoid robot. 1993-1996 - Necati Cihan Camgöz, Berk Gökberk
, Lale Akarun
Facial landmark localization in depth images using Supervised Descent Method. 1997-2000 - Sezer Ulukaya
, Ipek Sen, Yasemin P. Kahya:
A novel method for determination of wheeze type. 2001-2004 - Ugur Guven Adar, Levent Bayindir
Door detection using camera images obtained from indoor enviroments. 2005-2008 - Yahya Sirin, M. Fatih Demirci
3D shape recognition: Enhanced skeletal points. 2009-2012 - Hikmetcan Ozcan
, Suhap Sahin, Mustafa Mentesoglu, Fatih Pir:
Indoor reduction of noise in RF signal with Kalman Filter. 2013-2016 - Ali Boyaci, Taha Imeci:
A symmetric U-slot microstrip patch antenna design. 2017-2020 - Turker Koza, Serdar Kockanat, Nurhan Karaboga
, Fatma Latifoglu:
SSA analysis of noise eliminated Transcranial Doppler Signals with IIR filters. 2021-2024 - Nurullah Çalik, Lutfiye Durak-Ata
, Ahmet Serbes
, Bülent Bolat, Emrah Yavuz:
Performance analysis of feature extraction methods in indoor sound classification. 2025-2028 - Beril Besbinar, Yeti Ziya Gurbuz, A. Aydin Alatan:
Inshore ship detection in multispectral satellite images. 2029-2032 - Meltem Yavuz Celikdemir, Ayhan Akbal:
Examining the structure cracks in concrete structures exposed to high temperatures. 2033-2036 - Mehmet Abbak, Agah Oktay Ertay
, Serkan Simsek
A wideband CPW-fed microstrip antenna design for wireless communication applications. 2037 - Emine Gul Danaci, Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis:
A comparison of low-level features for visual attribute recognition. 2038-2041 - Yunus Emre Caliskan, Gökhan Ince
Emotion recognition using auditory cues. 2042-2045 - Mehmet Erdal Özbek
Zero crossings of intrinsic mode functions for single channel source separation. 2046-2049 - Rida Khan, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
, Ibrahim Altunbas
Decoding failure probability of random network coding systems in fading channels. 2050-2053 - Huseyin Guruler
, Musa Peker:
A software tool for complex-valued neural network: CV-ANN. 2054-2057 - Merve Acar, Hamed Shamsi, Oguzhan Oyar, I. Yücel Özbek
, Ahmet Hacimuftuoglu, Bulent Cavusoglu, Emin Argun Oral, Tevhit Karacali
, Erdal Sonmez
, Mehmet Ertugrul
, Hasan Efeoglu:
Microelectrod fabrication for diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. 2058-2061 - Erhan Sezgin
, Murat Gol
, Özgül Salor:
Determination of harmonic current contributions of plants supplied from PCC based on state estimation. 2062-2065 - Sinem Bozkurt
, Ahmet Yazici
, Serkan Günal
, Ugur Yayan:
A survey on RF mapping for indoor positioning. 2066-2069 - Cem Baytöre, Mehmet Can Ozgonul, Merih Palandöken
, Basak Ozbakis, Adnan Kaya:
Low cost dual band monopole antenna design and analysis for 802.11 b/g/n/ac standards. 2070-2073 - Kurtulus Karasu, Muhammet Bastan:
Turkish OCR on mobile and scanned document images. 2074-2077 - Yoney Kirsal Ever, Yonal Kirsal, Enver Ever
Approaches to modelling and analysis of performability evaluation in wireless environments. 2078-2081 - Cem Baytöre, Merih Palandöken
, Adnan Kaya, Emine Yesim Zoral
Compact multiband MIMO antenna designs and analysis for 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN MIMO systems. 2082-2085 - Abdulkadir Can Cakir, Halil Yigit:
Channel effect on performance of energy based spectrum sensing in MIMO cognitive radio. 2086-2089 - Ahmet Cagri Bagbaba
, Berna Örs
, Osman Semih Kayhan, Ahmet Turan Erozan:
JPEG image Encryption via TEA algorithm. 2090-2093 - Mustafa Bilgehan Imamoglu, Mustafa Ulutas
, Güzin Ulutas:
A watermarking technique for relational databases based on partitioning. 2094-2097 - Furkan Eren Uzyildirim
, Ali Koksal, Mustafa Özuysal
A detailed analysis of MSER and FAST repeatibility. 2098-2101 - Anil Yesilkaya, Hüseyin Fuat Alsan, Farshad Miramirkhani
, Erdal Panayirci, Habib Senol
, Murat Uysal
Modeling of visible light channels and performance analysis of ACO-OFDM. 2102-2105 - Hasan Sakir Bilge, Yerzhan Kerimbekov:
Classification with Lorentzian distance metric. 2106-2109 - Kadir Guzel, Olcay Kursun
Improving spectral clustering using path-based connectivity. 2110-2113 - Emre Ertugrul, Selda Guney
Investigation of harmonic estimation using imperalist competitive algorithm method. 2114-2118 - Sema Cosgun, I. Yücel Özbek
Gender prediction based on the expiratory flow volume curve. 2119-2121 - Yavuz Selim Bozan, Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer, Baris Ozyer:
Estimation of center of mass of the object to be held by barycentric coordinate system and polygon parcelling. 2122-2125 - Kemal Gurkan Toker, Seniha Esen Yüksel:
Accelerating classification time in Hyperspectral Images. 2126-2129 - Begüm Demir
, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A novel active learning method for content based remote sensing image retrieval. 2130-2133 - Kenan Gençol
, Ali Kara, Nuray At:
New wavelet-based features for the recognition of jittered and stagger PRI modulation types. 2134-2137 - Ozlem Tugfe Demir, T. Engin Tuncer
Discrete relay beamforming for broadcasting with relay selection. 2138-2141 - Yunus E. Yamac
, S. Cumhur Basaran:
Dual band planar inverted F antenna design for WLAN and WiMAX applications. 2142-2144 - Bahri Abaci, Tayfun Akgul
Matching facial attributes in caricature-photograph pairs. 2145-2148 - Alican Uysal, Osman Ceylan
, H. Bulent Yagci, Cevdet Isik:
Design of a circularly polarized microstrip antenna array at 2.45 GHz. 2149-2152 - Umit Kacar, Deniz Kumlu, Murvet Kirci
A Novel approach for automatic ship type classification. 2153-2156 - Ahmet Turan Erozan, Ayse Siddika Aydogdu, Berna Örs
Application specific processor design for DCT based applications. 2157-2160 - Emrah Onat
, Ömer Özdil:
Traffic sign classification using hough transform and SVM. 2161-2165 - Davut Çesmeci, Ali Can Karaca
, Alp Ertürk, Sarp Ertürk:
Local spectral gradient based gas detection in LWIR hyperspectral images. 2166-2169 - Semiha Tedik Basaran
, Gunes Karabulut-Kurt
, Bugra Engin, Ibrahim Altunbas
Joint power and subcarrier allocation in OFDMA systems. 2170-2173 - Hayati Ture, Temel Kayikçioglu:
Classification of salient dense regions in mammograms based on the minimum nesting depth approach. 2174-2177 - Tolga Öztürk, Yalçin Albayrak, Ovunc Polat:
Object tracking by PI control and image processing on embedded systems. 2178-2181 - Mustafa Berkan Bicer
, Ali Akdagli, Caner Özdemir:
Breast cancer detection using inverse radon transform with microwave image technique. 2182-2185 - Bahri Abaci, Tayfun Akgul
Detecting face-looking images. 2186-2189 - Hasan Basri Çelebi
, Lutfiye Durak-Ata
Spectrum sensing with periodic non-uniform sampling. 2190 - Ece Naz Erdemir, T. Engin Tuncer
Wireless sensor network localization using alternating minimization algorithm. 2191-2194 - Özcan Dülger, Halit Oguztüzün
, Mübeccel Demirekler:
Implementation of the sampling importance resampling particle filter algorithm in graphics processing unit. 2195-2198 - Muhammet Üsame Öziç
, Yüksel Özbay, Ahmet Hakan Ekmekci:
Classification of dementia with ANN using multiple variable. 2199-2202 - Mahmut Emin Celik, Irfan Karagoz:
A new offline spike detection approach for neural signals recorded from rabbit retina ganglion cell layer. 2203-2205 - Yunus Karamavus, Hasan Basri Çelebi
, Yildiz Uludag, Mehmed Özkan
Design of a new optic probe for diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. 2206-2209 - Eyyup Temlioglu, Isin Erer
Sparse representations based clutter removal in GPR images. 2210-2213 - Hakan Aktas, Refik Sever, Behcet Ugur Töreyin
A two stage template matching algorithm and its İmplementation on FPGA. 2214-2217 - Doga Erisik, Ahmet Karaman, Gülfem Isiklar Alptekin, Özlem Durmaz Incel
, Okan Burcak, Mustafa Isbilen:
Design of sensor-based augmented reality software (SARAS). 2218-2221 - Cansin Turguner, Ozgur Koray Sahingoz
The study of experimental data transmission in wireless sensor networks. 2222-2225 - Ali Can Karaca
, Davut Çesmeci, Alp Ertürk, Sarp Ertürk:
Hybrid change detection approach in hyperspectral images. 2226-2229 - Orhan Akbulut, Aysun Tasyapi Çelebi, Oguzhan Urhan
Implementation of truncated gray-coded bit-plane matching based motion estimation to HEVC. 2230-2233 - Tuna Orhanli, Atila Yilmaz:
Application and comparison of finite state control of above-knee prosthesis with pneumatic cylinder at different phases. 2234-2237 - Ezgi Ekiz
, Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis:
A multiple region selection based approach for scene recognition. 2238-2241 - Serap Kirbiz
, Antoine Liutkus, A. Taylan Cemgil
Dialogue enhancement using kernel additive modelling. 2242-2245 - Nicat Nasirov
, Songul Albayrak
Modelling user's location check-ins on location-based social networks. 2246-2249 - Yasar Dasdemir
, Serdar Yildirim, Esen Yildirim:
Classification of emotion primitives from EEG signals using visual and audio stimuli. 2250-2253 - Isil Karabey, Levent Bayindir
An evaluation of fingerprint-based indoor localization techniques. 2254-2257 - Mevlut Said Saracoglu, Dogukan Sahin, Tuna Orhanli, Atila Yilmaz:
Application of wireless, embedded microcontroller circuit for a semi-active above-knee prosthesis with pneumatic cylinder. 2258-2261 - Ali Calim
, Ugur Ileri, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Mahmut Ozer:
Effects of synaptic reliability on the regularity of neuronal firing. 2262-2265 - Osman Demirci, Murat Varul, Nurettin Senyer
, Mehmet Serhat Odabas:
Plant counting with low altitude image processing. 2266-2269 - Ramazan Akkilinc, Asim Kaygusuz
Application of reactive power compensation to systems with renewable energy sources. 2270-2273 - Osman Tayfun Biskin, Olcay Akay:
A method for robustifying classical nonparametric spectral estimation techniques. 2274-2277 - Coskun Aydemir, Ali Cafer Gürbüz
, Israfil Bahceci:
Non-Linear junction detectors: Experimental performance analysis. 2278-2281 - Bilge Ustun, Kemal Avci
A New hybrid window based on Cosh and Hamming windows for nonrecursive digital filter design. 2282-2285 - Yilmaz Durna
, Fikret Ari
Real time pupil-corneal reflection following with Labview. 2286-2289 - Yeti Ziya Gurbuz, A. Aydin Alatan, Cevahir Cigla:
Sparse recursive cost aggregation towards O(1) complexity local stereo matching. 2290-2293 - M. Erdem Isenkul
, Olcay Kursun
, Oleg V. Favorov
Multiview classification tests using cortical Layer-4 image representation. 2294-2297 - Ummu Seleme Unal, Ethem Unver, Tugrul Karakaya, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Invoice Content table analysis with feature fusion. 2298-2301 - Okan Can, Ozgur Koray Sahingoz
An intrusion detection system based on neural network. 2302-2305 - Baran Uslu, Hakan Tora:
Segmentation of isolated words into voiced-unvoiced sound components by kurtosis. 2306-2309 - Ihsan Süle
, Cihan Sule:
Investigation of the production properties of fancy yarns using image processing method. 2310-2313 - Ihsan Ilhan, Ali Cafer Gürbüz
Finding sparse parametric shapes from low number of imase measurements. 2314-2317 - Yunus Ozen, Necla Bandirmali
, Cüneyt Bayilmis
Two tiered service differentiation mechanism for wireless multimedia sensor network MAC layers. 2318-2321 - Kamil Yurtkan, Hamit Soyel
, Hasan Demirel:
Entropy driven feature selection for facial expression recognition based on 3-D facial feature distances. 2322-2325 - Ugur Alkasi
, Can Suer, Ozge Dok:
Microstrip patch antenna design for biomedical applications. 2326-2328 - Didem Ozisik Baskurt, Fatih Ömrüuzun
, Yasemin Yardimci Çetin:
Hyperspectral unmixing based analysis of forested areas. 2329-2332 - Abdurrahim Soganli, Müjdat Çetin
Sparsity-driven SAR image reconstruction via low-rank sparse matrix decomposition. 2333-2336 - Ersin Ozuag, Sarp Ertürk:
Image sequences synchronization by using projective geometry properties. 2337-2340 - Fatih Ömrüuzun
, Yasemin Yardimci Çetin:
Gas detection in longwave infrared hyperspectral imagery and black body effect compensation. 2341-2344 - Yavuz Selim Bozan, Onder Coban, Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer, Baris Ozyer
SMS spam filtering based on text classification and expert system. 2345-2348 - Onur Güngör
, Suzan Üsküdarli
, A. Taylan Cemgil
DRENAJ: Distributed social media data collection system. 2349-2352 - Caglar Oflazoglu
, Serdar Yildirim:
Binary classification performances of emotion classes for Turkish Emotional Speech. 2353-2356 - Mehmet Abbak, Agah Oktay Ertay
, Can Suer:
A compact CPW-fed wide band microstrip antenna design for mobile applications. 2357 - Mustafa Yazici, Mustafa Ulutas
Classification of EEG signals using time domain features. 2358-2361 - Ferda Dal, Sema Cosgun, I. Yücel Özbek
Gender detection with heart sound. 2362-2365 - Salih Turk
, Ozkan Bingol, Güzin Ulutas:
Detection of copy-move forgery using DoGCode. 2366-2369 - Hakan Coskun, Yalçin Albayrak, Selçuk Helhel
Indoor location service with beacons on embedded linux. 2370-2372 - Buse Ustaoglu, Ahmet Cagri Bagbaba
, Berna Örs
, Inan Erdem:
Creating test environment with UVM for SPI. 2373-2376 - Mahmut Demir, M. Aybars Ozkok, Fatma Çaliskan, Elif Aydin:
Design and analysis of rectangular dielectric rod antennas. 2377-2380 - Hazal Mogultay, Sarper Alkan
, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
Classification of fMRI data by using clustering. 2381-2383 - Kubra Sen, Nilgun Guler Bayazit:
Customer churn modelling in banking. 2384-2387 - Onder Coban, Baris Ozyer
, Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer:
Sentiment analysis for Turkish Twitter feeds. 2388-2391 - Subutay Giray Baskir, Berna Örs
Hardware / software codesign and implementation for secure NFC applications. 2392-2395 - Ebrahim Balouji, Özgül Salor:
Assessment of RMS computation in terms of power quality event detection. 2396-2399 - Ahmet Ilhan Aysan, Sevil Sen
API call and permission based mobile malware detection (in english). 2400-2403 - Hilal Soydan
, Alper Koz
, H. Sebnem Düzgün, A. Aydin Alatan:
Oil spill determination with hyperspectral imagery: A comparative study. 2404-2407 - Ozkan Bingol, Murat Ekinci:
Improvement of palmprint coding techniques with feature descriptors. 2412-2415 - Cem Emre Akbas, Alican Bozkurt, A. Enis Çetin
, Rengül Çetin-Atalay
, Aysegul Uner:
Multiplication-free Neural Networks. 2416-2418 - Ekim Kurtulmaz, Alper Sahin, Israfil Bahceci, Bedri A. Cetiner:
Performance of MR antenna systems in IEEE 802.11ac network. 2419-2422 - Can Demirkesen, Ugur Murat Leloglu
Destriping of hyperion images. 2423-2426 - Gülsen Taskin:
A comprehensive analysis of twin support vector machines in remote sensing image classification. 2427-2429 - Hatice Koc, Secil Suer, Sarp Ertürk:
Hyperspectral change detection by using Local Binary Similarity Patterns. 2430-2433 - Fatih Akay, Abdullah Akbulut, Ziya Telatar
3-D video reconstruction from 2-D video. 2434-2437 - Arman Afrasiyabi, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
fMRG Verilerinde Temel Bileşenler Analizi ve Özyinemeli Boyut Eliminasyonu Kullanarak Boyut Küçültme. 2438-2441 - Davut Çesmeci, M. Kemal Güllü
Orthogonal design based genetic algorithm for spatial resolution enhancement of hyperspectral images. 2442-2445 - Kasim Tasdemir
, Fatih Kurugollu
, Sakir Sezer:
A steganalysis system utilizing temporal pixel correlation of HEVC video. 2446-2449 - Merve Meric, Sevil Igit, Sarp Ertürk:
Hyperspectral image classification using Daisy descriptor. 2450-2453 - Cihat Cetinkaya
, Yalcin Ozveren, Müge Sayit:
Route optimization for DASH over Software Defined Networks. 2454-2457 - Hakan Kaplan, Arif Nacaroglu:
A new window function for FIR filter design. 2458-2461 - A. Erhan Akkaya, Muhammed Fatih Talu
Performance evaluation of ego-motion methods in static environment. 2462-2465 - Ugur Ozenc, Oguzhan Tastan, M. Kemal Güllü
3D object modeling by structured light and stereo vision. 2466-2469 - Omer Faruk Nasip, Nurettin Senyer
, Erhan Ergun:
Plant counting with low altitude image processing. 2470-2473 - Aslihan Kartci
, Umut Engin Ayten
, Roman Sotner
, Remzi Arslanalp:
Electronically tunable VDCC-based floating capacitance multiplier. 2474-2477 - Mustafa E. Kamasak:
Detection of cognitive impairment using mobile devices. 2478-2481 - Cenk Toker
Doppler shift estimation for HF channels based on TEC measurements. 2482-2485 - Mehtap Cakmak, Kubra Cezairlioglu, Sarp Ertürk:
Superpixel based classification of hyperspectral images. 2486-2488 - Basar Kirmaci, Hasan Ogul:
Author recognition from lyrics. 2489-2492 - Mustafa Seker, Arif Memmedov:
The modelling of electric arc furnace load with Matlab/Simulink. 2493-2496 - Onur Haliloglu, Ufuk Sakarya, Behcet Ugur Töreyin
Evaluation of clustering performance of hyperspectral bands. 2497-2500 - Okan Bilge Özdemir, Hilal Soydan
, Yasemin Yardimci Çetin, H. Sebnem Düzgün:
Signature based vegetation detection on hyperspectral images. 2501-2504 - Samil Karahan, Fatih Erdogan Sevilgen
CUDA implementation of the pixel based adaptive segmentation algorithm. 2505-2508 - Ceyhan Türkmen, Mustafa Seçmen
The design of an omnidirectional and circularly polarized Ku-band antenna for satellite communication. 2509-2512 - Huseyin Atasoy, Serdar Yildirim, Esen Yildirim:
Emotion recognition from speech using Fisher's discriminant analysis and Bayesian classifier. 2513-2516 - Mehmet Burak Kocamis, Muhammed Enis Mihçioglu, Safak Bilgi Akdemir
, Sertan Varma, Alper Yildirim:
A clustering approach for radar warning receivers. 2517-2520 - Ali Caner Türkmen, Ali Taylan Cemgil
An application of deep learning for trade signal prediction in financial markets. 2521-2524 - Fahri Aydos, M. Fatih Demirci
Generalized class representative computation with graph embedding and clustering. 2525-2528 - Bihter Das
, Ibrahim Türkoglu
Fourier-based filtering approach for identification of protein- coding regions in DNA sequences. 2529-2532 - Emec Ercelik, Rahmi Elibol
, Neslihan Serap Sengör:
A model on building and modifying the stimulus action association in the brain. 2533-2536 - Hasan Salih Postalli, Sercan Tuncay, Berna Örs
Implementation of a modem which transmits digital data on GSM voice channel. 2537-2540 - Müjdat Soytürk
, Mustafa Cabir Bodur, Ahmet Bekir Bakkal, Samet Öztürk:
Estimating the number of people in a particular area using WiFi. 2541-2544 - Emin Kugu
Reference trust model in e-commerce. 2545-2548 - Merve Erkinay Özdemir, Esen Yildirim, Serdar Yildirim:
Classification of emotional valence dimension using artificial neural networks. 2549-2552 - Hasan Kartlak
, Niyazi Odabasioglu, Aydin Akan
Relay selection methods in cooperative spatial modulation for wireless networks. 2553-2556 - Murat Cakir, Guray Yilmaz:
Traveling salesman problem optimization with parallel genetic algorithm. 2557-2560 - Ahmet Turan Özdemir, Ahmet Orman:
Developing an iPhone smartphone based fall detection algorithm. 2561-2564 - Gonenc S. Tarakcioglu, Ali E. Demir, Cihan Bulbul, Cansu Karahasanoglu, Ozlem Ozmen Okur, Yasemin Basatli:
User interaction and cloud practices in mobile dairy farm management. 2565-2568 - Zafer Cömert
, Adnan Fatih Kocamaz
Determination of QT interval on synthetic electrocardiogram. 2569-2572 - Yakup Unver, Melike Neseli, Mesud Kahriman
Wireless power transfer with 2×2 array rectenna. 2573-2576 - Ismail Bilgen
, Ömer Sinan Saraç:
Prediction of return in online shopping. 2577-2580 - Halis Yilboga, M. Elif Karsligil
İçerik Tabanlı Görüntü Erişiminde Kümeleme Yöntemi İle Büyük Veri Tabanlarında Gerçek Zamanlı Görüntü Erişimi. 2581-2584 - Faruk Serin
, Metin Erturkler, Mehmet Gül:
K-nearest unrepeatable cell graph model of histopathological tissue image. 2585-2588 - Serkan Tuzun, Aydin Akan
Classification of facial expressions by using 2D empirical mode decomposition. 2589-2592 - Seniha Ketenci, Temel Kayikçioglu, Ali Gangal:
Recognition of sign language numbers via electromyography signals. 2593-2596 - Serdar Ethem Hamamci
, Veysel Gogebakan, Ibrahim Isik
A new chaotic system with chaos entanglement. 2597-2600 - Selman Fatih Avsar, Serdar Ethem Hamamci
Obtaining of time response from frequency response of fractional order systems. 2601-2604 - Hasan Anil Akyildiz, Ece Saygun:
SDN-NFV-cloud introduction in the context of service chaining. 2605-2608 - Seyhan Civanlar, Erhan Lokman, Bulent Kaytaz, Aydin Ulas
, A. Murat Tekalp
Distributed flow management for SDN domains. 2609-2612 - Burak Gorkemli, Sinan Tatlicioglu, Mustafa Komurcuoglu, Melih A. Karaman, Ozgur Karakaya, Aydin Ulas
QoS control and prioritization with SDN. 2613-2616 - Ömer Türk, Mehmet Siraç Özerdem:
Determination of changes in frequencies of EEG signal in eyes open / closed duration. 2617 - Hasan Polat
, Mehmet Siraç Özerdem:
Reflection emotions based on different stories onto EEG signal. 2618 - Selcan Güner, Hakan Selvi, Gürkan Gür
, Fatih Alagöz:
Controller placement in software-defined mobile networks. 2619-2622 - Serdar Alasu, Muhammed Fatih Talu
Interactive segmentatition implementation. 2623-2626 - Bertan Günyel, Ramazan Gokberk Cinbis
, Sedat Ture, Ali Cafer Gürbüz
Hyperspectral target detection - An experimental study. 2627-2630 - Emrecan Bati, Acar Erdinc, Davut Çesmeci, Akin Caliskan, Alper Koz
, Selim Aksoy, Sarp Ertürk, A. Aydin Alatan:
Anomaly based target detection in hyperspectral images via graph cuts. 2631-2634 - Mustafa Ergul, Fatih Nar
, Emre Akyilmaz
, Nigar Sen, Müjdat Çetin
Information-theoretic noisy band detection in hyperspectral imagery. 2635-2638 - Muhammed Ali Kecebas, Zeki Semih Pehlivan, Kürsat Sendur
Theoretical calculations and experimental verification of the spectral signatures of metallic plates. 2639-2641 - Deniz Korkmaz
, Cafer Bal, Muammer Gökbulut
Modeling of inverted pendulum on a cart by using Artificial Neural Networks. 2642-2645 - Mehmed Oguz Sen, Metin Erturkler:
Comparison of trajectories formed with kinect motion capture data. 2646-2649 - Afrah Farea, Ali Karci
Applications of assoiation rules hiding heuristic approaches. 2650-2653 - Resul Das
, Abubakar Karabade, Gurkan Tuna:
Common network attack types and defense mechanisms. 2658-2661 - Nilay Yildirim, Asaf Varol
Android based mobile application development for web login authentication using fingerprint recognition feature. 2662-2665 - Abdullah Basçi
, Birol Soysal, Adnan Derdiyok:
Sensorless control of an automated guided vehicle based on extended Kalman filter observer. 2666-2669 - Mehmet Murat Turhan
, Davut Hanbay
Mean shift based object tracking supported with adaptive Kalman filter. 2670-2673 - Muammer Turkoglu, Davut Hanbay
Classification of the grape varieties based on leaf recognition by using SVM classifier. 2674-2677 - Serdar Balci, N. Ozlem Unverdi:
Applications of optical fiber Bragg grating sensors in optical communication systems. 2678-2681 - Tayfun Abut
, Servet Soyguder:
Motion control in virtual reality based teleoperation system. 2682-2685

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