Sag Mill Update 2010

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Stuart M. Jones, Jr.1 and Moris Fresko2

Metso Minerals Industries Inc.
2715 Pleasant Valley Road
York, PA 17405-7043, USA
([email protected])
Metso Minerals Canada Inc.
795 George V
Lachine, QC H8S 2R9, Canada
([email protected])



This paper is derived from a document that compiles autogenous and semi-autogenous mill
installations worldwide, through the end of 2010. Updates have been solicited from all major mill
manufacturers and most have responded.

A review of AG/SAG mills sold to date and in the last five years indicates that the AG/SAG mill
market is very healthy and the trend is larger diameter mills with high diameter-to-length ratios. Ring
motors (gearless) are the preferred drives for large mills even though the power transmitted through a gear
drive is expected to near 11,000 kW per pinion in the near future.


Grinding Mill, Autogenous, AG, Semi-Autogenous, SAG, Effective Grinding Length, EGL, kW, HP,
Ring Motor Drives, Gearless Mills


This paper is derived from a document that compiles autogenous and semi-autogenous mill
installations worldwide. The list is maintained by Stuart M. Jones, Jr. (author), and is included in the
appendix. This list has been the inspiration for similar papers in the past several SAG Conferences.
Updates have been solicited from all major mill manufacturers and most have responded. Information
from this list is compiled to illustrate the growth of the AG/SAG mill market and the use by industry and
selected geographic areas. It covers the market growth through the end of 2010.

Although this presentation is general in nature, it provides good basic reference information. The
AG/SAG list is a living document and is updated regularly.


An Autogenous (AG) Mill is a tumbling mill which utilizes the ore itself as grinding media. For
some ores, an autogenous mill combines the size reduction steps of crushing, coarse grinding and fine
grinding. Ore which can be ground autogenously is said to be amenable to autogenous grinding. The ore
must contain sufficient competent pieces to act as grinding media.

A Semiautogenous (SAG) Mill utilizes steel balls in addition to the natural grinding media. The
addition of balls (typically 6 to 12 percent by mill volume of 100 mm diameter or 125 mm diameter balls)
increases the ability of the mill to deal with ores of varying hardness characteristics and varying amounts
of natural grinding media. A semiautogenous mill can effectively treat a wide variety of feed materials.
These mills are ideal for the scrubbing and coarse grinding of wet sticky ores to prepare feed for final
grind in a ball mill. They are also used in single stage grinding of ores to a final product size.

Each type of mill should be described in a consistent manner. Inconsistencies still exist with
respect to mill dimensions, leading to occasional confusion. It is highly recommended that mills should
be designated by inside shell diameter times inside shell length following with the length inside liners
(effective grinding chamber length) in parenthesis following the length. This is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Definition of Mill Diameter D, Mill Length L, and Effective Grinding Length EGL

An example would be an 11 m x 4.5 m (4.2 m EGL) 9,000 kW SAG mill. This should
clearly dimension the mill for both the mechanical designer and the process engineer. If
everyone uses such dimensions, confusion will be minimized.


Table 1 presents a historical list of the progression of AG/SAG mill sizes:

Table 1 First of its kind AG/SAG mills

Year D (ft) D (m) Type kW HP

2010 42 12.8 SAG 28,000 37,520
1996 40 12.2 SAG 20,000 26,800
1996 38 11.6 SAG 20,000 26,800
1986 32 9.75 1st Gearless SAG 8,200 11,000
1979 34 10.4 AG 6,560 8,800
1973 36 11.0 AG 8,950 12,000
1970 30 9.14 AG 5,220 7,000
1970 26 7.93 AG 2,240 3,000
1965 32 9.75 AG 4,470 6,000
1965 20 6.10 AG 370 500
1962 28 8.53 AG 2,610 3,500
1962 24 7.32 AG 1,300 1,750
1959 22 6.71 AG 930 1,250
1959 18 5.49 AG 450 600


2010 - Metso has sold the largest SAG mill to date, a 12.8 m x 7.62 m 6.86 m EGL (42 ft x 25 ft 22.5
ft EGL) 28 MW (37,520 HP) Gearless SAG mill to Newmont Mining Corporation for their Yanacocha
Minas Congas Gold-Copper project in Peru.

2010 - The largest dual pinion drive was sold by FLSmidth with an 11.0 m (36 ft) diameter SAG mill in
Canada at 2 x 7,500 kW (2 x 10,055 HP).

2007 - FLSmidth has sold the largest Ball Mills to follow a SAG mill, two 8.53 m x 13.6 m (28 ft x 44.5
ft) 22 MW (29,480 HP) Gearless Ball Mills for the Antofagasta Minerals, Esperanza project in Chile.

2007 - CITIC has sold the largest value AG Mill order for ultimately six 12.2 m x 11.0 m (40 ft x 36 ft) -
28 MW (37,550 HP) Gearless AG Mills for the CP Mining project in Australia.

2006 - Metso has sold the worlds largest AG and Pebble Mills for an expansion at the Boliden Aitik mine
in Sweden. The mills include two 11.6 m x 13.7 m (38 ft x 45ft) 22.6 MW (30,300 HP) Gearless AG
Mills and two 9.14 m x 11.6 m (30 ft x 38 ft) 10 MW (13,400 HP) Pebble Mills.


In the last 5 years, the grinding mill market (and in particular the AG/SAG mill market) has
experienced tremendous growth. It peaked at record levels in 2006. Orders for 2006 and 2007 combined
almost exceeded the total for the ten previous years. In 2008 and 2009, the global economic recession held
capital purchases for mining to a lower level, but recovery was well underway in 2010 and there are many
large projects (involving AG/SAG mills) in the planning stage in 2011. AG/SAG mill market in the last
50 years is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 AG/SAG mill Installed Power Sold in the last 50 years

Grouping the above data to coincide with SAG Conferences shows tremendous growth in mining
in the last 5 years as evidenced in Figure 3. The last 5 years average 3 to 4 times the previous periods.

Figure 3 AG/SAG mill Installed Power Sold in the last six 5-year periods

Through December 2010, over 1500 AG/SAG type mills were sold. To date, the total installed
power is close to 5,000 MW as shown in Figure 4. This is an amazing 49% increase in installed power
sold in the last five years. This practically means that approximately a third of all AG/SAG installed
power has been sold in the past five years.

Figure 4 Cumulative Installed Power Sold until 2010

Figure 5 shows the installed power sold by ore type. In the last five years, copper has taken the
lead from gold as the most mined ore (even though orebodies often contain both copper and gold).
Copper, gold, and iron mining dominated all other ore mining combined.

Figure 5 Installed Power Sold by ore type

Figure 6 shows the top 10 countries buying AG/SAG milling for the period from 2006 to 2010.

Figure 6 Top 10 Countries buying AG/SAG mills during the last 5 years

Table 2 summarizes the top 10 countries buying AG/SAG mills within the last four 5-year periods.

Table 2 Top 10 countries buying AG/SAG mills

2006-10 kW 2001-05 kW 1996-00 kW 1991-95 kW

Australia 212,860 S. Africa 58,690 Chile 92,870 Australia 97,110
Peru 177,540 Brazil 57,470 Australia 81,310 S. Africa 64,370
Chile 160,590 Australia 54,220 Indonesia 53,650 Chile 43,870
Canada 141,350 Ghana 45,470 Canada 49,000 Argentina 26,840
China 104,790 Chile 20,980 Iran 33,650 Iran 23,970
Sweden 88,630 Bolivia 16,450 Peru 20,130 Russia 23,100
USA 60,490 USA 16,030 Mexico 15,480 USA 20,740
Mongolia 52,600 China 14,430 Ghana 14,840 Indonesia 17,260
Panama 47,960 Russia 11,260 S. Africa 14,500 New Guinea 13,020
Mexico 44,940 Laos 8,100 Tanzania 13,290 Canada 12,560

Figure 7 shows the installed power sold based on mill diameter. The 12.2 m (40 ft) mills have
been very popular with a total of 21 units sold so far.

Figure 7 Large AG/SAG mill Installations

AG/SAG milling has taken its place as an important alternative in the process of comminution.
Size reduction is the most expensive operation in most concentrators accounting for 60 to 70 percent of
the total concentrator operating costs. Selection of the optimum size reduction methods is essential to the
financial success of a mine. The design of most large new mining concentrators includes the use of
AG/SAG milling for size reduction. Almost all medium size operations and many small operations
consider AG/SAG milling as well. These types of mills will continue to be installed wherever new mines
are developed.


AG/SAG mills are available in various types of basic configurations. The North American style
mills have high diameter (D) to length (L) ratios typically 2:1 or greater. The European and South African
mills have low D/L ratios of 1:1 or less. Each type of mill has its appropriate application. For some
applications the low D/L ratio mill creates a product with higher surface area while consuming more
power per ton of product. The initial cost of low D/L mills is less than high D/L mills.

From the installation list, we can see that majority of the installed power comes from high D/L
ratio mills. During the past five years, 87% of the mill power purchased came from high D/L ratio mills.
Part of this statistical lean toward the high D/L ratio mills has been due to the very high powered high D/L
mills which have been designed and sold, 22 in the 20 megawatt class in the past five years. In response to
market wishes, mill builders have offered designs for larger low D/L ratio AG/SAG mills. The largest sold
to date are 11.6 m x 13.7 m (38 ft x 45 ft) - 22,600 kW (30,300 HP) Gearless AG Mills. Still, most of
these mills are 5,000kW or smaller.


The optimum selection of drives for AG/SAG mills is important for both the economics of the
project and the successful operation of the plant. Gear manufacturers adjust their capabilities as larger
machines become available. The largest gear drive we have identified is 8,490 kW. This is higher than the
7,500 kW pinions mentioned five years ago. Ring motor drives (gearless) have been formally sold for as
large as 28,000kW. Larger motors are available. The drive selection is often site specific.

Types of mill drives considered today include:

1. One Motor/Speed Reducer with Couplings/Pinion/Gear/Mill

2. One Motor/Clutch/Pinion/Gear/Mill
3. Two Motors/Two Speed Reducers with Couplings/Two Pinions/Gear/Mill
4. Two Motors/Two Clutches/Two Pinions/Gear/Mill
5. Ring Motor Driven (Gearless Mills)

Motor Types include:

1. Fixed Speed including:

a. Squirrel Cage Motors used with speed reducer drives
b. Wound Rotor or Slip Ring Motors used with speed reducer drives
c. Low Speed Synchronous Motors commonly used with air clutches mostly above 1,500
2. Variable Speed Drives including:
a. Squirrel Cage/Synchronous Motors used with cycloconverter type speed controls
b. Wound Rotor or Slip Ring Motors used with speed reducer drives and slip energy
recovery systems for speed control (now applied to both single pinion and dual pinion
c. Synchronous Motors used for both single pinion and dual pinion drives with either LCI
or Cycloconverter type speed controls. The first dual pinion applications of LCI and
Cycloconverter technologies started up in 1996 and 1997
d. Ring Motor (Gearless) drives are the most desirable, most used, and most expensive
variable speed drives for large mills.

Gear driven AG/SAG mills have been sold from as small as 110 kW to as large as 15,000 kW
(20,115 HP). Ring Motor driven (gearless) SAG mills have been sold in sizes from 8,200 kW (11,000 HP)
through 27,980 kW (37,520 HP).

The first SAG mill to utilize ring motor design were the two 9.75 m x 5.18 m (4.57 m EGL) -
8,200 kW SAG mills sold to Chuquiquamata in Chile in 1986. Today a total of 72 ring motor driven SAG
mills have been sold, the largest rated at 27,980 kW (37,520 HP). In the past five years, 40 ring motor
driven AG/SAG mills have been added to the list. The significance of Ring Motor design is important
because mills are no longer limited by drive constraints. It remains to be seen whether the latest 12.8 m
(42 ft) diameter SAG mill will be a new standard for large mills, or whether larger diameters will follow.


In 2006, many suggested that HPGR technology would replace AG/SAG mills in the future.
Reviewing AG/SAG mill progress since our last paper, we note that in the last 5 years, the 11.6 m (38 ft)
mill population has grown from 8 to 18, the 12.2m (40 ft) mill population has grown from 2 to 15, and a
new 12.8m (42 ft) mill has been added to our list. We have seen no demise of the AG/SAG mill. These
Ring Motors driving these giant mills range from 18 to 28 MW. Of these large mills (11.6 m to 12.8 m),
16 are in South America (Peru, Chile, Brazil), 8 are in Australia, 2 are in Canada, and the others are in

Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Sweden, Mexico, Panama, Mongolia, Indonesia, and Zambia. These large mills
make it possible to process as much as 144,000 metric tons per day (mtpd) of ore in a single grinding line
at interesting savings over the cost of a multiline plant.

The census of AG/SAG mills confirms that most recent installations are processing copper, gold,
iron ore, zinc, and nickel. Most large AG/SAG mills are variable speed. Variable speed is inherent with
ring motor electronics. There is some justification for use of a variable speed drive to allow the operator to
make speed adjustments as ore hardness changes. When soft ores are encountered, the SAG mill load can
drop rapidly and liners can be damaged if the mill is not slowed down. It is common for SAG mills today
to have variable speed drives. It is however an expensive option with conventional motor drives.

Mill designs are off the shelf today for a SAG mill of up to 28 MW followed by two Ball Mills of
up to 24 MW. It is possible to have a single processing line capable of handling of over 200,000 mtpd of


The AG/SAG mill market has been presented. The SAG mill (and in a limited way the AG mill)
will continue to be applied in the mining industry in a wide variety of applications. SAG mills and ball
mills in the mining industry will continue to grow in size with SAG mills up to 30,000 kW and ball mills
as large as 24,000 kW. Conceptual design and pricing has been developed for Gearless SAG Mills of
13.4 m (44 ft) diameter with 32 MW (42,900 HP) and Gearless Ball Mills of 9.1 m (30 ft) diameter and 28
MW (37,500 HP). Single grinding lines will process 200,000 mtpd of ore and more.

Large gear driven mills will approach 11,000 kW in single pinion drives and 22,000 kW in dual
pinion drives. Ring Motor drives will become more common as engineers begin to understand the
convenience and long term savings possible with these drives. However, due to various motor failures
during the past few years, more motor maintenance time need to be factored in with these type of drives.

Small concentrators will utilize SAG milling to a greater degree in either low aspect or high
aspect ratio designs depending on economics. Computer modeling will help us better understand, better
apply, and better utilize these mills. Advanced computer control of the concentrator will help us obtain a
better return from equipment investments.

Thank you to all mill suppliers who have contributed data and added value to our installations
list. The authors welcome additions and/or corrections at any time.

10 | P a g e

D L EGL D L EGL Mo- Wet/

(ft) (ft) (ft) (m) (m) (m) Qty kW tors Supplier Dry Ore Country Date
42 25 22.5 12.8 7.62 6.86 1 27,980 RM Metso Wet Copper/Gold Peru 2010

40 36 34 12.2 11.0 10.4 6 28,000 RM CITIC Wet Iron Australia 2008

40 26.7 24 12.2 8.14 7.32 2 23,980 RM Metso Wet Copper/Gold Panama 2008
40 26 23.5 12.2 7.92 7.16 1 23,860 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 2010
40 26 23.5 12.2 7.92 7.16 1 27,960 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Kazakhstan 2008
40 26 23.5 12.2 7.92 7.16 1 27,960 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Peru 2008
40 26 23.5 12.2 7.92 7.16 1 21,980 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 2007
40 25.5 23 12.2 7.77 7.01 1 21,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Peru 2008
40 25.5 23 12.2 7.77 7.01 1 22,000 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 2007
40 25 23 12.2 7.62 7.01 1 21,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Peru 2009
40 25 23 12.2 7.62 7.01 1 21,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Peru 2008
40 25 23 12.2 7.62 7.01 1 26,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Gold Pakistan 2007
40 24 22 12.2 7.32 6.71 1 21,980 RM Metso Wet Copper Peru 2010
40 24 22 12.2 7.32 6.71 1 19,980 RM Metso Wet Copper Canada 2008
40 24 22 12.2 7.32 6.71 1 20,980 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 2001
40 22 20 12.2 6.71 6.10 1 19,390 RM Metso Wet Gold Australia 1996

38 45 43 11.6 13.7 13.1 2 22,580 RM Metso Wet Copper Sweden 2006

38 25.5 23.5 11.6 7.77 7.16 1 18,000 RM Metso Wet Copper Australia 1996
38 24.8 22 11.6 7.56 6.71 2 19,980 RM Metso Wet Gold Undecided 2006
38 24.8 22 11.6 7.56 6.71 1 20,000 RM Metso Wet Gold Brazil 2005
38 23 21 11.6 7.01 6.40 1 19,390 RM Metso Wet Gold Canada 2006
38 23 21 11.6 7.01 6.40 1 19,980 RM Metso Wet Copper Brazil 2002
38 22.5 20 11.6 6.86 6.10 1 19,390 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 1999
38 22 20 11.6 6.71 6.10 1 18,300 RM FLSmidth Wet Gold Mexico 2007
38 22 20 11.6 6.71 6.10 2 19,980 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper/Gold Mongolia 2006
38 22 20 11.6 6.71 6.10 1 18,300 RM FLSmidth Wet Gold Mexico 2006
38 22 20 11.6 6.71 6.10 1 19,390 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 2000
38 21 19 11.6 6.40 5.79 1 20,130 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper/Zinc Peru 2008
38 21 19 11.6 6.40 5.79 1 20,130 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper/Zinc Peru 1999
38 20 18 11.6 6.10 5.49 1 20,400 RM Metso Wet Copper/Gold Indonesia 1996
38 18 16 11.6 5.49 4.88 1 18,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Gold Zambia 2005

36 23.5 22 11.0 7.16 6.71 1 10,810 2 Metso Wet Gold Canada 2010
36 20.5 18.5 11.0 6.25 5.64 1 12,490 RM FLSmidth Wet Gold Australia 2004
36 20.5 18.5 11.0 6.25 5.64 2 14,990 RM Metso Wet Gold Australia 2002
36 20 18 11.0 6.10 5.49 2 15,000 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Canada 2010
36 19.75 18 11.0 6.02 5.49 1 11,190 2 Metso Wet Iron Canada 2008
36 19.5 17.75 11.0 5.94 5.41 1 13,420 RM FLSmidth Wet Zinc Australia 1997
36 19 18 11.0 5.79 5.49 1 12,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 2010
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 12,010 RM FLSmidth Wet Molybdenum USA 2007
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 2 12,680 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 2007
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 14,990 RM Metso Wet Gold Romania 2006
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 13,420 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 2006
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 13,420 RM F&T Wet Copper/Gold USA 2004
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 13,050 RM FLSmidth Wet Silver Bolivia 2004
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 2 12,000 RM FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 1997
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 2 13,420 RM Metso Wet Gold Indonesia 1997
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 2 13,420 RM Metso Wet Copper/Gold Argentina 1995
36 19 17.25 11.0 5.79 5.26 1 13,420 2 Metso Wet Copper Chile 1994
36 18.7 17 11.0 5.70 5.18 1 11,930 RM Metso Wet Copper USA 1990
36 18.5 16.8 11.0 5.64 5.12 2 10,440 2 F&T Wet Iron USA 2007
36 17.75 16 11.0 5.41 4.88 1 12,680 2 Metso Wet Molybdenum Canada 2007
36 17.7 11.0 5.39 1 12,640 2 CITIC Wet Copper/Gold Mongolia 2010
36 17.4 11.0 5.30 1 16,410 RM Krupp Polysius Wet Copper USA 2007
36 17 15.25 11.0 5.18 4.65 1 11,190 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 1987
36 16.7 15 11.0 5.09 4.57 1 11,930 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 1996
36 16.7 15 11.0 5.09 4.57 1 11,930 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 1995
36 16.7 15 11.0 5.09 4.57 1 11,930 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 1991
36 16 15.5 11.0 4.88 4.72 1 11,930 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Australia 1994

11 | P a g e
36 15 14 11.0 4.57 4.27 3 8,950 2 Metso Wet Taconite USA 1975
36 15 14 11.0 4.57 4.27 6 8,950 2 Metso Wet Taconite USA 1973

34.5 6.75 10.5 2.06 2 4,470 2 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Ore Mauritania 1979
34.5 6.75 10.5 2.06 2 4,470 2 Krupp Polysius Dry Specular Hem. Canada 1972
34.4 17.7 10.5 5.39 1 7,990 2 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1995
34.4 17.7 10.5 5.39 1 9,990 2 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1992

34 45 43 10.4 13.7 13.1 1 16,490 RM Metso Wet Gold Sweden 2008

34 22 20 10.4 6.71 6.10 1 14,000 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Ghana 2009
34 20 18 10.4 6.1 5.49 1 12,680 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Canada 2008
34 19.3 17.5 10.4 5.88 5.33 1 10,990 2 Metso Wet Copper/Gold Brazil 2005
34 19 17 10.4 5.79 5.18 1 10,290 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Australia 1993
34 19 17 10.4 5.79 5.18 1 10,440 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1990
34 18.75 17 10.4 5.72 5.18 1 11,190 RM FLSmidth Wet Molybdenum USA 2007
34 18.75 17 10.4 5.72 5.18 1 12,990 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Laos 2006
34 18.75 17 10.4 5.72 5.18 1 11,490 2 Metso Wet Copper Australia 2006
34 18.2 16.4 10.4 5.55 5.00 1 12,990 2 Metso Wet Gold Ghana 2005
34 18.2 16.4 10.4 5.55 5.00 1 12,990 2 Metso Wet Gold Ghana 2004
34 18 16.25 10.4 5.49 4.95 3 10,990 2 Metso Wet Iron China 2010
34 18 16.75 10.4 5.49 5.11 1 10,390 2 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2007
34 17 10.4 5.18 1 11,190 2 CITIC Wet Copper China 2008
34 17 15.25 10.4 5.18 4.65 1 8,990 1 Metso Wet Nickel Russia 2008
34 17 15.25 10.4 5.18 4.65 1 8,950 2 F&T Wet Copper/Moly Canada 2006
34 17 15.25 10.4 5.18 4.65 1 10,440 RM Metso Wet Copper Indonesia 1993
34 17 15.25 10.4 5.18 4.65 1 9,690 2 Metso Wet Copper Chile 1989
34 17 15 10.4 5.18 4.57 3 9,320 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1986
34 17 15.25 10.4 5.18 4.65 1 9,320 2 Metso Wet Copper Chile 1985
34 17 15 10.4 5.18 4.57 1 9,320 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1979
34 16.7 10.4 5.09 1 10,960 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper Australia 1995
34 15.75 14 10.4 4.80 4.27 1 8,990 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Armenia 2008
34 15.75 14 10.4 4.80 4.27 1 8,990 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Armenia 2006
34 15.5 14 10.4 4.72 4.27 1 9,990 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper/Gold P. New Guinea 2006
34 15.5 14 10.4 4.72 4.27 1 11,990 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper/Gold Laos 2006
34 15.5 14 10.4 4.72 4.27 2 6,560 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1979
34 15.3 13.5 10.4 4.66 4.11 2 8,950 2 Metso Wet Copper/Gold Canada 1996
34 15.3 13.5 10.4 4.66 4.11 1 8,950 2 Metso Wet Gold USA 1995
34 15 13 10.4 4.57 3.96 1 5,590 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Russia 1997

32 34 32 9.75 10.4 9.75 1 16,490 RM Metso Wet Gold Peru 2006

32 21.25 19.5 9.75 6.48 5.94 1 11,590 2 Outotec Wet Copper Zambia 2006
32 21.25 19.5 9.75 6.48 5.94 1 11,590 2 Outotec Wet Copper Dem. Rep. Congo 2005
32 20.2 18.75 9.75 6.16 5.72 1 11,490 2 Metso Wet Copper Australia 2006
32 19 17.5 9.75 5.79 5.33 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Ghana 2009
32 17.5 16 9.75 5.33 4.88 1 7,490 1 Metso Wet Iron Australia 2007
32 17 15 9.75 5.18 4.57 2 8,200 RM Metso Wet Copper Chile 1986
32 16.5 15 9.75 5.03 4.57 3 6,340 2 Metso Wet Iron Michigan 1975
32 16 14.5 9.75 4.88 4.42 1 6,500 1 Metso Wet Copper/Gold Australia 2000
32 16 14.5 9.75 4.88 4.42 1 8,200 2 Metso Wet Copper Iran 1998
32 16 14.5 9.75 4.88 4.42 1 8,200 2 Metso Wet Copper Iran 1997
32 16 14.5 9.75 4.88 4.42 2 7,460 2 Metso Wet Copper Australia 1989
32 16 14 9.75 4.88 4.27 1 6,990 2 Metso Wet Copper/Gold New Guinea 1982
32 15.7 9.75 4.79 1 8,950 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold Dom. Rep. 2007
32 15.5 14 9.75 4.72 4.27 2 8,200 2 Metso Wet Copper China 2007
32 15.5 13.5 9.75 4.72 4.11 1 8,200 2 Metso Wet Nickel Canada 1989
32 15.5 14 9.75 4.72 4.27 2 6,860 2 Metso Wet Copper South Africa 1975
32 15.5 14 9.75 4.72 4.27 2 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1970
32 15 9.75 4.57 1 7,460 2 F&T Wet Palladium Canada 2000
32 15 13.5 9.75 4.57 4.11 1 6,710 1 FLSmidth Wet Iron Mexico 1997
32 15 13.25 9.75 4.57 4.04 2 7,830 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 1996
32 15 13.5 9.75 4.57 4.11 1 7,900 2 Metso Wet Copper Philippines 1990
32 15 13.5 9.75 4.57 4.11 1 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1980
32 14.9 9.75 4.54 1 7,460 2 FLSmidth Wet Copper USA 1994
32 14.5 13 9.75 4.42 3.96 1 7,460 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1996
32 14.5 13 9.75 4.42 3.96 2 5,970 2 Metso Wet Molybdenum USA 1980
32 14 12.5 9.75 4.27 3.81 1 6,740 1 CEMTEC Wet Iron Iran 2007
32 14 12.6 9.75 4.27 3.84 1 6,710 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1980

12 | P a g e
32 14 12.5 9.75 4.27 3.81 4 6,710 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Mag/Hem India 1977
32 14 12.6 9.75 4.27 3.84 2 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper Zaire 1974
32 14 12.6 9.75 4.27 3.84 3 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1970
32 14 12.6 9.75 4.27 3.84 6 5,220 2 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1969
32 13.5 11 9.75 4.11 3.35 1 2,980 1 Metso Wet Iron Canada 2007
32 13.5 11.8 9.75 4.11 3.60 1 5,220 2 Metso Wet Iron Canada 1996
32 13.5 11.8 9.75 4.11 3.60 2 5,220 2 Metso Wet Iron Canada 1985
32 13.12 9.75 4.00 1 7,990 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Iron Iran 2005
32 13.12 9.75 4.00 3 7,990 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Iron Iran 1992
32 13 11.4 9.75 3.96 3.47 3 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1974
32 13 11.5 9.75 3.96 3.51 6 4,470 2 Metso Wet Iron Canada 1972
32 12.8 11.3 9.75 3.90 3.44 1 7,010 1 Metso Wet Copper Iran 1997
32 12 10.4 9.75 3.66 3.17 2 5,070 2 Metso Wet Iron Canada 1966
32 12 10.4 9.75 3.66 3.17 2 4,470 2 Metso Wet Iron Tasmania 1965
32 8 7.5 9.75 2.44 2.29 1 2,610 1 Metso Dry Limestone Canada 1995
32 15 9.75 4.57 1 9,590 2 Outotec Wet Gold Greece 2007

31.5 18.5 17 9.6 5.64 5.18 2 8,580 2 Bradken Wet Nickel Australia 1993
31.5 18.5 17 9.6 5.64 5.18 1 7,080 2 Bradken Wet Nickel Australia 1990
31.5 15 9.6 4.57 1 6,710 1 Bradken Wet Gold Guyana 1994

30 38 9.14 11.6 2 9,990 Metso Copper Sweden 2006

30 18 9.14 5.49 1 8,390 2 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 2009
30 18 9.14 5.49 1 8,390 2 CITIC Wet Copper Australia 2008
30 18 16.5 9.14 5.49 5.03 1 10,400 1 FLSmidth Wet Copper Burkina Faso 2007
30 18 16.5 9.14 5.49 5.03 1 8,990 2 Outotec Wet Gold Tanzania 2007
30 18 16.5 9.14 5.49 5.03 1 7,990 2 Outotec Wet Nickel Brazil 2007
30 18 16.5 9.14 5.49 5.03 1 8,990 2 Outotec Wet Gold Tanzania 1999
30 15.5 9.14 4.72 1 6,340 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Kazakhstan 1995
30 15 13.5 9.14 4.57 4.11 1 3,800 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Peru 2005
30 13 11.25 9.14 3.96 3.43 1 5,220 1 Metso Wet Lead/Zinc Canada 1995
30 13 11.5 9.14 3.96 3.51 1 5,590 1 Metso Wet Gold Guyana 1991
30 12 10.5 9.14 3.66 3.20 1 1 CEMTEC Wet Kimberlite Russia 2009
30 12 9.14 3.66 1 5,970 1 F&T Wet Copper/Gold Canada 2007
30 12 11 9.14 3.66 3.35 1 5,220 2 Metso Wet Molybdenum USA 1978
30 11 10 9.14 3.35 3.05 5 3,280 1 Kobe Wet Kimberlite USSR 1978
30 10 9.14 3.05 2 5,220 2 Outotec Wet Iron Canada 1970
30 7 6.5 9.14 2.13 1.98 1 2,980 1 Metso Dry Gold Mali 1992
30 14.8 9.14 4.51 1 7,390 2 Outotec Wet Iran 2009
30 46.6 9.14 14.2 3 13,990 Outotec Wet Chile 2008

29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 16 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Iron Ukraine 1976-91
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 5 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1975-92
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 27 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Iron Russia 1974-91
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 1 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Uzbekistan 2000
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 1 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Copper Russia 1989
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 1 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Copper Russia 1985
29.5 9.84 8.7 8.99 3.00 2.65 1 4,000 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Uzbekistan 1985
29.5 6.6 8.99 2.01 1 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Iran 1999
29.5 6.6 8.99 2.01 2 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Iran 1987

28.9 15.7 8.81 4.79 2 6,000 1 CITIC Wet Copper China 2007
28.5 5.85 8.69 1.78 1 3,730 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Magnetite USA 1967
28.5 5.7 8.69 1.74 1 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone France 1968
28.5 5.7 8.69 1.74 1 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Canada 1966
28.5 8.69 1 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone USSR 1975

28 32 8.53 9.75 1 7,880 1 Outotec Wet Lead/Zinc Ireland 2007

28 17.75 16.3 8.53 5.41 4.97 1 6,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Tanzania 2006
28 17.25 15.5 8.53 5.26 4.72 1 6,000 1 Metso Wet Copper Bulgaria 2006
28 16 14 8.53 4.88 4.27 1 6,340 1 Bradken Wet Lead/Zinc Canada 1997
28 16 14.5 8.53 4.88 4.42 1 4,900 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1994
28 15.5 14 8.53 4.72 4.27 1 5,590 1 Metso Wet Undecided Undecided 2004
28 15 8.53 4.57 1 6,000 1 Outotec Wet Cu/Lead/Zinc Portugal 2010
28 15 8.53 4.57 1 4,000 1 Outotec Wet Diamonds Botswana 2010
28 15 14 8.53 4.57 4.27 1 5,220 2 Kobe Wet Copper Chile 1979
28 15 14 8.53 4.57 4.27 3 5,220 2 Metso Wet Molybdenum USA 1971

13 | P a g e
28 14.5 13 8.53 4.42 3.96 1 4,300 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold P. New Guinea 2008
28 14.5 13 8.53 4.42 3.96 1 5,200 1 Metso Wet Lead/Zinc/Gold Australia 1996
28 14.5 8.53 4.42 1 4,850 1 Bradken Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1995
28 14.5 13 8.53 4.42 3.96 1 4,470 2 Metso Wet Copper Philippines 1978
28 14.1 8.53 4.30 1 6,500 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper/Cobalt Dem. Rep. Congo 2007
28 14 8.53 4.27 1 4,300 1 Outotec Wet Gold P. New Guinea 2005
28 14 12.5 8.53 4.27 3.81 1 5,400 1 Metso Wet Copper China 2005
28 14 8.53 4.27 1 5,590 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Egypt 1991
28 14 8.53 4.27 1 4,470 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Chile 1989
28 14 12.5 8.53 4.27 3.81 2 4,100 1 Metso Wet Copper Chile 1989
28 14 12.5 8.53 4.27 3.81 1 4,850 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1987
28 13 11.5 8.53 3.96 3.51 1 4,900 1 Metso Wet Gold Russia 2009
28 13 11.5 8.53 3.96 3.51 1 3,000 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Diamonds Botswana 2008
28 13 11.5 8.53 3.96 3.51 2 4,600 1 FLSmidth Wet Copper Zambia 2006
28 13 11.5 8.53 3.96 3.51 1 4,850 1 Metso Wet Copper China 2002
28 13 11.5 8.53 3.96 3.51 2 5,220 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1980
28 12.5 11 8.53 3.81 3.35 1 4,850 2 Metso Wet Iron Mexico 1980
28 12 10.5 8.53 3.66 3.20 2 5,000 1 Metso Wet Copper/Gold Russia 2006
28 12 10.5 8.53 3.66 3.20 1 3,360 1 FLSmidth Wet Lead/Zinc Mexico 1999
28 12 8.53 3.66 1 4,100 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1994
28 12 10.5 8.53 3.66 3.20 1 4,100 1 Metso Wet Gold Chile 1994
28 12 8.53 3.66 1 4,070 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1991
28 12 8.53 3.66 1 3,730 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1984
28 12 8.53 3.66 1 3,880 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1984
28 12 10.5 8.53 3.66 3.20 1 3,950 1 Metso Wet Copper Canada 1975
28 12 10.5 8.53 3.66 3.20 2 4,470 2 Metso Wet Copper USA 1970
28 11 9.5 8.53 3.35 2.90 1 3,280 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1985
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 1 3,360 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1987
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 1 2,610 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1985
28 10 9.5 8.53 3.05 2.90 1 4,470 1 Metso Dry Cement Brazil 1981
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 2 3,430 1 Metso Wet Molybdenum USA 1979
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 1 2,980 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1978
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 1 2,980 1 Metso Wet Copper Zaire 1974
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 2 2,610 1 Metso Wet Copper Zaire 1968
28 10 8.75 8.53 3.05 2.67 2 2,610 1 Metso Wet Copper Zaire 1962
28 7.5 8.53 2.29 1 4,330 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold South Africa 1990
28 16.2 8.53 4.94 1 6,000 Outotec Wet Gold/Silver Indonesia 2007

27.5 5.5 8.38 1.68 5 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Taconite USA 1966-67
27.5 5.5 8.38 1.68 6 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Taconite USA 1966-67

27 42.5 40 8.23 13.0 12.2 1 13,990 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Ghana 2006
27 42.5 40 8.23 13.0 12.2 1 13,990 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold Ghana 2003
27 18 17 8.23 5.49 5.18 11 5,220 2 Metso Wet Taconite USA 1971
27 15.5 14.5 8.23 4.72 4.42 6 4,270 2 Metso Wet Hematite Michigan 1974
27 15.5 11 8.23 4.72 3.35 6 4,270 2 Metso Wet Hematite Michigan 1971
27 12 11 8.23 3.66 3.35 1 3,360 1 Metso Wet Copper/Zinc Canada 1985
27 11 10 8.23 3.35 3.05 3 2,240 2 Metso Wet Magnetite Canada 1971
27 5 8.23 1.52 2 1,860 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Germany 1966-69

26 18.4 7.92 5.61 1 6,200 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold Mali 1999
26 18 7.92 5.49 1 5,500 1 CITIC Wet Copper Laos 2010
26 17.4 7.92 5.30 1 5,500 1 CITIC Wet Copper Saudi Arabia 2010
26 17.4 7.92 5.30 1 5,500 1 CITIC Wet Copper Zambia 2010
26 17 7.92 5.18 1 3,500 1 Bradken Wet Nickel/Gold Australia 1996
26 16.7 7.92 5.09 1 5,800 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold Ghana 1996
26 16 7.92 4.88 1 4,850 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Bauxite Brazil 2008
26 16 14.5 7.92 4.88 4.42 1 4,500 FLSmidth Wet Bauxite Brazil 2006
26 16 14.8 7.92 4.88 4.51 1 6,500 1 Metso Wet Bauxite Brazil 2004
26 16 15 7.92 4.88 4.57 1 4,300 1 Metso Wet Bauxite Australia 1993
26 15.5 14 7.92 4.72 4.27 1 5,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 2000
26 15.5 14 7.92 4.72 4.27 1 4,470 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1996
26 13.1 7.92 3.99 1 3,800 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1994
26 13 7.92 3.96 2 4,000 1 Bradken Wet Iran 1998
26 13 12 7.92 3.96 3.66 2 2,610 2 Metso Wet Bauxite Australia 1979
26 12.5 7.92 3.81 1 3,700 1 Bradken Wet Australia 1992
26 12.25 11 7.92 3.73 3.35 1 3,360 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 2006

14 | P a g e
26 12 10.8 7.92 3.66 3.29 1 3,360 1 FLSmidth Wet Lead/Zinc Mexico 1999
26 12 7.92 3.66 3 2,610 1 FCB Wet Iron Mexico 1983
26 11.5 7.92 3.51 1 3,210 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum Zimbabwe 1994
26 11.25 10 7.92 3.43 3.05 1 3,360 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1995
26 11 10 7.92 3.35 3.05 3 2,460 1 Metso Wet Copper Turkey 1970
26 10.5 9.5 7.92 3.20 2.90 1 2,610 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1989
26 10.5 7.92 3.20 1 2,980 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold New Guinea 1987
26 10 9 7.92 3.05 2.74 1 2,390 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1980
26 10 7.92 3.05 1 2,240 1 Metso Wet Copper USA 1970
26 9.2 7.92 2.80 1 3,000 1 CITIC Wet Iron China 2006
26 8 7.92 2.44 3 2,700 1 FCB Wet Iron Nigeria 1991

25.3 9.2 7.71 2.80 1 2,500 1 SHMP Wet Copper China 1984

24.6 9.2 7.50 2.80 1 2,000 1 CITIC Wet Gold Russia 2008
24.5 5.3 7.47 1.62 1 1,490 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Hematite Sweden 1974
24.5 5.3 7.47 1.62 1 1,490 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Copper Mauritania 1969
24.5 4.8 7.47 1.46 1 1,120 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Norway 1966
24.5 4.8 7.47 1.46 1 1,120 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone N. Ireland 1965
24.5 4.8 7.47 1.46 1 1,120 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone England 1965
24.5 4.8 7.47 1.46 1 1,120 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Scotland 1963
24.5 4.8 7.47 1.46 1 1,120 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone England 1962
24.3 9.8 7.41 2.99 1 2,400 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1987
24.3 9.8 7.41 2.99 1 2,400 1 Bradken Wet Cu/Uranium Australia 1986

24 29.5 28 7.32 8.99 8.53 1 10,390 2 Metso Wet Platinum South Africa 2003
24 28.5 27 7.32 8.69 8.23 1 7,200 2 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2000
24 26 7.32 7.92 1 6,990 2 Outotec Wet Gold Brazil 2010
24 15.75 14.75 7.32 4.80 4.50 1 4,300 1 Outotec Wet Copper/Gold Philippines 2006
24 15.7 7.32 4.79 1 4,400 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold Kazakhstan 2006
24 15.5 14.5 7.32 4.72 4.42 1 4,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Senegal 2006
24 15 13.8 7.32 4.57 4.21 1 2,500 1 Metso Wet Limestone Austria 1993
24 14.5 13.5 7.32 4.42 4.11 1 3,730 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Peru 2005
24 14.5 13.3 7.32 4.42 4.05 1 3,250 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Australia 2002
24 14 7.32 4.27 2 3,800 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 2009
24 13.5 12.3 7.32 4.11 3.75 1 3,360 1 F&T Wet Gold Mexico 2007
24 13.5 12.3 7.32 4.11 3.75 1 3,360 1 F&T Wet Gold Canada 2006
24 13.5 12.3 7.32 4.11 3.75 1 2,980 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1998
24 13.5 7.32 4.11 1 2,980 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold USA 1990
24 13.3 12 7.32 4.05 3.66 1 2,800 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1993
24 13 12 7.32 3.96 3.66 4 2,140 1 Metso Wet Bauxite Australia 1973
24 13 12 7.32 3.96 3.66 5 2,610 1 Metso Wet Magnetite Michigan 1971
24 12.8 11.5 7.32 3.90 3.51 1 3,400 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1997
24 11.75 10.5 7.32 3.58 3.20 1 1,490 1 Metso Wet Gold Russia 2010
24 11.5 10.5 7.32 3.51 3.20 1 2,200 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Diamonds Tanzania 2008
24 11.5 10 7.32 3.51 3.05 1 2,500 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 2006
24 11.5 7.32 3.51 1 2,800 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1994
24 11 7.32 3.35 1 3,200 1 Outotec Wet Gold Tanzania 2001
24 11 7.32 3.35 1 2,800 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1992
24 10.5 7.32 3.20 1 1,700 2 Krupp Polysius Wet Kimberlite Angola 2003
24 10.5 8.5 7.32 3.20 2.59 1 2,240 2 FLSmidth Wet Nickel Canada 1995
24 10.25 9 7.32 3.12 2.74 1 2,310 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Mexico 2003
24 10 8.8 7.32 3.05 2.68 1 1,860 1 Metso Wet Gold Philippines 1990
24 10 8.8 7.32 3.05 2.68 1 2,240 1 Bradken Wet Australia 1986
24 10 9 7.32 3.05 2.74 2 2,140 1 Metso Wet Copper Morocco 1971
24 9 8 7.32 2.74 2.44 1 2,500 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1988
24 9 8 7.32 2.74 2.44 10 1,640 2 Metso Wet Magnetite Michigan 1964
24 9 8 7.32 2.74 2.44 6 1,300 1 Metso Wet Magnetite Michigan 1962
24 8 7 7.32 2.44 2.13 1 1,680 1 Metso Wet Cu/Lead/Zinc Australia 1981
24 8 7 7.32 2.44 2.13 4 1,500 1 Metso Wet Iron Ore Liberia 1971
24 8 7 7.32 2.44 2.13 3 1,490 1 Metso Wet Bauxite Australia 1971
24 8 7 7.32 2.44 2.13 1 1,300 1 Metso Wet Copper USA 1963
24 8 7 7.32 2.44 2.13 6 1,300 1 Metso Wet Hematite Canada 1962

23.6 47.2 7.19 14.4 1 5,220 2 Granges Wet Iron Ore Sweden
23.6 23.6 7.19 7.19 1 2,680 3 Thunes Wet Magnetite Norway
23.5 5.1 7.16 1.55 2 930 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Copper Rhodesia 1957-59

15 | P a g e
23 14.4 7.01 4.39 1 3,500 1 CITIC Wet Copper Zambia 2010
23 14.4 7.01 4.39 1 2,800 1 CITIC Wet Zinc India 2010
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Armenia 1987-90
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1986-90
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1985-90
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Copper Bulgaria 1985-86
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Uzbekistan 1985-00
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1984-87
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 4 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1983-89
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Cement Russia 1983-84
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 14 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1982-91
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kazakhstan 1982-87
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Copper/Moly Armenia 1982-84
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1981-86
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1980-83
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1980-81
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 30 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Uzbekistan 1980-04
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 8 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Moly/Wolf Russia 1979-91
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Uzbekistan 1979-80
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 9 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1978-93
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 26 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Ukraine 1978-92
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 6 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Ukraine 1977-92
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kazakhstan 1975-81
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 4 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1974-76
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 7 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Ukraine 1974-76
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Ukraine 1974-76
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1974-75
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 4 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kazakhstan 1973-74
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 4 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1972-77
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 18 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1971-73
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1971-73
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 2007
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 2006
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Belarus 1998
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1992
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1992
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1990
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1990
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1989
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1988
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1988
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1988
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1988
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1987
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1986
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1985
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1985
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1984
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1984
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1983
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1982
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1981
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1980
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1978
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Tajikistan 1978
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1976
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Cement Ukraine 1976
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Russia 1975
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Russia 1975
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1975
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1974
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1974
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1974
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Kazakhstan 1974
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1974
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1973

16 | P a g e
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1973
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Copper/Moly Armenia 1972
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 1 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Cement Ukraine 1972
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 2 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1972
23 7.54 7.01 2.30 3 1,600 1 Tyazhmash Wet Germany 1970
23 5.3 7.01 1.62 1 970 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Gold Indonesia 1994
23 11.5 7.01 3.51 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Zinc India 2004

22.5 4.7 6.86 1.43 1 930 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Algeria 1973
22.5 4.7 6.86 1.43 2 930 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Hematite Canada 1967
22.5 4.7 6.86 1.43 2 930 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Bauxite Greece 1964
22.5 4.7 6.86 1.43 6 930 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Hematite Canada 1963

22 41 39.5 6.71 12.5 12.0 1 5,970 2 Metso Wet Copper Sweden 1990
22 41 39.5 6.71 12.5 12.0 1 6,080 2 Metso Wet Copper Sweden 1990
22 41 39.5 6.71 12.5 12.0 1 6,080 2 Metso Wet Copper Sweden 1979
22 33 31.5 6.71 10.1 9.60 1 6,400 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 2003
22 33 31.5 6.71 10.1 9.60 2 6,400 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 2002
22 28 26.5 6.71 8.53 8.08 1 5,500 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Ghana 2005
22 25 24 6.71 7.62 7.32 1 5,200 1 Outotec Wet Copper Zambia 2003
22 25 23.5 6.71 7.62 7.16 2 4,500 1 Metso Wet Gold South Africa 1993
22 24.5 23 6.71 7.47 7.01 1 5,700 1 FLSmidth Wet Copper/Cobalt Dem. Rep. Congo 2007
22 24.5 23 6.71 7.47 7.01 2 5,000 2 Metso Wet Copper Spain 1995
22 13.2 12 6.71 4.02 3.66 1 2,610 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1988
22 13.2 12 6.71 4.02 3.66 1 2,610 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1984
22 13 6.71 3.96 1 1 Outotec Wet Limestone USA 2003
22 11.5 10.5 6.71 3.51 3.20 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Zinc Australia 2006
22 10.5 9 6.71 3.20 2.74 1 2,240 1 Metso Wet Copper/Zinc Canada 1992
22 10.5 6.71 3.20 1 2,090 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Australia 1987
22 10 8.75 6.71 3.05 2.67 1 1,120 1 Metso Wet Limestone USA 1984
22 9 6.71 2.74 1 2,610 1 F&T Wet Gold Mexico 2007
22 9 6.71 2.74 1 2,610 1 Outotec Wet Nickel Canada 2003
22 9 6.71 2.74 1 1,490 1 FLSmidth Wet Copper Chile 1990
22 9 8 6.71 2.74 2.44 1 1,340 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1987
22 9 8 6.71 2.74 2.44 1 1,860 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1987
22 9 8 6.71 2.74 2.44 1 1,190 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1986
22 8.5 6.71 2.59 1 1,400 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold India 2007
22 8.5 6.71 2.59 1 1,490 1 FLSmidth Wet Lead/Zinc USA 1996
22 8.5 6.71 2.59 2 1,490 1 FLSmidth Wet Lead/Zinc USA 1986
22 8 6.8 6.71 2.44 2.07 1 1,490 1 Metso Wet Platinum/Pal. USA 1999
22 8 6.75 6.71 2.44 2.06 1 1,680 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1988
22 8 7 6.71 2.44 2.13 2 1,400 1 Metso Wet Iron Liberia 1968
22 8 7 6.71 2.44 2.13 6 1,300 1 Metso Wet Iron Liberia 1964
22 7 6.71 2.13 1 1,120 1 Outotec Wet Al Bath Canada 2005
22 7 5.75 6.71 2.13 1.75 1 1,000 1 Stein Wet Gold South Africa 1990
22 7 6.71 2.13 1 1,490 1 Bradken Wet Lead/Zinc Australia 1989
22 7 5.75 6.71 2.13 1.75 1 1,300 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1987
22 7 5.75 6.71 2.13 1.75 1 1,190 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1987
22 7 6.71 2.13 1 1,500 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1984
22 7 5.75 6.71 2.13 1.75 1 1,300 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1983
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 2 1,300 1 Metso Wet Copper Zaire 1973
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 2 1,030 1 Metso Wet Copper Australia 1971
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 1 1,120 1 Metso Wet Copper USA 1965
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 2 1,030 1 Metso Wet Copper Australia 1964
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 1 1,120 1 Metso Wet Lead/Zinc USA 1960
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 6 1,190 1 Metso Wet Iron Liberia 1959
22 7 6 6.71 2.13 1.83 1 930 2 Metso Wet Lead/Zinc Sweden 1959

21.3 26.2 6.49 7.99 1 3,240 2 Outotec Wet Zinc Sweden 1973
21.3 18.04 6.49 5.50 2 3,500 Outotec Wet Iron Sweden 2006
21.3 17.4 6.49 5.30 2 4,560 1 Outotec Wet Lead/Zinc Sweden 1993
21.3 14 6.49 4.27 1 2,750 1 Outotec Wet Gold Thailand 2003

21 21 6.40 6.40 1 3,730 1 Outotec Wet Gold Finland 2006

21 13 11.75 6.40 3.96 3.58 1 2,140 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1986
21 11 9.75 6.40 3.35 2.97 1 2,140 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1988
21 9.25 8 6.40 2.82 2.44 1 1,250 1 Metso Wet Nickel New Caledonia 2005

17 | P a g e
21 9 8 6.40 2.74 2.44 1 1,040 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1977
21 7 6.40 2.13 1 900 1 Metso Wet Solid Waste Germany 1980

20.3 24.9 6.19 7.59 1 3,850 1 Outotec Wet Gold Ghana 1992
20.3 24.9 6.19 7.59 1 3,850 1 Outotec Wet Gold Ghana 1992

20 27 25.5 6.10 8.23 7.77 1 3,500 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2001
20 25.5 24 6.10 7.77 7.32 1 5,200 1 Outotec Wet Platinum South Africa 2004
20 25.5 24 6.10 7.77 7.32 1 3,500 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2001
20 24 22.5 6.10 7.32 6.86 1 4,470 1 Metso Wet Gold South Africa 1995
20 24 6.10 7.32 1 3,500 1 Bradken Wet Lead/Zinc Australia 1994
20 23 6.10 7.01 1 3,500 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Australia 2006
20 22 20.5 6.10 6.71 6.25 1 3,250 1 FLSmidth Wet Copper Zambia 2008
20 22 20.5 6.10 6.71 6.25 1 5,200 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2005
20 21.5 20 6.10 6.55 6.1 1 3,500 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 2003
20 16 6.10 4.88 2 2,910 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1991
20 16 6.10 4.88 1 2,910 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1990
20 14.3 13 6.10 4.36 3.96 1 2,050 1 Outotec Wet Silver/Lead/Zinc Mexico 2003
20 14.3 13 6.10 4.36 3.96 1 2,050 1 Outotec Wet Lead/Zinc Mexico 1999
20 12.5 6.10 3.81 1 2,300 1 Outotec Wet Zinc India 2003
20 11 6.10 3.35 1 2,200 1 CITIC Wet Lead/Zinc India 2007
20 11 6.10 3.35 4 1,290 1 Metso Wet Copper USA 1973
20 10.5 6.10 3.20 1 1,300 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Tanzania 1998
20 10 6.10 3.05 1 1,500 1 CITIC Wet Copper/Nickel China 2007
20 10 6.10 3.05 1 1,490 1 Bradken Wet Gold Uruguay 1995
20 10 8.75 6.10 3.05 2.67 1 1,490 1 Metso Wet Copper Slag Chile 1991
20 9.8 6.10 2.99 1 2,000 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Zinc Eritrea 2008
20 9.5 6.10 2.90 1 1,490 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold USA 1987
20 9 6.10 2.74 1 1,400 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Silver/Lead/Zinc Mexico 2009
20 9 7.75 6.10 2.74 2.36 1 1,120 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1988
20 7 5.75 6.10 2.13 1.75 1 1,030 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1981
20 6.2 6.10 1.89 1 1,000 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1983
20 6 4.75 6.10 1.83 1.45 1 560 1 Metso Dry Solid Waste Germany 1983
20 6 4.75 6.10 1.83 1.45 1 750 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1972
20 6 4.75 6.10 1.83 1.45 1 750 1 Metso Wet Copper Slag Turkey 1970
20 6 4.75 6.10 1.83 1.45 1 930 1 Metso Dry Vanadium USA 1966
20 6 4.75 6.10 1.83 1.45 2 370 1 Metso Wet Potash Canada 1965
20 6.10 1 Outotec Wet Argentina 2006
20 7.75 6.10 2.36 1 1,120 1 Outotec Wet Lead/Zinc Mexico 2004
20 15 6.10 4.57 1 2,610 1 Outotec Wet Limestone USA 2002
20 11 6.10 3.35 1 2,300 1 Bradken Wet Lead/Zinc Ireland 1998

19.7 34.4 6.00 10.5 2 3,500 2 Outotec Wet Sweden 1970

19.7 19.77 6.00 6.03 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Magnetite Norway 1974
19.7 19.77 6.00 6.03 1 3,000 1 Outotec Wet Norway 1969
19.7 19 7 6.00 5.79 2.13 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Philippines 1982
19.7 15.4 6.00 4.69 1 2,600 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1992
19.7 15.4 6.00 4.69 2 2,600 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1991
19.7 15.4 6.00 4.69 2 2,600 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1990
19.7 9.8 6.00 2.99 1 1,250 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 2006
19.5 35 32.5 5.94 10.7 9.91 3 4,850 1 Kobe Wet Iron Argentina
19.4 39.4 5.91 12.0 1 5,070 2 Outotec Wet Magnetite Sweden 1968
19.4 28 5.91 8.53 1 3,240 2 Outotec Wet Magnetite Sweden 1970
19.4 20.3 5.91 6.19 1 2,240 2 Outotec Wet Copper Spain 1969
19.3 38.6 5.88 11.8 1 1,490 1 Outotec Wet Canada 1965
19.3 19 5.88 5.79 1 1,490 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Uranium Canada 1975

19 36 5.79 11.0 1 6,200 2 Metso Wet Gold Brazil 2010

19 27.6 5.79 8.41 1 4,400 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper Zambia 2010
19 9.5 7.9 5.79 2.90 2.41 1 800 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Angola 2004
19 7 6 5.79 2.13 1.83 1 1,120 1 Metso Dry Uranium Niger 1977
19 19 5.79 5.79 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Nickel Australia 2003
19 5.79 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Steel Slag Japan 1977

18.8 20 18.75 5.73 6.10 5.72 1 2,400 1 Metso Wet Magnetite Mexico 1976
18.8 20 18.75 5.73 6.10 5.72 1 2,400 1 Metso Wet Magnetite Mexico 1972
18.7 18 5.70 5.49 1 1,630 1 Outotec Wet Gold/Copper Sweden 1990

18 | P a g e
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Hematite China 1986
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 3 800 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China 1986
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 1 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1980
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1977
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 2 800 1 CITIC Wet Magnetite China 1974
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1974
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 3 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1974
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1973
18.7 5.9 5.70 1.80 4 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1973
18.7 5.4 5.70 1.65 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Magnetite China 1973
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry O.H. Slag Poland 1969
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry A.C. Slag England 1966
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 550 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Hematite Sierra Leone 1963
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Copper Canada 1957
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 6 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Asbestos Canada 1955
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Ore USA 1954
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Gold South Africa 1953
18.5 5 5.64 1.52 1 450 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Asbestos Canada 1951

18 31 5.49 9.45 1 1 Outotec Wet Nickel Australia 1997

18 30 5.49 9.14 1 4,500 1 Outotec Wet Gold Thailand 2000
18 29 5.49 8.84 1 2,240 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper Oman 1980
18 28.5 27 5.49 8.69 8.23 1 3,850 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1995
18 28.4 5.49 8.66 1 4,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Solomon Is. 1997
18 28 5.49 8.53 2 4,600 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 2002
18 28 26.5 5.49 8.53 8.08 1 3,800 1 Bradken Wet Gold Ghana 1997
18 26.2 5.49 7.99 1 3,850 2 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1989
18 25.3 5.49 7.71 1 3,550 1 Outotec Wet Gold Indonesia 1993
18 24.5 23 5.49 7.47 7.01 1 2,910 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1995
18 22 5.49 6.71 1 4,370 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Platinum South Africa 1989
18 21.5 20 5.49 6.55 6.1 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Nickel Australia 2003
18 20.25 19 5.49 6.17 5.79 1 2,300 1 Metso Wet Gold South Africa 2000
18 19.7 5.49 6.00 1 2,540 1 Outotec Wet Gold Spain 2003
18 19.7 5.49 6.00 1 3,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Tanzania 1997
18 19 5.49 5.79 1 3,300 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1995
18 10.5 9.25 5.49 3.20 2.82 1 1,600 1 Metso Wet Silver Dem. Rep. Congo 2007
18 10.5 9 5.49 3.20 2.74 1 1,120 1 FLSmidth Wet Phosphate Canada 1998
18 10 9 5.49 3.05 2.74 1 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Canada 1988
18 10 9 5.49 3.05 2.74 1 1,040 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1985
18 9.84 5.49 3.00 1 1,500 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold Kazakhstan 2006
18 9.8 5.49 2.99 1 1,250 1 CITIC Wet Gold Turkey 2009
18 9.3 8 5.49 2.83 2.44 1 1,000 1 Metso Wet Gold Chile 1994
18 9 5.49 2.74 1 1,010 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold New Zealand 1990
18 9 5.49 2.74 1 400 1 FCB Wet Chalk Germany 1989
18 9 5.49 2.74 1 930 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold USA 1988
18 9 8 5.49 2.74 2.44 1 400 1 Metso Wet Chalk Germany 1988
18 9 8 5.49 2.74 2.44 1 400 1 Metso Wet Chalk Germany 1984
18 9 8 5.49 2.74 2.44 1 750 1 Metso Wet Silver/Gold USA 1975
18 9 8 5.49 2.74 2.44 1 750 1 Metso Wet Mercury USA 1974
18 8 7 5.49 2.44 2.13 1 970 1 Metso Wet Mexico 2008
18 8 6.5 5.49 2.44 1.98 1 670 1 Metso Dry Gold USA 1986
18 8 7 5.49 2.44 2.13 2 600 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1980
18 8 7 5.49 2.44 2.13 1 600 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1979
18 7.8 6.5 5.49 2.38 1.98 2 1,100 1 Metso Wet Copper/Zinc Spain 2006
18 7.5 6.5 5.49 2.29 1.98 1 500 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Russia 2003
18 7.5 5.49 2.29 1 760 1 Outotec Wet Gold Spain 1997
18 7.5 5.49 2.29 1 760 1 Outotec Wet Lead/zinc Ireland 1995
18 7.5 6.5 5.49 2.29 1.98 1 670 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1985
18 7.25 6 5.49 2.21 1.83 1 750 1 Metso Wet Gold Morocco 1999
18 7 6 5.49 2.13 1.83 1 600 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1990
18 7 6 5.49 2.13 1.83 1 750 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1984
18 7 6 5.49 2.13 1.83 1 450 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1977
18 6.25 5 5.49 1.91 1.52 1 650 1 Metso Wet Lead/zinc Brazil 1996
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 300 1 Metso Dry Solid Waste Germany 1989
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 520 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1978
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 520 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1978
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 520 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1975

19 | P a g e
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 450 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1974
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 2 450 1 Metso Wet Gold Dom. Rep. 1973
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 450 1 Metso Dry Uranium Niger 1969
18 6 5 5.49 1.83 1.52 1 450 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1969
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 1 800 1 CITIC Wet Gold Russia 2004
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 1 800 1 SHMP Wet Gold Russia 2004
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 2 800 1 SHMP Wet Gold Russia 2004
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 2 800 1 CITIC Wet Gold Russia 2002
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 3 800 1 CITIC Wet Gold Russia 2001
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 1 800 1 CITIC Wet Gold Russia 2001
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 1 800 1 SHMP Wet Iron China 2001
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 1 800 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 1972
18 5.9 5.49 1.80 2 800 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 1971
18 5.4 5.49 1.65 1 800 1 CITIC Wet Iron China 1965
18 5 4 5.49 1.52 1.22 1 450 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1990
18 5 4 5.49 1.52 1.22 1 370 1 Metso Dry Al Bath Australia 1985
18 5 4 5.49 1.52 1.22 1 370 1 Metso Dry Al Bath Australia 1980
18 5 4 5.49 1.52 1.22 12 450 1 Metso Wet Hematite Canada 1959
18 5 4 5.49 1.52 1.22 1 450 1 Metso Wet Gold France 1959
18 4.67 5.49 1.42 1 560 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Phosphate South Africa 1980
18 27 5.49 8.23 1 3,500 1 Bradken Wet Gold Indonesia 1997
18 12.3 5.49 3.75 1 2,100 1 Bradken Wet Copper Australia 1997
18 23 5.49 7.01 1 4,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1997

17.7 20.7 5.39 6.31 1 1,980 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Tungsten Canada 1980
17.5 23.1 5.33 7.04 1 3,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Ghana 1996
17.5 18.4 5.33 5.61 1 1,680 1 Bradken Wet Copper Australia 1969
17.4 18.4 5.30 5.61 1 1,270 1 Outotec Wet Copper Australia 1969
17.4 17.7 5.30 5.39 1 1,520 1 Outotec Wet Hematite Liberia 1971
17.4 17.7 5.30 5.39 1 1,570 2 Outotec Wet Magnetite Norway 1962
17.4 17.4 5.30 5.30 1 1,330 1 Outotec Wet Gold Finland 1995

17 32 5.18 9.75 1 4,000 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 2000

17 29 28 5.18 8.84 8.53 1 2,610 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1983
17 27.6 5.18 8.41 1 3,550 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1994
17 23.6 5.18 7.19 1 2,700 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
17 22 5.18 6.71 1 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Platinum South Africa 2001
17 21.6 5.18 6.58 1 2,540 1 Outotec Wet Gold USA 1990
17 21 5.18 6.40 1 2,280 1 Outotec Wet Gold Ghana 1991
17 17 15.5 5.18 5.18 4.72 1 2,000 1 Outotec Wet Copper China 2006
17 17 15.5 5.18 5.18 4.72 1 2,000 1 Outotec Wet Copper China 2004
17 16.1 5.18 4.91 1 1,520 1 Outotec Wet Gold Ghana 1989
17 16 5.18 4.88 1 1,850 1 Outotec Wet Copper/Cobalt Dem. Rep. Congo 2010
17 15.7 5.18 4.79 1 2,030 2 Outotec Wet Gold Mali 1989
17 9 8 5.18 2.74 2.44 1 560 1 Metso Wet Gold Sweden 1959
17 7 6.5 5.18 2.13 1.98 1 600 1 Metso Dry Gold USA 1988
17 6 5 5.18 1.83 1.52 2 400 1 Kobe Wet Kimberlite Russia 1959
17 5.9 5.18 1.8 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Russia
17 5 5.18 1.52 1 460 1 Metso Wet Solid Waste Germany 1983
17 5 5.18 1.52 1 370 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Iron Sierra Leone 1982
17 5 5.18 1.52 1 200 1 Metso Chalk Germany 1982

16.7 20.7 5.09 6.31 1 2,130 1 Outotec Wet Copper Portugal 1989
16.5 27 25.5 5.03 8.23 7.77 1 3,400 1 Outotec Wet Silver Bolivia 2005
16.5 26 5.03 7.92 1 2,830 1 Outotec Wet Gold Canada 2005
16.5 22 5.03 6.71 1 2,500 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1988
16.5 19 5.03 5.79 1 2,230 1 CITIC Wet Gold China 2006
16.5 19 5.03 5.79 2 2,230 1 CITIC Wet Slag China 2006
16.5 16.4 5.03 5.00 1 1,800 1 CITIC Wet Copper China 2009
16.5 6 5 5.03 1.83 1.52 1 370 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1977
16.5 4.2 5.03 1.28 1 370 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Japan 1969
16.5 4.2 5.03 1.28 1 370 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Copper South Africa 1961
16.5 5.03 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Chromite Ore South Africa 1974
16.5 5.03 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Basic Slag Korea
16.4 36.4 5.00 11.1 2 4,000 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold South Africa 1986
16.4 21.3 5.00 6.49 1 2,300 1 Outotec Wet Gold Indonesia 1995
16.4 17.4 5.00 5.30 2 2,500 1 Outotec Wet Gold Mali 1995

20 | P a g e
16.4 9 8 5.00 2.74 2.44 1 530 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Russia 2004
16.4 9 8 5.00 2.74 2.44 3 530 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Russia 2001
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 3 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Angola 1993-01
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 3 640 1 Tyazhmash Cement Russia 1973-74
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Kyrgyzstan 2002
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 2002
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Kyrgyzstan 2000
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1994
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kazakhstan 1994
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kazakhstan 1993
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Kimberlite Russia 1993
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1992
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 2 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Uzbekistan 1991
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 2 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Tajikistan 1990
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1990
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1989
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1988
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1986
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1985
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 2 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Gold Kyrgyzstan 1985
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 2 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1984
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 2 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Bulgaria 1981
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1978
16.4 7.54 5.00 2.30 1 640 1 Tyazhmash Wet Czech Rep. 1977
16.4 5.9 5.00 1.80 1 1 Tyazhmash Wet Uzbekistan 1972
16.4 5.9 5.00 1.80 1 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1971
16.4 5.9 5.00 1.80 1 1 Tyazhmash Wet Russia 1970

16 40 4.88 12.2 1 4,200 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1982

16 40 4.88 12.2 1 4,200 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1978
16 36 4.88 11.0 1 3,500 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1987
16 35.8 4.88 10.9 4 3,500 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold South Africa 1984
16 35 4.88 10.7 2 3,300 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1983
16 33 4.88 10.1 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1988
16 33 4.88 10.1 6 3,300 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1985
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1995
16 30 4.88 9.14 2 3,000 2 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1994
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 1992
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1991
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1990
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1988
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1988
16 30 4.88 9.14 2 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1985
16 30 4.88 9.14 2 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1985
16 30 4.88 9.14 2 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1984
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1984
16 30 4.88 9.14 4 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1983
16 30 4.88 9.14 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1982
16 30 4.88 9.14 4 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1978
16 30 4.88 9.14 4 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1976
16 26.5 4.88 8.08 1 2,500 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Gold/Uranium South Africa 2007
16 24 23 4.88 7.32 7.01 1 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia
16 23 4.88 7.01 1 1,800 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1994
16 21 4.88 6.40 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 1992
16 21 4.88 6.40 2 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1991
16 21 4.88 6.40 1 3,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum South Africa 1988
16 16 4.88 4.88 2 750 1 Outotec Wet Gold Mali 1995
16 16 4.88 4.88 1 1,490 1 Thunes Wet Iron Norway
16 6 5.5 4.88 1.83 1.68 1 370 1 Metso Dry Al Bath Australia 1995
16 6 5 4.88 1.83 1.52 1 450 1 Metso Wet Gold USA 1987
16 5 4.88 1.52 1 1 Solac Dry Al Bath Iceland 2005
16 5 4.5 4.88 1.52 1.37 1 300 1 Metso Dry Al Bath Bahrain 2003
16 5 4.5 4.88 1.52 1.37 1 300 1 Metso Dry Al Slag Canada 1990
16 5 4.5 4.88 1.52 1.37 1 450 1 Metso Dry Gold Canada 1988
16 5 4 4.88 1.52 1.22 2 260 1 Metso Wet Molybdenum Canada 1964
16 5 4 4.88 1.52 1.22 2 220 1 Metso Wet Molybdenum Canada 1962
16 4.88 1 FCB Dry AL Bath Middle East 2008

21 | P a g e
15.7 15 7 4.79 4.57 2.13 1 1,000 Outotec Wet Norway 1970
15.5 27 4.72 8.23 1 5,500 1 Outotec Wet Gold Laos 2002
15.5 27 25.5 4.72 8.23 7.77 1 2,500 1 Metso Wet Gold Chile 1998
15.5 27 25.5 4.72 8.23 7.77 1 2,000 1 Metso Wet Gold Indonesia 1997
15.5 27 4.72 8.23 1 2,240 1 Metso Wet Gold Ghana 1996
15.5 7 6 4.72 2.13 1.83 1 1 Metso Wet Gold Peru 1996
15.5 4 3.5 4.72 1.22 1.07 1 220 1 Metso Dry Andulucite France 1978

15 23 4.57 7.01 3 2,000 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1991

15 16 4.57 4.88 1 710 1 Wet Magnetite Sweden
15 8 4.57 2.44 1 370 1 Metso Wet Gold Australia 1995
15 4 4.57 1.22 1 260 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Clay Canada 1976

14.8 25.3 24 4.51 7.71 7.32 1 1,600 1 Metso Wet Zinc/Lead Indonesia 2006
14.8 23 4.51 7.01 1 2,600 1 Outotec Wet Gold Laos 2003
14.8 23 4.51 7.01 3 2,010 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1991
14.8 23 4.51 7.01 2 2,010 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1979
14.8 15.7 4.51 4.79 1 910 1 Outotec Wet Magnetite Sweden 1965
14.8 13.8 4.51 4.21 1 850 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Tungsten Canada 1980
14.8 4.3 4.51 1.31 1 260 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Clay Mexico 1987
14.8 4.3 4.51 1.31 1 260 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Clay Mexico 1987
14.5 37 4.42 11.3 1 750 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Nickel Dom. Rep.

14 33 4.27 10.1 2 2,280 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1987

14 33 4.27 10.1 1 2,280 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1987
14 33 4.27 10.1 2 2,280 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1986
14 33 4.27 10.1 2 2,280 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1986
14 33 4.27 10.1 2 1,760 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1984
14 26 4.27 7.92 2 2,030 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1990
14 25 24 4.27 7.62 7.32 1 1,120 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1990
14 24 4.27 7.32 12 1,340 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1973
14 23 22 4.27 7.01 6.71 1 1,790 1 Metso Wet Gold/Uranium South Africa
14 22 4.27 6.71 2 1,230 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1967
14 20 4.27 6.10 2 1,500 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1988
14 20 4.27 6.10 1 930 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1988
14 20 4.27 6.10 2 1,120 1 FLSmidth Wet South Africa 1988
14 20 4.27 6.10 1 1,120 1 FLSmidth Wet Australia 1986
14 20 4.27 6.10 1 1,420 1 Bateman Wet South Africa 1986
14 20 4.27 6.10 1 930 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1983
14 16.5 4.27 5.03 19 1,190 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1973
14 16 4.27 4.88 6 1,120 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1960-65
14 16 4.27 4.88 1 1,250 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1991
14 16 4.27 4.88 5 1,120 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1967
14 16 4.27 4.88 1 860 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa
14 14 4.27 4.27 1 1,490 1 FLSmidth Wet Platinum West Africa 1991
14 7 4.27 2.13 1 1 FCB Dry 1990
14 7 6 4.27 2.13 1.83 1 450 1 Metso Wet Gold Bolivia 1990
14 7 6 4.27 2.13 1.83 1 450 1 Metso Wet Gold Bolivia 1990
14 7 6 4.27 2.13 1.83 1 260 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1984
14 7 4.27 2.13 1 450 1 Kobe Wet Clay Japan
14 6.6 5.6 4.27 2.01 1.71 1 260 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1979
14 6 4.27 1.83 1 1 FCB Dry Al Slag 1991
14 5 4.27 1.52 1 220 1 Metso Dry Pot Lining USA 1995
14 5 4 4.27 1.52 1.22 1 200 1 Metso Wet Solid Waste Sweden 1979

13.8 22.3 4.21 6.80 1 1,600 2 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1999
13.8 22.3 4.21 6.80 1 1,420 2 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1989
13.8 22.3 4.21 6.80 1 1,270 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.8 22.3 4.21 6.80 1 1,630 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1987
13.8 20.7 4.21 6.31 1 1,420 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1994
13.8 20 4.21 6.10 1 1,340 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold Tanzania 2003
13.8 18.4 4.21 5.61 1 1,010 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.8 18.4 4.21 5.61 1 1,010 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.8 17 4.21 5.18 1 1,270 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.8 17 4.21 5.18 1 1,270 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.8 15.7 4.21 4.79 1 1,010 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1988

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13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 2 240 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China 1975
13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 2 240 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China 1975
13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 2 240 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China
13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 1 240 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China
13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 2 240 1 SHMP Wet Iron Ore China
13.8 4.6 4.21 1.40 1 240 1 SHMP Dry Sandstone China
13.5 19 4.11 5.79 1 890 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Copper Oman 1980
13.5 16.5 4.11 5.03 1 1,250 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1988
13.5 4 3.5 4.11 1.22 1.07 1 220 1 Metso Dry Gold Canada 1988
13.1 20.7 3.99 6.31 1 1,010 1 Outotec Wet Gold Australia 1987
13.1 11.8 3.99 3.60 1 630 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 2005
13.1 6.56 3.99 2.00 1 500 1 Outotec Wet Gold Indonesia 1997
13.1 5.2 4.7 3.99 1.58 1.43 1 250 1 Metso Dry Al Slag New Zealand 1995
13.1 5.2 4.7 3.99 1.58 1.43 1 250 1 Metso Dry Al Slag Canada 1995
13.1 4.6 3.99 1.40 3 250 1 CITIC Wet Iron Ore China 2004

13 11.5 3.96 3.51 1 700 1 Others Wet Gold Brazil 1993

13 3.5 3.96 1.07 4 110 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Uranium USA 1956-57
13 3.5 3.96 1.07 1 200 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Fe & Ti Slag South Africa 1977
13 3.5 3.96 1.07 2 150 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Siliceous ore Japan 1976
13 3.5 3.96 1.07 2 150 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Pet. Coke USA 1966
13 3.5 3.96 1.07 1 150 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Sandstone England 1960
13 3.5 3.96 1.07 2 150 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Asbestos Rhodesia 1953

12.8 11.5 3.9 3.51 1 410 1 Outotec Wet Copper Sweden 1988
12.5 18 3.81 5.49 1 600 1 Bradken Wet Nickel Australia 1991
12.5 7 3.81 2.13 1 300 1 Bradken Wet Gold Australia 1988
12.5 5 4 3.81 1.52 1.22 1 190 1 Metso Wet Gold P. New Guinea 1985

12 20 3.66 6.10 1 930 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa

12 16 3.66 4.88 15 750 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1957-76
12 16 3.66 4.88 3 750 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1976
12 16 3.66 4.88 1 670 1 FLSmidth Wet Gold South Africa 1976
12 12 3.66 3.66 1 370 1 Metso Wet Brazil 1985
12 7.6 6.6 3.66 2.32 2.01 1 220 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1979
12 7 3.66 2.13 1 410 1 Outotec Wet Gold Indonesia 1997
12 6 5.5 3.66 1.83 1.68 1 200 1 Metso Dry Al Slag Australia 1997
12 6 5.5 3.66 1.83 1.68 1 190 1 Metso Dry Al Slag 1991
12 6 5 3.66 1.83 1.52 1 190 1 Metso Wet Uranium Australia
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 160 1 Metso Wet Kimberlite Botswana 2006
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 150 1 Metso Wet Silver/Gold Chile 1983
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 2 150 1 Metso Wet Zinc Thailand 1982
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 190 1 Metso Wet Gold/Silver USA 1981
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 150 1 Metso Dry Al Bath New Zealand 1978
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 150 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1977
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 150 1 Metso Wet Al Bath New Zealand 1975
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 190 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1975
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 150 1 Metso Dry Al Bath USA 1975
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 190 1 Metso Wet Uranium USA 1974
12 5 4 3.66 1.52 1.22 1 70 1 Metso Dry Gold Canada 1941
12 5 3.66 1.52 1 150 1 Metso Dry Al Bath New Zealand
12 4 3 3.66 1.22 0.91 1 110 1 Metso Wet Phosphate Australia 1972

11.5 18 17 3.51 5.49 5.18 1 750 1 Metso Wet Drilling Waste USA 1993

11 15 14 3.35 4.57 4.27 1 600 1 Metso Wet Nickel Australia

11 4 3 3.35 1.22 0.91 1 150 1 Metso Wet Gold Canada 1980
11 4 3 3.35 1.22 0.91 1 70 1 Metso Bauxite Canada 1974
11 4 3.5 3.35 1.22 1.07 1 70 1 Metso Dry Al Dross Canada 1956

10.5 11.5 3.20 3.51 1 250 1 Outotec Wet Concrete Turkey 1964
10.5 3.9 3.20 1.19 1 160 1 CITIC Wet Gold China 1994

10 4 3.5 3.05 1.22 1.07 1 70 1 Metso Wet Iron Canada 1959

10 4 3.5 3.05 1.22 1.07 1 70 1 Metso Wet Pilot Plant Portugal
10 4 3.5 3.05 1.22 1.07 1 70 1 Metso Dry Iron France
10 4 3.5 3.05 1.22 1.07 1 150 1 Metso W/D Pilot Plant Michigan

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10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 90 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Dross USA 1976
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Siliceous Ore Japan 1972
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Cryolite Rec. England 1972
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Sulphite Zambia 1970
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Sandstone Scotland 1970
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Limestone Lebanon 1966
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Zinc Oxide Italy 1966
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Dolomite Italy 1965
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Niobium Tanzania 1958
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Pot Lining USA 1952
10 3.3 3.05 1.01 1 70 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Quartzite Canada 1948
10 3 2.5 3.05 0.91 0.76 1 70 Metso Wet Lead/Zinc Sweden 1956
10 3 2.5 3.05 0.91 0.76 1 70 1 Metso Wet Nickel Canada 1940
10 3 2.5 3.05 0.91 0.76 1 70 1 Metso Dry Limestone France
10 3.05 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Slag Japan

9.5 15.5 14.25 2.90 4.72 4.34 1 520 1 Metso Wet Uranium Canada 1998

8.3 2.8 2.53 0.85 8 40 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Misc. Various 1947-74

8 3 2.44 0.91 1 40 1 Metso Wet Test Unit Peru 1968

8 3 2.44 0.91 1 40 1 Metso Wet Test Unit France
8 3 2.44 0.91 1 40 1 Metso Wet Iron Germany

7.9 3.9 2.41 1.19 1 70 1 CITIC Wet Gold China 1975-92

7.5 2.8 2.29 0.85 1 40 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Al Dross Canada
7.5 2.8 2.29 0.85 1 40 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Al Dross Czech Rep.
7.5 2.29 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Brass Dross USA 1976
7.5 2.29 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Glass Sand Mexico 1974
7.3 2.23 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Ore Mauritania 1975
7.3 2.23 1 Krupp Polysius Wet Iron Ore USA 1963
7.3 2.23 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Iron Ore USA 1954

6 5.5 1.83 1.68 1 40 1 Metso Wet Gold Ecuador 1989

6 3 1.83 0.91 1 90 1 Outotec Wet Test USA 1999
6 3 2.33 1.83 0.91 0.71 1 20 1 Metso Wet Gold Dom. Rep. 1984
6 2 1.33 1.83 0.61 0.41 1 20 1 Metso Wet Test Venezuela 1998
6 2 1.33 1.83 0.61 0.41 1 FLSmidth Wet 1981
6 2 1.83 0.61 1 70 1 Outotec Wet Test Canada 1980
6 2 1.83 0.61 1 20 1 Outotec Wet Test USA 1978
6 2 1.33 1.83 0.61 0.41 1 20 1 Metso Wet Iron China 1978
6 2 1.33 1.83 0.61 0.41 1 Krupp Polysius Dry Brass Dross USA 1976
6 2 1.83 0.61 50 1 Metso W/D Test Plants USA

5.7 2 1.74 0.61 40 1 Krupp Polysius W/D Test Plants Various 1953-74

1. Mill diameters and lengths are gross inside shell dimensions without liners.
2. List is sorted by mill diameter, then by mill length, and then by year the mill sold.
3. RM = Ring Motor (gearless drive).
4. Metso Minerals, Grinding Division now markets all mills previously sold under the names Svedala,
Hardinge, Allis Chalmers, Dominion, Boliden Allis, Marcy, and KVS.
5. Krupp Polysius now markets mills previously sold under the name Aerofall.
6. Outotec now markets all mills previously sold under the names Outotec, Nordberg,
Morgardshammar, and Scanmec.
7. F & T = Farnell-Thompson.
8. Bradken is an Australian Company who no longer supplies mills.
9. CITIC has supplied numerous 2.4 m (7.9 ft) Pilot AG/SAG mills not shown in the list above.
10. This list is maintained by Stuart M. Jones, Jr. For additions or corrections, please contact the author at
the e-mail address above.

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