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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Ok, look, the whole ‘murdered his whole clan and traumatized his brother’ deal is a bad decision, and also fucked up! I really want fics to deal with that.

But also, canonically, Naruto DOES respect Itachi’s for his actions, Sasuke somehow still goes ‘you’re perfect’, and i’m pretty sure “Madara”!Obito is actually genuine about the respect he expresses when he explains the situation to Sasuke. (oh, he’s absolutely being manipulative and presenting thing is the way that will break Sasuke in the exact way he wants, but? rewatching the episode, i do feel he actually admires his resolve at least)

(and look if the situation itachi ends up in is not proof the world is broken…)

You know the one person who actually, canonically, criticizes Itachi’s actions? Itachi himself. Now he doesn’t address the ‘maybe the massacre WASN’T the best solution’ thing, but he does address the ‘really, really mishandled the Sasuke situation. In part by trying to handle it instead of being honest with him’.

Anyway I’m thinking how no one ever seems to truly gets the ‘eh child soldiers should not exist’ thing (fanon goes ‘hashirama wanted no more dead children’, but i think canon is more among the lines of ‘hashirama wanted universal peace because war sucks’. fun fact: war sucks for more reason than just dead children! so good objective for him, really) - like, it’s a point actually made multiple times? but somehow no one seems to notice it! naruto never goes ‘when i’m hokage no child will ever die in a fight again’ that’s. not a thing.

No one seems to realize that the way naruto and sasuke are raising themselves is messed up. Not Kakashi, not Iruka, not Sarutobi, not naruto and sasuke themselves!

(i’d like to point out that kushina goes: ‘i will seal teh kyuubi and die. i will never see naruto again’ and minato goes ‘wait no i have an idea, that will allow us to see him once in the future! he should know his mother, after all! (even if it means that he will grow up without either parent)’, and i’m like. seriously. seriously. your priorities minato. what the fuck.)

anyway i can’t think of one character likely to go ‘wait even if we’re not able to stop wars. at the very least we should stop sending children’. kind of a problem.

this said if you want someone to point out itachi’s made the wrong choice with the massacre, your best choice is itachi himself.


OMG why don’t your posts have more notes. Ooh I like this. This post brought some interesting points and this particular bit intrigued my mind because so many people in Naruto fandom protested on the same thing.

Anyway i can’t think of one character likely to go ‘wait even if we’re not able to stop wars. at the very least we should stop sending children’. kind of a problem.

I ponder about this point for a moment and reluctantly reach the conclusion that, honestly it’s impossible as per plot rule of entertainment media. Because, and I think some people forget this especially people who rewatched it as adults including me, Naruto is fictional shounen manga. A show for children, a fantasy world so kids can kick some ass and solve important stuff. With that reason, shounen and many shows that focused on teenagers, they almost always have this trope.


I spoke about it a little before in this post. In media like Naruto, adults are not intended to get their shits done. Instead, adults created things for MCs to do, gave them pointers and lessons, occasionally become tireless cheerleader to MCs and power benchmark for villains, while having unwavering and frankly unhealthy faith for the youngsters MCs to success what they failed to do.

That’s why logically they can’t demolish ‘child soldier’ and forbade kids to fight and get any actions as conclusion in Naruto, Shounen and any on-going young media. Because the wonder of fiction world will be destroyed. Children as the demographic intended audience will be like “eh, in the end everything is like our boring real world when we are not allowed to do anything”. Naruto story is created so children must be the one who end war, to solve the long lasting problem that the ‘adults’ can’t solve. To give children audience that project themselves in Naruto the elation of accomplishing something that adults unable to do. To receive praise, to be acknowledged as important, to eventually become the mature pillar of the world and fix its flaws. 

(At least before money hungry companies force writers to write sequel with MCs  children as protagonists and our MCs that we adore and watch over in original series being nerfed and demoted to “useless adults”. Ah, Boruto, Cursed Child, TLOK, and Yashahime my beloathed)

So you have there, Naruto shounen franchise with kids and then teenagers as protagonists, with flashy superpowers and society that allow them to use it without much restriction. Adults are supposed to be an enabler and not a boomer on this aspect, plus in Naruto somehow age is used as power wanking. When Kakashi is said becoming Chuunin at 6 or Itachi is said becoming ANBU captain at 13, the intended audiences’ reaction is “wow they’re truly powerful” and not “what the heck they’re practically babies”. Characters that drive the story are expected to be young, even younger means more plus points on power stats. 

Now the tricky thing is, the Big Bad that the young MCs have to face? WAR. Unlike other Shounen medias with their pure evil villains and/or mindless monster, Naruto problem hits too close to our real world problem. Shippuden very much emphasis this, how war brings suffering, how cycle of hatred always happen. Then the pinnacle of conflict is Villains (Obito and Madara) waged War, tried to stop continuous fight and conflict by completely erase the reality, rob everyone’s awareness, and bring them to dreamland while conflict will never happen, death and birth are nonexistent, everyone will get what their want without doing anything.

That’s obviously bad because it’s like giving all humans hallucination drugs and everyone just lay on their beds sleeping. Of freaking course it will not work, will make human society collapsed and destroyed in any world, fiction or not, because it will place humanity in stagnant, unmoving state. Conflict will not happen, development will not be occurred, sadness will not be created, love will not be blossomed, hard work and determination will be pointless, death and birth will be nonexistent.

Story will not be created. Dead end. 

To stop that terrible thing and see that their world is worth saving is the young MCs’ job.

(I can’t believe that there are people in Naruto community who think Obito and Madara’s method was legit situation, but I am also just a normal woman in somewhat peaceful society so perhaps those people already experienced things that make them have nihilism mindset of the world. Or Obito’s speech is just that good, I as Obito fan certainly love it too, very thrilling, although I obviously disagree hard with him)

So, the ‘child soldier’ thing is the irrefutable twist that differentiate fiction from reality, that build Naruto world as a fantasy world intended for kids to explore and enjoy. And, eventually, children will be able to stop war, because this is their story. The question is, how? To answer that, we explore the MCs’ journey, what they learn, lose, and gain to reach their points.

The teenage protag, Naruto, tried to solve the war by persuading people to work together. Story expanded on how he chose this method, people he met, things he experienced and learned.

Sasuke, the teenage deuteragonist, tried to solve the war by appointing himself as Supreme Leader and subjugate everyone under his control, his rule, and bear their collective hatred and fear. Story expanded on how he chose this method, people he met, things he experienced and learned.

Their ideologies clashed, became the climax of this story, ended with their union because Naruto beats Sasuke into submission…

… according to some pro-Sasuke rants that I unluckily found. 

In truth Naruto ‘beats’ Sasuke by doing the thing that he always does in whole 500 chapters. He persuades Sasuke to work together with him. Being laid out like that, Naruto’s way may sound very naive, childish and illogical, right? Especially compared to Sasuke’s. 

But Naruto is indeed that fictional shounen world.

It’s so bizarre for me on my current rewatch to the point that I thought Kishimoto is a wacky writer who wrote Seinen problem with Shounen solution (and did intense meta dive on Naruto lore). Like solving Olympic problem with continuous subtraction. Is it logical? Will it work in real life? Who knows! But Naruto is essentially fiction, fantasy world, with limited timeline, so it doesn’t have to be too logical. In reality, sadly, Sasuke’s way is more effective because Power is a very potent tool to instill obedience (this is also why it’s understandable for me that there are many pro-Sasuke in Naruto fandom). Someone like Naruto who can change people heart by mere words and determination are very, very seldom exist, close to none. 

Why Kishimoto wrote a story like that? Surely he can just write Murderous Power Hungry Villain as Big Bad that will be beaten by Protagonist, shounen style? Why Obito and Madara (Kaguya doesn’t count, what the heck is that alien bits) as Big Bad, plus some Akatsukis, anguished about the problems and flaws of their world as much as the protagonist, if not more? Sasuke is obviously not intended to win with his method (because Sasuke’s method is borderline dictatorship and of course it will not happen in any hopeful child media), so why he laid out Sasuke’s story carefully and sympathetically?

Now I am totally just guessing here, but using Naruto, I think Kishimoto tried to solve the problem in his own way, instill optimistic “anti-war” lesson to the kids that will grow up and become the new ‘adults’ of the world, then eventually produce new generations to teach and guide. To obtain peace not by subjugating others, but by understanding each other and work together.

One kid asks the world, we have to understand each other, we have to work together” to fix the world’s problem like Naruto is something that will only work on fiction story.

But many kids ask the world, we have to understand each other, we have to work together”, and they grow up, become the pillars and motors of society, use that ideologies in practice, teach it to the new generation…

….I might be too optimistic here, but that… might work. Might make the world eventually devoid of war, world that is built by people who are willing to understand each other and work together to repel the constant danger of triggering war.

It’s damn great if that can work.

I think, in a way, that’s Kishimoto’s purpose on writing Naruto

uzumaki naruto uchiha itachi uchiha sasuke I feel like I am getting derailed from my starting point story of my meta ever anyway I am not saying that child soldier is okay but the franchise is benefited from the society that allow even encourage youngster to wreck some shits and face intense stuff so the kids audience experience adrenalin rush while projecting themselves in Naruto world and Naruto is the intended young MC who stop the war with a bloodless method I remember there are Kishi's interviews about Naruto being unrealistic character and his mindset of war @captnjacksparrow perhaps you know that one? but I am bad at searching interview anyway I understand why Kishi dubbed 'Naruto' as 'Child of Prophercy' Someone like Naruto must be blessed by the God himself of course in Naruto world the God is Kishimoto Please don't mind me I'll reblog your post with an essay

Underrated Kakashi “Sensei” moments (with Team 7) [Revision]

To Naruto

- Worrying for team 7 in Chuunin exam and get reassured by Naruto’s confidence


- Analyze, confirm and told Asuma + Kurenai about Akatsuki’s identity and target (Naruto) [just after receiving 3 days Tsukuyomi time of continuous stabbing]


- Encouraging Shikamaru to check on Naruto and said that he worried for Naruto’s well being more than cracking the code


- Hesitate to say to Naruto about Tsunade’s Rasen Shuriken ban after hearing Naruto’s dream and determination


-  instigate Naruto to talk about Minato as his father


- Cushioning Naruto from Rasengan vs Chidori impact


To Sasuke

- Let Sasuke dispersed Zabuza’s Water Clone


- Use his blood to seal Sasuke’s curse seal


- Trained to get stronger to protect Sasuke


- Order Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru to bring Sasuke to a safe place


And the reason why he gave that mission is because he can sense the danger of Gaara’s Bijuu chakra


-  Investigate Itachi’s intention to Sasuke


[again, just after receiving 3 days Tsukuyomi time of continuous stabbing]

- Evaluate Team 7′s dream and how far they achieve it, then ask Sasuke about his current dream.


To Sakura

- Making sure of Sakura’s willingness to enter Chuunin Exam outside Naruto and Sasuke’s insistance.


- Carrying fainted Sakura and shushing the boys from awakening her (and Ino).


- Vouched her positive trait to Tsunade


- Prioritize her safety personally and delegate ninja hound to inform Konoha about the Summit


- Told Sakura to apologize to Kiba, Lee and Sai


- Protect Sakura from remnant of Naruto vs Sasuke impact


To Sai

- Acknowledge Sai’s loyalty toward Naruto


-  Worrying about his stand in the Root


-Voiced his faith on Sai


- Boost his confidence and encourage him to not suppress his emotions anymore



According to Kishimoto, Kakashi is the ideal master for him compared to Jiraiya and Iruka.


Interestingly, I find many Naruto fans from Tumblr and Reddit disagree with him. Naruto fanboys on Reddit who is full of power scaling lover dudebros thought that Jiraiya is the ideal master because both Naruto and him are not “geniuses” and Jiraiya taught 2 jutsu to him, Summoning Jutsu and Rasengan, compared to Kakashi who just taught about developing Rasen Shuriken (offensive attack speaking). As for Naruto fans on Tumblr prefer Iruka because they generally saw Kakashi as apathetic and emotionless man, so they like Iruka who is more soft and considerate.

Not gonna say that they were wrong because ideal standard is different from person to person, but in Kishimoto’s case, he explicitly said that Kakashi is the ideal master to him because Kakashi is “A protecting Master who instead yelling at you, explain what went wrong and how to fix it. Someone who pushed his student forward instead of yelling him back to square 0”.

Meaning Kishimoto prefers this : 


(On that panel above, Kakashi has yet become Team 7′s teacher)


Instead of these : 


In the same interview, Kishimoto also said that he had a very stern and rude master image in his head, but he wants Kakashi to be a more laid back teacher, gave him kindness and woman-like speech pattern.


The “woman-like” speech pattern here I think is about how soft-spoken Kakashi is toward children. Compared to other males in Narutoverse, Kakashi has a very calm way to speak with kids and never shy about emotional conversation, like he told Haku about Zabuza’s feeling when they got Edo-Tensei-ed although Zabuza is still in the deep of “A shinobi must never show emotion” motto XD. In fact, I found this similarity between Kakashi and Inari’s conversation :


And Mikoto-Sasuke’s conversation :


Tl : dr = I’ll never declare Kakashi as the best or ideal master (unlike Kishimoto haha). But when I first arrived at Naruto fandom, I was so surprised at fandom’s depiction of Kakashi as emotionless military teacher. Like, did no one see that Kakashi is actually a giant softie? He’s like 20x way softer compared to my real life teachers. Or is it cultural difference?

As for this topic, I wholeheartly agree with this post :


Although of course I didn’t saw him as loving mother XD (Translation error? The actual page is in Chinese and I use Google Translate Page to convert it to english).

hatake kakashi uzumaki naruto uchiha sasuke haruno sakura tumblr my beloathed not only you erase my edit on the draft then you had the gall to post it without my permission????? I hate you so much anyway pretty sure that I haven't cover all Kakashi-sensei's underrated moment so feel free to add more independent post

I’m still suffering the effects of work hangover so here have a low effort meme

hatake kakashi remind me when I rewatch Kakashi Gaiden after watching Nobunaga documentary film a day before when Kakashi said that his short sword named tanto I was like 'isn't that blade used for seppuku in samurai tradition?' and the way Sakumo died suspiciously looks like seppuku anyway Kakashi is indeed had a knack for....bloody memento he used a jutsu who unintentionally kill Rin as his arsenal after all at this point I am not sure if it's self-deprecation or plain masochism casual reblog

T-5 seconds until Sakura impact

Thank u Kishimoto for the gift of Maid Kakashi. I decided he would still look 9000% done with life.

Alternative title for this piece: local sensei realises that telling his kid ‘you are NOT going out looking like that’ won’t work, and opts for alternate tactics. Is he ever going to send Naruto on a seduction mission? No way. But the civilian complaints box fills up every time Naruto and Konohamaru get into a stand-off…

Pretty please don’t tag as anything tea.cher/stu.dent 🥺


Kakashi : See, full naked is great, but it’s not so ninja. We should not laid ourselves bare open and hide our secret cards under the underneath. For example, this skimpy skirt looks appealing outside, but behind it is *shows strapped kunais on his thigh* weapons. Or this lump of meat at the front, by using clothes we can use the extra volume to hide stolen items and at the same time make our assets look bigger.

Naruto : *taking notes*

Sakura : I wanna get angry but for some reason Kakashi sensei was more passionate about this whole thing than our teacher in kunoichi class.

hatake kakashi uzumaki naruto haruno sakura because I imagine that kind of things are taught in kunoichi class when I think about it the concept of kunoichi class sounds sexist why only women who get arranging flowers lesson? pretty sure Gaara would love that anyway if there's something I've learned on kingdom manhwa and anime is that maid is proficient at the art of resting bitch face so for Kakashi to have face like that makes complete sense Yamato blushed behind the scene because he got flashed by Kakashi's thigh Please don't mind me I'll reblog your post with an essay

Anonymous asked:

do you think Kakashi copied Naruto's Sexy no Jutsu? it has battle utility, he used it to take down a Kaguya! Why wouldn't Kakashi add this to his arsenal?

bougiebutchbitch answered:

‘Do you think Kakashi copied Sexy no Jutsu?’



Well, he transformed into a “delicate maid” on Kakashi Retsuden. And his opponent was s attracted to him physically and got fooled. 

If that’s counted. 

The novel scene :

hatake kakashi kakashi retsuden spoiler nude is overrated Kakashi will show you the power of 'maid kink' anyway unlike Naruto's sexy when only some smoke covers him Kakashi hid kunai underneath his skirt strapped in his tight maybe I am biased but for me it looks way sexier the Prime Minister is truly a lucky bastard even he got CPR kiss from Kakashi on later chapter if I am not misinterpreted the translation Please don't mind me I'll reblog your post with an essay