rules. Bytes
Type representing a sequence of bytes.
Byte literals are specified using a b
declaration prefix followed by
bytes represented as a sequence of characters, two-place hexadecimal
values (for example, b'\x0F'
, not b'\xF'
), or three-place octal
values (for example, b'\000'
, not b'\0'
). Character sequences are
interpreted as UTF-8 encoded strings.
// These are all equal to decimal 42. b'*' b'\x2A' b'\052' // These are all equivalent b'€' // 3-byte UTF-8 encoded string b'\342\202\254' b'\xE2\x82\xAC'
Functions for the Bytes type are provided to aid comparison of byte sequences represented as Base64url- and hexadecimal-encoded strings.
size() returns rules.Integer
Returns the number of bytes in a Bytes sequence.
- Returns
non-null rules.Integer
the number of bytes.
b'\xFF\xFF'.size() == 2
b'a'.size() == 1
b'€'.size() == 3 // 3-byte UTF-8 encoded string
toBase64() returns rules.String
Returns the Base64-encoded string corresponding to the provided Bytes sequence.
Base64 encoding is performed per the base64url specification.
- Returns
non-null rules.String
a Base64-encoded string.
b'\xFB\xEF\xBE'.toBase64() == '----'
toHexString() returns rules.String
Returns the hexadecimal-encoded string corresponding to the provided Bytes sequence.
- Returns
non-null rules.String
a hexadecimal-encoded string.
b'\x2A'.toHexString() == '2A'
b'**'.toHexString() == '2A2A'
b'€'.toHexString() == 'E282AC'