'Cats' gifs and stills (Posts tagged jemimaxmunkustrap)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Mistoffelees’ magic stops working mid-solo, just as he was trying to show off to Sillabub with a projectile tin can.


A moment of recharging and it worked, and Munkustrap is left to tidy up after him. As usual.

Shiki production, Nagoya 20/7/2000. Eriko Murata as Sillabub, Shoichi Fukui as Munkustrap, ?Tokihiko Sakamoto as Mistoffelees.

shiki 2000 shiki s: mistoffelees c: mistoffelees c: munkustrap mistoffeleesxmunkustrap munkustrapxsillabub jemimaxmunkustrap jemimaxmistoffelees mistoffeleesxsillabub c: sillabub c: jemima munkoffelees mistobub jemisto eriko murata shoichi fukui tokihiko sakamoto

Shiki Mistoffelees is suave and cocky and always confident, and Munkustrap will just… make sure sillabub doesn’t get too close to whatever he’s cooking up.


… but when he succeeds… suddenly even this cheeky little Munk-assistant just can’t be sure of it.


Munkustrap encourages Sillabub toward their returned leader, and only then notices Mistoffelees’ terror


The careful tender approach…!


And there are our happy zoomy spinnies again. 😌


(Can’t forget priorities though: must retrieve our beautiful assistant Bombalurina!)


Shiki production, Nagoya 20/7/2000.

?Tokihiko Sakamoto as Mistoffelees, Shoichi Fukui as Munkustrap, ?Tomomi Hayashishita as Bombalurina, Kenzo Ishii as Deuteronomy, Eriko Murata as Sillabub.

shiki 2000 shiki s: mistoffelees c: mistoffelees c: munkustrap c: jemima c: sillabub jemimaxmunkustrap munkustrapxsillabub mistoffeleesxmunkustrap c: bombalurina bombalurinaxmistoffelees deuteronomyxmistoffelees c: deuteronomy mistostrap munkoffelees tokihiko sakamoto shoichi fukui tomomi hayashishita kenzo ishii eriko murata

noooo little jellicle girl, don’t go after the shiny tugger butt, stay here with the dramatically flailing Munkustrap instead


Hank Santos as Tugger, Kade Wright as Munkustrap, and Sam Bello as Sillabub. US tour 6, October 2022.

jemitugger tuggerbub jemistrap tuggerstrap rum tum tugger munkustrap sillabub jemima cats jemimaxtugger munkustrapxtugger jemimaxmunkustrap c: rum tum tugger c: munkustrap c: jemima hank santos kade wright sam bello s: rum tum tugger 221015 2022 us tour cats the musical

Cat-pril day 5 - family

this one is hard because i... hold zero particular headcanons about anyone being related to each other. there are some interpretations i tend towards using in 'fic, but when i'm watching the show it wholly depends on which actors are on stage during that particular performance.

so here are a bunch of cute moments in vienna that i think are familialish

featuring alexander auler as munkustrap, gerben grimmius as skimbleshanks, jo lucy rackham as jennyanydots, riccardo sinisi as carbucketty, vicky riddoch as electra, and hannah kennah thomas as victoria

220621 220623 220624 2021 vienna vienna revival s: old deuteronomy s: grizabella the glamour cat s: bustopher jones s: pekes and pollicles alexander auler gerben grimmius riccardo sinisi petra ilse dam jo lucy rackham nathan luke hannah kenna thomas vicky riddoch munkustrapxpouncival munkustrapxtumblebrutus jemimaxmunkustrap pouncivalxskimbleshanks

It’s easy to seduce a Munkustrap down from the tyre when you’re a Demeter. All it takes is a look.


(Though he has to stop to nuzzle Jemima first.)


And now they can make biscuits together 😌


Florian Fetterle covering Munkustrap, Anneke Brunekreeft covering Demeter, and Anastasia Bertinshaw as Jemima. (Plus Nathan Luke’s hindquarters as Bill Bailey.)

Vienna revival, 21 June 2022. Filmed by @falasta​ and @cryptidvoidwritings​; giffed with permission.

demestrap munkustrap jemistrap jemima cats demeter cats cats the musical demeterxmunkstrap jemimaxmunkustrap florian fetterle anastasia bertinshaw anneke brunekreeft s: gus the theatre cat 220621 2021 vienna vienna revival

Alex Snova as Macavity (3/3)

(1/3: abducting Deuteronomy) | (2/3: seducing Demeter)

Can we just. This Mac. Sir, you are terrifying.


Stumbling in for the killing blow. Those eyes. While poor Alonzo (George Maniadis) dithers in terror in the background and everybody tells him ‘it’s your turn to fight this demon’.


… which went about as well as he expected.

Meanwhile Jemima and Rumpelteazer are pretty sure Munkustrap’s dead actually??

Vienna revival, 21 June 2022: Snova’s last cover of Admetus/Macavity (an unscheduled mid-show swing-on!), with Florian Fetterle as Munkustrap (his final performance for this production), Anastasia Bertinshaw as Jemima, and Anna Carina Buchegger as Rumpelteazer.

Filmed by @falasta and @cryptidvoidwritings; giffed with permission.

(1/3: abducting Deuteronomy)

(2/3: seducing Demeter)

vienna revival 2021 vienna cats the musical munkustrap macavity alonzo cats alex snova florian fetterle george maniadis anastasia bertinshaw anna carina buchegger s: macavity fight c: macavity c: alonzo c: munkustrap alonzoxmunkustrap alonzoxmacavity macavityxmunkustrap munkustrapxrumpelteazer jemimaxmunkustrap munkavity 220621

Now, please consider...

Jemima. Jemima who has always been Everyone's Special Baby Girl, approaching her first heat.

Now, for her, in this tribe, as a kitten. This has always involved seeking out hte Munkustance to hide in, twining around his legs, huddling under his body and butting her cheek against his sides and chin. And it's also meant trying to get Tugger's attention, snuggling his thighs, batting enthusiastically at his tail and paws.

So it's always meant being under them physically, seeking attention/affirmation of her Special Baby Girl status by cuddling at their legs and bellies.

And when other hormones start to kick in, she's just. Getting more obsessed with burrowing in under their bodies/legs and nuzzling her face into their fur, drinking in their scent and rubbing her own all over them.

Safe, warm, strong bodies which are suddenly exciting and affirming in an entirely new way.

Well-known powerful bodies who will make damned sure that any kit's first time is both safe and delicious.

lemon sensitive pairing headcanons c: jemima c: rum tum tugger c: munkustrap jemimaxmunkustrap jemimaxtugger

who wants some protective loomy Munkustrap in your day?


Trick question, we all do. (Especially Admetus who is cowering adorably against Jellylorum.)


And now, prepare for the Leggies of Power.


… and a little somebody to zoom through those leggies.


Alexander Auler, with Nicholas Li as Admetus, Anastasia Bertinshaw as Jemima, and Rory Six as Deuteronomy.

Vienna revival, 24 June 2022; filmed by @falasta and @cryptidvoidwritings, and giffed with permission.

munkustrap munkustance jemima cats jemimaxmunkustrap jellylorumxplato s: song of the jellicles cats the musical 2021 vienna vienna revival 220624 alexander auler c: munkustrap anastasia bertinshaw c: jemima rory six c: deuteronomy deuteronomyxmunkustrap
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