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Automatica, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, January 1995
- Le Yi Wang, Gyu-Myeong Joh:
Continuity of optimal robustness and robust stabilization in slowly varying systems. 1-11 - Toshiaki Hirata, Satoshi Koizumi, Ryoichi Takahashi:
H∞ Control of railroad vehicle active suspension. 13-24 - Brian D. O. Anderson, F. Kraus, Mohamed Mansour, Soura Dasgupta:
Easily testable sufficient conditions for the robust stability of systems with multilinear parameter dependence. 25-40 - Alina Voda, I. D. Landau:
A method for the auto-calibration of PID controllers. 41-53 - Libei Chen, Georges Bastin, Vincent Van Breusegem:
A case study of adaptive nonlinear regulation of fed-batch biological reactors. 55-65 - Toshio Mike Chin, William Clement Karl, Alan S. Willsky:
A distributed and iterative method for square root filtering in space-time estimation. 67-82 - Farshad Khorrami, Sandeep Jain, Anthony Tzes:
Experimental results on adaptive nonlinear control and input preshaping for multi-link flexible manipulators. 83-97 - Geir E. Dullerud, Keith Glover:
Analysis of structured LTI uncertainty in sampled-data systems. 99-113 - Stefen Hui, Walter E. Lillo, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Solving minimum norm problems using penalty functions and the gradient method. 115-124 - M. A. Erickson, Alan J. Laub:
An algorithmic test for checking stability of feedback spectral systems. 125-135 - Robert J. Veillette:
Reliable linear-quadratic state-feedback control. 137-143 - Bernard Brogliato, Alexandre Trofino Neto:
Practical stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with partially known uncertainties. 145-150 - Cheng-Jyi Mao, Jyun-Hau Yang:
Decentralized output tracking for linear uncertain interconnected systems. 151-154 - Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dórea, Basílio E. A. Milani:
A Computational method for optimal L-Q regulation with simultaneous disturbance decoupling, . 155-160 - Carla A. Schwartz, Aiguo Yan:
Comments on 'achieving diagonal interactor matrix for multivariable linear systems with uncertain parameters'. 161-164 - Vijay V. Patel, Kanti B. Datta:
A counter example for the conjecture in 'an algorithm for interpolation with units in H∞'. 165
Volume 31, Number 2, February 1995
- Harald K. Wimmer:
Lattice properties of sets of semidefinite solutions of continuous-time algebraic riccati equations, . 173-182 - Asgeir J. Sørensen, Olav Egeland:
Design of ride control system for surface effect ships using dissipative control. 183-199 - Michel Verhaegen, Xiaode Yu:
A class of subspace model identification algorithms to identify periodically and arbitrarily time-varying systems. 201-216 - Georges Bitsoris, Eliana Gravalou:
Comparison principle, positive invariance and constrained regulation of nonlinear systems. 217-222 - Georges Bitsoris, Marina Vassilaki:
Constrained regulation of linear systems. 223-227 - Jay H. Lee, Richard D. Braatz, Manfred Morari, Andrew K. Packard:
Screening tools for robust control structure selection. 229-235 - Meng Joo Er, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Design of reduced-order multirate output linear functional observer-based compensators. 237-242 - Tae-Jeong Jang, Chong-Ho Choi, Hyun-Sik Ahn:
Iterative learning control in feedback systems. 243-248 - Kemin Zhou, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Jakob Stoustrup, Hans Henrik Niemann:
Robust performance of systems with structured uncertainties in state space. 249-255 - Danwei Wang, Yeng Chai Soh, Chien Chern Cheah:
Robust motion and force control of constrained manipulators by learning. 257-262 - Wei Lin, Christopher I. Byrnes:
Passivity and absolute stabilization of a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems, . 263-267 - Wei Lin, Christopher I. Byrnes:
Zero-state observability and stability of discrete-time nonlinear systems, . 269-274 - Bonnie S. Heck, Subbarao V. Yallapragada, Michael K. H. Fan:
Numerical methods to design the reaching phase of output feedback variable structure control. 275-279 - Nuno M. C. De Oliveira, Lorenz T. Biegler:
An extension of Newton-type algorithms for nonlinear process control. 281-286 - Gang Tao, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Discrete-time adaptive control of plants with unknown output dead-zones. 287-291 - Changyun Wen:
An indirect robust continuous-time adaptive controller with minimal modifications, . 293-296 - Vassilis L. Syrmos, Pradeep Misra, Ravi Aripirala:
On the discrete generalized Lyapunov equation, . 297-301 - Chi-Man Kwan:
Sliding mode control of linear systems with mismatched uncertainties. 303-307 - Pasquale Lucibello:
Output regulation of nonlinear systems evolving in the neighborhood of a periodic orbit. 309-314 - Rick Middleton, Jim Freudenberg:
Non-pathological sampling for generalized sampled-data hold functions. 315-319 - Tor Arne Johansen, Bjarne A. Foss:
Identification of non-linear system structure and parameters using regime decomposition. 321-326 - Mario Milanese:
Properties of least squares estimates in set membership identification, . 327-332 - Oded Yaniv:
Robust feedback synthesis for margins at the plant input. 333-336 - Guang-Hong Yang, Si-Ying Zhang:
Stabilizing controllers for uncertain symmetric composite systems. 337-340 - Chaouki T. Abdallah, Peter Dorato, Fabio Pérez, Domingo Docampo:
Controller synthesis for a class of interval plants. 341-343 - Ton Geerts:
A Note on lattices of euclidean subspaces. 345-346 - A. Rachid:
A remark on the discretization of singular systems. 347-348 - Luigi Fortuna, Giovanni Muscato, Giuseppe Nunnari:
On the bilinear transformation of LQG-balanced realizations. 349-351 - Malcolm C. Smith:
The general problem of the stability of motion : Translated and Edited by A. T. Fuller. Taylor and Francis, 1992. 353-354 - Bo Egardt, Bengt Lennartson:
Performance modeling of automated manufacturing systems. 354-356
Volume 31, Number 3, March 1995
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Yoshifumi Sunahara. 365-366 - Anton G. Madievski, Brian D. O. Anderson, Michel Gevers:
Optimum realizations of sampled-data controllers for FWL sensitivity minimization. 367-379 - Douglas A. Lawrence, Wilson J. Rugh:
Gain scheduling dynamic linear controllers for a nonlinear plant. 381-390 - Berend Roorda:
Algorithms for global total least squares modelling of finite multivariable time series. 391-404 - Lawrence E. Holloway:
Trajectory encoding for systems with irregular observations. 405-418 - Wei Lin, Christopher I. Byrnes:
discrete-time nonlinear H∞ control with measurement feedback. 419-434 - Lei Guo:
Convergence and logarithm laws of self-tuning regulators. 435-450 - Franco Blanchini:
Nonquadratic Lyapunov functions for robust control. 451-461 - Jacob Kogan, Arie Leizarowitz:
Frequency domain criterion for robust stability of interval time-delay systems. 463-469 - Jor-Yan Wong, Douglas P. Looze:
Robust performance for systems with component-bounded signals. 471-475 - Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee, Kok Kiong Tan:
Automatic tuning of finite spectrum assignment controllers for delay systems. 477-482 - Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko, Tin-Pui Leung:
Combined adaptive and variable structure control for constrained robots. 483-488 - Petros G. Voulgaris:
On optimal ℓ∞ to ℓ∞ filtering. 489-495 - Weng Khuen Ho, Chang Chieh Hang, Lisheng S. Cao:
Tuning of PID controllers based on gain and phase margin specifications. 497-502 - Munther A. Dahleh, Eduardo D. Sontag, David N. C. Tse, John N. Tsitsiklis:
Worst-case identification of nonlinear fading memory systems. 503-508 - Gene F. Franklin:
Digital control and implementation: Finite wordlength considerations : By Darrell Williamson. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1991). ISBN 0-13-211640-5. 509-510
Volume 31, Number 4, April 1995
- Jing Yuan:
A neural network measuring the intersection of m-dimensional convex polyhedra. 517-529 - Horng-Bin Chen, Joe H. Chow, Mangesh A. Kale, K. Dean Minto:
Simultaneous stabilization using stable system inversion. 531-542 - Douwe K. de Vries, Paul M. J. Van den Hof:
Quantification of uncertainty in transfer function estimation: a mixed probabilistic-worst-case approach. 543-557 - Darko Musicki, Robin J. Evans:
Integrated probabilistic data association-finite resolution. 559-570 - Dale A. Lawrence:
Adaptive system stability robustness via burst recovery. 571-580 - Keqin Gu:
Absolute stability of systems under block diagonal memoryless uncertainties. 581-584 - Mark W. Spong:
Adaptive control of flexible joint manipulators: Comments on two papers. 585-590 - Patrizio Colaneri, Giuseppe De Nicolao:
Multirate LQG control of continuous-time stochastic systems. 591-596 - Michel de Mathelin, Marc Bodson:
Multivariable model reference adaptive control without constraints on the high-frequency gain matrix. 597-604 - Vladimír Kucera, Frantisek J. Kraus:
FIFO stable control systems. 605-609 - Rama K. Yedavalli, Yong Liu:
H∞ Control with regional stability constraints. 611-615 - Scot L. Osburn, Dennis S. Bernstein:
An exact treatment of the achievable closed-loop H2 performance of sampled-data controllers: from continuous-time to open-loop. 617-620 - Margreet Kuijper:
Why do stabilizing controllers stabilize? 621-625 - Janos J. Gertler, Ramin Monajemy:
Generating directional residuals with dynamic parity relations. 627-635 - Michael R. Frater, Robert R. Bitmead, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
Local minima escape transients by stochastic gradient descent algorithms in blind adaptive equalizers. 637-641 - Ben M. Chen, Da-Zhong Zheng:
Simultaneous finite- and infinite-zero assignments of linear systems. 643-648 - Jonathan H. Friedman, Pierre T. Kabamba, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
Worst-case and average H2 performance analysis against real constant parametric uncertainty. 649-657 - Neil Munro:
Recent advances in computer-aided control systems engineering : Edited by M. Jamshidi and C. J. Herget. 659-661
Volume 31, Number 5, May 1995
- Jordan M. Berg, Harry G. Kwatny:
A canonical parameterization of the Kronecker form of a matrix pencil. 669-680 - Pranob Banerjee, Sirish L. Shah:
The role of signal processing methods in the robust design of predictive control. 681-695 - Francis J. Doyle III, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Ronald K. Pearson:
Nonlinear model-based control using second-order Volterra models. 697-714 - Desong Chen:
Adaptive control of hot-dip galvanizing. 715-733 - Yu Tang, Eduardo F. Camacho, Jose J. Flores:
Frequency domain adaptive control: Band-wise compensation. 735-740 - Woo Sok Chang, Il Hong Suh, Tae Won Kim:
Analysis and design of two types of digital repetitive control systems. 741-746 - Jan Maciej Kóscielny:
Fault isolation in industrial processes by the dynamic table of states method. 747-753 - Jonathan R. Partington, P. M. Mäkilä:
Analysis of linear methods for robust identification in ℓ1. 755-758 - Roberto Tempo:
Worst-case optimality of smoothing algorithms for parametric system identification. 759-763 - Hisham Abou-Kandil, Gerhard Freiling, Gerhard Jank:
On the solution of discrete-time Markovian jump linear quadratic control problems. 765-768 - Giorgio Bartolini, Antonella Ferrara, Vadim I. Utkin:
Adaptive sliding mode control in discrete-time systems. 769-773 - Patrizio Colaneri, Sauro Longhi:
The realization problem for linear periodic systems. 775-779 - Jenq-Tzong H. Chan:
Multivariable controller for redundantly actuated systems: a numerical design approach for open-loop data. 781-786 - Kaiqi Xiong:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a G-type Lyapunov function. 787-791 - E. Bruce Lee:
Time-delay systems: Stability and performance criteria with applications : By J. E. Marshall, H. Górecki, K. Walton and A. Korytowski. Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1992). 793-795 - Nicos Karcanias:
Analysis and design of discrete linear control systems : By Vladimir Kucera. Prentice-Hall International, Hemel Hempstead, U.K. (1991). ISBN 0-13-033085-X. 795-797
Volume 31, Number 6, June 1995
- Reyad El-Khazali, Raymond A. DeCarlo:
Output feedback variable structure control design. 805-816 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Kumpati S. Narendra:
Comparison of linear, nonlinear and neural-network-based adaptive controllers for a class of fed-batch fermentation processes. 817-840 - Qifeng Wei, Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa, William S. Levine:
Nonlinear controller for an inverted pendulum having restricted travel. 841-850 - Chung Choo Chung, John Hauser:
Nonlinear control of a swinging pendulum. 851-862 - J. Anthony Rossiter, Basil Kouvaritakis, Jesse R. Gossner:
Feasibility and stability results for constrained stable generalized predictive control. 863-877 - Li Qiu, Bo Bernhardsson, Anders Rantzer, Edward J. Davison, Peter Michael Young, John C. Doyle:
A formula for computation of the real stability radius. 879-890 - Chih-Yuan Chen, Ming-Hwei Perng:
Quantitative robust performance design with minimal cost of feedback. 891-896 - Moisés E. Bonilla, Michel Malabre:
Geometric minimization under external equivalence for implicit descriptions. 897-901 - Young Man Cho, Thomas Kailath:
Fast subspace-based system identification: An instrumental variable approach, . 903-905 - Pradeep Misra, Paul Van Dooren, Vassilis L. Syrmos:
Pole-zero representation of descriptor systems. 907-912 - Fahimeh Rezayat:
On the use of an SPSA-based model-free controller in quality improvement. 913-915 - Han Ho Choi, Myung Jin Chung:
Memoryless H∞ controller design for linear systems with delayed state and control. 917-919 - Takehiro Mori, Hideki Kokame:
Comments on 'on the stability of discrete-time linear interval systems'. 921-922 - Jirí Fidler:
Computational optimal control : By R. Bulirsch and D. Kraft. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 115, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel (1994). ISBN 3-7643-5015-6. 923 - Petr Nedoma:
Solving control engineering problems with MATLAB : By Katsuhiko Ogata, Prentice-Hall (1994). ISBN 0-13-045907-0. 924
Volume 31, Number 7, July 1995
- Onur Toker, Hitay Özbay:
Gap metric problem for MIMO delay systems: Parametrization of all suboptimal controllers. 931-940 - Bernard Brogliato, Romeo Ortega, Rogelio Lozano:
Global tracking controllers for flexible-joint manipulators: a comparative study. 941-956 - Richard G. Hakvoort, Paul M. J. Van den Hof:
Consistent parameter bounding identification for linearly parametrized model sets. 957-969 - F. Viel, Eric Busvelle, Jean-Paul Gauthier:
Stability of polymerization reactors using I/O linearization and a high-gain observer. 971-984 - I. Borno, Zoran Gajic:
Parallel algorithms for optimal control of weakly coupled and singularly perturbed jump linear systems. 985-988 - Jun Hu, Darren M. Dawson, Yi Qian:
Position tracking control of an induction motor via partial state feedback. 989-1000 - Zalman J. Palmor, Yoram Halevi, Nathan Krasney:
Automatic tuning of decentralized PID controllers for TITO processes. 1001-1010 - Guang-Hong Yang, Si-Ying Zhang:
Structural properties of large-scale systems possessing similar structures. 1011-1017 - Wei Xing Zheng, Chun-Bo Feng:
A bias-correction method for indirect identification of closed-loop systems. 1019-1024 - José Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho, Paulo A. V. Ferreira:
Multiple-criterion control: a convex programming approach. 1025-1029 - Feng Zheng, Mian Cheng, Weibing Gao:
Variable structure control of time-delay systems with a simulation study on stabilizing combustion in liquid propellant rocket motors. 1031-1037 - Alexander Medvedev:
Fault detection and isolation by a continuous parity space method. 1039-1044 - Levent Turan, D. Lewis Mingori:
A unified loop transfer recovery approach to robust control using H∞ optimization methods. 1045-1052 - María M. Seron, David J. Hill, Alexander L. Fradkov:
Nonlinear adaptive control of feedback passive systems. 1053-1060 - Dennis S. Bernstein, Wassim M. Haddad, Andrew G. Sparks:
A popov criterion for uncertain linear multivariable systems. 1061-1064 - Josef Böhm:
Digital simulation of dynamic systems: A control theory approach : By Tom T. Hartely, Guy O. Beale and Stephen P. Chicatelli. Prentice-Hall (1994). ISBN 0-13-219957-2. 1065-1066 - Mike Chappell:
Optimal control of drug administration in cancer chemotherapy : By R. Martin and K. L. Teo. World Scientific (1994). ISBN 9810214286. 1066-1067
Volume 31, Number 8, August 1995
- Matthew R. James, S. Yuliar:
Numerical approximation of the H∞ norm for nonlinear systems. 1075-1086 - Kemin Zhou:
Relative/multiplicative model reduction for unstable and non-minimum-phase systems. 1087-1098 - Panagiotis Tsiotras, Martin J. Corless, J. M. Longuski:
A novel approach to the attitude control of axisymmetric spacecraft. 1099-1112 - Jie Chen, Carl N. Nett:
Sensitivity integrals for multivariable discrete-time systems. 1113-1124 - Jiri Kadlec, F. M. F. Gaston, George W. Irwin:
The block regularised parameter estimator and its parallelisation. 1125-1136 - Christiaan Moons, Bart De Moor:
Parameter identification of induction motor drives. 1137-1147 - S. A. Barton:
Two-dimensional movement controlled by a chaotic neural network. 1149-1155 - Héctor G. Chiacchiarini, Alfredo C. Desages, José A. Romagnoli, Ahmet Palazoglu:
Variable structure control with a second-order sliding condition: Application to a steam generator. 1157-1168 - Bruce J. Allison, Joe E. Ciarniello, Patrick J.-C. Tessier, Guy Albert Dumont:
Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor load. 1169-1184 - Isaac Kaminer, António Manuel Santos Pascoal, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Edward E. Coleman:
A velocity algorithm for the implementation of gain-scheduled controllers. 1185-1191 - S. O. Reza Moheimani, Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
A connection between H∞ control and the absolute stabilizability of discrete-time uncertain linear systems. 1193-1195 - Vincent D. Blondel, Charlotte Lundvall:
A rational test for strong stabilization. 1197-1198 - André L. Tits, Michael K. H. Fan:
On the small-μ theorem. 1199-1201
Volume 31, Number 9, September 1995
- Patrick C. Parks, George S. Axelby:
Obituary. 1209-1211 - Hua O. Wang, Eyad H. Abed:
Bifurcation control of a chaotic system. 1213-1226 - Garry Didinsky, Zigang Pan, Tamer Basar:
Parameter identification for uncertain plants using H∞ methods. 1227-1250 - Pierre Apkarian, Pascal Gahinet, Greg Becker:
Self-scheduled H∞ control of linear parameter-varying systems: a design example. 1251-1261 - Denis Mustafa, Timothy N. Davidson:
Block bialternate sum and associated stability formulae. 1263-1274 - Harry Berghuis, Herman Roebbers, Henk Nijmeijer:
Experimental comparison of parameter estimation methods in adaptive robot control. 1275-1285 - Sergei V. Gusev:
Minimax control under a bound on the partial covariance sequence of the disturbance. 1287-1301 - John Leventides, Nicos Karcanias:
Global asymptotic linearisation of the pole placement map: a closed-form solution for the constant output feedback problem. 1303-1309 - Yun Zou, Chengwu Yang:
Algorithms for the computation of the transfer function matrix for two-dimensional regular and singular general state-space models. 1311-1315 - Katsuhisa Furuta, Manop Wongsaisuwan:
Discrete-time LQG dynamic controller design using plant Markov parameters. 1317-1324 - Ernst Presman, Suresh P. Sethi, Qing Zhang:
Optimal feedback production planning in a stochastic N-machine flowshop. 1325-1332 - Zalman J. Palmor, Yoram Halevi, Tzvi Efrati:
A general and exact method for determining limit cycles in decentralized relay systems. 1333-1339 - Danwei Wang:
A simple iterative learning controller for manipulators with flexible joints. 1341-1344 - I. Borno:
Parallel computation of the solutions of coupled algebraic Lyapunov equations. 1345-1347 - Han Ho Choi, Myung Jin Chung:
Memoryless stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems with time-varying delayed states and controls. 1349-1351 - Mazen Alamir, G. Bornard:
Stability of a truncated infinite constrained receding horizon scheme: the general discrete nonlinear case. 1353-1356 - Vladimír Kucera, Carlos E. de Souza:
A necessary and sufficient condition for output feedback stabilizability. 1357-1359
Volume 31, Number 10, October 1995
- Graham C. Goodwin, David Q. Mayne, J. Shim:
Trade-offs in linear filter design. 1367-1376 - Fredrik Gustafsson, Håkan Hjalmarsson:
Twenty-one ML estimators for model selection. 1377-1392 - M. K. Külmiz Cevik, Johannes M. Schumacher:
The regulator problem with robust stability. 1393-1406 - Danyang Liu, Xuanhuang Liu:
Optimal and minimum-energy optimal tracking of discrete linear time-varying systems. 1407-1419 - Anuradha M. Annaswamy, S. P. Kárason:
Discrete-time adaptive control in the presence of input constraints. 1421-1431 - Ulf Holmberg, Piotr Myszkorowski, Yves Piguet, Roland Longchamp:
On compensation of nonminimum-phase zeros. 1433-1441 - Thomas Parisini, Riccardo Zoppoli:
A receding-horizon regulator for nonlinear systems and a neural approximation. 1443-1451 - Vladimir A. Brusin, Valery A. Ugrinovskii:
Absolute stability approach to stochastic stability of infinite-dimensional nonlinear systems, . 1453-1458 - Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Estimation of quantized linear errors-in-variables models. 1459-1464 - Salvatore Nicosia, Patrizio Tomei:
A global output feedback controller for flexible joint robots. 1465-1469 - Eric Coulibaly, Sandip Maiti, Coleman Brosilow:
Internal model predictive control (IMPC). 1471-1482 - Gary M. Bone:
A novel iterative learning control formulation of generalized predictive control. 1483-1487 - Basílio E. A. Milani, Andréa N. Carvalho:
Robust linear regulator design for discrete-time systems under polyhedral constraints. 1489-1493 - Ahmet Karakasoglu, Malur K. Sundareshan:
A recurrent neural network-based adaptive variable structure model-following control of robotic manipulators. 1495-1507 - C. Y. Chan:
Robust discrete quasi-sliding mode tracking controller. 1509-1511 - James C. Spall:
The Kantorovich inequality for error analysis of the Kalman filter with unknown noise distributions. 1513-1517 - Jiri Kadlec:
Adaptive system identification and signal processing algorithms : Nicholas Kalouptsidis and Sergios Theodoridis (Eds). 1519-1521 - Stefano Carabelli:
Designing linear control systems with Matlab : Katsuhiko Ogata. 1521 - Petr Zagalák:
Linear multichannel control: A system matrix approach : A. Bülent Özgüler. 1522-1523
Volume 31, Number 11, November 1995
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Some statistics about Automatica authors. 1531 - Richard Rebarber, Stuart Townley:
Robustness and continuity of the spectrum for uncertain distributed parameter systems. 1533-1546 - Ari G. Partanen, Robert R. Bitmead:
The application of an iterative identification and controller design to a sugar cane crushing mill. 1547-1563 - Gevorg Nahapetian, Wei Ren:
Uncertainty structures in adaptive and robust stabilization. 1565-1575 - Zhuquan Zang, Robert R. Bitmead, Michel Gevers:
Iterative weighted least-squares identification and weighted LQG control design. 1577-1594 - Riccardo Marino, Sergei Peresada, Patrizio Tomei:
Nonlinear adaptive control of permanent magnet step motors. 1595-1604 - Michael Valásek, Nejat Olgaç:
Efficient eigenvalue assignments for general linear MIMO systems. 1605-1617 - W. S. Lee, Brian D. O. Anderson, Iven M. Y. Mareels, Robert L. Kosut:
On some key issues in the windsurfer approach to adaptive robust control. 1619-1636 - Roy S. Smith:
Model validation for robust control: an experimental process control application. 1637-1647 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
An uncertainty averaging approach to optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain systems with structured uncertainty. 1649-1653 - Gjerrit Meinsma:
Unstable and nonproper weights in H∞ control. 1655-1658 - Aydin Yesildirek, Frank L. Lewis:
Feedback linearization using neural networks. 1659-1664 - Pasquale Lucibello:
Output zeroing with internal stability by learning. 1665-1672 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Giuseppe Orlando:
A MIMO variable structure model of the controller of voluntary arm movements: an identification study. 1673-1679 - Jan C. Willems:
Linear robust control : By M. Green and D. J. N. Limebeer, Prentice-Hall (1995). ISBN 0-13-102278-4. 1681
Volume 31, Number 12, December 1995
- Torsten Söderström, Karl Johan Åström:
Special issue on trends in system identification. 1689-1690 - Jonas Sjöberg, Qinghua Zhang, Lennart Ljung, Albert Benveniste, Bernard Delyon, Pierre-Yves Glorennec, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Anatoli B. Juditsky:
Nonlinear black-box modeling in system identification: a unified overview. 1691-1724 - Anatoli B. Juditsky, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Albert Benveniste, Bernard Delyon, Lennart Ljung, Jonas Sjöberg, Qinghua Zhang:
Nonlinear black-box models in system identification: Mathematical foundations. 1725-1750 - Paul M. J. Van den Hof, Ruud J. P. Schrama:
Identification and control - Closed-loop issues. 1751-1770 - Brett Ninness, Graham C. Goodwin:
Estimation of model quality. 1771-1797 - Pertti M. Mäkilä, Jonathan R. Partington, Tore K. Gustafsson:
Worst-case control-relevant identification. 1799-1819 - Paul M. J. Van den Hof, Peter S. C. Heuberger, Jozsef Bokor:
System identification with generalized orthonormal basis functions. 1821-1834 - Mats Viberg:
Subspace-based methods for the identification of linear time-invariant systems. 1835-1851 - Peter Van Overschee, Bart De Moor:
A unifying theorem for three subspace system identification algorithms. 1853-1864 - Manfred Deistler, K. Peternell, Wolfgang Scherrer:
Consistency and relative efficiency of subspace methods. 1865-1875 - Peter Van Overschee, Bart De Moor:
Choice of state-space basis in combined deterministic-stochastic subspace identification. 1877-1883 - Philip M. Fitzsimons:
Reducing the computation required to solve a standard minimax problem. 1885-1887 - John L. Maryak, James C. Spall, Geoffrey L. Silberman:
Uncertainties for recursive estimators in nonlinear state-space models, with applications to epidemiology. 1889-1892 - Andrzej Bartoszewicz:
A comment on 'A time-varying sliding surface for fast and robust tracking control of second-order uncertain systems'. 1893-1895
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