The Silver key is an item that players can steal from H.A.M. guards in the store rooms (lower level) of the H.A.M. Dungeon. It is used to open the small chest in the north-west store room, which can be entered by picking the lock on the door.
After using the key to unlock the chest, the player receives a message in the chatbox saying: "Your silver key breaks in the lock." and the key disappears from the inventory.
All of the H.A.M. keys (bronze, iron, steel and silver) can be obtained at the lowest level of the H.A.M. Dungeon by pickpocketing the H.A.M. guards. Rewards from the chests include:
The examine of this key has been updated from "You stole this key from a guard deep in the HAM cave." to "You stole this key from a HAM guard (Used to open a chest deep in the HAM cave)." so its purpose is better described.