- James Jesse Strang (March 21, 1813 – July 9, 1856) was an American religious leader, politician and self-proclaimed monarch. In 1844 he claimed to have been appointed to be the successor of Joseph Smith as leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite), a faction of the Latter Day Saint movement. Strang testified that he had possession of a letter from Smith naming him as his successor, and furthermore reported that he had been ordained to the prophetic office by an angel. His organization is claimed by his followers to be the sole legitimate continuation of the Church of Christ founded by Joseph Smith fourteen years before. A major contender for leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints during the 1844 succession crisis after Smith's murder, Strang urged other prominent LDS leaders like Brigham Young and Sidney Rigdon to remain in their previous offices and to support his appointment by Joseph Smith. Brigham and the members of the Twelve Apostles loyal to him rejected Strang's claims, as did Rigdon, the highest ranking officer of the church. This divided the Latter Day Saint movement. During his 12 years tenure as Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Strang reigned for six years as the crowned "king" of an ecclesiastical monarchy that he established on Beaver Island in the US state of Michigan. Building an organization that eventually rivaled Young's in Utah, Strang gained nearly 12,000 adherents at a time when Young claimed 50,000. After Strang was killed in 1856 most of his followers rallied under Joseph Smith III and joined the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Strangite church has remained small in comparison to other branches. Similar to Joseph Smith, who was alleged by church opponent William Marks to have been crowned King in Nauvoo prior to his death, Strang taught that the chief prophetic office embodied an overtly royal attribute. Thus its occupant was to be not only the spiritual leader of his people, but their temporal king as well. He offered a sophisticated set of teachings that differed in many significant aspects from any other version of Mormonism, including that preached by Smith. Like Smith, Strang published translations of two purportedly ancient lost works: the Voree Record, deciphered from three metal plates reportedly unearthed in response to a vision; and the Book of the Law of the Lord, supposedly transcribed from the Plates of Laban mentioned in the Book of Mormon. These are accepted as scripture by his followers, and the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship [2], but not by any other Latter Day Saint church. Although his long-term doctrinal influence on the Latter Day Saint movement was minimal, several early members of Strang's organization helped to establish the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which became (and remains) the second-largest Mormon sect. While most of Strang's followers eventually disavowed him due to his eventual advocacy of polygamy, a small but devout remnant carries on his teachings and organization today. In addition to his ecclesiastical calling, Strang served one full term and part of a second as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, assisting in the organization of Manitou County. He was also at various times an attorney, educator, temperance lecturer, newspaper editor, Baptist minister, correspondent for the New York Tribune, and amateur scientist. His survey of Beaver Island's natural history was published by the Smithsonian Institution, remaining the definitive work on that subject for nearly a century, while his career in the Michigan legislature was praised even by his enemies. While Strang's organization is formally known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the term "Strangite" is usually added to the title to avoid confusing them with other Latter Day Saint bodies carrying this or similar names. This follows a typical nineteenth-century usage where followers of Brigham Young were referred to as "Brighamites," while those of Sidney Rigdon were called "Rigdonites," followers of Joseph Smith III were called "Josephites", and disciples of Strang became "Strangites". (en)
- James Jesse Strang, né à Scipio (New York) le 21 mars 1813 et mort à Voree (Wisconsin) le 9 juillet 1856, est un homme d'État, un chef religieux mormon et monarque auto-proclamé. Membre de l'Église de Jésus-Christ des saints des derniers jours, il reçut le baptême mormon le 24 février 1844 à Nauvoo (Illinois), et fut un proche du fondateur et premier dirigeant de l'Église, Joseph Smith. Peu après la mort de ce dernier en juin 1844, Strang affirma que celui-ci l’avait désigné comme successeur, présentant une lettre prétendument de sa part, reçue une semaine avant son décès. Strang affirma également qu’un ange lui était apparu au moment de la mort de Joseph Smith et que ce dernier l’avait ordonné comme son successeur. Candidat majeur à la direction de l'Église pendant la crise de succession mormone, Strang a exhorté d'autres dirigeants éminents tels que Brigham Young et Sidney Rigdon à rester à leurs postes précédents et à soutenir sa nomination. Young et les membres des douze apôtres qui lui étaient fidèles, ont rejeté les prétentions de Strang, de même que Rigdon, l'officier le plus haut gradé de l'église. Cela a divisé le mouvement des saints des derniers jours. Établie sur l'île Beaver Island dans le Lac Michigan, Strang instaure une monarchie ecclésiastique et se fait sacré « roi » sous le nom de James Ier. C'est la monarchie strangite. Construisant une organisation qui a finalement rivalisé avec Brigham Young en Utah, Strang a attiré près de 12 000 adhérents à un moment où Young en comptait 50 000. Il s'oppose rapidement aux non-Strangites de l'île dont il est régulièrement accusé de saisir de force leurs biens et de les agresser physiquement. D'abord modéré, il impose finalement une monarchie absolue ce qui entraine de grandes violences entre les mormons strangites et les non-strangites. Strang se montre aussi violent et dictatorial envers ses administrés, obligeant même les femmes à se vêtir de bloomer. Le 16 juin 1856, plusieurs opposants et membres excommuniés du mouvement organisèrent un attentant contre leur roi en tirant plusieurs coups de fusil contre lui et en s’acharnant sur son corps. Strang, grièvement blessé, parvint à survivre jusqu’au 9 juillet où il rendit l’âme. Durant cette période, il refusa de désigner un successeur, puisque seul Dieu pouvait choisir un nouveau prophète, en envoyant un ange l’ordonner. Après sa mort, son royaume fut aboli par le gouvernement américain et ses partisans réparties entre les différents ordres mormons. (fr)
- 제임스 제시 스트랭(James Jesse Strang, 1813년 ~ 1856년)은 예수 그리스도 후기성도 교회에 소속되었다가 파문된 후 독자적인 길로 간 지도자이다. 1844년 조셉 스미스가 피격으로 사망한 후 스스로 후계자를 자처하다가 독립하여 자신을 따르는 수천명의 신도를 이끝고 미시간 호수의 비버 섬으로 갔다. 그들은 이곳에 독립적인 왕국을 건설하고 스트랭 자신이 국왕 제임스 1세가 되었다. 1856년 스트랭은 정체불명의 괴한의 저격을 받아 중상을 입고 20여일 후에 숨을 거두었다. (ko)
- Джеймс Джесси Стрэнг, англ. James Jesse Strang (21 марта 1813, Сайпио, штат Нью-Йорк — 9 июля 1856, , Висконсин) был одним из трёх основных претендентов в мормонской церкви во время кризиса преемника в 1844 г. Отвергнутый большинством мормонов в г. Наву (Иллинойс), он основал церковь , претендующую на единственную правопреемственность от основанной Смитом церкви. Церковь Стрэнга существовала на протяжении 6 лет на острове Бивер-Айленд в штате Мичиган. Стрэнг собрал почти 12 000 сторонников по сравнению с 50 000 членов церкви Бригама Янга. В отличие от Джозефа Смита, который поддерживал в своей церкви номинально республиканские атрибуты (выборные должности президента и старейшин), церковь Стрэнга была теократической монархией. Одной из причин краха церкви стала непоследовательность Стрэнга. Изначально он был противником полигамии, в отличие от руководителя конкурирующей фракции Бригама Янга. Позднее, однако, он сам стал многоженцем и отказался от принципа моногамии, что оттолкнуло от него тех, кто видел в нём альтернативу Янгу. В то же время, проведение в жизнь Стрэнгом суровых моральных принципов привело к бунту внутри его церкви. Он был убит в 1856 г. несколькими бывшими сторонниками, которые вслед за тем, собрав вооружённую толпу, изгнали всех сторонников Стрэнга с острова Бивер-Айленд, погрузив их на пароходы. После изгнания с острова церковь потерпела крах, в настоящее время от неё осталось несколько небольших групп последователей Стрэнга. (ru)
- James Jesse Strang (21 mars 1813 – 9 juli 1856) var en av de många tidiga mormoner som vid Joseph Smiths död gjorde anspråk på att vara dennes rättmätige efterföljare som kyrkans ledare. Strang hävdade själv att en ängel hade överlämnat kyrkans ledarskap i hans händer i samma stund som Smith dödades i Carthage. Strang sade sig också ha funnit några guldplåtar "Voree-plåtarna" i en kulle i Walworth County, Wisconsin som han kallade "Hill of Promise". Med gudomlig hjälp ska Strang ha översatt texten på dessa plåtar, som angavs vara skrivna av en förhistorisk amerikan, Rajah Manchou of Vorito. Denna berättelse påminner om Josephs Smiths berättelse om hur han fann liknande plåtar i en kulle och skrev och stärkte Strangs anspråk i många mormoners ögon. På Hill of Promise byggde Strang och hans anhängare ett tempel runt vilket man grundade staden Voree, numera kallad Spring Prairie. Där bildade Strang Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Strang tog först avstånd från månggifte men några år senare (omkring 1848 eller 1849) bytte han uppfattning, möjligen under inflytande av en av sina nytillkomna anhängare . När kyrkan växte flyttade Strang och hans anhängare till Beaver Island - en ö i Lake Michigan. Strang samlade allt mer makt runt sig själv och i juli 1850 lät han sig krönas till kung över kolonin. 1854 valdes han in i Michigans lagstiftande församling, där han svors in i ämbetet den 3 januari 1855. Strangs diktatoriska manér gav honom många fiender. Han sköts i juni 1856, varefter man flyttade honom tillbaka till Voree, Wisconsin där han dog till följd av skadorna. Endast spillror av hans kyrka återstår idag. (sv)
- James Jesse Strang (21 de março de 1813 – 9 de julho de 1856) foi um membro do Movimento dos Santos dos Últimos Dias na qual foi batizado em 1844. Alguns meses após a morte de Joseph Smith Jr foi excomungado e estabeleceu uma ramificação da igreja. (pt)
- 제임스 제시 스트랭(James Jesse Strang, 1813년 ~ 1856년)은 예수 그리스도 후기성도 교회에 소속되었다가 파문된 후 독자적인 길로 간 지도자이다. 1844년 조셉 스미스가 피격으로 사망한 후 스스로 후계자를 자처하다가 독립하여 자신을 따르는 수천명의 신도를 이끝고 미시간 호수의 비버 섬으로 갔다. 그들은 이곳에 독립적인 왕국을 건설하고 스트랭 자신이 국왕 제임스 1세가 되었다. 1856년 스트랭은 정체불명의 괴한의 저격을 받아 중상을 입고 20여일 후에 숨을 거두었다. (ko)
- James Jesse Strang (21 de março de 1813 – 9 de julho de 1856) foi um membro do Movimento dos Santos dos Últimos Dias na qual foi batizado em 1844. Alguns meses após a morte de Joseph Smith Jr foi excomungado e estabeleceu uma ramificação da igreja. (pt)
- James Jesse Strang (March 21, 1813 – July 9, 1856) was an American religious leader, politician and self-proclaimed monarch. In 1844 he claimed to have been appointed to be the successor of Joseph Smith as leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite), a faction of the Latter Day Saint movement. Strang testified that he had possession of a letter from Smith naming him as his successor, and furthermore reported that he had been ordained to the prophetic office by an angel. His organization is claimed by his followers to be the sole legitimate continuation of the Church of Christ founded by Joseph Smith fourteen years before. (en)
- James Jesse Strang, né à Scipio (New York) le 21 mars 1813 et mort à Voree (Wisconsin) le 9 juillet 1856, est un homme d'État, un chef religieux mormon et monarque auto-proclamé. Membre de l'Église de Jésus-Christ des saints des derniers jours, il reçut le baptême mormon le 24 février 1844 à Nauvoo (Illinois), et fut un proche du fondateur et premier dirigeant de l'Église, Joseph Smith. Peu après la mort de ce dernier en juin 1844, Strang affirma que celui-ci l’avait désigné comme successeur, présentant une lettre prétendument de sa part, reçue une semaine avant son décès. Strang affirma également qu’un ange lui était apparu au moment de la mort de Joseph Smith et que ce dernier l’avait ordonné comme son successeur. (fr)
- Джеймс Джесси Стрэнг, англ. James Jesse Strang (21 марта 1813, Сайпио, штат Нью-Йорк — 9 июля 1856, , Висконсин) был одним из трёх основных претендентов в мормонской церкви во время кризиса преемника в 1844 г. Отвергнутый большинством мормонов в г. Наву (Иллинойс), он основал церковь , претендующую на единственную правопреемственность от основанной Смитом церкви. Церковь Стрэнга существовала на протяжении 6 лет на острове Бивер-Айленд в штате Мичиган. Стрэнг собрал почти 12 000 сторонников по сравнению с 50 000 членов церкви Бригама Янга. (ru)
- James Jesse Strang (21 mars 1813 – 9 juli 1856) var en av de många tidiga mormoner som vid Joseph Smiths död gjorde anspråk på att vara dennes rättmätige efterföljare som kyrkans ledare. Strang hävdade själv att en ängel hade överlämnat kyrkans ledarskap i hans händer i samma stund som Smith dödades i Carthage. På Hill of Promise byggde Strang och hans anhängare ett tempel runt vilket man grundade staden Voree, numera kallad Spring Prairie. Där bildade Strang Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Endast spillror av hans kyrka återstår idag. (sv)