It contains a more detailed description of dialogue, cutscenes, and storyline.
Note: If you are planning to do this quest and obtain the robes yourself, make sure to first start the quest since this improves your chances to obtain robes. Because of this, it is not recommended to prepare for the quest by collecting the robes in advance.
Humans have been visiting the Dorgeshuun mines for some time now, but no Dorgeshuun has visited the surface since the signing of the Lumbridge-Dorgeshuun treaty. The Dorgeshuun Council fears that the H.A.M. group may be planning another attack, and want to send an agent to the surface to investigate. But they do not want to send someone to the surface without a guide...
There is currently a glitch right before the Sigmund fight that can cause the player to lose their pet if they have one out when trying to leave the area. Players are thus advised not to bring a pet during this quest.
Follow Kazgar, who is through the hole in the wall under Lumbridge kitchen
Talk to Mistag at the Dorgeshuun mines to start the quest. (1•1)…
What is this favour?
Bring two sets of H.A.M. robes to Zanik in Lumbridge cellar. (Can be purchased from the G.E.) (1•1)…
Yes, I'm [player name]!
Yes, I have two sets of robes!
Ironmen should instead pickpocket H.A.M. members after starting the quest to take advantage of the increased chance of pickpocketing each item of clothing. Wear each article as you receive them to reduce the chance of being thrown out.
Zanik will follow you, if you lose her go back to the cellar. Talk to the townspeople with her following.
Are you planning to do anything about the cave goblins?
That's good.
Wander around the south of the stage, Zanik will spot a trapdoor.
Pick the trapdoor and go down. You'll need Zanik to kill the guards in this room to continue:
Walk west past the first guard and talk to him, then Zanik will shoot him.
Squeeze through the crack in the wall. Wait for the guard in the central corridor to walk by, then squeeze through the next crack in the wall. Run west behind the guard by the door and talk to him, then Zanik will shoot him.
When the guard in the corridor starts walking east, talk to Zanik and say "Now!", and Zanik will snipe him.
Move to the east side of the central corridor but stop with Zanik as far east as possible without joining the eastern corridor (this can be easily done by moving into that square and then walking one square west but be careful not to walk into the Eastern corridor). Talk to Zanik again and tell her to wait. Then, run west, south then east to the end of the corridor So the north eastern guard sees you and walks towards you. Zanik will shoot him as he passes the central corridor.
For the final guard, again position Zanik as far north on as you can without the guard seeing you. Tell her to wait here and then head to the opposite position (top of the east/west corridors). Walk northward, causing the guard to walk towards you and Zanik will shoot him.
Listen at the door. A senior guard will appear and arrest you.
Pick the lock to escape the cell, then climb up the ladder and leave the hideout to find Zanik, dead. Take her body.
Either a games necklace teleport to Tears of Guthix, or by going down to the Lumbridge kitchen cellar, going through the hole and taking the path heading South. You will need to mine a blockage in the wall and hop over a stone between two waterfalls.
Talk to Juna and collect 20 Tears of Guthix to start the cutscene. Remember to have both hands free. (1)…
With your full H.A.M. robes and gear for the fight, return to the castle cellar and talk to Zanik. (1)…
Let's go!
Go to the chicken farm near the water wheel ( icon on the east side of the river) and go through the southern gate.
With both hands free, search one of the southern empty crates and Zanik will hide in it. (1•1)…
Kill the guards first, then Sigmund. He will use protection prayers, but will use only protect from missiles in the second phase. You can safespot the guards using Zanik, and you can safespot Sigmund using the boxes.
Smash the nearby drilling machine, then head down the southern tunnel to the exit. A cutscene will appear.
Access to the H.A.M. Store room, where you can loot gems, jewellery, and coins from chests
Access to the water wheel tunnel (Dartog will appear there, and you'll be able to travel between the Lumbridge Castle cellar, the Dorgeshuun Mines and the water wheel tunnel at will)
^Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 30 March 2018. Archived from the original on 28 May 2020. Mod Ash: "Are you on the bit of the quest where you need it? If so, the chance of you getting HAM kit is considerably higher."