'Cats' gifs and stills (Posts tagged c: tantomile)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Munkustrap and Macavity woke up today and chose violence. 😌


The kitten who gets yeeted is Coricopat (equivalent to western Tumblebrutus).


Shiki production, Nagoya 20/7/2000. Shoichi Fukui as Munkustrap, ?Xu Yuanbo as Coricopat, ?Kenji Akase as Macavity, Emi Takakura as Tantomile (being dragged by Macavity in the first gif).

shiki 2000 shiki s: macavity fight c: macavity c: munkustrap c: coricopat c: tumblebrutus macavityxmunkustrap macavityxtumblebrutus coricopatxmacavity c: tantomile c: cassandra cassandraxmacavity macavityxtantomile munkavity shoichi fukui xu yuanbo kenji akase emi takakura

Deuteronomy is busy supporting and encouraging the train cats, when… oh no! Jemima did a mischief!


The Mistoffelees ears are just too tempting not to bap.

Mistoffelees has a deadly glare which Jemima knows better than to take seriously. All she has to do is giggle at him for it to melt into a smirk.

Vienna revival, 7 May 2022; filmed by @thunderwhenhepurrs. Lucius Wolter covering Deuteronomy, Suzie Murphy covering Jemima, Stephen Martin Allan as Mistoffelees, Anna Carina Buchegger as Rumpelteazer, Vicky Riddoch as Electra, and Meghan Peploe-Williams covering Tantomile.

220507 cats the musical vienna revival 2021 vienna s: skimbleshanks mistojem susannah murphy stephen martin allan lucius wolter meghan peploe williams c: jemima jemimaxmistoffelees c: tantomile c: mistoffelees c: deuteronomy deuteronomyxjemima electraxtantomile

a little moment of connection between Demeter and Tantomile


Petra Ilse Dam’s Tantomile seems to understand Demeter very well—among other things, she picks up immediately on her unease about fake Deuteronomy, and reacts with aggression towards him.

(alternatively: Demeter realising she has no chance at getting between Coricopat and Tantomile and their twinsync.)

Jo Lucy Rackham covering Demeter, and Rhys Batten as Coricopat.

Vienna revival, 24/06/2022, filmed by @cryptidvoidwritings and @falasta.

(And if you’re looking for that other ship in the background, it’s giffed over here.)

cats the musical 2021 vienna vienna revival 220624 tantometer demeterxtantomile coricopatxtantomile jo lucy rackham petra ilse dam rhys batten s: moments of happiness c: coricopat c: tantomile c: demeter



[Vienna Revival, March 2022]


omg 😂

When Jo Lucy Rackham’s covering Rumpelteazer, she and Jan-Eike Majert’s Mungojerrie are irrepressible trouble. And Cassandra (Anneke Brunekreeft) is having none of it 😒

Also Florian Fetterle as Munkustrap, Stephen Martin Allan as Mistoffelees, and Petra Ilse Dam as Tantomile.

220329 jo lucy rackham jan eike majert anneke brunekreeft mungojerriexrumpelteazer cassandraxmungojerrie cassandraxrumpelteazer s: old deuteronomy florian fetterle petra ilse dam vienna revival 2021 vienna c: cassandra c: mungojerrie c: rumpelteazer c: munkustrap c: tantomile

Happy birthday to George Maniadis! Never has a Cat danced a Full Body Eyeroll quite like his Alonzo:


He will deign to dance, but only so you can properly appreciate him.

(Also featuring Nick Li as Admetus, who is just perpetually Happy to be included, and Tommie Luyben as Fanboy Coricopat)

(Dominik Hees Tugger up there in the back causing chaos -- including giving Skimbleshanks (Gerben Grimmius) a lil cheeky kiss)

(Speaking of -- what is going on with Skimble and Tanto (Petra Ilse Dam) in the back there 🤨)

(From the Vienna Revival)


Additional cast:

Florian Fetterle as Munkustrap
Hannah Kenna Thomas as Victoria
Vicky Riddoch as Electra
Anna Carina Buchegger as Rumpelteazer
Jan-Eike Majert as Mungojerrie
Anneka Dacres as Cassandra
Anastasia Bertinshaw as Jemima
Nathan Luke as Bill Bailey
Barbara Orbermeier as Jellylorum
Birgit Arquin as Bombalurina

220621 cats the musical s: jellicle ball vienna revival 2021 vienna george maniadis florian fetterle gerben grimmius petra ilse dam dominik hees s: rum tum tugger alonzoxtugger skimbleshanksxtugger skimbleshanksxtantomile c: skimbleshanks c: alonzo c: rum tum tugger c: tantomile


instagram stories: June 4, 2023


At the end of the Korean leg of the 2022 Asia tour, Bradley Delarosbel (Alonzo), and Xavier Pellin (Mistoffelees) signed off! They aren’t returning for the Taiwan leg.

Bradley’s been in and out of Cats in various roles for years, mostly in UK-based productions. Xavier has been Asia tour Misto since 2020 (their professional debut).

Pictured here with Meghan Peploe-Williams as Tantomile, coming to the role fresh off the back of being a swing in Vienna, and George Hankers, swing/dance captain, here covering Carbuckety.

Happy trails, boys and NBs!

george hankers xavier pellin meghan peploe williams bradley delarosbel happy trails 2022 asia tour 230604 c: tantomile c: alonzo c: pouncival c: mistoffelees mistoffeleesxpouncival alonzoxtantomile

little kith


(what, skimble was totally waiting for it, that’s definitely why he was standing like that, not prepping a scold or anything, tugger is happy to oblige.)

Dominik Hees as Tugger, Gerben Grimmius as Skimbleshanks, and Petra Ilse Dam in the foreground missing out on all the best action. Vienna revival, 21 June 2022.

Footage by @cryptidvoidwritings and @falasta.

tuggershanks rum tum tugger skimbleshanks skimbleshanksxtugger 220621 cats the musical s: jellicle ball vienna revival 2021 vienna s: rum tum tugger c: skimbleshanks c: rum tum tugger gerben grimmius dominik hees c: tantomile petra ilse dam

Electramile smooches!

… plus Admetus still trying to be included.

Milan Cacacie as Tantomile, Kayleigh Thadani as Electra, and Aaron Elijah Patel as Admetus. 2022 international tour, heading into their final week on 22 February 2023.

230222 cats the musical electra cats electramile electromile tantomile admetus cats plato cats milan cacacie aaron elijah patel kayleigh thadani 2022 international tour c: plato c: electra c: tantomile electraxtantomile electraxplato
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