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Going on vacation / De vacaciones

Fuente: SENA

In the first learning activity of English Dot Works 3 we are going to talk about the
future. We will explore different ways to express future activities. Also we will talk
about going on holidays and all the vocabulary and expressions related to it. / En
esta primera actividad de aprendizaje de English Dot Works 3 vamos a hablar sobre
el futuro. Exploraremos diferentes formas de expresar actividades futuras. También
vamos hablar sobre ir de vacaciones y todo el vocabulario y expresiones

Introductory material / Material introductorio

Dear learner, / Estimado aprendiz:

This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 1. / Este
material le permitirá estudiar los temas relacionados con la actividad de aprendizaje
We are going to study different ways to express future plans and intentions in
different contexts. We are also going to see time expressions used when talking
about the future. / Vamos a estudiar diferentes formas de expresar planes e
intenciones futuras en diferentes contextos. También vamos a ver expresiones de
tiempo que se usan para hablar de futuro.
You will learn about: / Los temas a tratar son:
1. Future with going to. / Futuro con going to.
2. Present continuous for future arrangements. / Presente continuo para
planes futuros.
3. Want to and would like to to express desires. / Want to y would like to para
expresar deseos.
4. To + infinitive to express purpose. / To + infinitivo para expresar propósito.
5. Future time expressions: tomorrow, next year, next month, etc. /
Expresiones de futuro: tomorrow, next year, next month, entre otras.
6. Vacation activities. / Actividades de vacaciones.

Let’s begin! / ¡Empecemos!

1. Future with going to / Futuro con going to

A. When we talk about the future, there are many ways to express it, depending on
the context and our intention. One way to express it is with the structure Going to.
/ Cuando hablamos sobre el futuro hay muchas formas de expresarlo,
dependiendo del contexto y nuestra intensión. Una forma de expresarlo es por
medio de la estructura Going to.

We use going to to express our future plans and intentions, specially when we
have decided about the plan before speaking. It is usually accompanied by a time
expression. / Usamos Going to para expresar nuestros planes futuros e
intensiones, especialmente cuando ya hemos tomado la decisión antes de
hablar. Generalmente va acompañado de una expresión de tiempo.

Fuente: SENA

Here are some examples: / Aquí algunos ejemplos:

 I am going to visit my parents next weekend.

 John and Laura are going to travel to Italy next vacation.
 We are not going to work tomorrow.

B. Structure / Estructura

Subject To be Auxiliar Verb Complement
I am
She is
It going to travel on Friday.
You are

Subject To be Not Auxiliar Verb Complement
I am
She is
not going to buy that car.
You are

To be Subject Auxiliar Complement Mark
Am I

going to travel on Friday

Note: the verb always goes in infinitive. / Nota: el verbo siempre va en infinitivo.

 I am going to cook dinner tonight.

 Is she going to study law?
 She is not going to travel to Panama.

C. Now let’s see how to use it in a conversation: / Ahora veamos cómo se usa en
una conversación:
Fuente de imágenes: SENA
2. Present continuous for future arrangements / Presente continuo para
planes futuros

A. We normally use the present continuous to talk about actions happening in the
present, however, we can also use the present continuous to talk about a future
plan if we add a future plan expression. It usually refers to a previously planned
action. / Normalmente usamos el presente continuo para hablar sobre acciones
que están pasando en el presente, sin embargo, también podemos usarlo para
hablar de un plan futuro si agregamos una expresión de tiempo futuro.
Generalmente hace referencia a una acción planeada con antelación.

Compare / Compare:

Present continuous to describe Present continuous to talk about

present actions the future

I am painting the house tomorrow.

I am painting the house now.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

In the first picture, the man is painting the house in the present moment, while in
the second picture, the man is planning to paint the house the next day. / En la
primera imagen, el hombre está pintando la casa en el momento presente,
mientras que en la segunda imagen, el hombre está planeando pintar la casa al
día siguiente.

B. Structure / Estructura
Subject To be Verb + Ing Complement
I am
She is
working in the office next weekend.
You are

Subject To be Not Verb + Ing Complement
I am
She is
It to Cartagena in
not traveling
We summer.
You are

To be Subject Verb + Ing Complement Mark
Am I
Is she
it eating out this Saturday night ?
Are you

C. Here are some examples: / Aquí algunos ejemplos:

We are playing football this Sunday.

Mary is coming for dinner tonight.

I am not getting a new car this year.

Are we taking a taxi to work

tomorrow morning?

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

3. Want to and would like to express desires / Want to y would like to para
expresar deseos

A. “Want to” and “would like to” are other ways to express future. They express
things we wish to happen in the future. They can also express things that are
highly probable to happen. / “Want to” y “would like to” son otras formas de
expresar futuro. Expresan cosas que deseamos que ocurran en el futuro.
También pueden expresar eventos que tienen alta probabilidad de ocurrir.
It is highly probable to happen. / Es He is expressing a wish. / Él está
muy probable que pase. expresando algo que desea.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

B. Structure / Estructura

Would like to:

Subject Auxiliar Like Verb Complement
It would like to have a new smartphone.

For example: / Por ejemplo:

 He would like to ride a bicycle to work.

 I would like to have a better job.
Subject Auxiliar Not Like Verb Complement
It would not like to live in a small apartment.

For example: / Por ejemplo:

She would not like to stay in Bogota in her Vacation.

Auxiliar Subject Like Verb Complement Mark
Would it like to visit New York ?

For example: / Por ejemplo:

Would you like to live alone?
Note: contractions are common in spoken English when we use “Would like”. /
Nota: las contracciones son muy comunes en inglés hablado cuando usamos
“Would like”.

I would like I’d like

He would like He’d like

She would like She’d like

We would like We’d like

You would like You’d like

They would like They’d like

For example: / Por ejemplo:

 I’d like to go to the movies on the weekend.
 She’d like to study philosophy.
 We’d like to have a bigger house.
Want to:

Subject Want Verb Complement
You want
They to have a baby.
She wants

Subject Not Want Verb Complement
do not
They English class next
want to take
She does not

Auxiliar Subject Verb Complement Mark
Do you
they want to get married

Here are some examples: / Aquí algunos ejemplos:

 She does not want to cook this weekend.

 I want to buy a new house.
 We want to go on vacations soon.
 Do you want to travel to India?
4. To + infinitive to express purpose / To + infinitivo para expresar propósito

When we want to say why we do something, we can use a verb in infinitive. Let’s see
how it works when we talk about the future. / Cuando queremos decir por qué
hacemos algo, podemos usar un verbo en infinitivo. Veamos cómo funciona cuando
hablamos de futuro.

 I am going to the gym to exercise.

 He is going to meet Louise to have lunch.
 They are selling the car to buy a new house.
 She is going to study French to travel to Paris.

The underlined part explains the purpose of the

activity. / La parte subrayada explica el propósito
de la actividad.

Note: in English we do not use “for” to express purpose. / Nota: en inglés no

usamos “for” para expresar propósito.

 I am going to the kitchen to cook.  Andrew is going to listen to some

music to relax.
Not: I am going to the kitchen for cook
Not: Andrew is going to listen to
some music for relax.

Here are some examples: / Aquí algunos ejemplos:

She is going to the mall to buy some

He is going to take guitar lessons to

play in a rock band.

She is going to the Spa to relax.

Mark is going to buy a bicycle to

Mary is going to take her bus to go to


George is going to the hospital to talk to

the doctor.
Mike is going to the park to walk the dog.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

5. Future time expressions: tomorrow, next year, next month, etc /

Expresiones de futuro: tomorrow, next year, next month, entre otras

When we talk about the future we usually use time expressions. Here is a list of
common time expressions used in future. / Cuando hablamos sobre el futuro
usualmente empleamos expresiones de tiempo. Aquí hay una lista de expresiones
de tiempo usadas en futuro.

On Monday
morning. / El lunes
en la mañana.

On Tuesday. / El

On Friday night. /
On + a day = El viernes por la

On Saturday. / El

Next week. / La
próxima semana.

Next month. / El
próximo mes.
Next + time =
Next year. / El
próximo año.
Next Christmas. /
En la próxima

In the morning. /
En la mañana.

In the afternoon. /
En la tarde.
In + a time of the
In the evening. /
En la noche.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Other time expressions / Otras expresiones de tiempo

English / Inglés Spanish / Español

Tomorrow Mañana

Soon Pronto

Tonight Esta noche

6. Vacation activities / Actividades de vacaciones

Here is a list of common activities people do on vacations: / A continuación una lista

de actividades comunes que la gente hace en vacaciones:

English / Inglés Spanish / Español Picture / Imagen

To go to the
Ir a la playa.
To go on tour. Tomar un tour.

To travel by
Viajar en avión.

To visit relatives. Visitar familiares.

To sleep late. Dormir hasta tarde.

To go dancing. Salir a bailar.

To catch up with
Adelantar oficios de la casa.
house chores.

To go to the gym. Ir al gimnasio.

To exercise. Ejercitarse.
To read a book. Leer un libro.

To stay in a hotel. Quedarse en un hotel.

To catch up with
Reencontrarse con amigos.
To visit interesting Visitar lugares de interés.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Contextualization / Contextualización

Laura is going to visit her friend Daniel during her vacations. Read to the
conversation and answer the questions below. / Laura va a visitar a su amigo Daniel
durante sus vacaciones. Lea la conversación y responda las preguntas más abajo.

My flight is this Sunday, but I

will have to move it to Monday
because I still have to work
this weekend. I am really
So Laura, excited about it. We really
when are you need to catch up! When does
coming? the festival start by the way?
I don’t think so.
The Summer She is going to
Festival starts on take a tour in the
Tuesday. Are you Caribbean with
coming with your her mother.

Ok, where I am going to

are you stay at the Mary
going to Rose hotel.
Yes, that one. I
The one that
really want to
is close to the
sleep late and go
to the festival
events every day.

But I don’t
Perfect, that know how to
one is close to dance salsa,
the Malecon how am I
too, so we can going to
go to dance dance?
Salsa one of
these nights.
Don’t worry, I
Sounds like a
will teach
plan! See you
on Saturday
then Daniel.

Ok. Don’t forget

to bring your
camera to take
lots of pictures.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Comprehension / Comprensión

A. Based on the conversation select the correct answer from the options. / Basado
en la conversación, seleccione la respuesta correcta entre las opciones.

1. Laura is going to travel:

a. With Daniel.
b. With her sister.
c. Alone.
d. With her mother.

2. She is going to stay at:

a. The Malecon.
b. The Mary Rose hotel.
c. Daniel’s house.
d. Her sister’s house.

3. Laura is going to travel on:

a. Saturday.
b. Sunday.
c. Monday.
d. Tuesday.

4. The hotel is near the:

a. Malecon.
b. City center.
c. Airport.
d. Beach.

5. Her sister is going to:

a. Take a tour in the Caribbean.

b. Dance salsa at the Malecon.
c. Attend the Summer Festival.
d. Work on the weekend.
B. Read about the Summer Festival Laura and Daniel are going to attend. / Lea
sobre el festival de verano al que Laura y Daniel van a asistir.

The Summer Festival is one of the most important events of the city. It
celebrates the end of the spring and the start of the holiday season.
During 5 days people from all over the country come to enjoy different
events in the beach, water sport competitions and concerts.

This year the famous band The Monsters is going to perform at the
opening of the festival. Also we are going to have the fitness marathon in
the beach, with 6 hours of music and aerobics. The festival is going to
close with the surfing exhibition. This year we are not going to have the
traditional customs parade, because the city’s main road is being fixed.

We have tons of fun waiting for you. Don’t miss our Summer Festival!

Now decide if the following statements are true or false. / Ahora decida si las
siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas.

Statements True False

The Summer Festival is in Spring.

The surfing exhibition is at the end of the festival.

The fitness marathon is in the main road.

The festival celebrates the end of summer.

The band The Monsters is not going to perform this year.

Practice 1 / Práctica 1

A. Look at Laura’s agenda for the festival. Complete the sentences to describe her
plans using “going to”. One example is done for you. / Observe la agenda de
Laura para el festival. Complete las oraciones para describir sus planes usando
“going to”. Un ejemplo ya está hecho.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8 a.m.
Visit the Go to the
10 a.m.
zoo. beach.
Participate -
12 p.m. fitness
2 p.m. lunch -
4 p.m.
Go to the
6 p.m.
Dance at
8 p.m. the Malecon
with Daniel.

1. On Monday Laura is going to have lunch with Daniel at 2 p.m.

2. On Tuesday Laura __________________the zoo.
3. On Tuesday Laura and Daniel _________________ at the Malecon.
4. On Wednesday Laura _________________ in a fitness marathon.
5. On Thursday Laura _________________ to the beach.
6. On Friday Laura _________________ souvenirs.
7. On Friday Laura _________________ to a concert.

B. Now Laura and Daniel are having lunch, organize the following sentences from
the conversation. One example is done for you. / Ahora Laura y Daniel están
almorzando, organice las siguientes oraciones de la conversación. Un ejemplo ya
está hecho.
Example / Ejemplo:

1. to / Tuesday / to / I / go / on / zoo / want / the

I want to go to the zoo on Tuesday

2. like / I / visit / to / would / places / interesting

3. going / to dance / Are we / salsa / Malecon / at / the / ?
4. staying / are / Where / you / ?
5. staying / Mary Rose/ hotel / I am / the / at
6. going / to see / I am / exhibition / the / not / surfing
7. going / the / to / enjoy / festival / We / are
C. Michelle is talking about her plans for the weekend, read to the conversation and
label the pictures in the correct order from 2 to 6. One example is done for you. /
Michelle está hablando de sus planes para el fin de semana, lea la conversación
y enumere las imágenes en el orden correcto de 2 a 6. Un ejemplo ya está

So Michele, what
are you going to
do this weekend?
I have a lot of things to do, first I am
going to take my mom to the hospital
for her appointment on Saturday
morning, and then I am going to
have lunch with Tatiana. I was going
to the gym in the afternoon but now I
have to study for the test on

Mmm, you are going

to be quite busy. So
I guess we are not
going to John’s party
Of course I am! I
really want to go to
his birthday party.
But first I am going
to buy him a present
at the mall.

So when are we
going to prepare
the presentation
for Monday?
Sunday morning?
I am afraid not, I am
going to the gym on
Sunday morning.
How about in the

All right, Sunday

afternoon is ok for
me. See you at
John’s party then.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA


Fuente de imágenes: SENA

D. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box using “going to”. One
example is done for you. / Complete las oraciones con los verbos del recuadro
usando “going to”. Un ejemplo ya está hecho.

buy - study - watch - play - do - travel - send

1. Karl is going to watch a movie with his girlfriend.

2. Tom ____________ a letter to his parents.
3. Steve and Mary ____________ tennis in the club.
4. Is Isabel ____________ to Santa Marta next week?
5. I ____________ a new car because I don’t like driving.
6. Daniel ____________ his homework from school.
7. They ____________ engineering when they finish the school.

E. Complete the following questions with “are”, “would” or “do”. / Complete las
siguientes preguntas con “are”, “would” or “do”.

1. _____ you going home after class?

2. _____ you want to go to the art gallery tomorrow?
3. _____ you like to come to the movies tonight with us?
4. _____ you like to live close to your parents?
5. _____ you going to the supermarket?
6. _____ you want a new cell phone?

F. Now match the questions (1 - 6) from the previous exercise with the following
answers (a - f). / Ahora una las preguntas (1 - 6) del ejercicio previo con las
siguientes respuestas (a - f).

a. Yes, I really miss them! ___

b. No thanks, I don’t really enjoy exhibitions. ___
c. Yes, I need to buy some groceries. ___
d. No, I like the one I have now. ___
e. Sure, I love movies. ___
f. Yes, I am going to have dinner with my mom. ___

Practice 2 / Práctica 2

A. Each of these sentences has a mistake, rewrite them correcting the mistakes
using present continuos for future. / Cada una de estas oraciones tiene un error,
reescríbalas corrigiendo el error usando presente continuo para futuro.

1. I am play football with George next weekend.

2. Is you cooking tonight?
3. We not are going to travel to Peru.
4. They getting married next year.
5. Dennis and Isabel are not come for Christmas this year.

6. Do you attending the meeting tomorrow?


B. Your brother is planning his holidays. Use the clues to write questions in present
continuous. One example is done for you. / Su hermano está planeando sus
vacaciones. Use las pistas para escribir preguntas en presente continuo. Un
ejemplo ya está hecho.
1. Where go
Where are you going?
2. When go
______________________________ ?
3. Go alone
______________________________ ?
4. Travel by plane
______________________________ ?
5. What do
______________________________ ?
6. Where stay
______________________________ ?
C. Mark is describing his future plans. Match one plan to an appropriate purpose.
One example is done for you. / Mark está describiendo sus planes futuros. Una
un plan a un propósito apropiado. Un ejemplo ya está hecho.

Plans Purposes

I am going to buy a new car to start losing weight.

She is going to get married to get a better job.

We are going to enroll in the gym to stop taking the metro to work.

I am going to study at the university to relax.

Luis is going to take some time off to watch movies at home.

I am going to buy a new TV set to have a beautiful family.

D. Read the article about Copacabana and answer the following questions. / Lea el
artículo sobre Copacabana y responda las siguientes preguntas.
a. Copacabana is one of the most famous beaches in the world. Located in Rio
de Janeiro Brazil, at 25 minutes from the airport, it offers a great deal of
attractions and activities to holiday makers.
b. Copacabana is famous for its perfect weather, the sun shines all the year and
the sky is blue all days, so you can visit it any time. Surrounded by its
beautiful sandy beach and its clear waters, Copacabana offers a great place
for people who like water sports and beach activities.
c. Copacabana has a great deal of facilities such as hotels, supermarkets,
excellent restaurants, cafes, drugstores, nightclubs, banks, etc. The streets
are clean and the people are quite friendly. The traffic is congested due to
the amount of visitors, however most places are nearby.
d. Besides its amazing beaches, Copacabana you can also visit the Fort, with its
amazing view of the city. There is a large sidewalk full of trees, you can
explore the neighborhood on foot and have a Caipirinha, which is the
national cocktail in Brazil.

The answer to each one of the following questions is in one of the paragraphs (a - d).
Write the paragraphs (a - d) in the corresponding question (1 - 4). / La respuesta a
cada una de las siguientes preguntas está en uno de los párrafos (a - d). Escriba el
párrafo (a - d) en la correspondiente pregunta (1 - 4).

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

1. What’s the weather like? ___

2. What can you do in Copacabana? ___

3. Where is Copacabana? ___

4. What can I find there? ___

E. Read the text again and select the correct answer. / Lea el texto nuevamente y
seleccione la respuesta correcta.

1. Caipirinha is:

a. The capital of Brazil.

b. A famous drink.
c. The nearest airport.
d. A touristic place.
2. The weather in Copacabana is:

a. Always cloudy and rainy.

b. Hot and sunny.
c. Sometimes cold.
d. Hot and foggy.

3. The traffic in Copacabana is congested due to:

a. New ongoing constructions.

b. Small avenues.
c. The weather.
d. The number of people visiting.

4. Visiting the Fort is interesting because:

a. There is a nice view.

b. It has nightclubs and restaurants.
c. It is 25 minutes from the beach.
d. You can go there walking.

5. Copacabana is famous for:

a. The Caipirinha.
b. The Fort.
c. Its beautiful beaches.
d. The traffic.
Pronunciation practice / Práctica de pronunciación

Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the study
material. There you will find the corresponding sound files. / Nota: esta práctica
debe ser completada usando la versión multimedia del material de estudio. Allí
encontrará los archivos de audio correspondientes.

A. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the vowel in
each word. Then, say them aloud. Try to imitate the vowel sounds you hear. /
Escuche las siguientes palabras. Preste atención a la vocal de cada palabra.
Luego, dígalas en voz alta tratando de imitar los sonidos vocálicos escuchados.

Note: if there are more than two vowels in a word, pay attention to the one in the
underlined syllable. / Nota: si hay más de dos vocales en una palabra, preste
atención únicamente a la vocal en la sílaba subrayada.

i ɪ
Evening. Dinner.

Season. Flight.

Now, classify the words on the following list according to the vowel sound you hear. /
Ahora, clasifique las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con el sonido que escuche.

 Sleep.
 Gym.
 Week.
 Study.
 Sister.
 Read.
 See.
 Family.
 Weekend.
 Visit.
 Beach.
 She.
 Live.
 Need.
 He.
 Season.

i ɪ

B. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined
consonant in each word. Then, say them aloud. Try to imitate the consonants
sounds you hear. / Escuche las siguientes palabras. Preste atención a la
consonante subrayada en cada palabra. Luego, diga las palabras en voz alta
tratando de imitar los sonidos consonánticos escuchados.

ŋ n
Doing. Sunday.

Young. License.

Now, classify the words on the following list according to the consonant sound you
hear. / Ahora, clasifique las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con el sonido de
consonante que escuche.

 Working.
 Next.
 Coming.
 Weekend.
 Lunch.
 Morning.
 Month.
 Traveling.
 Painting.
 Want.
 Think.
 Morning.
 Driving.
 Lessons.
 Things.
 Afternoon.

ŋ n

C. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the stressed syllable. / Escuche las
siguientes palabras. Preste atención a la ubicación de la sílaba acentuada.

Future. Tonight. Relatives. Tomorrow.

Weekend. Enjoy. Marathon. Semester.

Now, classify the words on the list according to their stress pattern. / Ahora, clasifique
las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con su patrón acentual.

 Autumn.
 Afraid.
 Summer.
 Appointment.
 Guitar.
 Winter.
 Alone.
 Holiday.
 Purpose.
 Relax.
 Panama.
 Christmas.
 Contraction.
 Season.
 Perform.
 Parents.

D. Listen to the pronunciation of the following sentences. Then, say them aloud. Try
to imitate the intonation pattern used. / Escuche la pronunciación de las
siguientes oraciones. Luego, dígalas en voz alta tratando de imitar el patrón de
entonación usado.

What are you going to do this weekend?

I would like to have a pet.
She is not going to study psychology.
We are staying at the Central hotel.
I am going to have a big family.
She is going to take a lot of pictures on her holidays.
I need to catch up with my friends.
We are really excited about traveling to Cuba.
I want to go for a drink tonight.
My parents are visiting me next month.
I would like to have more free time.
References / Referencias

Fotolia. (s.f.). Copacabana Beach, Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Consultado el 15 de

septiembre de 2014, en

Document control / Control del documento

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de

Asesor English Dot formación
Juan Carlos September
Author Works - Programa profesional.
Solano 2014
de bilingüismo Dirección General

Rachman Copy editor – Línea October
Adaptation Agroindustrial.
Bustillo Martínez de producción 2014
Regional Quindío

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