

Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Alysanne Targaryen♡

Hi!! It’s been not so long since I’ve posted but I always wanted to draw my favorite couple🙄 Jaehaerys and Alysanne! I haven’t finished reading F&B yet :(( school is kinda stressing me out but I’ll try my best to draw and post as frequent as I can!! <33

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Short URL for this post: https://tmblr.co/ZozaywcUt7rqqa00

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So, for now, I recommend if you have an ASOIAF meta-question, please read my Frequently Asked Questions and search my blog / check my tags to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. (If I'm feeling upto it, I might answer anyway, but I'm afraid I probably won't. But hey, I've got some good posts I think, please check 'em out.) And as always,


If you have a question about Game of Thrones, please note I am no longer in that fandom and do not watch the show anymore. If you send a GOT question anyway, I will not answer and may delete it without even reading, depending. For any questions on how the show relates to the books, you can read this post.

Thanks so much, hopefully I'll reopen properly soon.