TECHNIQUE ET INDICATIONS DU LAMBEAU Chinois en Chirrugie de La Main A Propos de 33 Cas
TECHNIQUE ET INDICATIONS DU LAMBEAU Chinois en Chirrugie de La Main A Propos de 33 Cas
TECHNIQUE ET INDICATIONS DU LAMBEAU Chinois en Chirrugie de La Main A Propos de 33 Cas
F.M. B R A U N , Ph. H O A N G ,
M. M E R L E , F. V A N G E N E C H T E N ,
G. F O U C H E R I
OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE In the case of a free forearm flap (fig. 2), the radial ar-
tery, the two satellite veins and the superficial veins are
Clinical examination should include an evaluation of the exposed at the distal and proximal ends of the flap. The
potency of the radial and ulnar arteries as well as an vessels are ligated at the distal end.
appreciation of their relative functional role. Aliens' test is
mandatory [1]. In a study of 800 hands, Gelbermann [20] The lateral and the medial antebrachial cuta-
has calculated that filling times are 2.4 _+ 1.2 ,, for the ra- neous nerves are exposed and dissected as needed.
dial and 2.3 + 1 , for the ulnar arteries. The skin is then incised perpendicularly along the entire
periphery of the flap up until and including the fascia. The
Other examinations may be useful under certain cir- flap is raised by starting on the ulnar side. Proximally the
cumstances : classic or pulsed Doppler effect [4], angio- arterial and venous pedicles seem to be remote, connec-
graphy [2] and three phases scan [12]. ted solely by cutaneous branches. Skin and pedicles must
For the dissection and the transfer of the flap, the ope- be raised together. On the radial border, the superficial
ration is conducted with the patient in the supine position, sensitive branch of the radial nerve must be carefully ex-
usually under an axillary block. The flap is designed and posed on the posterior aspect of the branchioradialis and
is guided by the vascular axis ; the flap is two-thirds ulnar preserved. Dissection is stopped on the anterior aspect of
and one-third radial in relation to the artery (even though the brachioradialis before pursuing the dissection deeper
nearly all the skin of the forearm may be used). along the vascular pedicle.
du septum sdparant les compartiments fl6chisseurs
et extenseurs et se fixant sur le radius sous-jacent
(fig. 3). Ce septum devra etre sectionn6 pour lever
l'art6re radiale. Le lambeau est le plus souvent bran-
ch6 de fagon ~ ce que son flux art6riel et veineux
soit ortograde. D'autres possibilitds sont r6sum6es
dans la figure 4.
Pour un l a m b e a u antObrachial en Eot (fig. 5) il faut
laisser in situ la veine radiale superficielle, le retour
veineux 6tant assur6 par les seules veines satellites
Fig. 3. - - Coupe tranversale du lambeau chinois a I'avant- de l'art6re radiale. Le pddicule vasculaire est li6 en
bras. proximal et fix6 ~ la peau afin d'6viter toute traction
lors de la dissection du lambeau. I1 sera ensuite isol6
Fig. 3. - - Transversal section of the forearm with chinese flap. de proximal en distal, p6dicul6 en ilot sur le paquet
2 3
~ ~?,, ",, i
f I~ ...~ j
vasculaire radial au niveau de la gouttiOre du pouls nerf radial pourrait ~tre th6oriquement prdlevd en
et pourra 6tre mobilis6 selon un arc de cercle. greffe vascularis6e [40] ; nous ne l'avons pas r~alisd,
Dans la plupart des cas de cette s6rie, l'opdrateur - - un lambeau cutan6o-osseux [6, 16] peut per-
a modifi6 la technique originelle en continuant la mettre de prdlever une baguette osseuse au niveau
dissection du paquet vasculaire radial en distal jus- de l'extr~mitd infdrieure du radius pouvant atteindre
qu'au sommet du premier espace interm6tacarpien 10 cm (fig. 7). Nous pr~f~rons prdlever dans le
afin d'allonger le p6dicule de l'tlot (fig. 6). Un d6- m~me temps une frange musculaire du carr4 prona-
croisement des tendons au niveau de la tabati~re teur afin de pr4server la vascularisation du greffon,
anatomique sera r6alis6 avec passage du lambeau - - un la~mbeau composite cutan6o-tendineux [31]
sous les tendons long adducteur, court extenseur et en prdlevant dans le m~me temps tout ou partie de
long extenseur du pouce. D'autre part la lev6e de la portion tendineuse des muscles fl6chisseurs radial
l'~lot peut 6tre effectu6e sur le p6dicule proximal ou du carpe, long palmaire ou brachio-radial.
m~me mobilis4 en ilot bip6dicul~. I1 est enfin possible de prdlever un lambeau de
Plusieurs variantes du larnbeau ant#brachial peu- fascia pur [32] en laissant en place la peau et le tissu
vent ~fre effectu4es : cellulaire sous-cutan6, n'emmenant qu'une pastille
de peau et un large lambeau fascial. L'utilisation
- - un lambeau cutan6o-graisseux classique, d'un tel lambeau est int~ressante dans l'am41ioration
- - un lambeau neuro-vasculaire en utilisant les de la vascularisation locale notamment cn cas de 16-
nerfs musculo-cutan6 ou brachial cutan6 interne. Le sion nerveusc (fig. 8).
The vessels are located within a condensation of the In most of the cases in this series, the surgeon modi-
septum which separates the flexor and extensor comparti- fied the original technique by continuing to dissect the ra-
ments and is fixed on the underlying radius (fig. 3). This dial vascular pedicle distally until the apex of the first in-
septum must be divided in order to raise the radial artery. termetacarpal space thus lengthening the island's pedicle
The flap is most often branched so that arterial and (fig. 6). The flap is then passed under the abductor pollicis
venous flow are orthograde. The other possibilities are re- Iongus, extensor pollicis Iongus and brevis tendons at the
sumed in figure 4. level of the anatomical snuff-box. However, the island can
For the island forearm flap (fig. 5), the superficial radial be raised on the proximal pedicle or even, be bipedicled.
vein must be left in place, the venous return is provided by
the veins which are satellites of the radial artery. The vas- Several variations of the forearm flap are possible :
cular pedicle is ligated proximally and fixed to the skin in
order to avoid any traction during dissection. The flap is a classical cutaneous and fat flap ;
then dissected from proximal to distal, the island remai- - - a sensory flap taking advantage of the lateral(cuta-
ning attached to the radial pedicle at the level of the neous muscle) or the medial antebrachial cutaneous ner-
groove of the radial pulse and may be mobilized like an ves. It is theorically possible to raise a vascularized radial
arch of circle. nerve graft [40] : we have not yet performed such a flap ;
Fig. 7. - - Le territoire
osseux du lambeau com-
posite cutaneo-osseux.
- - a osteocutaneous flap [6, 16] which consists of A split thickness graft acute or delayed one-or early
taking a small stable up to 10 cm of bone at the two-stage graft was consistently used to cover the donor
lower end of the radius (fig. 7). When we perform this sort site.
of operation, we prefer raising a muscular strip of the pro-
Patients receiving an island flap were treated postope-
nator quadratus in order to preserve the blood supply of ratively on an out-patient basis.
the bone graft ;
--a composite cutaneo-tendinous flap [31] which When the patient had a free flap, the hospital stay was
entails raising all or a part of the tendinous portions of limited to 5 days. This was because vascular thrombosis
flexor carpo-radialis, the palmaris Iongus or brachio- has never been observed by the operator after the 3 rd
radialis in the same operative procedure. operative day. While no anticoagulant therapy was em-
ployed, a classical regimen consisting of intravenous infu-
Lastly, a purely fascial flap is possible [32]. Only a sion of macromolecules and acetylsalicilic acid was
small part of skin is raised with a large fascial flap ; the always used.
rest of the cutaneous cover and the subcutaneous cellular
tissue is left in place. The utility of this sort of flap resides As well, we would like to recommend stopping cigarette
in the improvement of local vascularization in the case of smoking, elevation of the operated limb and, as early as
traumatic nerve impairment (fig. 8). possible, splinting and mobilization.
INDICATIONS AND DISCUSSION Defatting was necessary in three cases only ; the donor
site was covered by a split thickness graft. In four
Casuistics and analysis of results cases, the surface of the donor zone was partially redu-
ced by suture.
Thirty-two patients received thirthy-three transfers;
their results were recently published in a thesis [8]. At the In eight cases, the flap was used to cover a volar de-
fect; in eight others, a dorsal defect, in two cases, for
time of writing, eleven patients are still under treatment.
Because of the mode of recrutement of the service, most combined volar and dorsal cover, in one case, for recons-
of the patients had hand injuries (31 of 32 patients). The truction of a web-space, in 10 cases, to cover a thumb
and in two cases for combined repair of the volar surface
majority of patients were yound men (27 vs 5 women)
(the mean age was 28 years ol) : manual laborers for the and of the thumb. In four cases, the flap was performed in
most (22 of 29) who had sustained an injury of their domi- order to provide trophic support I 1) replacement of a
nant hand while working. Sixty per cent (19/31) of the pa- sclerous cutaneous patch volar to a nerve, 2) wrapping
around a nerve graft or repair, 3) investing tendinous
tients were treated under emergency conditions: in 7
transfers in heavily scarred zones.
cases, the flap was performed immediately; in the 12
other cases, this operation was delayed either because In the twenty patients for whom treatment may be
the initial accident was a crushing or avulsion injury, or considered to be finished, the mean number of operations
because early in our experience, we were cautious. Be- was 2.6. No failures were noted. Two complications occu-
cause this technique is very reliable, most of the flaps red in this series : one case of superficial epithelial loss
(28/33) performed were island flaps. Thirteen flaps were due to the injection of concentrated dye and one case of
used as composite flaps (table I). unrecognized infection after loss of substance on the
Obs. Sexe Age Profes- Tabac Main do- Main A.T. Mecanis- Vu en Fait en Anesthe-
sion minante taumat. me urgence =urgence sie bloc
ou A.G.
Aide 0 D D + Abrasion + B
14. C... ~ 16
bureau + + br01ur~
Ecolier 0 D+ G D 0 Arthro- - A,G.
15. B... C~ 15
Franck congenital grypose
Carriste + D D + Ecrase- + B
16. M... O" 26
meat +
Archi- 0 D G 0 Explo- +
21. F... Cf 24
tecte sion
+ Avuls~on + A.G.
22. A... & 40 Artisan + D G
Pierre indepen-
N ° 2 -- 1985
Type du Indica- Cutane Degrais- Couve~. Qualite Refec- Nombre Ancienne
lambeau tion du ou sage du site de la tion d'op. profes-
libre ou lambeau composite donneur greffe artere sion
riot radiale
I+ Palmaire Peau Greffe + A. radiale 4-
rebran t differee suture & 13 mois
artere a. ulnaire
Aide technique
i dorsal + Peau 4- + Greffe ++ - 4
tendons tendons en cours
de trait t
TABLEAU I (suite)
Obs, Sexe Age Profes- Tabac Main do-I Main A.T. M~canis- Vu en FaR en Anesthe
sion minante taumat, me urgence urgence sie bloc
ou A.G,
, I
23. p... O" 21 Ouvrier 0 D D + Ecrase- + - A.G.'
Denis ment +
24. P_: O~ 34 Ouvrier D G + Ecrase- + + B
Richard ment
25. T... O" 40 Ouvrier 4- b D + Avulsion 4- - A.G.
Roland par tour
26. Z... ~ 73 Ouvrie. 0 D D + Avulsion + + B
27. F... ? 17 Ouvrie. 0 D D + Ecrase- - - A.G,
Stella ment par
28. H... Cf 33 Compta- + D G 0 Tron(;on- + + A.G.
Gilbert hie neuse
Patricia avant-bras
volar surface. No vascular impairment was noted, even Lastly, compared to pedicle flaps, the postoperative
though in 26 cases, no attempt wad made to re-establish comfort of the patient as well as the possibility of early
vascular continuity of the radial vascular route. mobilization and splinting must be emphasized,
Advantages and disadvantages However, the disadvantages of this flap, which may
Compared principally to the classical groin flaps, the limit its indications, must not be minimized :
advantages are multiple : - - the ligation of the radial artery is an all-important
- - the cutaneous texture and coloration are close to feature, at least from a theorectical point of view [19], be-
that of the hand ; cause anatomically the anastomosis with the ulnar net-
- - the elasticity is excellent, quite like that of dorsal
work is constant [7]. No ischemic complications wer ob-
skin and provides cover sufficiently loose in order to en- served in our series. We would like to emphasize that
most of the incidents after catheterisation of the radial ar-
sure correct joint range of notion [23] ;
tery reported in the literature were due to extensive
- - composite flaps are possible, providing vasculari- thrombosis or to peripheral embols [5, 26]. Arterial resto-
zed tendons, bony or muscular fragments. ration was performed only in the case of free flaps or
The donor surface is very important as we have al- when a free transfer was planned ulteriorly (it is occasio-
ready pointed out. nally possible to use the graft as a recipient vessel).
Vascular supply is excellent, due to the important cali- Vascular repercussion was clinically explored. Cold
ber of the artery which is easy to suture when a free intolerance was frequently encountered (25 of 33 cases).
transfer is planned. Vascularization is independant, and However, this was not considered to be significant
the flap does not have to rely on the recipient side for because this sort of complication is frequent in the case
blood supply (it may improve the trophicity of the recipient of minor trauma and, in the East of France, practically
zone). constant after major trauma. In the cases operated early
The operation may be performed as an one-stage pro- in this series (7 cases), this intolerance disappeared after
cedure under nervous block. An emergency operation is two winters. In the only congenital deformity treated in
possible, the donor site being convered 72 hours later. this manner, this phenomenon did not occur. Moreover,
N ° 2 -- 1985
Type du Indica- Cutane Degrais- Couve~. Ouaiite Refec- Nombre Ancienne
lambeau tion du ou sage du site de la tion d'op, profes-
libre ou lambeau composite donneur greffe artere sion
ilot radiale
i Dorsal + Fascia + Greffe en 4
I Greffe
' I
en cours
de traitt
IIBB differee
Pouce Peau
+ OS
nm Greffe
3 +3
+ OS
IIBi i
0 1
en cours
en cours
Ii 3
en c0urs
en Cours
in the five cases in which arterial reconstruction was per- Mac Gregor flap when the latter is contraindicated (mul-
formed, thrombosis occurred in one case and all patients tiorgan traumatism, major obesity, pregnant women) or in
complained of poor tolerance to cold weather. Three the case of complex injuries with loss of cutaneous, tendi-
cases were studied by dynamic scintigraphy scan (Four- nous, osseous and nervous structures. Lastly, because of
rier's analysis) before and after operation, thus allowing a its large surface and its long pedicle, a total degloving
quantitative assessment. In accordance with the work of injury may be covered very simply. On the opposite, em-
Gelbermann [18], we never noted any decrease in peri- ployed as an island flap, the chinese forearm flap is a
pheral flow. safe and simple technique when compared to other free
There were some sequelae at the level of the donor flaps. Likewise, it provides some well recognized advanta-
site: adherences to the deep planes were minimal but ges and notably, reduction of the number of operative
they were never responsible for any functional disorders stages as well as vascular independance of the flap.
either in the hand or at the level of the wrist. Protective
but not discriminative sensitivity may possibly be recupe- A special must be reserved for the osteoplastic recons-
rated by the thin skin grafts. The final cosmetic result is truction of the thumb using an osteocomposite chinese
acceptable, the graft usually takes completely and the flap. Compared to classical procedures such as Nicolado-
scars are easily concealed under the sleeves of the ni's technique [28], the following advantages may be un-
patient's clothing. The only really hindering element is derlined :
the proeminence of the resting superficial veins under one-stage procedure ;
the graft. - - closed system essential in the prevention of in-
Excessive pilosity on the flap may occasionnally be fection, especially osseous ;
uncosmetic when found on the thumb or in the palm. - - reliability because of the absence of microsurgical
requirements ;
Present day indications in hand surgery
--good blood supply of the bone and the cuta-
For simple cutaneous cover, the chinese flap is not at neous tissues which helps to avoid faulty union and,
all destined to replace pedicle flaps, notably those with above all, progressive resorption of the bone [10], seen
axial blood supply. However, it may be substituted for a quite frequently with classical techniques.
I1 faut enfin souligner le confort post-op6ratoire et n'a jamais 6t6/~ l'origine de troubles fonctionnel-
du patient en comparant avec un lambeau p6dicul6 les au niveau du poignet ou de la main. Les greffes
et la possibilit6 d'une mobilisation et d'un appareil- minces retrouvent une sensibilit6 de protection sans
lage pr6coce. discrimination. L'aspect esth6tique final es't accepta-
I1 ne faut cependant pas minimiser les inconv6- ble et la prise de greffe est totale et la cicatrice faci-
nients de ce lambeau qui en limitent les indications : lement cach6e dans les manches de v~tement. Le
seul 616ment vraiment g6nant est la saillie des veines
- - la ligature de l'art~re radiale est un point im- superficielles restantes sous la greffe.
portant du moins sur le plan th6orique [19] car ana-
tomiquement l'anastomose avec le rdseau ulnaire est La pilosit6 parfois abondante au niveau du lam-
constante [7]. Nous n'avons observ6 aucune compli- beau peut 6tre inesth6tique au niveau d'un pouce ou
cation isch6mique dans notre sErie. I1 faut rappeler de la paume.
que la plupart des incidents rapportds dans la litt6ra-
ture apr6s cath6t6risme radial 6taient en rapport Indications actuelles en chirurgie de la main
avec des thromboses extensives ou des embolies pd-
riph6riques [5, 26]. La reconstitution n'est r6alis6e Le lambeau chinois ne remplace en aucune fa~on
qu'en cas de lambeau libre ou dans les cas o/1 un les lambeaux p6dicul6s notamment fi vascularisation
transfert libre est envisag6 dans un temps ult6rieur axiale pour r6aliser une couverture cutan6e simple,
(la greffe pouvant ~tre utilis6e comme vaisseau rece- mais peut s'y substituer en cas de contre-indication
veur). du lambeau de Mac Gregor (polytraumatisme, obd-
sit6 majeure, femme enceinte) ou lorsqu'il s'agit de
La r6percussion vasculaire a 6t6 explor6e clinique- 16sions complexes avec perte de substance cutan6e,
ment et l'intol6rance au froid a 6t6 frdquente (25/33 tendineuse, osseuse et nerveuse. Enfin, sa vaste sur-
cas). Ceci n'est cependant pas significatif car cette face et son long p6dicule permettent de couvrir de
complication est fr6quente m~me aprOs traumatisme fa~on simple un d6gantage complet. Par contre, par
minime et, dans l'Est de la France quasi constante rapport aux lambeaux libres, le lambeau chinois en
aprOs traumatisme majeur. Dans les cas les plus an- ~lot pr6sente outre les avantages classiques de ces
ciens (7 cas), cette intol6rance a disparu apr~s deux derniers (notamment diminution du nombre des
hivers. Dans le seul cas d'affection congdnitale cette temps op6ratoires et ind6pendance vasculaire du
intolerance n'a pas dt6 constatde. Par ailleurs dans lambeau) un facteur de s~curit6 technique et de sim-
les 5 cas og un pontage a 6t6 r6alis6, une lois il s'est plicit6.
thrombos~ et tousles patients ont prdsent6 une into-
16rance au froid. Trois cas ont 6t6 explords avant et Une place spficiale doit ~tre faite ~ la reconstruc-
apr6s l'intervention, par scintigraphie dynamique tion ostdoplastique du pouce par lambeau chinois
(avec analyse Fourrier) permettant une approche ostdo-composite. Par rapport aux proc6d~s classi-
quantitative. Aucune chute du d6bit p6riph6rique ques, type Nicoladoni [28], plusieurs avantages sont
n'a 6t6 constatde. Ceci rejoint les travaux de Gelber- souligner :
mann [18]. - - un seul temps op6ratoire ;
- - Les sdquelles au niveau du site donneur ne sont - - une technique ferm6e, facteur essentiel de pre-
pas inexistantes ; l'adh~rence au sous-sol est minime vention contre l'infection, notamment osseuse ;
In accordance with other studies on pedicle bone grafts professional activity. Aside from the absence of the finger-
[11, 42], rapid osseous consolidation and total absence of nail and the presence of hair, the cosmetic result was
resorption were noted. This drawback (bone resorption) usually satisfactory.
was found when the Morrison wrap around technique was
used, and it was for this reason that one of the authors CONCLUSION
[13] described a technique f o r , custom-made reconstruc-
tion ,, of the thumb using a composite toe-to-hand transfer The quality and the versability of the antebrachial flap
with a vascularized bone transplant. This technique was make it an attractive procedure for use in hand surgery. In
recently re-emphysing by Tomita [41]. In five cases of certain cases, its indications must be discussed along
osteoplastic reconstruction using the chinese forearm with other pedicle flaps. In our experience, with the ex-
flap, sensitivity was restored by Littler's island [24] or ception of sensitive pulp toe-to-hand transfers, this flap is
O'Brien's volar [29] neurovascular flaps. In the case of preferred to other free flaps.
bilateral destruction of the two radial rays due to a fire- Lastly, it has contributed to the renovation of osteoplas-
work explosion, osteoplastic reconstruction was perfor- tic reconstruction of the thumb, which has been severly
med using a free composite flap, the lateral cutaneous criticized, in the past because of the number of operative
nerve being sutured to the radial nerve. Simple protective stages, the trophic disorders of the flap and progressive
sensitivity was obtained eight months after the operation. bone resorption.
Stability and power in these neothumbs was always ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We would like to J. Famy M.D.for the illustra-
sufficient and allowed manual laborers to return to their tionsof the paper.
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