A New Earth

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A New Earth

Keirin Damaris Cañas Cruz

The illusory self

The knowledge acquired, the opinions, the likes and dislikes, and with the things that happened to "me" in the past, the memory of which are thoughts that want to further define
my sense of being as "me and my story ".

The voice in the head

I freed myself from compulsive thinking and the false self devised by the mind.

Content and structure of the ego

At one of the most basic levels of identification are things: the toy then becomes the car, the house, the clothes, and so on. We try to find ourselves in things but we never quite
succeed and we end up getting lost in them. That is the destiny of the ego.

Identification with things

Many people spend a good part of their life obsessively preoccupying things. That is why one of the evils of our times is the proliferation of objects. When we lose the ability to
feel that life that we are, we will most likely try to fill life with things.

The lost ring

Entonces ella dijo, "ahora comprendo algo que dijo Jesús y a lo cual nunca le había encontrado mucho sentido: 'Si alguien te pide la camisa, entrégale también tu capa". "Así es",
le respondí. "No significa que no debamos cerrar la puerta. Significa que algunas veces desprenderse de las cosas es un acto mucho más poderoso que el hecho de defenderlas o
de aferrarse a ellas".

The illusion of ownership

La forma como otros nos ven termina siendo la forma como nos vemos a nosotros mismos. Si todo el mundo habitara en mansiones o todos fuéramos ricos, nuestra mansión o
nuestra riqueza ya no nos serviría para engrandecer nuestro sentido del ser.

Want: the need for more

"El ego desea desear más que lo que desea tener"

Identification with the body

Quienes se identifican con su físico, su vigor o sus habilidades, sufren cuando esos atributos comienzan a desaparecer, lo cual es inevitable, por supuesto. Como su misma
identidad se apoyaba en ellos, se ven abocados a la destrucción.

Feeling the inner body

"Tomando conciencia del cuerpo no solamente nos anclamos en el momento presente sino que abrimos una puerta para escapar de la cárcel del ego"

Forgetfulness of being

"Nos perdemos en cada pensamiento y cada emoción, nos identificamos totalmente con la forma y, por lo tanto,
permanecemos en las garras del ego"

From Descartes's error to Sartre's intuition

"Cuando tomamos conciencia de estar pensando, esa conciencia no es parte del pensamiento. Es una dimensión diferente de la conciencia"

The peace that passes all understanding

"La verdad última de lo que somos no está en decir yo soy esto o aquello, sino en decir Yo Soy"


The perception I had of the ego was quite different, generally we are left with the vague knowledge of these words, but
when we make an extensive reading like this one that covers all aspects from birth to identity formation and everything
that this influences our inner being, in our decisions, in our mental and physical health, the text deals with all the
different situations with which we could come to identify, the persecution and understanding of what ego is is more
complete and is not so ambiguous.

It has helped me to reflect on my conscience, my emotions and my reality in general, it also allowed me to identify new
aspects that I did not know of my being through the philosophical reflections that are developed in the text, for example
the ego that describes as a 100% normal attitude having a deeper meaning than what we know at first glance, also me,
and has influenced me to reflect on myself, my thoughts, my conscience in order to control my emotions and thoughts.

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