Asal Usul Batik Di Malaysia

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Batik berasal daripada perkataan jawa "amba" yang bermaksud tulis dan "nitik"
yang membuat titik. Batik merujuk kepada kain yang mempunyai corak yang
terang dan menarik.Batik terdapat dalam pelbagai bentuk , antaranya adalah
batik tulis , batik skrin , dan batik terap .Teknik batik telah diketahui lebih seribu
tahun , kemungkinannya berasal dari Mesir kuno atau Sumeria . Ia terdapat di
beberapa negara di Afrika Barat seperti Cameroon , Mali dan Nigeria atau di Asia
seperti Bangladesh , India , Indonesia , Iran , Malaysia , Sri Langka dan Thailand
.Batik telah menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya dunia terutama di alam Melayu
dan sejak lamayang merangkumi negara-negara Asia Tenggara .

Pada masa kini terdapat corak-corak baru yang dikenali sebagai batik moden
bagi memenuhi cita rasa pengguna yang sentiasa berubah-ubah .Batik adalah
merupakan salah satu bidang kraftangan tradisional yang unik dan terkenal di
Malaysia. Ia dihasilkan melalui proses penerapan lilin dan pencelupan warna.
Sejarah perkembangan batik di Malaysia dipercayai bermula pada abad ke-15
Masehi. Perkembangan awal memperlihatkan kesan dan pengaruh batik daripada
jawa. Mulai tahun 1930-an hingga selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, perusahaan batik
di Malaysia telah berkembang dengan pesat.

Para pengusaha batik di negeri-negeri Kelantan dan Terengganu merupakan

perintis kepada perkembangan batik di negara ini.Hasil-hasil batik tempatan
tinggi mutu ciptaan dan reka coraknya. Ini melambangkan satu kemahiran
kerjatangan yang kreatif di kalangan pembuat-pembuat batik tanah air. Daya
tarikan batik bukan sahaja terkenal di kalangan penduduk tempatan malah ia
turut mendapat sambutan dari pelancong-pelancong asing yang datang dari luar
negeri.Di Malaysia, batik dihasilkan melalui beberapa teknik, proses dan gaya
tertentu, salah satu teknik ialah Batik Blok. Di Pantai Timur ia lebih dikenali
sebagai Batik Cap atau Batik Terap.

Proses awal dalam perkembangan membuat Batik Blok adalah menggunakan

ukiran sarang blok kayu untuk mengecap sejenis bahan pewara hitam semula
jadi. Teknik awal ini dipanggil Terap Hitam. Pada tahun 1920-an, penggunaan
lilin di dalam proses penerapan mula diperkenalkan oleh pembuat batik di Pantai
Timur. Sejajar dengan itu, blok-blok yang diperbuatdaripada kepingan keluli juda
turut diperkenalkan. Corak-corak blok keluli ini lebih kemas dan halus
buatannya. Blok-blok khas disediakan untuk menerap lilin pada bahagian Kepala
Kain,Kapit Kain dan Badan Kain.
Kain Batik Blok merupakan kegemaran penduduk tempatan. Ianya dijadikan
sebagai kain batik sarung dan batik ela. Selain dijadikan pakaian, kain batik ela
boleh diubah suai untukmenghasilkan kain cadar, langsir, alas tilam, sarung
kusyen, sarung bantal, beg tangan dan berbagai-bagai jenis barang kegunaan
seharian yang indah dan cantik.Akhir sekali, motif-motif yang sering digunakan
pada kain batik blok adalah beberapa corak tumbuh-tumbuhan dan bunga-bunga
tempatan seperti Bunga Mawar, Bunga Orkid, Bunga Cengkih, Bunga Cina, akar-
akar menjalar, paku-pakis dan corak-corak geometrik terutamanya motif Pucuk
Cebung. Motif-motif ini pula diterapkan dalam berbagai susunan dan
tataletak,seperti melintang, tegak, serong, tompok-tompok dan susunan batu-bata.
Pengertian Batik
Menurut Irwan Tirta, Pengertian Batik adalah teknik menghias kain atau testil
dengan menggunakan lilin dalam proses pencelupan warna, yang semua proses
tersebut menggunakan tangan.

Pengertian Batik menurut Santosa Doellah, Batik adalah sehelai kain yang dibuat
secara tradisional dan terutama juga digunakan dalam matra tradisional,
memiliki beragam corak hias dan pola tertentu yang pembuatannya
menggunakan teknik celup rintang dengan lilin batik sebagai bahan perintang
warna. Oleh karena itu, suatu kain dapat disebut batik apabila mengandung dua
unsur pokok, yaitu jika memiliki teknik celup rintang yang menggunakan lilin
sebagai perintang warna dan pola yang beragam hias khas batik.

Menurut Hamzuri, Pengertian Batik ialah lukisan atau gambar pada mori yang
dibuat dengan menggunakan alat bernama canting. Orang yang melukis atau
menggambar pada mori memakai canting disebut membatik. Membatik ini
menghasilkan batik yang berupa macam-macam motif dan mempunyai sifat
khusus yang dimiliki oleh batik itu sendiri.

Pengertian Batik menurut Afif Syakur adalah serentang warna yang meliputi
proses pemalaman (lilin), pencelupan (pewarnaan) dan pelorotan (pemanasan),
hingga menghasilkan motif yang halus yang semuanya ini memerlukan ketelitian
yang tinggi.
Jenis-jenis Batik
Batik Blok

Batik Canting

Batik Ela

Batik Pelangi

Batik Sarung

Batik Skrin
Batik Canting
Batik canting juga dikenali sebagai batik lukis atau batik tulis. Batik canting ialah
batik yang dilukis tangan menggunakan kaedah mencanting; iaitu campuran lilin
cair dimasukkan ke dalam alat canting dan kemudian dilakar di atas permukaan
kain dasar yang diregang di atas pemidang. Proses mencanting ini dilakukan bagi
membentuk motif dan reka corak batik yang telah dilukis. Batik canting atau
batik lukis ini adalah batik yang paling popular sehingga ke hari ini kerana corak
dan motifnya yang unik dan eksklusif.

Batik Ela
Batik ela ialah batik blok yang dihasilkan dalam ukuran yang panjang serta boleh
dipotong dan dijahit untuk dijadikan pakaian. Batik ela dijual secara ela dan
mengikut keperluan dan kehendak pengguna. Corak batik ela lebih bebas dari
ciri-ciri tradisional dengan penggunaan warna yang lebih menarik.

Batik Pelangi
Batik pelangi ialah batik yang berwarna-warni yang dihasilkan menggunakan
teknik ikat celup yang juga dikenali sebagai teknik pelangi. Kain putih diikat dan
disembat mengikut corak yang telah dirancang dan kemudian dicelup ke dalam
pewarna. Proses mengikat dan mewarna ini dilakukan berulang kali. Bahagian
yang diikat dan disembat ini aalah kalis airdan akan menghaasilkan ragam hias
pelangi yang unik dan menarik.

Batik Sarung
Batik sarung ialah pakaian harian masyarakat tempatan di Malaysia. Batik
sarung biasanya digayakan sama ada dengan baju kurung, baju Kedah, baju
kebaya labuh atau kebaya pendek. Kain batik sarung diperbuat sama ada
menggunakan teknik blok, canting atau cetakan skrin. Rupa bentuk kain batik
sarung terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian iaitu kepala, badan dan kaki (gigi) kain.

Batik Skrin
Batik skrin juga dikenali sebagai batik stensil atau batik sutera saring. Batik jenis
ini merujuk kepada teknik lakaran corak dan terapan warna dilakukan di atas
skrin yang diperbuat daripada poliester yang diregang di atas pemidang. Motif-
motif dilukis di atas skrin yang diperbuat daripada kain organdi menggunakan
sejenis bahan yang dipanggil lakuer (lacquer) yang berfungsi sebagai stensil
pada pemidang berkenaan. Bagi menghasilkan sehelai kain batik skrin, beberapa
keping pemidang dengan corak yang berbeza diperlukan.
Motif Penghasilan Batik

Batik Blok
Merupakan antara teknik pembuatan batik yang terawal di negara. Blok yang
diperbuat daripada sebongkah kayu atau logam diukir dengan motif-motif
bersesuaian untuk mengecap kain yang dikenali scbagai batik blok atau cop.
Selain daripada kain kapas, penggunaan kain sutera dan organza dalam
pengeluaran batik blok telah menghasilkan tekstil batik yang sesuai untuk
rekaan fesyen, perhiasan serta kelengkapan rumah yang eksklusif.

Batik Canting
Dikenali juga sebagai batik lukis. Proses batik bermula dangan lilin cair dilakar
menggunakan canting dan diwarna mengikut kesesuaian reka corak. Selain dari
kain kapas, kain rayon, voile, organza dan sutera turut digunakan. Reka corak
yang menarik dengan pilihan warna yang ceria menampilkan batik bukan sahaja
sesuai untuk fesyen pakaian malah boleh juga dijadikan sebagai kelengkapan
dan hiasan rumah serta hadiah dan cenderamata yang eksklusif.

Batik Skrin
Dikenali juga sebagai batik stensil atau batik sutera saring. Batik jenis ini
merujuk kepada teknik lakaran corak dan terapan warna dilakukan di atas skrin
yang diperbuat daripada poliester diregang di atas pemidang. Motif-motif dilukis
atas skrin yang telah ditetapkan ukurannya. Kebiasaannya beberapa keping
pemidang dengan reka corak yang berbeza disediakan. Ini adalah kerana satu
pemidang hanya untuk satu warna sahaja. Skrin kemudian dilekapkan di atas
sehelai kain putih bagi melakukan proses pewarnaan. Proses pewarnaan ini
dilakukan beberapa kali bagi melengkapkan corak dan warna sehelai kain
Peralatan Membatik



Kompor Minyak Tanah





Sarung tangan

Sendok & Mangkuk

Bahan Batik


Proses Penghasilan Batik
Langkah 1:
Meregang atau menegang adalah antara proses awal dalam pembuatan batik.
Kain putih atau kain dasar dipotong mengikut ukuran yang diperlukan. Kain ini
kemudiannya diregang dengan menyangkut kedua-dua hujung kain pada
susunan paku yang terdapat pada alat pemidang mudah alih atau meja terap

Langkah 2:
Corak batik yang telah dipilih perlulah dilukis di atas kain tersebut dengan
menggunakan pensel. Motif yang diingini boleh dipilih bedasarkan motif
tradisional, flora, fauna, geometri, organik atau abstrak.

Langkah 3:
Proses mencanting dilakukan dengan menggunakan sejenis alat yang dipanggil
canting. Campuran lilin cair dimasukkan ke dalam alat canting dan kemudian
dilakar di atas permukaan kain dasar yang diregang di atas pemidang. Lakaran
lilin ini dilakukan bagi menghalang bahan pewarna daripada bercampur dan
meresap masuk ke kawasan lain. Proses ini juga adalah antara proses-proses
yang dilakukan untuk menghasilkan batik canting.

Langkah 4:
Bancuh warna yang diingini.Warna yang dipilih perlulah dibancuh dalam bekas
yang berlainan agar tidak berlaku percampuran warna. Seterusnya, warnakan
corak yang dipilih dengan menggunakan pewarna batik. Mewarna memainkan
peranan penting dalam proses menghasilkan batik yang cantik dan indah. Pada
awalnya, warna-warna semulajadi digunakan secara meluas dalam pembuatan
batik. Kemudian pelbagai warna telah digabung seperti campuran warna yang
kontra, gelap dan cerah, dan pelbagai teknik warna diaplikasikan untuk mewarna
batik. Antara teknik-teknik batik adalah Teknik Alfa, Teknik Semburan Angin (Air
Brush), Teknik Menarik, dan lain- lain. Pengeluar dan pereka batik tempatan
sentiasa melakukan kajian dan penyelidikan tentang penggunaan warna-warna
batik supaya warna tidak mudah luntur dan menampilkan warna-warna menarik
serta mengikut perkembangan warna semasa

Langkah 5:
Mematikan warna. Sodium silikat digunakan sebagai bahan pemati warna. Proses
ini dilakukan untuk memastikan warna yang dilukis tidak akan luntur apabila
dibasuh. Seterusnya, rendamkan kain tersebut kedalam air selama empat jam.
Setelah empat jam direndam, kain tersebut perlulah dibasuh dan direbus dengan
air yang dicampur dengan soda ash. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghilangkan
lapisan lilin pada permukaan kain tersebut. Seterusnya kain tersebut dibasuh
sekali lagi dan dibilas.
Folio PSV 2017

Tajuk Batik:Seni Kraftangan Batik

Nama penuh:Aniq Syafiq B. Mohd Ariffin

Kelas:3 Bukhari

Nama Guru:Nor Faizura Shima Bt. Kamal Bahari

Speech on Cleanliness

Cleanliness Speech 1

Good morning to the sir, madam and my friends. My name is I study in class Today,
I will recite a speech on cleanliness. I have especially selected this topic because of
much importance of it in our daily lives. Actually, the means of cleanliness is the
complete absence of dirt, dust, stains, and bad smells at home, working places or
surrounding areas. The most important purpose of maintaining cleanliness is to get
health, beauty, remove offensive odor as well as avoid the spread of dirt and
contaminants. We clean our teeth, clothes, body, hair on daily basis in order to get
freshness and achieving cleanliness. We use variety of products and water to clean
different things accordingly. What we see with our eyes is that, cleaning helps us to
remove dirt and bad odour. However, what we do not see with our eyes is that, cleaning
also removes harmful microorganisms (like bacteria, virus, fungus, algae, etc) from the
things. It keeps us healthy and away from variety of diseases especially caused by the
harmful microorganisms. According to the germ theory of disease, cleaning means the
total absence of germs. In some industrial processes, it requires exceptional cleanliness
which is achieved especially in the clean rooms. Presence of dirt and bad odour may
decrease the power of our immune system.
Commonly, there are two types of cleanliness, one is physical cleanliness and another
is internal cleanliness. Physical cleanliness keeps us clean from outside and gives us
feeling of wellbeing with confidence. However, internal cleanliness keeps us mentally
peaceful and away from anxiety. Internal cleanliness means a mind absence of dirty, bad
and negative thinking. Keeping the heart, body and mind clean and peaceful is the
complete cleanliness. However, we also need to keep clean our surrounding areas so
that we can live in a healthy and clean environment. It will keep us away from the
epidemic diseases and give us the feeling of social wellbeing.
There is a very old saying that cleanliness is next to godliness. It is well said by the
John Wesley. Cleanliness should be given a priority in all the homes from the childhood
so that a little one can practice it as a habit and can be benefitted all through the life.
Cleanliness is like a good habit which not only benefits a person, however; it benefits
the family, society and country and thus whole planet. It can be developed at any age
however best to practice it from the childhood. I, as a child requesting to all the parents
that please help your kids to practice this habit as it is you who can give this country a
good citizen.
Thank You
Vandalism....nowadays case of vandalism become more our country.Teenagers
nowadays become more
brave to do a vandalism.Such a horrible things..damage other peoples things.Before I
come further about this vandalism.I would like to explain the meaning of
vandalism.Vandalism is the behaviour attributed to the Vandals, by the Romans, in
respect of culture: ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable
The example of the action includes criminal damage, defacement, graffiti and crass
erection of an eyesore.
I feel so angry and anxious,why they do something like that.They feel that
destruction of public or private property is the usual they didn't feel guilty
about this.They just want to have fun with others...but they didn't think what might
others feel about them.Can't they think on their own..uhhh such a horrible
think..Example of vandalisme:This toilet has been sprayed over with graffiti. Though
the toilets havent been destroyed, graffiti is also vandalism. Opinions about graffiti are
divided. The younger generations often like the texts and drawings that are sprayed
everywhere on the walls, doors and floors. Some people might think that this is an art
and some people think this is a vandalism.When you are caught red-handed on the
committing of vandalism by the police they will most certainly arrest you, and you
either have to pay a fine or get a task sentence. You dont have to expect that you can
elude your sentence when you are arrested for vandalism, because you have destroyed
things which dont belong to you, and you will have to pay for it.
Teenagers especially students are the most people who are distribute into the
vandalism.Why are some students becoming vandals? Thats a question thats
questioned many times. There are a few reasons. Some people were bullied in the past
en are looking for something they can do to let their feelings out of themselves. But the
most attentive reason is bad friends. Some friends, whore already vandals, can affect
their friends who dont vandalise. If this non-vandal friend isnt unsure about himself or
herself, its very easy to affect him or her. They dont tell their parents what they are
up to, because they think its a bit embarrassing, but that isnt at all. You should say
no to bad friends who are affecting you. That is the only way to avoid to become a
vandal.The other reason are damage (the vandal sees something which is already
damaged and gets the tend to damage it more),emotional reasons (the vandal is
committing the crime because hes angry, stressed out or extremely depressed and he
vents it into something),boredom (the vandal has nothing else to do and the rest
follows), and last but not least is vandalism in a group (the vandal is forced to commit
the vandalism in order to stay in the group hes member of and thats how it begins
Vandalism in school can be reduce by reducing the tendency for committing such
thing. The only way to do this is by making sure he or she has no reasons to do it. I
also think that vandalism can be reduce by you can take the vandal to a psychiatrist.
He or she will ask the vandal some questions and, eventually, come with an answer to
help him or her..After that,to reducing the vandalism by damage is actually quite easy
to do, but its really expensive. Repairing the damage before the vandal can worsen it
is the best way to get the job done.
Furthermore,Vandalism by boredom is not so hard either, because theres always
something to do except this. As long as you want to do something.Then,to
reduce vandalism in a group is a little harder to do, you just need to quit the
membership in this group and you dont need to do anything.
It will be a little difficult tthem..
I hope by give the reasons and ways to avoid it.The vandalism in our country can be
reduce.....if we have the spirit and afford to do it especially the vandals.Their family
and the loves ones have to hep them too.By this way,our country will be clean form
vandalism..Thats all I guest........

Examinations are important but increase the stress level of students, this is further
compounded by parental and teachers expectations.
Examinations are a necessary evil, with Examination fever, being a reality. Teachers
are under compulsion to complete the same timely and for students the syllabus is the
goal for doing well in the examination. They determine whether a student is fit for
promotion to the next class or not.

Students are thus under a lot of stress to perform well in examinations.Examinations

confine teachers and students to the syllabus defined at the beginning of the year.
Stress increases because of parental expectations, too. Every parent wants his child
to be the best and ignores the fact that each child is born with different abilities. Some
students with high intelligence are able to comprehend and remember things faster
than those whose level of intelligence is less. But parents and teachers fail to accept
this and put a lot of pressure on the child to be at the top of the class. The tendency to
compare ones child with the children of relatives, friends, and neighbors also adds to
this pressure.Close to examinations, most children are stressed out as they are trying
to meet the aspirations of their parents and teachers.The fear of failure and poor
performance gives them nightmares. They are afraid of the wrath of their parents and
humiliation which they may have to face if performance is not up to the mark. Failure
has become a social stigma for students and parents, alike.It would not be wrong to
say that examinations are a hurdy in making a child actualize his true potential. They
are rightly denounced as a system which encourages only rote memory and are not a
true test of ones knowledge, potential and ability.A child, who may be good in music,
may not be able to devote enough time to excel in it as he is always under the pressure
of studying so that he can perform well in the examination; the result is that talent is
nipped in the bud.
Recycling is described as handing out of used waste or materials. Recycling is
becoming more and more popular as individuals are turning out to be more
environmentally aware on the impact of waste to natural environment.

One rationale recycling is significant is that fewer natural resources is used in the
formation of products. For instance, the recycling of the paper lessens the quantity
of trees cut down. Rather than sever trees for the formation of paper, the paper
products are utilized. Therefore, recycling stops deforestation. Given that
deforestation is stopped, there would be less soil corrosion, fewer carbon emissions in
the space.
One more importance of recycling is its impediment of damaging chemicals from
contaminates the earth. If ever these manufactured goods were not reprocessed i.e.
thrown in the dump site, theres an opportunity that chemicals in the products might
leak out. Its not rare where there were news reports that the rivers turned out to be
contaminated because of the chemical leaks from the inappropriately-handled waste.

Also read: Importance of religion

One more advantage of recycling is there would be less demand for the garbage
landfills. In each main populated region, the setback of finding a land for waste
landfills is a hitch. Local authorities are getting it difficult to search for an appropriate
site for the landfills. Recycling decreases the amount of waste that is brought in these
landfills. In place of being a waste site, lands could be utilized for agriculture, parks,
housing, and commercial use.

In contrast, recycling of the biodegradable waste can be utilized for the electricity
production. Biodegradable substances emanate methane. When in the huge-scale level,
the methane emissions could produce sufficient electricity to power the small
community. One more advantage of recycling biodegradable substances is several of
these substances are rich in the soil nutrients. When reused, these could be utilized as

Plastics are extensively utilized today particularly. When not reused, plastics take the
very long time to mortify. Some of the plastics get its way to oceans and waterways. In
a few urban areas, flooding happens because plastics thrown inappropriately were
found blocking rivers and waterways. The plastics which find its means to the seas are
damaging the aquatic life. A few marine and fishes mammals die since plastics were
mistaken for the food. One more case is that plastics could annihilate the habitat of
the marine life. Plastics recycling prevent these from occurrence. Marine life could
foster and there would be less overflowing.
History of the Apple

In honor of Tu-B'Shevat (15th day of Sh'vat), we will now talk about a fruit - a very
special fruit - the Apple, "King" of all fruits (in Hebrew it is called Tapuach).

Now, why should the apple, in particular, be known as the "King" of all fruits? The
answer is: because this fruit has so many virtues. An apple is beautiful, tasty and has a
fine fragrance. It can be grown almost everywhere, and it keeps well.? On the outside
it is a colorful fruit. It comes in various colors from green to red to gold. In taste an
apple is tasty and juicy, and has various tastes from sour to sweet. One can eat an
apple raw, cooked, or baked, and it can be used in various dishes, such as apple
tzimmes, (applesauce) apple compote, apple pie, apple strudel, etc.Apples are very
good for one's health. An English saying is: "An apple a day keeps the doctor
away."Actually, an apple is good for one's digestion, and also has important vitamins
and minerals. Apples also help to clean one's teeth after a meal. No other fruit has so
many good qualities. Therefore, it is not surprising that the apple is regarded as the
"King" of all fruits.The original home of the apple is considered to be in the countries of
Southwest Asia, including the land of Israel. From there it spread to Europe and the
rest of the world. Apples can grow anywhere, excluding extremely hot or extremely
cold climates.The apple is frequently mentioned in the T'NaCh.
King Solomon (in Proverbs, 25:11) said: "Golden apples in silver dishes-such is a word
in the right place." And when he wanted to compare the love between the Jewish
people and the Almighty, he expressed himself thus: "like an apple tree amongst the
trees of the forest, is my beloved among the sons" (Song of Songs, 2:3).The ancient
Greeks also planted and cultivated apple trees. A Greek writer in the time of Alexander
of Macedonia reported that four kinds of apples were grown in Greece. In ancient
Rome, too, the apple was regarded as an important fruit. The Romans helped greatly in
spreading the apple trees in European lands. Whenever the Romans conquered a
country, they always took apple seeds along and planted them. Thus, they introduced
the apple also to England.How the Apple Came to AmericaWhen America was first
discovered, the apple was already an important fruit in European lands. The British and
the Dutch brought the apple to "New England" and to "New Amsterdam" (New York);
the French brought the apple to Canada. From the Atlantic States the apple quickly
spread to all of America.The Americans eat more apples and apple pies than any other
people, so that these two things are considered to be almost American national foods.
However, as already mentioned, the apple did not originate in America, but was
brought there by the first settlers from Europe. Now America takes first place in the
world regarding the cultivation and use of the apple. One hundred million bushels of
apples a year, on an average, are produced in America (a bushel is 48 lbs.). That is to
say, half a bushel of apples a year for each man, woman and child.In a productive year,
the result could be more than one hundred thirty-four million bushels of apples. The
price of a bushel could be from $1.50 to $4.00 - depending on the kind of apple.
Specially picked apples can cost up to $6.00 or more per bushel.

The American annual harvest of apples yields between one hundred twenty and five
hundred million dollars. One third of these apples is dried, canned, converted to juice,
etc. Between 2% and 5% is exported.In some states of America the apple industry is
very important. The main states are Washington (which harvests twenty to thirty
millions bushels a year), New York (about fifteen million bushels a year), Virginia
(about nine million bushels a year), Michigan (around seven million bushels a year),
Pennsylvania (about six million bushels), etc.About ten thousand different kinds of
apples are known in the world. More than seven thousand kinds are grown in America.
But for commercial purposes only about twenty different known kinds are cultivated.
These are special favorites, they keep better than others and do not spoil in transit,
excel in taste and quality, etc. The majority of these kinds of apples have been
developed in America.Famous ApplesApples are not planted by seeds, for, strange to
say, the trees that would grow from these seeds would not necessarily remain true to
the tree from which they were taken.For instance, should the seeds of an apple be
planted, and fruit trees result, it could happen that not all the apples would have the
same taste as the apple from which the seeds were taken.So, it could also happen that
by a fortunate chance, an exceptionally fine kind of apple could result. Indeed, it was
in such a manner that many of today's well-known apples were cultivated, and became
so favored. In such cases, the area where this takes place regards it as a stroke of
good fortune.The U.S. government allows the patenting of such a discovery. This gives
a nice income to the lucky discoverer, and becomes a part of history.In Wilmington,
Mass., there is a gigantic stone monument of an apple at the spot where the famous
"Baldwin" apple was first discovered. (This juicy apple is gold-colored with red streaks,
and has a slightly tarty taste.)There is a similar monument in Ontario, Canada, where a
certain John Mackintosh discovered the apple, since known as the "Mackintosh." This
is a yellowish rose-colored apple, very juicy and tasty and one of the famous in
America.In order to ensure that particular apple trees will grow apples according to
their origins, their seeds are not sown, but small twigs are implanted in the stems of
other apple trees which have good, healthy roots.From one such healthy apple tree, it
is possible, in this manner, to transplant a great number of other apple trees, the fruits
of which would be an exact copy of the original tree, in taste, fragrance, and
appearance.Apple trees are planted commercially in gardens, in rows, spaced between
thirty and forty feet apart, to facilitate their development and, mainly, to allow
sufficient room to get near the tree to care for it and gather its fruit.The apple trees
are sprayed with chemicals to guard them against pests, such as worms and other
harmful insects. An apple tree which is properly cared for can bear fruits for a
period of thirty years or even longer.The "Apple Garden"As already mentioned,
the apple and apple tree are often, mentioned in the T'NaCh (in Proverbs,
several times in Song of Songs1, and also in Joel 1:12).Our Sages, of blessed
memory, declared that the verse: "Like an apple tree among the trees of the
forest," refers to the time of Mattan Torah, the Giving of the Torah, when the
Jews choose the Almighty and He choose the Jews and gave them the Torah
and Mitzvoth, which all other nations had refused to accept.Our Sages say: Why
are Jews compared to an apple tree? Because just as in the case of the apple
tree, the blossoms appear before the leaves, so too Jews, at the time of
receiving the Torah, first said: Naaseh - "We will do," and then said: v'Nishma -
"We will understand."This means that the first thing, the main thing, is doing,
namely, to observe the Mitzvoth given to us by the Almighty, whether or not we
understand them. The second step is to understand them through learning
Torah. Indeed, through observing the Mitzvoth, it becomes easier to understand
them (Nishma).In the Kabbala and Chasiduth--especially Chabad Chasiduth - it
is explained that the apple symbolizes the G-dly soul of a Jew (Tapuach comes
from the word Nofach - to blow, as in the morning prayer - Elokai Neshama),
which the Almighty blew into man as His own "breath," as it were.The Garden
of Eden, where souls are nourished by the light of the Shechinah(Divine
presence), is called Chakal Tapuchin, the "Garden (or field) of Apple Trees."Now
that we are better acquainted with the "King of fruits," the wonderful apple, we
will surely remember to recite the blessing: Borei P'Ri HaEitz (the one who
creates the fruit of the tree), with greater understanding and joy, knowing that
a Jew, wherever he may be, is "Like an apple tree among the trees of the
forest" - as is the Jewish people in general.

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