Module for options that can be used to configure Cloud Functions deployments.
AlertTypeclass firebase_functions.options.AlertType(value) |
Bases: The underlying alert type of the Firebase alerts provider.
AppDistributionOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.AppDistributionOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to app distribution functions. Internal use only.
BillingOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.BillingOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to billing alert functions. Internal use only. |
BlockingOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.BlockingOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, id_token: bool | None = None, access_token: bool | None = None, refresh_token: bool | None = None) |
Bases: Options that can be set on an Auth Blocking trigger. Internal use only.
CorsOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.CorsOptions(cors_origins: str | list[str] | Pattern | None = None, cors_methods: str | list[str] | None = None) |
Bases: CORS options for HTTP functions. Internally this maps to Flask-Cors configuration. See:
CrashlyticsOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.CrashlyticsOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to Crashlytics alert functions. Internal use only.
DatabaseOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.DatabaseOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, reference: str, instance: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to Realtime Database function types. Internal use only.
EventHandlerOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.EventHandlerOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to any event handling function. Internal use only.
EventarcTriggerOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.EventarcTriggerOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, event_type: str, channel: str | None = None, filters: dict[str, str] | None = None) |
Bases: Options that can be set on an Eventarc trigger. Internal use only.
FirebaseAlertOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.FirebaseAlertOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, alert_type: str | AlertType, app_id: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to Firebase alert function types. Internal use only.
FirestoreOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.FirestoreOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, document: str, database: str | None = None, namespace: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to Firestore function types. Internal use only.
HttpsOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.HttpsOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['public', 'private'] | None = None, cors: CorsOptions | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to HTTP function types. Internal use only.
IngressSettingclass firebase_functions.options.IngressSetting(value) |
Bases: What kind of traffic can access the function.
MemoryOptionclass firebase_functions.options.MemoryOption(value) |
Bases: Available memory options supported by Cloud Functions.
PerformanceOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.PerformanceOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, app_id: str | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to performance alerts functions. Internal use only.
PubSubOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.PubSubOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry: bool | Expression[bool] | Sentinel | None = None, topic: str) |
Bases: Options specific to Pub/Sub function types. Internal use only.
RateLimitsclass firebase_functions.options.RateLimits(max_concurrent_dispatches: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_dispatches_per_second: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None) |
Bases: How congestion control should be applied to the function.
RetryConfigclass firebase_functions.options.RetryConfig(max_attempts: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None) |
Bases: How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.
RuntimeOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.RuntimeOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None) |
ScheduleOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.ScheduleOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, schedule: str, timezone: ZoneInfo | Expression[str] | Sentinel | None = None, retry_count: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_retry_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_doublings: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_backoff_seconds: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None) |
Bases: Options that can be set on a
StorageOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.StorageOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, bucket: str | Expression[str] | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to Cloud Storage function types. Internal use only.
SupportedRegionclass firebase_functions.options.SupportedRegion(value) |
Bases: All regions supported by Cloud Functions (2nd gen).
TaskQueueOptionsclass firebase_functions.options.TaskQueueOptions(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector: str | Sentinel | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None, retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None, rate_limits: RateLimits | None = None, invoker: str | list[str] | Literal['private'] | None = None) |
Bases: Options specific to tasks function types.
- firebase_functions.options.Timezone
An alias of the zoneinfo.ZoneInfo for convenience.
VpcEgressSettingclass firebase_functions.options.VpcEgressSetting(value) |
Bases: Valid settings for VPC egress.
set_global_optionsfirebase_functions.options.set_global_options(*, region: SupportedRegion | str | list[SupportedRegion | str] | None = None, memory: int | MemoryOption | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, timeout_sec: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, min_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, max_instances: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, concurrency: int | Expression[int] | Sentinel | None = None, cpu: int | Literal['gcf_gen1'] | Sentinel = 'gcf_gen1', vpc_connector: str | None = None, vpc_connector_egress_settings: VpcEgressSetting | None = None, service_account: str | Sentinel | None = None, ingress: IngressSetting | Sentinel | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, secrets: list[str] | list[SecretParam] | Sentinel | None = None, enforce_app_check: bool | None = None, preserve_external_changes: bool | None = None) |
Sets default options for all functions. |
RESET_VALUEfirebase_functions.options.RESET_VALUE = <firebase_functions.private.util.Sentinel object> |
Special configuration value to reset configuration to platform default. |