Now, please consider...
Jemima. Jemima who has always been Everyone's Special Baby Girl, approaching her first heat.
Now, for her, in this tribe, as a kitten. This has always involved seeking out hte Munkustance to hide in, twining around his legs, huddling under his body and butting her cheek against his sides and chin. And it's also meant trying to get Tugger's attention, snuggling his thighs, batting enthusiastically at his tail and paws.
So it's always meant being under them physically, seeking attention/affirmation of her Special Baby Girl status by cuddling at their legs and bellies.
And when other hormones start to kick in, she's just. Getting more obsessed with burrowing in under their bodies/legs and nuzzling her face into their fur, drinking in their scent and rubbing her own all over them.
Safe, warm, strong bodies which are suddenly exciting and affirming in an entirely new way.
Well-known powerful bodies who will make damned sure that any kit's first time is both safe and delicious.